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EA - Volume 69 - Issue 1

[<<< GO BACK ][ VOLUME 69 - ISSUE 1 ]

Title: Content
Abstract :


Title: Editorial
Abstract :


Title: Utilization and Economics of Microfinance Under Self-help Groups: A Micro-Level Analysis from Tripura
Abstract :
The present study was conducted in Tripura state during 2020-21 to determine the impact of microfinance through SHG. A multistage stratified random sampling technique was used to select the SHGs, i.e. sampling unit and data collected from SHG members. Analysis of collected data using percentages, averages, ranking techniques, etc. and results indicated that vegetable production has the highest B-C ratio followed by the fishery in the small SHGs inferring that fishery and vegetable cultivation were more profitable than other enterprises. Results also showed that the highest amount of credit was utilized in the fishery. It was observed that insufficient amounts of loans, complex procedures of loaning, high cost of inputs, delay in loan disbursement, lack of marketing facilities, and inadequate knowledge of potential funding sources were the major problems in microfinancing through SHGs. Nevertheless, SHGs connected a very large section of poor households with banks, who otherwise remain out of reach from the conventional banking system.
Title: Policy Implications of Fiscal Deficit and Its Trends in India: An Econometric Analysis
Abstract :
The paper attempted to explore the trend of fiscal deficit in India from 1993-94 to 2022-23 and also to determine whether the growth patterns of fiscal deficit have changed before and after the Housing Bubble Crisis of 2008. The study too made an effort to analyse the causality among fiscal deficit, government revenue and expenditure in India. Therefore, the paper follows a diagnostic research design, and is based on secondary data, collected from the Budget and finance documents of the Government of India. Econometrics tools including eight different regression models and CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) were used. And the study revealed that the fiscal deficit follows a log-linear trend, and as per the VDA (Variance Decomposition Analysis) model in the long run the variability of fiscal deficit is explained by 66.09% of govt. expenditure, for the sample period. Thus, the study recommends to efficiently utilise the govt. expenditure to have a proper management of the fiscal deficit in India.
Title: An Assessment of Price Transmission in Major Pulses Markets in Karnataka
Abstract :
The purpose of present study was to estimate the price transmission processes of pulses markets in Karnataka state. For that 30 years secondary data on the prices of pulses especially redgram and bengalgram were collected from 1989-90 to 2018-19 and analyzed by using techniques such as CAGR, Johansen Co-integration approach, VAR Model, Granger Causality test to fulfil the objectives. The study concluded that the results of both trace and maximum eigen-value tests indicated that the selected major pulses market such as Kalaburagi, Bidar, Bellary, Raichur and Koppal are cointegrated with each other in the long run and indicated that these markets are efficiently running and they are competitive in nature. The study showed that market pairs in redgram such as Bidar-Kalaburagi, and Raichur-Bidar are exhibiting bidirectional causality, whereas market pairs such as Kalaburagi-Raichur, Koppal-Kalaburagi,Bidar-Bellary, Koppal-Bidar and Koppal-Raichur are expressed unidirectional causality. In case of bengalgram, markets pairs such as Bidar-Kalaburagi, Kalaburagi-Raichur, Bellary-Bidar, Raichur-Bellary are expressed the bidirectional causality.
Title: Determinants of Rural Financial Inclusion in India: A Short Note using the AIDIS 2019
Abstract :
The present study utilizes the latest All India Debt & Investment Survey released in 2019 to examine the factors shaping rural financial inclusion across 28 selected states of India. A fresh set of socio-economic factors are incorporated into the analysis of financial inclusion determinants identified through a rigorous review of literature. Rural asset ownership including land, rural wealth inequality, education, rural population density, and rural unemployment are located as the key determinants. Elasticities of financial inclusion, measured from a deposit perspective, concerning these variables are worked out using a loglog regression model. The study found that improvements in the level of wealth ownership, education, and population density can promote rural financial inclusion. However, inequality in distribution of rural wealth, higher land ownership amongst indebted households, and higher rural unemployment worsens financial inclusivity in rural India. Furthermore, results show considerable robustness across gender-based inclusion measures; though, the size of the estimated elasticities differs across genderspecifications of financial inclusion.
