Economic Affairs: Vol. 59 Special Issue: 797-803: 2014
Globalization and its effect on India
Rinku Agrawal
*Department of Economics, Ranchi University, Ranchi, India
Corresponding author: Rinku Agrawal;
Paper No. 193
Received: 11 June, 2014
Accepted: 27 July, 2014
Globalization has many meanings depending on the context and on the person who is talking about. The
term globalization refers to the integration of economies of the world through uninhibited trade and financial
flows, as also through mutual exchange of technology and knowledge. Ideally, it also contains free inter-
country movement of labour. Globalization has played a major role in export- led growth, leading to the
enlargement of the job market in India. Indian economy had experienced major policy changes in early
1990s. The new economic reform, popularly known as, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
(LPG model) aimed at making the Indian economy as fastest growing economy and globally competitive.
With the onset of reforms to liberalize the Indian economy in July of 1991, a new chapter has dawned for
India and her billion plus population. This period of economic transition has had a tremendous impact on the
overall economic development of almost all major sectors of the economy, and its globalization on India.
Throughout this paper, there is an underlying focus on the impact of globalization on India’s foreign trade
and Indian economy.
Keywords: India, Globalization, liberalization, privatization, economy,foreign trade.
Review of literature
Globalization is the subject of attraction for a long time. The wave of globalization appeared on India’s
shores only in 1991, much after China’s and some other SoutheastAsian countries. The various research
centers, trade committees, economist and media are giving importance to globalization and its impact on
Indian economy continuously. We include some significant studies have been taken up for the purpose
of literature review that are most relevant for our analysis.
Singh (2012) in his paper “Globalization and Its Impact on Indian Economy”examines the reform history
in Indian economy starting from the pre-British era to present stage of Liberalization, Privatization and