Lokhandwala and Bora
so terminating the chain reaction of lipid peroxidation)
β- carotene and ten times as higher than α-tocopherol.
or by any of the combination from the above (Niwa et
As, Lycopene is associated with red colour of tomato, its
al., 2001). Antioxidants can be classified into three main
studies have been focused in fruits only. (Karakaya and
types: first line defense antioxidants, second line defense
Yilmaz, 2007)
antioxidants and third line defense antioxidants. Oxidases
Considering the above facts; present study was conducted
and Peroxidases come under first line of defense and
to explicate the presence of Lycopene at various vegetative
carotenoids come under second line of defense.
stages along with two antioxidant enzymes to know
Polyphenol Oxidases (catechol oxidase; E.C.
which equivalent (enzymatic or non-enzymatic) can be
are widely distributed and well-studied oxidative
the share of anti-oxidant network at different stages of
enzymes and their effects on discoloration in damaged
growth studied. Present study also aimed in optimizing
and diseased plant tissues have been known for many
the physical conditions at seedling stage for partially
years. Polyphenol Oxidases (PPOs) are copper containing
purified PPOs and CAT.
ubiquitous enzymes which utilize molecular oxygen to
oxidize common ortho-diphenolic compounds such as
Materials and Methods
catechol to their respective quinones. Quinones generated
by PPOs are highly reactive and may cross-link or
Plant material
alkylate proteins which lead to brown pigment formation
Seeds of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill were bought from
in damaged plant tissues. Based on these browning
Seedco Company, Jalna, India. Seeds were stored at 4 o C
reactions, PPOs have been suggested to play a defensive
until used.
role in plants (Constabel and Barbehenn, 2008).
CAT (EC is an iron containing enzyme. CATs
Seed germination
are most notably distinguished from the other enzymes in
Seeds of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill were germinated
not requiring a reductant as they catalyze a dismutation
in autoclaved sand containing 0.5X MS salts (Murashige
reaction and readily degrade hydrogen peroxide.
and Skoog, 1962). Seeds were sown in medium sized
Oxidative stress is cumulative biological effect of oxygen
plastic cups; 0.5 inch deep inside autoclaved sand (10
radicals on plants. To minimize its effect plants have
seeds per pot). These pots were kept in dark until they
evolve various enzymatic defenses, CAT activity is one
started germinating; afterwards pots were transferred to
of them. It has also been reported that CAT mutant plants
natural conditions (16hr/8hr light and dark).
show a decrease in Pathogenesis Related (PR) proteins;
which indirectly correlate role of CAT in plant defense
Preparation of Homogenate for Enzyme Assay
mechanism. (Sanchez-Casas and Klessig, 1994; Chen et
Homogenate for PPO and CAT enzyme extraction was
al., 1995)
prepared according to Christopher et al., (2010). For this,
Tomato is one of the most important horticulture crops
1 gm of root sample was crushed with 2 ml of 0.1 M
in India. According to Indian Agricultural Research
sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.0) at 4°C. The homogenate
Databook (2012); Area coverage of tomato has been
was centrifuged for 2.0 minutes at 10000 rpm. The
increased from 5, 99,000 HA to 8, 65,000 HA in four
supernatant obtained was used for enzyme assay. Enzyme
years with 32.53% increase in production and 2.6%
homogenates were stored in deep freezer (-70°C) until
increase in productivity (Joshi et al., 2012). Studies on
utilized for biochemical analysis.
tomato have been extensively done in regard to Lycopene.
Lycopene is a pigment principally responsible for deep
Ammonium sulphate fractionation and dialysis
red colour of tomato. It has attracted attention because of
PPO’s and CAT’s crude homogenate were subjected to
its biochemical and physiological significance as natural
0-80% (w/v) saturation with ammonium sulphate at cold
antioxidant. Although it has no provitamin A activity, it
conditions. The saturated solutions were left overnight
has a physical quenching rate constant double to that of
at 4 o C and the precipitated proteins were separated