Jani and Patel
The keratinolytic microorganisms and technologies
48 h. This actively growing culture was used as inoculum
developed for feather degradation are not only to remove
for the protease production (O.D. 0.75 at 660 nm).
the waste feathers efficiently from the nature but also for
making the by-products of the process as valuable protein
3. Enzyme production.
supplement. The protein rich, concentrated feather meal
The Saccharomonospora viridis SJ-21 JX 262282 , was
can also be used for organic farming as semi-slow release,
inoculated in the optimized medium , having composition:
nitrogen fertilizer (Kaul, S. and Sumbali, G. 1999),
casein, 250mg%; peptone, 200mg%; K2HPO 20mg%,
Friedrich, A.B., and Antranikian, G. 1996). In this study
KH PO 20mg%, MgSO ,10mg%, CaCl 10mg% , and
we emphasized on keratinolytic activity of thermophilic
Glycerol 0.5ml in 100 ml of Distilled water,( pH 9.5.)
actinomycetes Saccharomonospora viridis SJ-21 and its
(28); under shaking conditions (100 rpm) , for 96 h at
55°C. The culture broth was centrifuged at 10,000 × g
for 20 min at 4ºC and the culture supernatant was used as
Materials and Methods
a source of protease. Activity of enzyme was measured in
1. Isolation and Identification of S. viridis SJ-21
terms of unit (μg/ml/min). One unit of enzyme is defined
as the quantity of enzyme required to release 1μg of
Samples collected from hot water spring, soil and Areetha
tyrosine per minute, under the standard assay conditions
extract were serially diluted using sterile distilled water to
(Hagihara, B. (1958).
spread evenly on skim milk agar medium of pH 8.5 and
incubated at 55ºC for 3-4 days to allow the organisms
Protein content was measured by Lowry’s method with
to grow. The well isolated colonies showing zone of
bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a standard protein.
casein hydrolysis were marked and colony characters
4. Ammonium sulphate Precipitation and Dialysis of
and morphological characters were noted at an interval
of 24 h. Diameter of zone of clearance due to hydrolysis
of casein was recorded which provided a measure of
250 ml of the cell free filtrate was subjected for
their proteolytic activity. On the basis of zone of casein
precipitation by different concentrations of (20- 100%)
hydrolysis, potent isolates were selected for further
solid ammonium sulphate (Dixon, M. and Webb, E.
G., 1964). The precipitated protein was obtained by
centrifugation at 10000 rpm for 15 minutes at 4ºC. Both
The isolate SJ-21 showing zone of casein hydrolysis on
enzyme activity and protein content were determined for
milk agar plates was preserved on Nutrient casein agar
each separate fraction (Khalil B.Q. and Gupt, R. (2003).
slants and sent to Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission
The concentrated enzyme was collected in glycine NaOH
(GSBTM, Gandhinagar) for 16S rRNA sequencing and
buffer and dialyzed overnight against the same buffer till
the BLAST match was used to confirm identification
the ammonium sulphate was completely removed.
of the isolate. The sequences obtained from GSBTM,
Gandhinagar were analyzed at NCBI server (www.ncbi.
The caseinolytic activity of this partially purified
nim.nih.gov) using BLAST tool and have been submitted
enzyme preparation was determined by Hagihara method
to Gene Bank. The phylogenetic tree of the isolate was
(Hagihara, B. 1958).
constructed with MEGA version 4.0 using the neighbor
joining method (Tamura, K. et al., 2007).
5. Characterization of the protease by determination of
molecular weight and type of enzyme
2. Micro-organisms and inoculum preparation
Fresh growth of S. viridis SJ-21 was obtained on milk
preformed according to method of Laemmli (Laemmli,
agar medium (pH 8.5) and transferred in to 25 ml broth
1970) as modified by Studier (1973). This method was
containing glycerol 0.5 ml, peptone 1 gm, yeast extract
used to determine the molecular weight of the partially
0.5 ml, NaCl 0.5 gm in 100 ml distilled water and pH 8.5
purified protease. Molecular weight of purified alkaline
and incubated at 50ºC on a rotary shaker at 100 rpm for
protease was measured using a series of protein with
standard molecular weight markers (Sigma, USA)