Das et al.
also found that proper housing helped in reducing the
Humidity Index (THI) was calculated as per West
extremes of different climatic stressors such as maximum
(1994). Relative humidity was calculated as per standard
and minimum air temperatures. Shades can improve
psychrometric table. Data on daily milk yield of cows
animal comfort and productivity and should be designed
were recorded twice daily as per standard procedure.
properly to reduce heat stress. Good housing systems are
Each farmer’s house was visited regularly for monitoring
those that are well designed for ease of management and
production, reproduction, health aspect of animal and data
maintenance at all times. So, this study was undertaken
recording. Data were analyzed statistically as per Snedecor
with the objective to develop suitable housing system in
and Cochran (1994) using SPSS package to find the effect
order to enhance the comfort and productivity of dairy
of housing on milk production and microenvironment of
cattle under the agro climatic condition of Goa.
dairy shed.
Sixty farmers spread over six talukas of Goa, namely
Pernem, Bicholim and Ponda taluka of North Goa district;
Effect of Orientation on milk yield and microclimate
Salcete, Canacona and Sanguem talukas of South Goa
of dairy shed
district, were considered for the present study based on
The orientation of cattle shed had a significant (P <
cattle population.
0.05) effect on average daily milk yield, air temperature
Ten farmers consisting of very large, large, medium, small
and relative humidity, while a highly significant effect
and marginal from each taluka were considered randomly
(P < 0.01) on average daily temperature humidity index
and interviewed for collecting information on dairy
was observed (Table - 1). Average daily milk yield was
production system such as system of management, type of
significantly higher in the cattle shed having east – west
cattle shed, orientation of shed, ventilation system, height
orientation (9.720 ± 0.093 kg) than the cattle of north -
of roof, roofing material, floor material, drainage system,
south orientation shed (9.470 ± 0.085 kg). The results
floor space provision, cooling system, breed of animal,
obtained could be attributed to the reason that east – west
feeding status and health status of animal etc. Afterwards
orientation reduces the direct entry of solar radiation
twenty four farmers were selected randomly considering
inside the shed which ultimately helps to keep the shed
four from each taluka. Two types of orientation of shed
cool and provide maximum comfort to the animal resulting
ie east - west and north - south were considered for the
in higher milk production. Alignment of the long-axis in
study. Likewise, two types of shed ventilation were
an east-west direction achieves the maximum amount of
studied i.e. good ventilation which was characterized by
shade under the structure and is the preferred orientation
proper height of shed & facility of cross ventilation and
for confined animals (Bianca, 1964). Buffington and
poor ventilation which was characterized by low height
Collier (1983) have also mentioned that the preferred
of shed & lack of cross ventilation. Moreover two types
orientation is east-west for hot climates, i.e. the long axis
of shed were considered one with standard floor space of
of the building runs in an east-west direction with shed
minimum 5 m 2 per cattle and another having lesser than 5
height of 3.65 m and shading efficiency not lower than
m 2 floor space per cattle. Further, the cooling arrangement
85%. Samer (2010) also advocated that shade structure
in the cattle shed were of four types, manual cooling
should be oriented east - west where the largest area of
only (A), mechanical cooling only (B), manual cooling
the structure should face the prevailing summer winds to
and arrangement of false ceiling (C), manual cooling,
allow better aeration.
mechanical cooling and arrangement of false ceiling (D).
Digital hygrometer, dry bulb – wet bulb and maximum
Effect of ventilation on milk yield and microclimate of
– minimum thermometer were installed in sheds and
dairy shed
farmers were trained for recording the data. Data on
Data analysis revealed that ventilation of cattle shed had
microclimate was recorded regularly in the morning as per
a highly significant (P < 0.01) effect on average daily
Indian Meteorological Department (1994). Temperature
milk yield, while significant effect (P < 0.05) on air
Journal of Animal Research: v.5 n.2. June 2015