Title: Structural Dynamics of Indian Commodity Derivatives Market
Abstract :
The inter temporal dimensions of an asset are examined through the price discovery function analysis of futures and spot price dynamics. The present study used Granger causality test and Chow test to analyze the price discovery function and the structural break of the agriculture, base metals, bullion, and energy commodities futures and spot prices during 2016-2022. The findings revealed the bidirectional causality between both the spot and future markets except gold exhibited unidirectional causality where the future market lead on the spot return is greater than contrary. Since the selected time period captures the crisis period, understanding the dynamic patterns is important for derivative valuation, hedging and asset allocation. The result of structural break revealed that among the selected commodities, only few commodities does not exhibit the structural break during the crisis period. This infer that the demand and supply for those commodities would exist in equilibrium condition and the shocks would not be transmitted to the price of commodities. The study makes recommendations for market participants to use arbitrage and hedging tactics. Additionally, it assists the regulators in assessing the steadiness of expanding commodity futures markets in India.
Title: Gender of the Firm Owner and Export Determinants of the Firms in India: an Empirical Analysis
Abstract :
This study aims to analyse the factors that influence the export decision of firms in India. These factors are unorthodox to the macroeconomic variables, for example, specific firm characteristics and resource stock variables that an enterprise in India may or may not have command over. The most significant of the firm characteristic variables is the gender of the firm owner. Given the binary identity of the explained variable (Export Status of a Firm), the paper uses Binary Logistic Regression. It reports the odds ratio for the individual variable interpretation. The study has also examined descriptive findings and model fit using the Hosmer. The study ceases a statistically significant relationship between the gender of the firm owner and the export decision of a firm. The odds of the firm being an exporter increases when the firm owner is a female. Further, the study also interprets several firm characteristics and resource stock
variables that had an impact on the export decision of a firm in India.
Title: Assessing the Post-harvest Losses of Spice Crops: Findings from Ri-Bhoi and West Jaintia Hills Districts of Meghalaya
Abstract :
In this study, an attempt was made to find out post-harvest losses during marketing of ginger and turmeric in the state during 2022-23. Ri-Bhoi and West Jaintia Hills districts are the largest producers of ginger and turmeric respectively and are purposively selected for the study. Three villages growing ginger and another three villages growing turmeric were selected from Bhoirymbong and Laskein blocks in Ri-Bhoi and West Jaintia Hills. The study was conducted on 120 spice growers obtained by randomly selecting twenty from each selected village. The study reveals that the majority of ginger farmers (88.33%) and turmeric farmers (90.00%) are marginal in nature. The average post-harvest loss of ginger and turmeric for all the categories of farmer were 25.73% and 4.54 % where the highest loss of ginger (31.68%) and turmeric (6.37%) were found in small and marginal farmers respectively. High losses of ginger during
storage are reportedly due to lack of proper storage facilities of the rhizomes. A proper storage and procurement policy of the spices may be facilitated so that storage losses and losses due to quantity deduction by buyers can be minimized.
Title: Safeguarding Citizen Security and Fostering Economic Prosperity in Bangladesh through Digitization
Abstract :
In recent years, Bangladesh has witnessed a transformative shift towards digitization as a key driver for enhancing citizen security and fostering economic prosperity. This abstract explores the multifaceted impact of digitization on the socio-economic landscape of Bangladesh and how it contributes to safeguarding citizen security while catalyzing economic growth. The study used first-hand information. Face-to-face interviews with members of the general public at different levels were used to gather primary data on the ground. In order to identify the driving forces behind citizen security, the gathered data were edited, coded, and evaluated. Descriptive statistical methods and tools were used in the study to conduct the analysis on the data sets and generate the results. According to an analysis of the survey’s field level data, 92 percent of respondents believe that security is important for creating a digital Bangladesh that protects its citizens. The majority of locals (85%) are unaware of digital security. 85% of residents are unaware about digital security. The majority of rural communities lack adequate knowledge of digital schooling. The building of a digital Bangladesh will be extremely simple and the protection of all deserving residents of the nation will be guaranteed if the development of digital education is feasible. The digitization initiatives in Bangladesh encompass various sectors, including governance, finance, healthcare, and education. The implementation of digital governance has streamlined administrative processes, reducing bureaucratic bottlenecks and enhancing the efficiency of public services. This not only ensures a more transparent and accountable government but also strengthens the security of citizens’ personal data. The financial sector has witnessed a paradigm shift with the widespread adoption of digital payment systems and mobile banking. This has not only provided financial inclusion to previously underserved populations but has also mitigated the risks associated with traditional cash transactions. The increased accessibility to financial services has empowered citizens and contributed to economic prosperity by
fostering entrepreneurship and facilitating smoother business transactions. Furthermore, the digitization of healthcare services has improved accessibility and quality of medical care, especially in remote areas. Telemedicine and digital health records have played a pivotal role in connecting patients with healthcare professionals, ensuring timely and efficient healthcare delivery. This has not only safeguarded the health of citizens but has also contributed to overall economic productivity by reducing absenteeism due to
health-related issues. In conclusion, the ongoing digitization initiatives in Bangladesh have emerged as a powerful catalyst for safeguarding citizen security and fostering economic prosperity. As the nation continues to embrace digital transformation, a strategic and inclusive approach is crucial to harness the full potential of digitization and create a resilient, secure, and prosperous future for its citizens. 
