Journal of Animal Research: v.5 n.2, p. 231-235. June 2015
DOI Number: 10.5958/2277-940X.2015.00040.6
Effect of Orientation, Ventilation, Floor Space Allowance and Cooling Arrangement
on Milk Yield and Microclimate of Dairy Shed in Goa
S.K. Das 1* , M. Karunakaran 2 , S.B. Barbuddhe 3 and N.P. Singh 1
1 ICAR – Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Ela , Goa, INDIA
1 ICAR – National Dairy Research Institute (ERS), Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, INDIA
1 ICAR- National Institute of Biotic Stress Management, Raipur, Chattishgarh, INDIA
*Corresponding author: SK Das, Email:
Received: 11 February, 2015
Accepted: 21 April, 2015
Ten farmers consisting of large, medium, small and marginal from each of six talukas ie Pernem, Bicholim and Ponda taluka of
North Goa district; Salcete, Canacona and Sanguem talukas of South Goa district in total sixty farmers were considered based
on cattle population for this study. Farmers were interviewed for collecting information on housing and production aspect of
dairy cattle. Subsequently farmers were grouped according to type of dairy house. Data on microenvironment of cattle shed and
milk yield of cows were recorded on daily basis. Data analysis revealed that the orientation, ventilation, floor space provision
and cooling arrangement had a significant effect on average daily milk yield and microenvironment of dairy shed. Significantly
higher milk yield and lesser heat stress were observed in east – west orientation, good ventilation and standard floor space of
minimum 5 m 2 per cattle. Further cooling arrangement in cattle shed had a highly significant (P < 0.01) effect on average daily
milk yield and microenvironmental parameters revealing that if false ceiling is made inside cattle shed besides manual and
mechanical cooling animals would feel more comfort resulting in higher milk production.
Keywords: Cooling, dairy cattle, floor space, milk yield, orientation, ventilation
Livestock is an integral part of agriculture in India more
the most efficient production of meat, milk and wool. A
particularly in the state of Goa as most of the people due
better understanding of micro climate of shed will greatly
to multifarious reasons depend up on the animals for their
enhance managerial capabilities. Several management
economic support. Livestock contributes around 6 % to
practices are available to ameliorate heat stress, each with
National GDP and 25 - 26 % to Agricultural GDP. As
positive and negative properties.
per basic animal husbandry statistics (2012), total cattle
Housing provides the most potential control over micro-
population in India is 199 million; total buffalo population
is 105 million with total bovine population of 304 million.
high initial investment cost per head. In present times, the
Animal husbandry and agriculture are not competitive
main focus is on cow comfort, which will increase the milk
rather complementary to each other.
production and eliminate many animal health problems.
Dairy housing systems have significant impact on the
The most common measure taken by the Japanese
dairy production, overall health and longevity of dairy
farmers to reduce the temperature effect on dairy farms
cattle. Housing systems have been transformed from
was to improve the building construction (Nomiyama
pasture-based systems to indoor housing systems with
et al., 1981), since it is proved beyond doubt that high
limited outdoor access. Housing management, in reality,
temperature and high humidity is deleterious to milk
is the manipulation of the animal environment to promote
production (Lurdi, 1982). Thiagarajan and Thomas (1990)