Soil risk assessment of heavy metal
Geostatistical analysis based on GIS
Indicator kriging
Spatial interpolation and GIS mapping techniques
The probability maps of soil Cr, Cd, Ni and Pb
were employed to produce spatial distribution and
concentration to exceed the respective FAO (2000)
risk assessment maps for the four observed heavy
maximum permissible limit value (MPL) of 100, 3,
metals, and the software used for this purpose was
30 and 50 mg kg -1 were prepared using indicator
ArcGIS v.9.3 (ESRI Co, Redlands, USA). The first
kriging. Indicator kriging is a nonlinear geostatistics
step was taking the log-transformation of all non-
where the conventional linear kriging estimators are
normally distributed target variables (heavy metal
applied to the data after a nonlinear transformation.
contents) to ensure (in most cases) the normality of
Here the nonlinear transform is to a discrete (binary)
residuals. In ArcGIS, kriging can express the spatial
indicator variable. These techniques have been
variation and allow a variety of map outputs, and
widely applied by soil scientists (Van Meirvenne and
at the same time minimize the errors of predicted
Goovaerts, 2001; Reza et al., 2012; 2013).
values. Moreover, it is very flexible and allows users
Let us assume that a soil property z at location x take
to investigate graphs of spatial autocorrelation. In
value z ( x ). In geostatistics, we treat this value as a
kriging, a semivariogram model was used to define
realization of the random function Z(x) . An indicator
the weights of the function (Webster and Oliver,
transformation of z ( x ) can be defined by
2001), and the semivariance is an autocorrelation
statistic defined as follows (Mabit and Bernard ,
ω c ( x ) = 1
if z ( x ) ≤z c ,
0 otherwise,
Where z is a threshold value of the property. In indicator
geostatistics, ω c ( x ) is regarded as a realization of the
random c ( x ),
c ( x ) = 1
if z ( x ) ≤z c ,
else 0.
is the value of the variable at location of
It can be seen that
the lag and
the number of pairs of sample
Prob [ Z ( x )≤ z ] = E [ c ( x ) ] = G [ Z ( x ); z ] ,
points separated by . For irregular sampling, it is
Where Prob [ ] , E [ ] denote, respectively, the
rare for the distance between the sample pairs to be
probability and the expectation of the terms within
exactly equal to . That is, is often represented by
the square brackets, and G [ Z ( x ); z ] is the cumulative
a distance band.
distribution function of Z ( x ) at value z . The principal
Best-fit model with minimum root mean square
of IK is to estimate the conditional probability that
error (RMSE) was selected for each heavy metal.
z ( x ) is smaller than or equal to a threshold value
Using the model semivariogram, basic spatial
z c , conditional on a set of observations of z at
parameters such as nugget
, sill
neighbouring sites, by kriging c ( x ) from a set of
and range
was calculated which provide
indicator-transformed data.
information about the structure as well as the
A set of data on z is transformed to the indicator
input parameters for the kriging interpolation
variable ω c ( x ). The variogram of the underlying
(Dagar and Esfahan, 2013). Nugget is the variance
random function c ( x ) is then estimated by
at zero distance, sill is the lag distance between
measurements at which one value for a variable
does not influence neighboring values and range
Where M pairs of observations that are separated by
is the distance at which values of one variable
the lag interval h . A set of estimates of this indicator
become spatially independent of another (Lopez-
variogram at different lags may then be modeled by
Granados et al., 2002; Reza et al., 2010).
one of the authorized continuous functions used to