Growth Dynamics of Salmonella
Isolate S 2 : S 2 had bacterial count of 3.5 x10 2 CFU/ml on
zero hrs and attained maximum bacterial population of 9.2
Isolation of Salmonella from various sources
× 10 8 CFU/ml after 30 hrs. The lag phase and log phase
Isolation of Salmonella was carried out from raw meat of
lasted for 6 and 24 hrs respectively and the generation
poultry (n = 50), poultry cloacal swabs (n = 50), eggs (n =
time for S 2 was 36 min .
200) and human diarrheic cases (n = 50).
Isolate S 3 : The initial bacterial count of the isolate was 3.6
Isolation and identification of Salmonella isolates from
× 10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and log
raw meat of poultry, poultry cloacal swabs, eggs and
phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population of
human diarrheic cases
9.1 × 10 8 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs. Generation
time for S 3 was 36.5 min .
Of the 50 meat samples collected from freshly slaughtered
poultry, salmonellae were isolated from three samples, the
incidence being 6 per cent. Similarly, out of fifty poultry
Growth of isolates, obtained from poultry cloacal
cloacal swabs that were screened for Salmonella, only
swabs, at 30°C at pH 6.5
four samples were positive and the prevalence being 8 per
Isolate S The initial bacterial count of the isolate was
4 :
cent. Likewise, 1 and 3 isolates of Salmonella could be
2.6 x10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and log
recovered from 200 eggs and 50 human diarrheic cases,
phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population of
respectively, thus showing the prevalence of 0.5 per cent
8.9 × 10 8 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs. Generation
in eggs and 6 per cent in human diarrheic cases. The results
time for S 4 was 36 min.
are presented in Table 2.
Isolate S : It had bacterial count of 2.1 × 10 3 CFU/ml on
zero hrs and attained maximum population of 7.4 × 10 9
Table 2. Isolation of Salmonella from various sources
CFU/ml after 30 hrs. The lag phase and log phase lasted
for 6 and 24 hrs respectively and the generation time was
No. of
Per cent
Type of sample
No. of isolates
36.5 min.
Isolate S 6 : The bacterial count of the isolate was 3.1 × 10 3
Raw poultry meat
CFU/ml on zero hrs. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and
(S 1 , S , S )
log phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population
Poultry cloacal
of 8.3 × 10 9 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs and the
( S 4 , S , S ,
generation time was 36 min.
S 7 )
Isolate S 7 : S 7 had bacterial count of 3.2 × 10 3 CFU/ml
on zero hrs and attained maximum bacterial population of
( S 8 )
8.6x10 9 CFU/ml after 30 hrs. The lag phase and log phase
Human diarrheic
lasted for 6 and 24 hrs respectively. Generation time for S
( S , S , S ,)
was 36 min.
Growth of the isolates at 30 o C at pH 6.5
Growth of isolates, obtained from eggs, at 30°C at pH
Growth of isolates, obtained from raw poultry meat, at
30°C at pH 6.5
Isolate S 8 : The initial bacterial count of the isolate was
1.5 × 10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and
Isolate S The initial bacterial count of the isolate was 2.8
1 :
log phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population
x10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase recorded was of 6 hrs duration
of 7.8 × 10 8 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs. Generation
and log phase lasted for 15 hrs. Maximum bacterial
time for S 8 was 36.5 min.
population of 9.4 x10 9 CFU/ml was attained after 21 hrs.
The generation time for S 1 obtained was 36.5 min.
Journal of Animal Research: v.5 n.1. April 2015