Patel et al.
Many of them contain α-(Pullulan) or β-linked
Basal Medium: (g/l): Glucose 0.5 Yeast Extract 0.5
NaNO 3 2.0, KH 2 PO 4 1.0, MgSO 4 . 7H 2 0 0.05, KCl 0.5 and
The branched β-glucans are biologically active and
pH 5.3.
consequently are used in medicine and biotechnology, as
ABTS (2,2’-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulfonic
well as additives in food and cosmetics. Cultivation of
acid was procured from Sigma Pvt. Ltd. All the other
mushrooms requires several weeks to complete fruiting
chemicals used were of analytical grade with highest
body formation and thus delaying the production of the
required compounds. However, submerged cultivation
of fungi offers an advantage for the production of
Micro-organisms and culture conditions
mycelial biomass and bioactive polysaccharides (Zhong
and Tang, 2004). The compounds of fungal origin have
The white rot fungal samples were collected from garden
attracted special attentions from researchers due to their
and surrounding area of ADIT Campus, New Vallabh
various pharmacological and biological activities, such
Vidyanagar, Gujarat. The collected fungi were transferred
as antitumor, antidiabetic, antimicrobial and immune-
on malt extract agar plate amended with streptomycin
(25 µg/ml) and incubated at 28 º C for 6-7 days. Potential
polysaccharides isolated from higher basidiomycota are
isolates were sub-cultured and maintained at 4°C on malt
the best known and appear to have strongest anticancer
extract agar slants.
activity among mushroom-derived substances.
Culture process and EPS production
The white rot fungi belong to the Basidiomycetes family.
They are mainly grown on decaying wood material.
Erlenmeyer flasks (250 ml) containing 100 ml of basal
Wood presents a nutritionally challenging substrate for
culture medium were inoculated with 8 agar plugs of
fungal growth due to its low nitrogen content and the
size 7 mm diameter punched from the edge of pre-grown
complexity of the bulk carbon present (Bridžiuvienė and
fungal culture on ME plates and incubated on a rotatory
Raudonienė, 2013).
incubator shaker (140 rpm) at 28°C for 7 days.
EPS production rate and productivity were found varying
Determination of exopolysaccharide and mycelial
with environmental conditions and nutrient medium.
Thus, we undertook the present study with following
The samples were harvested at different time interval
from the shake flasks. The cell biomass was separated
ˆ Screening and isolation of exopolysaccharide
by centrifugation at 6000 rpm for 10 min and resulting
producing fungi from natural habitats.
supernatant was used to determine EPS. For the
determination of the EPS (exopolysaccharide), equal
ˆ To optimize various parameters for high yield of
volume of isopropyl alcohol was mixed with the cell
free supernatant, stirred vigorously and left overnight
ˆ To characterize physico-chemical properties of
at 4ºC for precipitation. The resultant precipitates were
separated by centrifugation at 6000 rpm for 10 min. The
precipitants were dried to a constant weight at 70ºC. The
ˆ To
yield of cell biomass and EPS were expressed as the g/l
exopolysaccharide produced by newly isolated
of the culture medium. The precipitates collected (crude
EPS fraction) was washed twice with isopropanol and
2. Materials and Methods
dried to a constant weight at 70°C. The Separated cell
biomass was dried at 70ºC in hot air oven till constant
Media and Chemicals
weight. The yield of mycelial biomass and EPS were
expressed as gram per liter.
Malt extract broth and agar were procured from Hi-media
Labs. (Mumbai, India).