Sharma et al.
where as the term plant growth regulators (PGRs)
test, growth at optimum temperature i.e. 4°C, 25°C,
include many synthetic and naturally occurring
37°C and 41°C, fermentative/oxidative metabolism,
compounds. Plant growth regulators as “either
gelatin liquification .
natural or synthetic compounds including microbial
plant growth regulators that are applied directly to a
Screening of isolates for the production plant
target plant to alter its life processes or its structure
growth regulators (PGRS)
to improve quality, increase yields or facilitate
Pseudomonas sp. isolated from the rhizosphere soil of
harvesting” (Nickell, 1982). The production of plant
pear and apple orchards were screened out for the
growth regulators induces additional root hair and
production of plant growth regulators viz., auxins,
lateral root formation (Tine et al., 1979). Thereby
gibberellins and cytokinins. Quantitative estimation
enhancing the plant’s ability to take up nutrients
of auxins was done by colorimetric method (Gordon
from soil and increasing the yield. Production of
and Weber, 1951) with slight modifications i.e. 2 to
different phytohormones like indole-3-acetic acid
3 drops of orthophosphoric acid was added to 2 ml
(IAA), gibberellic acid and cytokinins PGPR can
supernatant and 4 ml of salper reagent (1 ml of 0.5 M
increase root surface and length and promote in
FeCI 3 in 50 ml of 30 % HCIO 4 : prepared fresh). The
this way plant development (Kloepper et al., 2007).
gibberellins were estimated calorimetrically by the
Several PGPR and free living rhizobacterial species
method of (Holbrook et al., 1961). Radish cotyledons
are reported to produce IAA and gibberellic acid in
expansion bioassay test was employed (Letham,
the rhizospheric soil and thereby play a significant
1971) for estimation of cytokinins like substances the
role in increasing the root surface area and number
radish seeds ( Raphanus sativus L. cultivars Japanese
of root tips in many plants (Bhattacharya and
white) were germinated in total darkness for 48 h at
Jha, 2012; Salisbury and Ross, 1985). Bacteria like
28° C.
Azospirillum and Pseudomonas sp. produce cytokinins
and gibberellins, in addition to IAA. Cytokinins
Production, purification and characterization of
are a class of phytohormones which are known to
plant growth regulators
promote cell divisions, cell enlargement and tissue
Auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins produced extra
expansion in certain plant parts. Gibberellins are a
cellularly in nutrient broth by Pseudomonas sp. at best
class of phytohormones most commonly associated
optimum conditions i.e. 28° C under shake conditions
with modifying plant morphology by the extension
(90 rpm) after 72 hours. Auxins and gibberellins were
of plant tissue, particularly stem tissue (Salisbury,
extracted from 72 h old cell free culture supernatant
1994) . In this paper, production of plant growth
with diethyl ether and ethyl acetate respectively.
regulators and their estimation along with their
respective methods, by fluorescent Pseudomonas
at 40° C. Similarly cytokinins were extracted from the
strains isolated from rhizospheric soil has been
supernatant with diethyl ether and extracted with
explored in in vitro on broccoli and cabbage for
equal volume of n-butanol (Mahadvan and Sridhar,
stimulation of callus formation and root formation
1986). Pseudomonas sp. An-1-kul and An-13-kul
has been studied.
were grown in nutrient broth for 72 h. at 28 + 2° C
Materials and Methods
under shake conditions (90rpm). Supernatants were
prepared by centrifugation of cultures at 10,000 rpm
Fluorescent Pseudomonads sp. were isolated
for 20 minutes and were stored at 4° C.
from soil samples collected from the normal and
replant sites of apple and pear rhizosphere. Total
30 Pseudomonas strains were isolated and further
Pseudomonas sp. by 16S rRNA technique
identified on the basis of morphological biochemical
and physiological tests viz., catalase test, oxidase
with DNA isolation kit (Bangalore GeNei), and the