Sharma et al.
150% of shoot regeneration and 2 shoots per 4 explant
90-95percent survival rate of root regeneration in
(2/4 shoots). In comparison to our study appropriate
plant (Ali et al., 2009). The highest percentage of
effective concentration of cytokinins might have not
hypocotyl explants of soy bean producing shoot
been produced by inoculated PGPR P. putida strains
(96.67%) and the highest mean number of shoots
in the study. This difference may also be due to the
produced per hypocotyl explant (6.03) were obtained
potential of strains i.e. strain variation and also due
on 3 mgl –1 BAP. While the highest percentage of shoot
to use of partially purified cytokinins.
tip explants producing shoot (100%) and highest
Rashid and Bal (2010) reported that direct
number of shoot produced per shoot tip explant (3.76)
regeneration was significantly influenced by the
were recorded on5 mgl –1 BAP. It has been reported
genotype, hormone and concentration. They
that use of BAP (6- benzyl amino purine) at 3 mg –1
obtained maximum shoot regeneration and number
and 5 mg –1 as the most suitable concentration for the
of shoots per explant from hypocotyl on MS medium
callus formation and shoot initiation (Ravanfar et al.,
supplemented with kinetin (0.5 mg –1 ) and BAP (0.5
2009). El-Barkry (2002) observed maximum number
mg –1 ). Madhulatha et al., (2006) reported that out of
of shoots on MS basal medium supplemented with
the various combinations of cytokinins and auxins
2.0mg –1 BA and 0.20 mg –1 IAA in five cultivars from
tried, MS medium containing 2.5 mg –1 BAP + 0.5
cotyledon explants.
mg –1 IAA was the best combination for multiple
From this experimental study, it can be concluded
shoot induction. The direct optimization of shoot
that a tissue culture based bioassay is important
regeneration protocol from hypocotyl explant
and valuable for evaluation of putative PGPRs and
for cotton using thidiazurm (TDZ and 0.08mg –1 ),
for their products like plant growth regulators and
Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA 0.01mg –1 ) and silver
further detailed work is necessary to define the
nitrate (5.1mg –1 ) was done (Ouma et al., 2004). It
conditions under which PGPR activity and their
was reported that auxins exerts primary role in
products can be detected. Further experimentation
root formation by its involvement in successive and
should be under taken to determine if its PGPR
interdependent phase (Bellamine et al., 1998). Some
activities is related to PGRs production in situ . The
finding showed that differentiation of phloem ray
fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. are plant beneficial
parenchyma cells into root primordia depends upon
rhizobacteria with all the direct and indirect plant
the type and concentration of auxins (Sabatini et al.,
growth promoting activities like plant growth
1999). Further it has been reported that differentiating
cells require the most appropriate auxins to become
Plant growth regulator production is an important
competent to respond to the organogenic signal by
secondary metabolite of fluorescent Pseudomonas as
(Blakesley and Chaldecott, 1997). The effect of auxins
it directly involves in the growth and development
of plant root, shoots. It is worth to note that strains
and inhibition at supra-optimal concentration
belonging to Pseudomonas aeruginosa are considered
(Sugiyama, 1999). IBA (indole butyric acid) and
safe for use in biotechnological applications.
naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) hormone tested for
maximum percentage of rooted shoots, root number,
root length and quality of roots (Chanway et al.,
The authors are highly thankful to the department
1989). Successful rooting was achieved by placing the
of Basic Science (Microbiology) and Biotechnology
shoots onto MS basal medium supplemented with
of Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and
0.20 mg –1 NAA (Sharma and Srivastava, 2014). IBA
Forestry, Nauni, Solan (HP)-173230, India to carry
at 1.5mg –1 showed maximum root initiation (86.67%
out the present work.
shoots), 5.03 numbers of roots per rooted explant and
4, 95 cm root length. Earlier it has also been reported