Title: MSP Effect on Price and Arrivals of Major Crops of Madhya Pradesh
Abstract :
To study the effect of MSP on price and arrivals, Madhya Pradesh was purposively chosen with its major crops, paddy, wheat, soybean, bengal gram, and black gram. With the help of data collected from Agmarknet portal for period 2010-2020 study was carried out. The data was analysed by calculating Weighted averages, Percentages along with Linear trend analysis, Tabular analysis, Correlation analysis, and Seemingly Unrelated Regression. The study found that MSP for selected crops had growth rates ranging from 4.5 to 8.2 percent per annum. Share of arrivals sold below MSP ranged from 15 to 68 percent. MSP had positive relationship with price of commodities but had negative relationship with share of arrivals sold below MSP and price difference from MSP. Thus, MSP had negative effect on arrivals and price reported below MSP. So, procurement should be done by the government for the commodities where 50% of the arrivals are sold below MSP. Government should also provide the facilities (grading, processing, storage etc.) that will be helpful for the farmers to sell their commodities at MSP in the market.
Title: Water-saving and Economic Gains of Micro Irrigation Adoption Scheme “Per Drop More Crop”: A Case of Sugarcane, Banana and Cotton Cultivation in Maharashtra
Abstract :
Paper estimates the savings in water, electricity, and economic gains of the micro irrigation adoption scheme “Per Drop More Crop” of the Government of India for the cultivation of three crops, namely, sugarcane, banana, and cotton in selected districts of Maharashtra (India). The before-after comparison method is adopted using the data collected from the pre-tested interview schedules from 116 drip irrigation adopters in Maharashtra. Results indicate that after drip irrigation adoption, farmers experienced higher yields, profits and saved water across the three crops. The per hectare yield of banana, sugarcane, and cotton increased by 73%, 36%, and 80%, respectively. After adopting drip irrigation, the power usage for irrigation per hectare was approximately half for banana and sugarcane and 86% for cotton. With drip irrigation, farmers could grow the sample crops with higher intensity. Thus, overall power consumption
for irrigation for banana cultivators increased by 20%, while for sugarcane and cotton it was still lower. The benefit-cost ratio indicated that the drip investment for all three crops is economically viable with and without subsidy. Interaction with farmers reveals that marginal and small farmers need financial assistance to deal with the increasing cost of cultivation. Thus, the government must continue to promote the usage of drip technology through extension services as well as provide the subsidy.
Title: Economics Analysis of Production of Litchi Air Layered Plants by using Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPRs)
Abstract :
The experiment was carried out on litchi trees in Fruit Nursery, Department of Horticulture, Marallia (Miran sahib), Jammu. Mature litchi trees of cv. Dehradun (above 25 years old) planted in scientific manner with square system at 10 m distance of uniform size and vigor was selected as mother tree for air layering. The experiment consists of 10 treatments with three replications of each treatment. The PGPRs used in the layering were Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus sp., Consortia (Bacillus sp. + Pseudomonas fluorescens).The highest B:C ratio (1:1.87) was recorded in treatment containing consortia (Bacillussp. + Pseudomonas fluorescens) @108 cfu ml-1 whereas, the lowest B:C ratio (1:1.46) was recorded in control.
