Physical and biochemical changes in guava ( Psidium Guajava L. ) during various stages of fruit growth and development
Results and Discussion
upto 120 days and thereafter the rate of increase
was quite slow (Figure 1). Similar finding was also
Fruit weight
reported by Dhillon et al. , (1987) they found that fruit
A significant variation in fruit weight of guava was
weight in Allahabad Safeda and Sardar increased
observed among the genotypes at various stages
upto 130 and 120 days, respectively, in the rainy
of fruit development. The data presented in Figure
season and upto 140 and 130 days, respectively in
1showed an increasing trend in fruit weight from
the winter season. The slow growth during 60 to 90
initial stage of fruit growth till maturity and ripening
DAFS might be due to rapid development of seed
(127 days) in all the genotypes. The increases in fruit
resulting in slow growth of the pulp. The increase in
weight was rapid between 30 to 60 DAFS and 90 to
fruit weight could be attributed to an increase in the
127 DAFS whereas, the rate increase in weight was
size of the cells and accumulation of food substances
little bit slow between 60 to 90 DAFS in most of the
in the intercellular spaces in fruit (Bollard, 1970. The
genotypes. However, RCG-1, RCG-2 and RCG-3
findings is analogous to this observation were also
showed the continued rapid increase in fruit weight
reported by Dhillon et al. , (1987), Mercado-Silva et al. ,
(1998) and Singh and Jain (2007).
Figure 1 Fruit growth pattern (weight) of guava genotypes