Dutta et al.
in traditional medicine for treatement of nervous
Extraction procedure
and gastrointestinal disturbance, as the lemongrass
Fresh and dried leaves were cut into small pieces
oil has antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory,
and hydro- distillation was carried out for extraction
anti-pyretic, diuretic and sedative properties (Santin
of oil by using Clevenger-type apparatus for a
et al., 2009). Studies on extracts from C. citratus leaves
total period of 4 hours as per method of Guenther
have demonstrated the presence of antioxidant, anti-
(1950). The extracted essential oils were dried using
microbial and anti-fungal activities (Oloyede, 2009;
anhydrous sodium sulfate and stored in sealed vials
Pereira et al., 2009).
at low temperature for future use.
The extraction and characterization of bioactive
molecules from medicinal plant is very essential
Oil yield
for the new drugs with high therapeutic value.
Lemongrass oil which was recovered by complete
Recently the demand for using medicine of natural
hydro distillation of lemongrass transferred to
origin is increasing due to awareness of potential
measuring cylinder, volume of the oil was recorded
harmful effect of synthetics additives (Reische, 1998).
and expressed as oil content (%) as follow
Cymbopogan citratus is a great interest due to its
commercially valuable essential oil and widely use
in food industries as well as in traditional medicine.
Therefore, the present study was conducted to
Gas Chromatography- mass spectroscopy
explore the oil content, chemical properties and
The essential oil extracted from the Cymbopogan
characterizing the lemongrass essential oil under
citratus leaves of different treatments, and, GC-MS
different drying condition.
analysis was carried out with the use of Varian GC-
Materials and Methods
MS 4000. The capillary column was of VF-5 (30 m
. 25 mm i.d., film thickness 0.25 m m). The column
The fresh leaves of C. citratus were collected from the
temperature for GC and GC/MS were 50-180°C at
farm of the Project Directorate for Farming Systems
a rate of 5°C/min, transfer line temperature 250°C,
Research, Modipuram, and Meerut, India during
carrier gas was helium with a flow rate of 1 ml/min,
January 2014. To study the effect of drying methods,
spilt ratio 1:20, ionization energy 70 eV. The 4 ppm
three methods of drying, (sun-drying, shade drying
stock solution was prepared by diluting in n-Hexane
with source of ventilation and oven drying at 45°C
and injected 1μml stock solution in the GCMS. The
for 7 hrs.) were investigated. In case of sun and
components of the essential oils were identified by
shade-drying, 2 kg fresh leaves were spread over
comparison of their mass spectra with those of a
2m 2 of area for 36 and 48 hours respectively.
computer library or with authentic compounds.
Table 1. Physiochemical Properties of Lemongrass oil at different drying treatments.
Saponification value (mg
Iodine value
Acid Value
Essential oil (%)
(gI 2 /100g)
Fresh Leaves
Sundry Leaves
Shade dry Leaves
Oven dry Leaves