Molecular study of Pigeonpea
enzymes production by isolate AGYP-1 was evaluated.
dyes (Reactive Red M5B, Acid Green GLW and Reactive
Decolorization and degradation of Reactive Red M5B
Violet 5R) were inoculated with 10 ml of soil suspension
was studied by UV-Visible spectrophotometric and
(10 % w/v) and incubated under shaking condition (120
HPTLC analysis.
rpm) at 30 o C for 2 weeks. Repeated transfers in fresh
dye containing media were performed till stable dye
2. Materials and methods
decolorizing fungal cultures were obtained. From the
decolorized flasks, fungal mycelia were transferred to
2.1 Dyes and chemicals
MEA for further purification.
Commercially available synthetic textile dyes, Reactive
Red M5B (C.I. Reactive Red 2), Acid Maroon V (C.I.
2.4 Dye decolorization and enzyme screening on solid
Acid Red 119), Reactive Red BS (C.I. Reactive Red 111),
Acid Red F2R (C.I. Acid Red 151), Acid Red 3BN (C.I.
Plate assay was performed to detect the decolorization
Acid Red 131), Reactive Blue 3R (C.I. Reactive Blue
activity of fungal isolates. The MM agar plates containing
28), Reactive Violet 5R (C.I. Reactive Violet 5), Acid
individual dye (100 mg l -1 ) were inoculated with a
Red BB (C.I. Acid Red 128), Acid Green GLW (C.I.
mycelial disc (8 mm diameter) from previously grown
Acid Green 27) and Reactive Red HE8B (C.I. Reactive
fungal cultures and incubated at 30 o C for 10 days. The
Red 152) used for present study were procured from
plates were observed for the clearance of dye surrounding
CAB Chemicals, Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India. ABTS (2,
fungal growth. The production of ligninolytic enzymes
was checked on SDA plate containing ortho-dianisidine
was purchased from Sigma (Sigma St. Louis, MO, USA),
(0.01% w/v). Uninoculated MM agar and SDA plates
2, 6-Dimethoxyphenol (DMP) and ortho-dianisidine
were served as control.
were purchased from Lancaster (Lancs, UK) and CDH
(Mumbai, India) respectively, Malt extract agar (MEA)
2.5 Decolorization studies in liquid medium
was procured from Hi-Media Labs (Mumbai, India). All
The dye decolorization experiments were carried out in 250
other chemicals used were of the highest purity and of
ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 ml MM. The flasks
analytical grade.
were inoculated with 8 circular discs (8 mm diameter) cut
2.2 Nutrient media
from actively growing fungal cultures on MEA agar plate
and incubated under shaking condition (120 rpm) at 30 o C.
Mineral Medium (MM) containing g l -1 : glucose,
Upon fifth day of incubation, an individual dye (100 mg
5.0, KH 2 PO 4 , 1.0, MgSO 4 .7H 2 O, 0.5, KCl, 0.5, yeast
l -1 ) was added and the flasks were further incubated at
extract, 0.5, and pH 5.0 ± 0.5 was used for isolation and
the same conditions for decolorization. In another set,
decolorization experiments. The fungal cultures were
the flasks were kept in static condition to check its effect
routinely transferred and maintained on malt extract agar
on decolorization. Aliquots were withdrawn periodically
(MEA) containing g l -1 : malt extract, 20.0, agar-agar,
from different flasks and were analyzed for decolorization
30.0, and pH 5.0 ± 0.5. The screening of ligninolytic
and enzyme production.
enzymes was performed on Sabaroud’s dextrose agar
(SDA) containing g l -1 : peptone 10.0, glucose 40.0, agar-
2.6 Determination of enzyme activities
agar 30.0, and pH 5.6 ± 0.5.
2.6.1 Laccase assay
2.3 Isolation of dye decolorizing fungal cultures
Laccase (E.C. activity was determined by
The potential dye decolorizing fungal strains were isolated
monitoring change in absorbance at 420 nm related to
from contaminated soil samples obtained from different
the rate of oxidation of 1 mM ABTS (ε = 36,000 M -1
sites of common effluent treatment plant (CETP) -
cm -1 ) following the method described by Niku-Paavola et
Nandesari - Vadodara, Gujarat, India. 250 ml Erlenmeyer
al . (1990). The assay system contained 1 mM ABTS, 100
flasks containing 100 ml MM and 100 mg l -1 mixture of 3
mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0) and suitably diluted