Title: Economic Analysis and Feasibility of Tractor Operated Pulse Crop Harvester
Abstract :
Traditional harvesting is a labor-intensive and expensive procedure; farmers often spend 25 to 30 percent of crop production costs on harvesting. Harvesting at right time is most important factor, as delay of harvesting operation results in significant grain loss due to shattering their by reducing yield of a crop. The feasibility and adoptability of developed pulse crop harvester was evaluated by following constrains such as benefit cost ratio, breakeven point, cost of operation, net present value payback period and revenue cost ratio by using standard test procedures. The cost of operation is 1757.40 `/ha, developed harvester can save cost up to 4242.60 `/ha over traditional method. The estimated revenue cost ratio, breakeven point, benefit cost ratio, payback period, and net present value were 3.86, 314.47 h/yr,2.41:1, 1.37 yr, and 4.14 duly. The total cost spend for fabrication of harvester was 47,500 `. The total amount
spend by farmer can return with in one years. The created technique was effectively deployed due to its low cost and ease of usage.
Title: Agrientreprenuiral Feasibility of High-value Vegetable Crops for Small-holder Farmers for Supplementing Inorganic Fertilizer with Bioinoculants
Abstract :
The study conducted at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, during the Rabi season of 2022-2023, focuses on assessing the economic feasibility and sustainable productivity of seedling bio-priming coupled with reduced inorganic fertilizer doses for high-value vegetable crops. Utilizing Trichoderma harzianum (TH) and Bacillus subtilis (BS) in seedling bio-priming, the experiment examined three crops under varied mineral fertilizer conditions. Results indicate that employing microbial consortia in high-value vegetable cultivation is economically viable for smallholder farmers, with a high cost-benefit ratio. The combination of T. harzianum + B. subtilis along with 75% recommended dose of NPK fertilizer emerged as the most effective treatment for enhancing productivity. In conclusion, incorporating efficient microbes will reduce the dependence on chemical fertilizers, promoting sustainable production, and ensuring the technical and economic viability of high-value vegetable cultivation for smallholder farmers.
Title: Dry Direct Seeded Rice Emerged as Viable Option based on Energetics and Economics- Experiences from Middle Gangatic- Plains of Bihar, India
Abstract :
In the Indo-Gangetic plain of India, rice (Oryza sativa) is grown in around 60-70% of cultivated land. Therefore, finding an energy-efficient approach for rice establishment techniques is crucial for environmental sustainability and food security. In order to determine the most effective rice establishment techniques for increasing productivity, profitability, energy efficiency, and cost effectiveness, the performance of three crop establishment methods-Manual Transplanting (MT), Dry Direct Seeded (Dry DSR), and Wet Direct Seeded (Wet DSR)-was evaluated in the field at Samastipur District of Bihar in the years 2021-2022. Results revealed that Dry DSR recorded significantly higher grain yield as compared to MT and Wet DSR. The Dry DSR and MT method of rice cultivation produced 35.15% and 18.2% higher grain yield as compared to Wet DSR, respectively. Energy input was the highest in manual transplanted
rice (20637 MJ ha–1) and the lowest in dry DSR (12752 MJ ha–1). HI is highest in Dry DSR (50%), followed by MT (44%) and Wet DSR (23.1%). The Dry DSR method was the most energy-efficient whereas wet DSR was the least energy efficient. Similarly, the gross returns (` 110,940 ha-1), net returns (` 79,390 ha-1) and benefit: cost ratio (3.51) was recorded significantly highest under Dry DSR. Among all crop establishment methods, the Wet DSR recorded least profit. Hence, the existing farmer’s practices can be profitably replaced with adoption of Dry DSR methods of crop establishment under Indo-Gangetic plain.
