Incidence of Cystic Liver Caused by Cysticercus fasciolaris in Laboratory Rat
lobe of liver. The tissue was dissected out and cut to reveal
unwanted agents. This disease generally skips quarantine
encapsulated cysts, size of a pea with thick pale white fluid
measures and infected animals gain entry into the facility.
(Fig.2). Exploration of these cysts revealed thin, opaque,
The disease remains important due to its impact on animal
pale white, segmented, flat, elongated tape like larvae with
health, research studies and sporadic zoonotic potential.
distinct head measuring 15 cm in length.
Diagnosis of Taenia taeniaeformis larvae in laboratory
Necropsy of female rat revealed a thin walled, pale white
rodents indicates breach in biosecurity and thus needs a
oval cyst with irregular margins on the surface of right
deep investigation to stop future incidence.
medial lobe measuring 1.4 cm in diameter (Fig.3). On cut
We are thankful to animal facility attendants, Mr. Sarabita
section the cyst was filled with thick white colored fluid
Sarangi and Mr. Biswajeet for help rendered.
with a thin, opaque, pale white, segmented, flat, elongated
tape like larvae with distinct head measuring 61 cm in
Authors declare no competing financial interest.
length and bladder like structure at distal end (Fig.4).
The morphological appearance of larvae ( Cysticercus
fasciolaris )
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Journal of Animal Research: v.5 n.2. June 2015