Journal of Animal Research: v.4 n.2, p. 175-186. Dec. 2014
DOI Number: 10.5958/2277-940X.2014.00003.5
Personal, Socio-Economic Characteristics of
Dairy Animal Owners and their Relationship with
Knowledge of Dairy Husbandry Practices in
Surat District of Gujarat
G. P. Sabapara 1 *, A. B. Fulsoundar 1 and V. B. Kharadi 2
1 Department of Livestock Production and Management,
2 Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding, Vanbandhu College of Veterinary Science
and A. H., Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari-396 450, Gujarat, INDIA
*Corresponding author: GP Sabapara; Email:
Received: 03 June, 2014
Accepted: 10 October, 2014
To study the knowledge of dairy animal owners in improved dairy husbandry
practices a field survey in Surat district was conducted during March, 2013 to
January, 2014. Data were collected through personal interview from randomly
selected 300 dairy animal owners from randomly selected five talukas out of
nine talukas of Surat district with the help of pre-tested structured schedule. The
present study revealed that majority of the dairy farmers were belonged middle
to old age group, literate, nuclear type of family having more number of children
making big size family. Majority of the respondents were from scheduled tribe
and other backward category having medium level of extension contacts and mass
media exposure with membership in one organization. Majority of the respondents
were falling under marginal to small categories farmers with small herd size and
they possessed agriculture and livestock as their livelihood. The education, caste,
land holding, animal holding size, extension contact and mass media exposure
of the respondents were positively and significantly related, whereas vocational
diversification was negatively related with knowledge of dairy farmers regarding
improved dairy husbandry practices in the study area.
Keywords :Animal Husbandry Practices, Dairy animals, Knowledge, Relationship
Animal husbandry makes a significant contribution in the national economy
and socio-economic development of the country. In rural India, the livestock is
the main source of livelihood to the farmers, where over 15-20 percent families
are landless and about 80 percent of the land holders belong to the category of
small to marginal farmers (Hegde, 2006). Livestock rearing is an integral part
of agriculture in India as well as many developing countries since centuries. The