Title: Business Opportunities for Food and Beverages from Natural Fibre Plant Materials
Abstract :
Plants are rich source of agrochemicals and are being used for production of food and non-food materials. They play a pivotal role in food and beverage industry offering a sustainable alternative and prioritized before the animal originated ones. These materials offer distinct characteristics that are increasingly valued in the food industry. The components of fibre yielding plants viz. vegetables, grains, and seeds, are renowned for their nutritional value, including high fibre content, vitamins, and minerals, which can contribute to improved digestive health and overall well-being can also be used for production of foods and beverages. With increasing awareness of the health benefits associated with dietary fibre consumption, consumers are actively seeking out food and beverage options enriched with natural fibres from plant sources. To capitalize on this trend, companies are employing a variety of techniques, including formulation optimization, flavor masking, and texture enhancement, to seamlessly integrate natural fibres into a diverse range of products. Advances in supply chain technology, such as blockchain and traceability systems, enable companies to track and monitor the entire supply chain, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and ethical sourcing practices. Venturing the business opportunities of different natural fibres thus open a new vista for food and fibre industry in the years to come.
Title: Modeling the Optimal Distribution of an Enterprise’s Resources
Abstract :
In the modern economy, optimizing the use of resources is a key factor in ensuring the success of a company. This article optimizes the allocation of enterprise resources to maximize profits, which contributes to the sustainable development of both the enterprise and the economy of the state. To achieve this goal, the authors have developed a model for the optimal allocation of enterprise funds. The article considers various methods to allocate investor funds to maximize profits. It is concluded that it is impossible to increase income without increasing risk or reduce risk without reducing profit. The portfolio that contains the riskiest assets will be the most diversified and bring the best return per unit. To assess the sustainable development of an enterprise with due regard to its possible risks, it is not
enough to use only quantitative methods of risk analysis. It is also necessary to develop a comprehensive methodology that would consider all possible risks typical of Russian enterprises.
Title: Economic Consequences of Geopolitical Conflicts for the Development of Territorial Communities in the Context of Economic and National Security of Ukraine
Abstract :
The article examines peculiarities of the influence of geopolitics and geopolitical conflicts on territorial communities in Ukraine in a comparative and historical context. Particular attention is paid to the economic consequences of such influence. The importance of taking into account factors of the environment created by realities of the modern world the hybrid peace is emphasized. It is shown that
the processes of internationalization and globalization are accompanied by processes of decentralization and autonomation, determining the inevitability of the influence of geopolitical conflicts specifically on territorial communities.
Title: Legal Consequences of Economic and Environmental Damage Caused to Ukraine by Russia
Abstract :
The article discusses the issues of holding the Russian Federation accountable for violating international humanitarian law in the context of economic and environmental damage caused to Ukraine during the military invasion. The authors trace historical parallels, from Germany’s payment of reparations after World War II to compensation for damages after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. It is emphasized that due to the specifics of modern international law, its norms, for example, the norms of the UN Charter, the
charters of other international organizations, the norms of international customs, do not contain specific instructions on the scope and forms of responsibility, but provide for the right to coercion, regulating the conditions and procedure for the application of international law legal sanctions. In other words, in public international law, the concept of “sanctions of a legal norm” is associated not with forms of responsibility, but with coercive measures themselves. The attribution of sanctions to forms of responsibility can be used by the state-offender to justify the refusal to fulfill the obligations arising from its responsibility, citing the fact that it has already incurred responsibility, since sanctioned coercive measures were applied against it. Recognizing that international legal sanctions are the quality of coercive measures themselves, and not forms of responsibility, deprives the offending state of the opportunity to invoke the principle of non bis in idem and clearly assumes that, in addition to the deprivations caused by these measures, the Russian Federation, as an offending state, must bear responsibility in volume, types, and forms commensurate with the nature of the offense and its harmful consequences.
Title: Systemic Risks of Financial Management in the International Projects: Global Investments and Financial Management as a Component of National Security
Abstract :
The article attempts to investigate the landscape of today global financial system and instabilities observed in it. Special emphasis is placed on geopolitical factors determining disturbances and risks for financial security of the state as a crucial part of national security. It is shown that, due to rapidly growing action of geopolitics as non-random influence factor, systemic risks in the international projects are acquiring very complex and multifaceted nature, and global investments and financial management are among the most important components of national security.
Title: Financial and Economic Tools of Project Management in Public Sector
Abstract :
The article examines the introduction of project management as a result of the implementation of administrative reforms in modern states based on the management paradigm of New Public Management and New Public Governance. Based on both experts’ opinions and a number of cases from different counties, it is shown that the development of such elements of new public management as focus on achieving results, monitoring of quantitative and qualitative performance indicators, budget savings, creative organizational culture, became possible thanks to a set of economic and strategic tools that characterize project management, especially PMBoK. The expediency of a large-scale transition to professional management of public projects through the use of the generally recognized PMBoK standard, as well as the “living” Agile project methodology, is substantiated.
