Saviour et al.
onto mineral and humic particles and by forming
two different locations from Pudukkottai district, Tamil
insoluble precipitates (Goldberg and Glaubig, 1985;
Nadu during 2012-13.
Evans, 1987). The mobility, transport and partitioning
of B in soils are dependent on various soil chemical
Soil initial analysis
properties that include soil pH, the type and contents of
clay minerals, and the contents of Al and Fe oxides and
A composite sample was prepared from the randomly
(oxy) hydroxides, carbonates and organic matter (Keren
collected surface soil samples (0-15 cm) from two
and Bingham, 1985). To assess the agricultural impact
different locations before the commencement of the
of B, it is necessary to understand and quantify the
incubation study using stainless steel materials. The
different forms of B in soil intensively cultivable soils.
soil samples were processed and stored in polythene
Boron is found in soils in various forms. However, the
container to study various soil properties. The initial
contribution of various B fractions towards B availability
physico-chemical properties of the collected soil are
in soils has not been examined extensively (Datta et al.,
given in Table 1. The collected soils comes under the
2002; Chaudhary and Shukla, 2004). In almost every soil,
dominant soil series viz., Pattukkotai (Pkt) and Madukkur
readily soluble B represented only a small proportion of
(Mdk) series covering about 30,991 (48.7% area) and
the total B content, regardless of the extraction method
20,699 ha (32.5% area) respectively in Alangudi taluk
used. Most soil B existed in the residual or occluded
of Pudukkottai district. Except slight variation in its
form, which accounted for between 92 and 99%, with
colour, hardness and drainage, both the soil series are
an average of 97%, of the total soil B. The concentration
found to be similar in their properties. Both the soils
of organically bound B was higher than that of oxide
are sandy loam in texture and the soils of Pattukkotai
bound B and specifically adsorbed B, irrespective of the
(Pkt) series are light yellowish brown (10 YR 6/4 m)
readily soluble B extracting solution with the average
and well drained because of their hardness and friable
of 97%, of the total soil. The major portion of soil B
nature than Madukkur (Mdk) series which are brown
(92–99%) existed in the residual fraction. Since boron are
in colour (10 YR 5/3 m), poor drained and friable. The
significantly involved in reproduction process of maize
USDA taxonomical classification for the collected soils
crop (Li and Lang, 1997) and their deficiency may occur
under Pattukkotai (Pkt) and Madukkur (Mdk) series is
simultaneously in intensively cultivated soils (Agarwala
fine loamy hyperthermic Udic Haplustalfs and fine loamy
and Sharma, 1979) an incubation study was contemplated
hyperthermic Ultic Haplustalfs respectively. The bulk
to understand better on the B distribution among
density (1.39 and 1.42 Mg m -3 ), particle density (2.35
different fractions, the objectives of this research were
and 2.42 Mg m -3 ) and pore space (40.86 and 41.33%)
to determine the B fractions of soils treated with mineral
were determined in the soils of 2 locations.
fertilizer (borax), to evaluate the release pattern of B
fractions by adopting the standard sequential procedure.
Treatments structure
Thus. knowledge regarding distribution of B in different
A known weight of soil sample was taken (100 g) in a
fractions is essential to understand soil chemistry and
plastic container and imposed with different levels B.
B-nutrition for obtaining reliable information about the
The treatment structure comprised of graded levels of
need of zinc to plant at critical growth stages.
borax as 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg ha -1 were replicated
thrice in a completely randomized design. The soils were
Materials and Methods
incubated at field capacity for a month (30 days) period
and destructive sampling was done at intervals viz., 0, 7,
A laboratory incubation study was conducted to study
15, 21 and 30 days after incubation. Various B fractions
the release pattern of boron fractions from micronutrient
viz., specifically adsorbed, oxide bound, organically
fertilizer Borax under maize growing sandy loam soils of
bound and residual B in soil were estimated by using the
sequential extraction as described by Raza et al., (2012)
was given below.