Prajapati et al.
sample. One unit of enzyme activity (U) was defined as
Co Cf
the amount of enzyme required to oxidize 1µM ABTS
% D =
× 100
per min.
2.6.2 Manganese Peroxidase (MnP) assay
Where, Co and Cf are the initial and final concentrations
Manganese peroxidase activity (E.C. was
measured by oxidation of DMP (ε = 27,500 M -1 cm -1 ) in
Fungal biomass was determined by weighing the dry
mycelia after decolorization. The mycelial growth was
the presence of H 2 O and MnSO . The reaction mixture
squeezed to remove the medium, washed with distilled
contained 1 mM DMP, 0.1 mM H 2 O , 1 mM MnSO ,
100 mM Sodium tartarate buffer (pH 4.5) and suitably
water, and dried completely at 60°C till constant dry
diluted sample. Increase in absorbance was measured at
weight. Biomass was calculated by subtracting the weight
469 nm and one unit of enzyme activity (U) was defined
of initial fungal growth from the final weight.
as the amount of enzyme catalyzing the oxidation of 1
HPTLC analysis was performed using precoated silica
µM of DMP per min (Martinez et al . 1996). Presence of
gel 60 F254 plate (Merck, Germany). A 5µl of the
MnP activity was corrected for manganese-independent
control and decolorized samples were spotted on TLC
peroxidase (MnIP) activity by subtracting the activity
plate using micro syringe (HPTLC, Camag, Linomat 5).
obtained at pH 3.25 in the absence of MnSO 4 at 469
The solvent system used was isopropanol : ethyl methyl
ketone : liquor ammonia in the ratio of 5:3:2. Developed
plates were dried in air and the dye chromatogram was
2.7 Effect of Physico-chemical factors on decolorization
observed by exposing it to ultraviolet light (254 nm) and
In order to study the effect of various physico-chemical
in visible light using Camag TLC scanner 3.
parameters, the decolorization of Reactive Red M5B was
assayed using different pH (3.0-8.0), temperature (15-
2.9 Data analysis
50 o C) and dye concentration (100-500 mg l -1 ). In the next
All the experiments and the analysis were carried out
step, the effect of various carbon and nitrogen sources
in triplicates and the data presented is the mean value
was analyzed for the effective decolorization of the dye.
of the triplicates. The standard deviation was calculated
using the mean values and remained within the range of
2.8 Analytical measurements
Two ml aliquot of decolorized medium was centrifuged
at 10,000 rpm for 10 min and the clear supernatant
3. Results and Discussion
was subjected for the measurement of absorbance at
3.1 Isolation and screening of dye decolorizing fungal
the maximum absorbance wavelength (λ max ) of the
dyes using UV-visible spectrophotometer (SHIMADZU
UV-1800, Japan).The residual dye concentration in the
The fungal cultures with an efficient decolorization
sample was determined from the absorbance values
potential of textile azo dyes were isolated from dye
using the calibration curve for absorbance versus dye
contaminated soil samples. It is expected that sites
concentration obtained by plotting the corresponding
near these industries harbor several microorganisms
maximum absorbance in the UV-visible spectra at
which are capable to co-exist with higher toxic levels
different concentrations of dye.
of pollution. Total four fungal cultures were isolated by
The percentage decolorization (% D) was calculated
the enrichment culture technique and were designated as
using the following formula:
AGYP-1, AGYP-2, AGYP-3 and AGYP-4 respectively.
The screening in agar plates is considered as simple and
efficient method to assess the dye decolorization potential
of various microorganisms. All the four isolates were