Field evaluation of fungicides against alternaria porri (Ellis) Cif., causing purple blotch of Onion ( Allium Cepa l. )
Sandovit (0.05%) was added to spray solution to
avoid immediate runoff. Intensity of disease was
The results revealed that all the fungicides were
recorded by selecting five plants at random from
effective in management of the disease under high
each plot and 5 leaves were selected from each plant.
disease pressure.
The area covered by the disease was assessed using
0-5 scale (Mayee and Datar 1986) and expressed as
Field evaluation of effective fungicides against
Percent Disease Index (Shakyawar et al., 2014).
purple blotch of onion – 1 st season
Per cent disease index (PDI)
During the first season Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb
64% WP was significantly effective by recording
a least PDI of 23.99 as against 53.78 in untreated
control. This was followed by Mancozeb 70%
AUDPC (area under disease progress curve) was
WP, Pyraclostrobin 5% + Metiram 55% WG,
calculated according to the equation of Campbell
Pyraclostrobin 6.7% + Dimethomorph 12% WG,
and Madden (1990.
Metalaxyl- M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP, Triademorph
AUDPC = ∑ ½ (Si + Si+1) x (ti+1-ti)
80% EC and Propineb 70 WP with PDI of 26.82, 30.43,
31.06, 31.11, 36.39 and 37.61 respectively. However,
Si = Disease intensity at time t i
the maximum yield of 40.56 t/ha was recorded in
Si+1 = Disease intensity at time ti+1
Mancozeb 70% WP followed by 37.67, 36.11, 35.18
and 34.20 t/ha in Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP,
ti= Time when disease intensity was Si
t i+1 = Time when intensity Si+1
5% + Metiram 55% WG and Pyraclostrobin 6.7% +
Dimethomorph 12% WG respectively as against
Harvesting and computing yield records
21.18 t/ha in untreated control.
The crop was harvested when the leaves turned
Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% showed less
yellow and the top fall occurred. Bulbs harvested
AUDPC of 277.36 followed by Mancozeb 70%
from each plot were weighed and expressed as kg
WP, Pyraclostrobin 5% + Metiram 55% WG and
per plot. On the basis of yield per plot, the total bulb
Pyraclostrobin 6.7% + Dimethomorph 12% WG by
yield was computed and expressed in tonnes per
recording 283.08, 327.15 and 328.30 as against 613.19
in untreated control.
Benefit: Cost Ratio (BCR)
Field evaluation of effective fungicides against
purple blotch of onion – 2 nd season
The economics of treatments was worked out by
considering the prevailing rates of inputs, produce,
The disease incidence was comparatively high
labour charges and expressed as an incremental
during the second season than the first season.
benefit cost ratio. Additional benefit due to increased
Mancozeb 70% WP was effective with a least PDI of
yield in each treatment over control was worked out
27.55 and yield of 38.86 t/ha as against a PDI of 61.59
based on the pooled yield of two years. The benefit
and yield of 20.16 t/ha in untreated control. This was
cost ratio was calculated using additional benefits of
followed by PDI of 28.09, 32.00, 32.56, 33.74 and 37.65
the produce and additional cost of the treatment.
and yield of 37.67, 35.18, 34.20, 36.11 and 32.80 t/ha in
Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP, Pyraclostrobin
5% + Metiram 55% WG, Pyraclostrobin 6.7% +
Dimethomorph 12% WG, Metalaxyl- 4% + Mancozeb
Statistical Analysis
64% WP andTriademorph 80% EC respectively.
The PDI calculated and the yield data obtained were
Mancozeb 70% WP and Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb
analysed using ANOVA.