Chawla and Jena
mass in male rat, however female counterpart did not
reveal any abnormal findings. The animals were submitted
for necropsy to arrive at a diagnosis. Animals were
euthanized with intra peritoneal injection of Thiopentone
sodium @ 150 mg/kg body weight. At the time of death
male and female rat were of 12 months age, weighing 562
g and 402 g respectively. The liver showing pathologic
lesions was removed and collected in petridish, which
was further dissected out to reveal encapsulated cyst and
larvae. The morphological analysis of adult larvae was
done as described by Soulsby (2005) and Baker (2007).
Animals used in study were housed in a well ventilated
controlled environment. All the procedures were carried
Figure 2. Encapsulated cyst dissected out from liver
out as per CPCSEA (Committee for Purpose of Control
and Supervision of Experiments on Animals) norms.
At necropsy the abdominal viscera of male rat revealed
big thick irregular lump of hard tissue attached to left
lateral lobe of liver and extending to left upper quadrant
of peritoneal cavity (Fig.1). Another thick irregular lump
of tissue 4 cm in diameter was attached to right medial
Figure 3. Cyst with irregular margins on the surface of liver
in female rat
Figure 1. Lump of hard tissue attached to liver, extending to
left upper quadrant of peritoneal cavity in male rat
Figure 4 Cysticercus fasciolaris larvae dissected out from cyst
in liver of female rat.
Journal of Animal Research: v.5 n.2. June 2015