4. Polynomial regression function (Ali and Schaeffer,
MLF, respectively. Comparison of predicted with actual
monthly test day milk yields using different functions
have been presented in Table 3 and the overall observed
and predicted MTDMY using all the four lactation curve
functions were plotted graphically (Figure 1 to 4). The
Inthismodel,Y t =Averagemilk yieldint th weboflactation,
figures indicated that PRF was almost of similar order
a = Associated with peak yield, b & c =Associated with the
of magnitude as the actual curve. This may be due to the
decreasing slope, d & e = Associated with the increasing
fact that this function accounted for rising and declining
slope, × = t / 305. The best fit model was identified on the
segments of the lactation curve.
basis of higher coefficient of determination (R 2 ) and lower
root mean square error (RMSE). Residuals obtained by
In the present investigation it was found that on an
these functions were plotted graphically.
average, the peak yield from all lactation curves func tions
was found to be highest in 3 rd test day (TD 3 ) of lac tation in
Murrah buffaloes. Among four models studied PRF fitted
best to the test day data followed by EF and therefore
The mean monthly test day milk yields (MTDMY)
these two functions are recommended for prediction of
increased from 5.91±0.13 kg on TD 1 (15 th day of lactation)
MTDMYs in Murrah buffaloes.
toapeakyieldof7.41±0.12kgonTD 3 (75 th dayoflactation)
and subsequently declined to 3.11±0.15 kg on TD 10 (285 th
day of lactation). Geetha et al. (2006), Chakraborty et
al. (2010) and Patil et al . (2012) who reported the peak
The authors are immensely grateful to the Director, ICAR-
MTDMY as 7.15±0.15 kg, 8.11±0.25 kg and 8.02±0.09
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal and Head, Dairy
kg, respectively on TD 3 . The estimated lactation curve
Cattle Breeding Division for providing necessary facilities
parameters (a, b, c, d and e) of four lactation curve models
for conducting this study. Financial support in form of
(Table 1) were using 9071 monthly test-day milk yield
ICAR-JRF (ICAR) is duly acknowledged.
records of first lactation in Murrah buffaloes to fit into the
mathematical models and obtain the predicting equation
for monthly test-day milk yields (Table 2). The lowest R 2
value (96.42%) and highest RMSE value (0.07kg) was
Ali, T.E. and Schaeffer, L.R. 1987. Accounting for covariances
among test day milk yields in dairy cows . Can. J. Anim. Sci .,
obtained by GF. In accordance with the present finding,
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R 2 value (96%) was reported by Kumar and Bhatt (1979)
Aziz, M.A., Shalaby, N.A., El-Shafie, O.M., Mahdy, A.T.
and Aziz et al. (2006) in Indian buffaloes and Egyptian
and Nishida, A. 2006. Comparison between the shapes of
buffaloes, respectively. Sahoo et al. (2014) also reported
lactation curve of Egyptian buffalo milk yield estimated by
lowest R 2 value (93.13%) in Murrah buffaloes using this
the incomplete gamma function and a new model. Livest.
function. The EF gave a higher R 2 value (98.65%) with a
Res. Rural Dev., 18 (5).
comparatively lower RMSE value (0.04kg). Kumar (2007)
Banu, R., Singh,A., Malhotra, R., Gowane, G., Kumar, V., Jaggi,
reported similar R 2 value (99.16%) in Murrah buffaloes.
S., Verghese, E., Gandhi, R.S., Chakravarty, A.K. and Raja,
MLF gave better R 2 and RMSE values i.e 98.48% and 0.05
T.V. 2012. Comparison of different lactation curve models
kg, respectively in comparison to the above mentioned
in Karan Fries cattle of India. Indian J. Anim. Sci. , 82 (11):
functions. The PRF gave the highest R 2 value (99.86%)
and the lowest RMSE value (0.01kg) which were in
BAHS. 2013. Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics. Department
accordance with the estimates Kumar (2007) and Sahoo
of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries. Ministry of
et al. (2014). The peak MTDMY predicted by PRF was
Agriculture, Govt. of India.
Brody, S., Ragsdale, A.C. and Turner, C.W. 1923. The rate of
7.38kg on TD 3 and GF, MLF and EF predicted the peak
decline of milk secretion with the advance of the period of
yield as, 7.72kg, 7.55kg and 7.54kg on TD 3 , respectively.
Kumar (2007) reported peak yield of 8.37kg, 8.27kg
lactation. J. Gen. Physiol ., 5 : 441-444.
and 8.09 kg in Murrah buffaloes using EF, PRF and
Catillo, G., Macciotta, N.P.P., Carretta, A. and Cappio Borlino,
A. 2002. Effects of age and calving season on lactation curves
Journal of Animal Research: v.5 n.1. April 2015