contains a gelatinous compound called luffein. It
desirable parents and crosses for further exploitation
has lot of medicinal use. The oil from the seeds is
(Munshi and Verma 1999). In actual plant breeding
known to cure coetaneous complaints, the roots have
combining abilities have found their principal
laxative effects and the juice from the leaves is used
use in predicting the performance of parents and
to cure granular conjunctivitis of the eye, adrenal
hybrid populations of outbreeders, often in the
type diabetes and hemorrhoids. The juice prepared
form of test-crosses or polycrosses. Diallel analysis
from ridge gourd is a natural remedy for jaundice.
is widely used to estimate combining ability effects
It helps to purify blood and lowers the blood sugar
of the parents and the crosses (Griffin 1956a). Diallel
level, also good for stomach and skin. It is having
analysis is most balanced and systemic experimental
design to examine continuous variation. The
and immunomodulatory activities. The fruit is
genetic information related to parental population
demulcent, diuretic and nutritive. Seeds possess
becomes available quite in early generation i.e. in
purgative and emetic properties. The pounded leaves
F1 and it is thus useful to define breeding strategy
are applied locally to aplenitis, haemorrhoides and
without losing much time. In diallel cross system,
leprosy. The leaf juice prevents the lids adhering at
there is no need for parents to be strictly inbred
night from excessive meibomian secretion (Rahman
or to have uniformity. Heterosis has contributed
et al. , 2008). In spite of wide range of variability
significantly towards increased crop production
in different characters and being an important
and it has become the basis of multi-billion dollar
cucurbit of immense medicinal and nutritional
agro-business in the world (Phillips 1999). In order
value very little improvement work has been done.
to make an effective improvement in the characters
Ridge gourd, being predominantly monoecious is a
related to earliness and vegetative traits, F1 hybrid
cross pollinated crop and provide ample scope for
breeding is prominent among the methods used
utilization of the hybrid vigour. Single fruit of this
in the improvement of ridge gourd. Hybrids
vegetable gives large number of seeds and the cost of
under optimum crop production and protection
production of F1 seeds is not high in comparison to
management give economically more yield than that
the other cucurbitaceous vegetables. Hence a speedy
the improved varieties and also provide, uniform
improvement can be brought about by assessing
size, earliness, better keeping quality and resistance
the genetic variability and exploitation of heterosis.
to biotic and abiotic stresses (Kalloo et al. , 2000.
Various breeding techniques have been advocated
There is not a single F1 hybrid available in this
considering the breeding behaviour of crop species.
vegetable by public sector till date for commercial
cultivation in India. Owing to the existence of large
in the improvement of vegetable crops, especially in
variability it was considered worthwhile to take up
out breeding species. For development of promising
the present investigation, therefore an experiment
F1 hybrids, the identification of genetically
on 28 F1 hybrids obtained by crossing 8 diverse
superior plants is an important pre-requisite. A
parental lines of hermaphrodite and monoecious
wrong choice of parents at this stage may undo a
ridge gourd through half-diallel method was studied
meticulously planned and well-executed follow up
to investigate the extent of combining ability and
programme. The analysis of combining ability helps
heterosis for earliness and vegetative characters.
in selecting suitable genotypes as parents. A speedy
improvement can be brought about by assembling
Materials and Methods
the genetical variability, locating the best combiners
The experiment was conducted during May, 2010
and exploiting the heterosis. Combining ability
to August, 2010 in open field in a Randomized
analysis (Sprague and Tatum 1942) is one of the
Block Design with three replications at Vegetable
powerful tools available which gives the estimates
Research Centre, GBPUAT Pantnagar. The parental
of combining ability effect and aids in selecting
lines consist of one hermaphrodite viz. PCPGR 7256;