International Journal of Social Science, Volume 4, No. 1, March 2015, pp. 61-80
© 2015 New Delhi Publishers. All rights reserved
DOI Number: 10.5958/2321-5771.2015.00005.8
Economics of Production of Sugarcane in Orissa
R.K. Rout 1* , R.K. Mishra 2 and N. Bar 3
1,2 Department of Agril. Economics, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, India
3 Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sambalpur, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, India
*Corresponding author:
Sugarcane is a major cash crop of India, particularly in UP, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujurat, and Foot hils of Uttarakhand. Sugarcane
crop has a productivity of 70 tonnes/ha and an area of 4.2 mha. It plays a pivotal role
in the national economy. Sugarcane is considered as one of the best cash crops in
Orissa. It is grown in all the 30 districts of Orissa. The selected district Dhenkanal
occupied 4 th position in area (1.49 thousand ha) & in production (99.06 thousand
MTs) and 5 th position in yield (668.50 qtls/ha) in 2005-06. This study was carried out
in Dhenkanal district, Orissa. The study area to find out status and constraints of
sugarcane cultivation. A sample of 160 farmers was randomly selected from two
blocks i.e. Dhenkanal & Kankadahad. The establishment of a sugar factory in
Dhenkanal district has increased the prospect of this crop in the surrounding area.
The average size of holding was 2.44 ha. in region-I and 1.89 ha. in region-II. The
land was unequally distributed among different categories of farms. The net return
over variable costs per hectare were ` 38220.96 in region-I and ` 34380.10 in region-
II. The average yield of sugarcane per hectare was 73.88 tonnes and 69.88 tonnes in
region –I and region-II respectively.
Keywords:- Economic, production, sugarcane, cash crop
Sugarcane is a major cash crop of India, particularly in UP, Maharastra, Tamil
Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujurat, and Foot hills of Uttarakhand.
Sugarcane crop has an productivity of 70 tonnes/ha and an area of 4.2 mha. It plays
a pivotal role in the national economy. However paltering yield level declining factor
productivity, increasing production cost and slashing sugar prices in the industrial
market in the recent years pose a real concern to crop diversification in sugar based
Sugarcane is the main source of sugar in India and holds a prominent position as