Title: Directions of Fiscal Policy Transformation in the Crisis Period of Economic Development of Ukraine
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to determine the directions of transformation of the country’s fiscal policy at the expense of the main fiscal sources during the crisis period. The methods of analysis, interpolation, probabilistic analysis, entropy estimation and entropy production were used during the research. The article presents the results of the assessment of the dynamics of the main fiscal indicators of Ukraine in two time frames for the period 2011-2020 and for the period 2011-2022. It was determined that the expansion/
extension of the period of assessment of the dynamics during the crisis of 2021-2022 made it possible to identify qualitative changes in the dynamics of fiscal indicators while maintaining their cyclicality. Such changes are especially destructive in the real sector of economy, which has led to a significant increase in the level of uncertainty of all fiscal indicators. Based on the results of the analysis of entropy production in the system of connections between fiscal indicators, directions for mitigating crisis phenomena in the
economy of Ukraine are proposed. In particular, a change from a restrictive fiscal policy to a discretionary (stimulating) one and an increase in public expenditures aimed at stimulating the development of the real sector of the economy and consumption, which will determine positive economic dynamics with a lag of 9 months, are recognized as expedient.
Title: The Circular Economy: Conceptual Definition and Framing for Socially Responsible Stakeholders
Abstract :
The paper provides a definition of the circular economy, which could serve as a foundation for taking further actions to enhance the organizational and management mechanisms of the circular economy’s development, in particular through the formation of strategies for the transition to the circular economy both at the level of the state and at the level of the territorial community and individual enterprise as a social responsible stakeholders. This study performs a meta-analysis of the scientific publications indexed by the Scopus database, published from 2001 to 2023 by the keyword “circular economy”, taking into account interdisciplinary approach. Expert opinions and assessments were obtained through an expert survey, which included 300 territorial communities from all regions of Ukraine as one of the key stakeholder groups. Circular economy is understood as a concept that aims to create or develop economic
relationships through the operation of sustainable business models based on business processes with an extended product life cycles, socially responsible behavior at micro, macro, and meso levels within the framework of planetary boundaries. The proposed definition is suitable for use by various groups of stakeholders, as it emphasizes that the development of a circular economy is only possible through the interaction of business, individual citizens, and the state.
Title: Financial Modeling and Forecasting in Corporate Finance Management
Abstract :
The ARIMA, VAR, and GARCH models are examined at in this corporate finance study to see how they affect strategy planning, risk management, and choosing investments. The work explains about how statistical models can be used to guess important financial factors like how the stock market will do, interest rates, and market changes. By adding predicted future cash flows to the equation for how stock prices change, our method makes models better at predicting the future and gives businesses more accurate financial predictions. The review of the study showed that the ARIMA model is very good at guessing how much a stock will return. The VAR model fit past data very well, which means it can be used to make accurate financial forecasts. There are some doubts about how accurate the GARCH model is, but it is still useful for assessing risk because it is very good at predicting market instability.
Including expected cash flows in our models improved our research by giving us a clearer picture of how the changes would impact our future investment and financial plans. The results show that mixing ARIMA, VAR, and GARCH models might help in figuring out how well a company will do financially. However, there is not a single model that works perfectly for everyone. This could help decide what decisions to make, come up with plans, and lower the risks. The results of the study helped corporate finance experts to choose better strategies. Based on the data, we need to find new ways to predict the future that can adapt to changing market conditions and help businesses succeed in the long run in an always changing circumstances.
