Parewa et al.
K, S, Zn, Fe and B to plant, soil and resist occurrence
activity ranging from 143.2 to 144.8 μg TPF g -1 soil 24
of multiple nutrient deficiencies. If sufficient quantity
h -1 , phosphatase 33.6 to 34.2 μg PNP g -1 soil h -1 , soil
of organic manures is added along with inorganic
microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) 170-172 mg kg -1 soil,
fertilizers then perhaps there would be no need of adding
bacterial and fungal population 20 to 22 cfu x 10 5 g -1 soil
micronutrients (Parsad, 1999).
and 9 to 11 cfu x 10 4 g -1 soil, respectively, during the
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers harms the biological
1 st and 2 nd year of experiments. A total of 32 treatments
power of soil which must be prevented as transformations
combinations comprising of four levels of fertilizer (0,
of all the nutrients are negotiated by soil microflora.
50, 75 and 100% NPK ha -1 ), two levels of FYM (0
An optimum soil microorganism population must be
and 10 t ha -1 ) and four bioinoculants [No inoculation,
maintained in the soil for higher nutrient use efficiency.
PGPR ( Azotobactor chroococum W5 + Azospirillum
No single source of plant nutrients can meet the entire
brasilence Cd + Pseudomonas fluorescens BHU PSB06 +
nutrient need of crops in modern agriculture, rather they
Bacillus megaterium BHU PSB14), Vesicular Arbuscular
need to be used in an integrated manner following a
Mycorrhiza (VAM) and PGPR+ VAM] were replicated
management technology that is appropriate, economically
thrice under spilt-split plot design and assigned in main
viable,socially acceptable and ecologically sound (Finck,
plots, sub plot and sub-sub plots, respectively.
Wheat seedswere inoculatedwithAzotobactorchroococum
An organic source like FYM is the source of energy to the
W5 + Azospirillum brasilence Cd+ Pseudomonas
soil microflora and organic carbon content is considered
fluorescens BHU PSB06 + Bacillus megaterium BHU
to be an index of the soil health (Chand, 2006). There is a
PSB14 in 1:1:1:1: ratio. Inoculum of VAM, Glomus
great need for more research on biological nitrogen fixation
fasciculatum was drilled below seeds in soil. Wheat var.
and phosphorus solubilization for energy conservation.
HUW-234 was taken as a test crop to observe direct effect
Most soils of Uttar Pradesh are low in organic matter
of the treatments. The 100% NPK recommended dose of
content and poor in nitrogen and phosphorus. Hence
fertilizer for wheat was 120 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 60
introduction of efficient strains of bioinoculants in soils
kg K2O ha -1 , respectively. The FYM @ 10 t ha -1 was
may help in boosting up production through increased
incorporated one month before sowing as per treatments.
microbial population and consequently fixation of more
Total N, P and K contents of the FYM were 0.47, 0.24,
atmospheric nitrogen and more solubilization of insoluble
and 0.46%, respectively. Half dose of N and full dose of
phosphorus from the soil. Hence present study was
P and K were applied as basal in the form of urea, di-
undertaken to know the effect of inorganic fertilizers,
ammonium phosphate and muriate of potash manually by
FYM and bioinoculants and their interaction effect on the
placement method into open furrows, respectively. The
soil properties in the rhizosphere soil of wheat crop.
remaining N was applied in two equal splits at tillering
and flower initiation stages, respectively during both the
Materials and Methods
years. Soil samples were collected after harvesting of the
crop and analysed by the standard procedure.
A field experiment was conducted during Rabi season of
2009-10 and 2010-2011 at Agricultural Research Farm,
Results and Discusssion
Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi (U.P.). The soil of
experimental field was sandy loam in texture having low
Soil physical properties
soil organic carbon (0.38%), low available N (207.87 kg
ha -1 ), medium available P (17.9 kg ha -1 ) and K (227.0
The data presented in Table 1 indicate that increasing
kg ha -1 ), bulk density (1.41 Mg M -3 ), particle density
levels of fertilizer application and inoculation of seeds
(2.62 Mg M -3 ), water holding capacity (45.7%), cation
with bioinoculants did not show any significant effect on
exchange capacity [18.70 Cmol (P + ) kg -1 soil] contents
bulk density, yet it decreased bulk density during both
with neutral pH 7.3 (1:2.5 soil: water ratio). The biological
the years from the initial value. The bulk density of
properties of the initial soil sample viz. dehydrogenase
soil decreased significantly with incorporation of