Saviour et al.
at mineral surfaces as well as B that has isomorphously
ha -1 . The highest amounts of soil boron originated from
replaced Al or Fe within the octahedral sheet of the
residual form, generally ranged from 70 to 99% of total
minerals. The results also corroborate with earlier findings
soil B (Raza et al., 2002). This form of boron accounted
of Hoe et al., (1994).
major contribution to total boron among all other boron
fractions (Karthikeyan and Shukla, 2011).
Organically bound boron (Tables 2 and 3)
The boron level at @ 2.0 kg ha -1 had increased the
organically bound boron content at 0, 7, 15, 21 and 30
From the incubation experiment, it was inferred that with
days after incubation (0.46, 0.49, 0.75, 0.87, 0.85 and
applied boron, the non - specifically adsorbed B fraction
0.43, 0.46, 0.72, 0.84, 0.82 mg kg -1 respectively in both
was higher next to residual form when compared to other
the locations. The organically bound boron fraction in
forms of boron. Applied B converted to this soluble form
soils increased with levels of boron application. From
and attained peak values (1.03 and 1.0 mg kg -1 mg kg -1 ) at
the beginning to end of the incubation period, both soils
21 days after incubation in the treatment with application
recorded the highest organically bound boron fraction
of 2 kg B ha -1 and thereafter a decrease was noted.
content with 0.87 and 0.84 mg kg -1 on 21st day of
The plant available form of B includes non-specifically
incubation due to application of B @ 2.0 kg ha -1 . The
adsorbed B fraction which was considerably higher on
level of boron at @ 2.0 kg ha -1 increased the organically
21st day after incubation which coincides with the high
boron which ranged from 0.03-0.81 and 0.02-0.84 mg
demand for B by maize crop during vegetative phase.
kg -1 with higher content of 0.87 and 0.84 mg kg -1 on 21st
day and contributed to 0.02 and 0.01 per cent of total
boron respectively in both the locations due to application
The author acknowledges the chairman and the advisory
of B @ 2.0 kg ha -1 . This form of boron increased with
committee members who provide their valuable guidance
increasing levels of boron which solely depend on the
to conduct this incubation experiment.
organic carbon content of the soil (Karthikeyan and
Shukla, 2011).
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(54.47, 54.50, 54.76, 54.88, 54.86 and 52.12, 52.15,
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Datta., S.P., R.K. Rattan, K. Suribabu and Datta. S.C. 2002.
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Fractionation and colorimetric determination of boron in
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due to application of B @ 2.0 kg ha -1 which was the
Evans, L. J. 1987. The retention ofboron by Ontario soils. Can
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Goldberg, S. and Forster, 1991. H. S. Boron sorption on
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52.53 mg kg -1 at the B level @ 2.0 kg ha -1 and contributed
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Goldberg, S. and Glaubig, R. A. 1985. Boron adsorption on
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