Journal of Animal Research: v.5 n.2, p. 321-324. June 2015
DOI Number: 10.5958/2277-940X.2015.00055.8
Different Treatment Regimen for Eradication of Pinworm ( Syphacia obvelata)
Infection in Mice Colony
Saurabh Chawla* 1 , Sarita Jena 2 and Birendra Prusty 2
1 Animal Facility, National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar, INDIA
2 Animal Facility, Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar, INDIA
*Corresponding author: S Chawla; Email:
Received: 15 October, 2014
Accepted: 02 June, 2015
Syphacia obvelata infection was diagnosed in mice during routine health monitoring of rodent colony at Animal Facility, ILS-
NISER, Bhubaneswar. Entire mice colony was treated with fenbendazole mixed in drinking water @70 mg / liter in combination
with topical spray of injectable 0.1 % ivermectin solution to arrest the disease. At the same time mice were isolated and grouped
(n=18) to compare other treatment regimens using ivermectin (oral & spray) and fenbendazole (oral) and chalk out an effective
therapeutic strategy for large rodent colonies. Use of cocktail of oral fenbendazole and 0.1 % ivermectin spray was able to
eradicate pinworm infection in mice colony but study with individual use of fenbendazole in drinking water was not able to treat
the infection in group. Oral use of ivermectin was able to treat pin worm infection in mice but is not recommended for treatment
due to its deleterious effects. Use of 0.1% ivermectin as spray alone resulted in complete eradication of Syphacia obvelata hence
suggested to be safe and effective method for pin worm eradication in large rodent colonies.
Keywords: Syphacia obvelata , mice, fenbendazole, ivermectin
Pin worm infestation is routinely reported in various
feed along with stringent environmental sanitation.
modern rodent housing facilities and even under strict
Most widely and commonly used anthelminthics include
bio exclusion procedures (Effler et al., 2008). Among the
ivermectin and fenbendazole (Skopets et al., 1996). Oral
several species Syphacia obvelata , Aspicularis tertraptera
ivermectin though effective may interfere with research
and Syphacia muris are the most common pin worm
and also affect the breeding performance of mice (Jackson
detected in mice and rats ( Pritchett and Johnston, 2002 ).
et al., 1998, Lankas et al., 1997, Skopets et al., 1996).
These species may present alone or detected concurrently
However topical administration is regarded as a safer
( Wightman et al., 1978; Kellogg and Wagner, 1982 ).
choice (Sueta et al., 2002). Another popular drug used
Though the pinworms do not cause life threatening diseases
is fenbendazole which has a wide safety margin and no
but have several research implications ( Mohn and Philipp,
documented inference with research is reported. It is
1977; Sato et al., 1995; Agersborg et al., 2001) .
generally administered with feed for therapeutic as well
The clinical signs f or the pinworm infection are rare. The
as prophylactic measures against pin worm (Barron et al.,
infection is diagnosed commonly by perianal tape test
2000; Pritchett and Johnston; 2002; Sueta et al., 2002).
method. The anal swabbing and microscopic examination
Pinworm outbreak was diagnosed in mice at ILS-NISER
of caecal and colonic contents provide more accurate
animal facility during routine health monitoring of rodent
diagnosis (Klement et al., 1996; Goncalves et al., 1998).
colony by perianal tape test method. Similar outbreak was
earlier detected in the same facility which was managed
anthelminthic drug topically or in drinking water and
by using oral ivermectin with drinking water. However