Malik et al.
Growth of isolates, obtained from human diarrheic
log phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population
cases, at 30°C at pH 6.5
of 8.9x10 8 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs. Generation
Isolate S : The initial bacterial count of the isolate was 2.5
time for S 4 was 60.6 min.
x10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and log
Isolate S 5 : It had bacterial count of 2.1 × 10 3 CFU/ml on
phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population of
zero hrs and attained maximum population of 7.4 × 10 9
8.8 × 10 8 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs. Generation
CFU/ml after 30 hrs. The lag phase and log phase lasted
time for S 8 was 36 min.
for 6 and 24 hrs respectively. Generation time for S 5 was
60 min.
Isolate S 10 : The isolate had bacterial count of 3.7 × 10 2
CFU/ml on zero hrs and attained maximum population of
Isolate S The bacterial count of the isolate was 3.1 × 10 3
6 :
8.7 × 10 8 CFU/ml after 30 hrs. The lag phase and log phase
CFU/ml on zero hrs. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and
lasted for 6 and 24 hrs respectively and the generation time
log phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population
calculated was 36.5 min .
of 8.3 × 10 9 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs. Generation
Isolate S The bacterial count of the isolate was 2.1 × 10 3
time for S 6 was 60 min.
11 :
CFU/ml on zero hrs. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and
Isolate S 7 : S 7 had bacterial count of 3.2 × 10 3 CFU/ml
log phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population
on zero hrs and attained maximum bacterial population of
of 7.4x10 9 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs and the
8.6x10 9 CFU/ml after 30 hrs. The lag phase and log phase
generation time obtained was 36 min .
lasted for 6 and 24 hrs respectively. Generation time for S 7
was 60 min.
Growth of isolates at 30°C with pH of 5.5
Growth of isolates, obtained from eggs, at 30°C at pH
Growth of isolates, obtained from raw poultry meat, at
30°C at pH 5.5
Isolate S 8 : The initial bacterial count of the isolate was 1.5
Isolate S 1 : The initial bacterial count of the isolate was1.5
× 10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and log
x10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and log
phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population of
phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population
7.8 × 10 8 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs. Generation
of 7.8 × 10 8 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs and the
time for S 8 was 59.4 min.
generation time recorded was 59.4 min.
Isolate S 2 : The isolate had bacterial count of 3.5 × 10 2
Growth of isolates, obtained from human diarrheic
CFU/ml on zero hrs and attained maximum bacterial
cases, at 30°C at pH 5.5
population of 9.2 × 10 8 CFU/ml after 30 hrs. The lag
Isolate S : The initial bacterial count of the isolate was 2.5
phase and log phase lasted for 6 and 24 hrs respectively.
x10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and log
Generation time for S 2 was 59.6 min.
phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population of
Isolate S The initial bacterial count of the isolate was 3.6
3 :
8.8 × 10 8 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs. Generation
× 10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and log
time for S 8 was 59.4 min.
phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population of
Isolate S : It had an initial bacterial count of 3.7 × 10 2
9.1 × 10 8 CFU/ml was attained after 30 hrs. Generation
CFU/ml on zero hrs and attained maximum population
time for S 3 was 60.6 min.
of 8.7 × 10 8 CFU/ml after 30 hrs. The lag phase and log
phase lasted for 6 and 24 hrs respectively. The calculated
Growth of isolates, obtained from poultry cloacal
generation time for S 10 was 60.6 min.
swabs, at 30°C at pH 5.5
Isolate S 11 : The bacterial count of the isolate was 2.1 × 10 3
Isolate S 4 : The initial bacterial count of the isolate was
CFU/ml on zero hrs. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and
2.6 × 10 2 CFU/ml. Lag phase was of 6 hrs duration and
log phase lasted for 24 hrs. Maximum bacterial population
Journal of Animal Research: v.5 n.1. April 2015