Bovine Haematic Mummification – New Observations-Report of Two Cases
fetal head on the other side appeared to be covered by a bony mass so that the left
orbit could not be palpated. Vaginal examination revealed a tightly closed cervix.
A tentative diagnosis of fetal mummification including the possibility of twins or
an anomalous mummified fetus was made.
Figure 1. Mummified Twin Fetus in
Figure 2. Mummified Twins Tightly
Posterior Presentatoin
Covered by Fetal Membranes,
Crown-Rump length 48 cm
Figure 3. Mummified fetus aborted at
Figure 4. Exposed, aborted fetal
3 months Exposed, necrotic membrane
mummy with chocolate colored skin.
is black
Crown-rump length 15 cm
Since the tentative diagnosis of mummified twins or an anomalous single
mummified fetus was made, medicinal treatment was not considered, as it may
not have lead to sufficient cervical relaxation to allow vaginal delivery. Therefore,
caesearotomy was preferred.
Laparotomy was performed through a 25cm long ventro-lateral skin incision
under epidural and local infiltration analgesia, induced with 8ml and 100ml of
Theriogenology Insight: 5(1): 25-32. April, 2015