Title: Corporate Support as a Strategic Factor for Increasing the Economic Efficiency of Enterprises
Abstract :
This study explores the impact of corporate support mechanisms—financial assistance, technology transfer, and consultancy services—on the economic efficiency of enterprises, integrating stakeholder analysis, prioritization, and theory into its analysis. Utilizing logistic regression on data from 250 diverse enterprises, the study reveals significant enhancements in economic efficiency through corporate support. Financial assistance increased the likelihood of high economic efficiency by 2.0 times, with technology
transfer being even more influential, making enterprises 3.5 times more likely to achieve high efficiency. Consultancy services also played a significant role, improving efficiency likelihood by 1.8 times. The analysis provided a confidence interval of 1.2 to 2.7 for consultancy services, with a p-value of 0.005, highlighting its relevance. Additionally, the study delved into the role of enterprise characteristics and the competitive environment, revealing nuanced insights into their interaction with corporate support effectiveness. While enterprise size and sector did not exhibit a direct significant impact on economic efficiency, the competitive market dynamics were found to slightly decrease the likelihood of achieving high efficiency, with a negative coefficient indicating a complex relationship. The research further examines the complex interplay between corporate support and factors such as enterprise characteristics, market competition, and importantly, stakeholder interests. It suggests that aligning corporate support strategies with the nuanced expectations and priorities of stakeholders—not just focusing on direct economic gains—can significantly bolster an enterprise’s growth and operational efficiency. By advocating for tailored support strategies that consider the diverse needs and conditions of enterprises along with a comprehensive stakeholder approach, the findings highlight the essential role of corporate support in enhancing economic performance and competitive advantage, emphasizing the critical need for policies
and practices that are responsive to both enterprise needs and stakeholder considerations.
Title: Assessing the Socio-economic Impact of Lightning Strikes in Bangladesh: Challenges and Solutions
Abstract :
Lightning strikes pose a significant threat to both human lives and economic stability, particularly in regions with high vulnerability such as Bangladesh. This study aims to comprehensively assess the socio-economic impact of lightning strikes in Bangladesh, identifying the challenges faced by communities and proposing effective solutions to mitigate the adverse effects. The research employs a multi-disciplinary approach, combining narrative review paper, socio-economic indicators, and Focus
group discussion. Preliminary findings indicate a disturbingly high incidence of lightning strikes in Bangladesh, leading to substantial loss of life, property, and agricultural productivity. The impact is particularly pronounced in rural areas where communities lack adequate infrastructure and awareness. Challenges in addressing the socio-economic consequences of lightning strikes are diverse. They include inadequate early warning systems, limited access to lightning-resistant infrastructure, and insufficient
community preparedness. Additionally, there is a lack of comprehensive data on lightning-related incidents, hindering the formulation of targeted policies and interventions. The proposed solutions encompass a multi-faceted strategy involving improved meteorological forecasting, the development of lightning-resistant infrastructure, and community-based education programs. Collaborative efforts between governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and local communities are crucial for implementing and sustaining these solutions. Furthermore, the integration of modern technology and traditional knowledge can enhance the effectiveness of early warning systems and preparedness initiatives. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by shedding light on the oftenoverlooked socio-economic ramifications of lightning strikes in Bangladesh. The findings and proposed solutions have practical implications for policymakers, disaster management agencies, and community
leaders, offering a roadmap for reducing vulnerability and building resilience in the face of this natural hazard. Ultimately, addressing the socio-economic impact of lightning strikes requires a holistic and collaborative approach that encompasses meteorological, engineering, and social perspectives. 
Title: Knowledge Economy and Higher Education Institutions: A Review
Abstract :
The centrality of knowledge has resulted in knowledge economy. Among the several sectors contributing in the development of such economy, education sector has emerged as one of key sectors. Further, the higher education institutions may have huge contributions to such economy. In return, the industry also provides various resources to the universities for effective creation and dissemination of knowledge that can help the industries to create sustainable businesses. The first objective of the study is to understand the relationship between the ‘higher education institutions’ and the ‘knowledge economy.’ Moreover, the academicians being a key stakeholder of the such institution, may be vital role in establishing a strong knowledge economy. Therefore, the study also aims to understand the contributions of academicians in knowledge economy and their knowledge sharing behaviour at the workplace. It has been found that universities may have huge impact on the knowledge economy through various contributions including providing feasible solutions to the socio-economic issues, innovation in the society and the industry, producing human capital for the industries, and positively impacting the GDP per capita of the nation. Further, based on extant literature, the study has identified some key factors that may affect the academicians’ knowledge-sharing behaviour including ‘attitude toward knowledge sharing’,‘subjective
norm’, ‘perceived b havioural control’, ‘intention to share knowledge’, ‘motivation to share knowledge’, and ‘organizational climate’ with sub-dimensions ‘organizational culture’, ‘ICT’, ‘innovation’, and
Title: The Effect of Cash Conversion Cycle on Company Earnings and Profitability
Abstract :
Finance serves as the lifeblood of every business, and effectively managing finances stands as a crucial element for any company’s sustenance. This study delves into the examination of how a Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) influences a company’s earnings. For this purpose, five companies from the Fortune 500 list are selected and ten years of data are extracted from their annual reports for analysis. Employing statistical methodologies, using a sample of firms from diverse industries, we employ regression analysis
to examine how variations in the CCC affect profitability yardsticks like Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). Implications of this probe extend to financial managers, policymakers, and investors, emphasizing the paramountcy of efficient working capital management in enhancing firm profitability, earnings, and sustainability in competitive markets.
