Lama et al.
The bifurcation ratio (R b ) is an index of relief
of weak and impermeable subsurface material with
and dissections (Horton 1945) and lower values
sparse vegetation and mountainous relief (Chopra
are characteristics of structurally less disturbed
et al. , 2005). Smith (1950) had classified drainage
watersheds without any distortion in drainage
density into three classes i.e. low (D<1.5 -2 ),
pattern (Nag 1998). According to Strahler (1964), R b
medium (1.5-2.5 -2 ) and high (>2.5 -2 ).A
values of 3-5 indicated that the geological structures
high drainage density of 6.22 -2 suggested that
do not have a dominant control over the drainage
the region was composed of weak and impermeable
pattern of the watershed. In the present study, the
mountainous relief with high runoff potential.
strong structural control on the drainage pattern and
A perusal of Table 2 reveals that lower values of form
that the watershed was structurally less disturbed.
factor and elongation ratio, as well as, circularity
Similar finding has also been reported by Subba Rao
ratio indicated the watershed to be elongated in
(2009). Higher values of R b between the first and the
shape having flatter peak flow of longer duration.
second order streams (Table 2) indicated that the
Flood flows of such basins can easily be managed
steeper slopes of the watershed is more prone to soil
than those of a circular basin (Sharma et al. , 2012,
erosion. Kumar et al. , (2012) observed that higher
Wandre and Rank 2013). Ruggedness number (R )
values of bifurcation ratios for the first and second
of 3.11 indicated that the area has very rugged
order streams indicated more chances of erosion in
topography. It also implied that the area is prone
the upper reaches of a mountainous watershed in
to soil erosion. The stream frequency (F ) is closely
Uttarakhand, India. In our study also, we observed
related to the permeability, infiltration capacity and
higher bifurcation ratios for the first and second
relief. The value of F for the watershed was found
order (I/II =2.22 and II/III = 1.88) streams, which
to be 26.97, which indicated high relief and low
highlighted susceptibility of the upper reaches in the
infiltration of the bed rock and consequent high
watershed to erosion.
runoff. As a result, despite of having flatter peak
Relief ratio (R h ) is the ratio of the maximum relief to
flow, the runoff potential of the watershed is high,
the horizontal distance along the longest dimension
which is further supported by the fact that it has a
of the basin parallel to the principal drainage
high drainage density (6.22 -2 ). High value
line (Schumm 1956). It is a measure of the overall
of infiltration number (167.61) suggested that there
steepness of a drainage basin and is an indicator of
is adequate scope for surface and ground water
the intensity of the erosion processes operating on
development (Singh 2006).
the slopes of the basin. Its value normally increases
with decreasing drainage area and size of a given
drainage basin. For Um Shipra watershed the value
The watershed exhibited a dendritic drainage pattern
of R h was found to be 0.04.
with high drainage density indicating that the area
The drainage density (D) expresses the closeness
is composed of weak and impermeable subsurface
of spacing of channels and is affected by factors
materials with sparse vegetation and mountainous
which control the characteristic length of streams
relief having high runoff potential. Relatively lower
like resistance to weathering, permeability of rock
value of bifurcation ratio indicated the absence of
formation, climate, vegetation, etc. It also provides
strong structural control on the drainage. A plot
a numerical measurement of land dissection and
of the logarithms of the stream length of a given
runoff potential. In general, low value of D is
order against the order showed a linear relationship
observed in regions underlain by highly resistant
indicating the watershed has developed over a
permeable material with vegetative cover and low
homogeneous rock material. Lower values of
relief. High drainage density is observed in regions
form factor, circularity ratio and elongation ratio