Rao et.al.
as least effective fungicide under field conditions
oxysporium f. sp. Ciceri causing gram wilt (Subhani
against purple blotch of onion which is in contrast
et al. , 2011). Curzate M8 was reported effective
with the present work where a benefit cost ratio
against Pseudoperenosporacubensis causing downy
of 16.25 was recorded. Efficacy of Propineb was
mildew of cucumber (Girija and Chethana, 2009) and
stated against A. alternata causing chrysanthemum
Sclerotiumrolfsii causing foot rot of Amorphophallus
leaf blight under field conditions (Arun Kumar et
(Mondal and Khatua 2013).
al., 2011). Propineb and Mancozeb were effective
against leaf spot of cauliflower caused by A. brassicae
(Mishra et al., 2009). Propineb, Copper oxychloride
Mancozeb 70% WP performed better in managing the
and Mancozeb were effective against Alternaria leaf
disease and enhancing the yield with a high benefit
spot of cotton (Bhattiprolu and Rao, 2014).
cost ratio. Alternatively Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb
Evaluation of new fungicide molecules, systemic
64% WP may be used, as the use of combination
fungicides in particular is essential for the effective
product will be a better choice in managing the
management of disease since the fungicidal
disease and also to overcome resistance development
resistance development was reported against the
in the pathogen.
pathogen (Mesta et al. , 2003). Mesta et al. , (2011)
reported the effectiveness of Difenconazole in
reducing PDI against Alternaria blight of sunflower.
The authors are thankful to the Director, Indian
Triademorph was reported to manage the leaf spot of
Institute of Horticulture Research, for providing
Indian bean caused by A. tenuissima (Fries) Wiltshire
facilities and support to carry out the work.
(Naik and Sabalpara, 2007). Undhad et al. , 2011
indicated effectiveness of Hexaconazole in reducing
the disease severity of purple blotch disease of
onion. It was effective in controlling chrysanthemum
Abhinandan D, Randhawa HS, Sharma RC (2004) Incidence of
Alternaria leaf blight in tomato and efficacy of commercial
leaf blight caused by A. alternata under field
fungicides for its control. Annual Biology 20 (2): 211-218.
conditions and also improved yield (Arun Kumar
Arun Kumar GS, Kamanna BC, Benagi VI (2011) Management
et al. , 2011). Hexaconazole and Propiconazole were
of Chrysanthemum leaf blight caused by Alternaria
best in reducing the PDI and increasing the yield
alternata (FR) Keissler under field condition. Plant Arch
in sunflower under field conditions (Mesta et al.,
11 (1): 553-555.
2011).All the above stated works are in line with our
Begum MF, Mahal MF, Alam (2011) Inhibition of spore
germination and mycelial growth of three fruit rot
pathogens using some chemical fungicides and botanical
The combination products will be a best choice in
extracts. Journal of Life and Earth Science 5 : 23-27. doi:
management of disease because the probability of
gaining resistance by pathogen is less compared
Bhattipolu SL, Rao MPP (2014) Evaluation of Propineb against
to individual molecules. Chaudhary et al., (2010)
fungal leaf spots of cotton. Journal of Cotton Research and
Development 28 (2): 324-326.
found Metalaxyl- Mancozeb as bestin checking the
early blight disease of tomato.Its effectiveness was
Campbell, Madden LV (1990) Introduction to plant disease
epideomology, Wiley Interscience, New York. doi: 10.1017/
also reported against A. tenuis (Begum et al. , 2010),
A. brassicae causing Alternaria blight in rapeseed
Chatage VS, Bhale UN (2011) Efficacy of fungicides against
mustard (Khan et al. , 2007). All the above stated
A. pluriseptata and Geotrichum candidus incitant of IVY
works are in conformity with the present study. The
ground fruit. International Journal of Latest Trends Botanical
other combination products tested in the present
Science 1 (1):1-4.
study are not reported against any Alternaria species
Chaudhary HJ, Patel DS, Patel RL (2010) Efficacy of Bio-
according to the available literature. Cabrio top
Agents and Phytoextracts against Fusarium oxysporum
causing Wilt of Fenugreek. Abstracts of papers presented
was reported as least effective against Fusarium
at 32nd Annual Conference, November 24-26, 2010,