Molecular study of Pigeonpea
Table 3: Effect of nitrogen source on decolorization of Reactive Red M5B and ligninolytic enzymes production by fungal
isolate AGYP-1
Laccase activity
MnP activity
Nitrogen source
% Decolorization
(U ml -1 )
(U ml -1 )
Yeast extract
Ammonium sulfate
Ammonium nitrate
3.4 Effect of Physico-chemical parameters on
3.4.2 Effect of pH
decolorization of Reactive Red M5B
The hydrogen ion concentration greatly affects various
3.4.1 Effect of static and shaking conditions
biological activities of organisms. The decolorization of
Reactive Red M5B was investigated in the range of pH
The isolate AGYP-1 exhibited maximum decolorization
3.0 to 8.0. As shown in figure 4, that the decolorization
of Reactive Red M5B (92.33±2.4%) under shaking
efficiency of the isolate AGYP-1 was found to be
condition, whereas, 65.34±4.2% color removal was
increase with an increase in pH, reaching maximum at
achieved in static condition on 12 th day incubation
pH 5.0 (91.17±3.2%). Further increase in pH resulted
(Fig. 3). Moreover, AGYP-1 displayed higher activities
into decrease in decolorization efficiency. However, at
of laccase (253.8±14.5 U ml -1 ) and MnP (70.36±8.6U
pH 4.0 and 6.0, the color removal was 74.18±4.4% and
ml -1 ) under shaking condition. The estimated biomass
85.86±3.8% respectively. Moreover, the maximum fungal
of the isolate was 0.257±0.04 and 0.164±0.03 g under
biomass (0.253±0.03 g) along with highest activities of
shaking and static conditions respectively. Conversely,
laccase (232.38±10.9 U ml -1 ) and MnP (69.27±3.6 U
the isolate showed very low level of laccase and MnP
ml -1 ) were obtained at pH 5.0, suggesting that acidic pH
activities (78.25±4.2 and 32.4±2.2 U ml -1 respectively)
favoured the decolorization of the dye. Vaithanomsat
in static condition. Moreover, it was found that laccase
et al . (2010) demonstrated maximum decolorization of
activity in all the experimental flasks was much higher
Reactive Black 5 along with highest laccase activity at
as compared to MnP activity, suggesting its possible role
pH 5.0 using white-rot fungus Dratronia sp. KAPI0039.
in decolorization process. Above results demonstrate that
Based on the study carried out by Young and Yu (1997),
shaking condition favored the growth of the isolate and
the azo-based dye was more effectively degraded by
resulted into 1.41 times higher decolorization of the dye.
white-rot fungi under an acidic condition. Many other
reports suggest that the fungi can grow best at low pH
distribution as compared to static condition. Miranda et
normally ranging from 4.0 to 6.0. Furthermore, fungal
al . (2012) reported an effective decolorization of textile
ligninolytic enzymes show maximum activity at low pH;
dyes under shaking condition using Phanerochaete
hence, an efficient decolorization is observed at low pH
chrysosporum CCT1999, Lentinula edodes CCT4519
(Saranthima et al ., 2009; Patel and Gupte 2014).
and Curvularia lunata UFPEDA885. However, Kirby et
al . (2002) observed better dye decolorization by Phlebia
3.4.3 Effect of temperature
tremellosa under static condition. Many reports have
Temperature is an important environmental factor; change
described a relationship between ligninolytic enzyme
in temperature affects the biodegradation activities
activities and decolorization of different dyes by white
of microorganisms. The effect of temperature on
rot fungi (Erkurt et al . 2007; Moreira-Neto et al . 2013).
decolorization of Reactive Red M5B by isolate AGYP-1