Title: Issues and Difficulties Encountered by Unorganized Sectors: An Indian Perspective
Abstract :
The unorganized sector of the economy encompasses household-based production processes as well as modest and minor sectors of industry. An unstructured sector refers to an economic sector characterized by a lack of consistency in terms of profits or gains. The manufacture of this item is restricted and it can only be produced to a specific geographical location. It necessitates a reduced workforce and capital expenditure. In the unorganised sector of the Indian economy, one can see arts and crafts, artisan jobs, khadi and rural sectors, including the handcrafted industry, beehive honey production, incense stick manufacturing, handmade paper creation, and matchbox businesses. The Indian government established the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) to act as a hub for resources for the unorganised sector. The primary goal is to improve the efficiency of small enterprises to provide a substantial amount of sustainable employment opportunities, particularly in rural regions. The Indian government has enacted laws and initiatives to support the growth of informal companies and enhance the welfare of workers in these industries. The Unorganised Workers Social Security Act of 2008 and the Unorganised Workers Social Security Rule of 2008, the Aam Admi Bheema Yojana, and the Rastriya Swasthya Bheema Yojana are the important aspects of this paper.
Title: Macroeconomic Trend of India
Abstract :
Reviewing the trend of macroeconomic indicators of an economy would help to understand the nature of its development path and to diagnose the need for policy treatment to set the right trend. Macroeconomic indicators reflects both the long-run and short-run status of an economy. These indicators are related toeach other and influence or depend on each other and hence would indicate the strength  of the economy. Therefore, frequent review and analysis of macroeconomic indicators are essential to keep the economy
development oriented. Such an attempt is made in this paper to analyse the trend of macroeconomic indicators of the Indian economy. Behaviour of Macroeconomic variables such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation, Consumer Price Index, and components of budgets (Revenue, Expenditure) are analysed. Analysis is carried out using secondary data from the relevant sources to examine the present status and the changing trend of the macroeconomic indicators of Indian economy.
Title: Impact of Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project Melur Farmer Producer Organization Company Ltd.,- A Socio-economic Analysis
Abstract :
The Indian government has declared 2014 to be the “Year of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO).”Thousands of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) had registered around the country under the various legislation, like cooperative laws, trusts, federations and more recently, the Corporations Act as producer companies. Even though, there is a lack in technical aspects of FPO. So this study was focussed on FPO and conducted in the TNIAMP (Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project) Melur Farmer Producer Organization Company Ltd., to assess the factors which influencing the status of the FPO member. This study was conducted among 30 FPO members and 30non-members of FPO selected based on the purposive cum random sampling tool using well-designed interview schedule. The results of the study revealed that, the 43.33 per cent members of FPO getting higher profit (> 6,00,000 `) than non-members. Hence, government should create the awareness regarding the various activities involved in the FPO, should maintain proper infrastructure development for FPOs, proper computer literacy guidelines for FPOs, proper guidelines to raising the technical skills of FPO members and cold storage facilities for all FPOs dealing with the perishable commodities among others.
Title: Sustainable Economic Impact of Seed Replacement Rate on Production of Mustard Seed: A Case Study on Murshidabad District of West Bengal, India
Abstract :
Quality Seeds are the critical determinant of different agro-climatic zones for sustainable planning in agricultural production. It is necessary to raise the supply of quality seeds of different crops in sufficient quantity at reasonable prices for farmers at the right time in the state. New seeds are either Certified Seeds (CS) or Hybrid Seeds. A better Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) presents a better application of Certified or Quality Seed or Hybrid Varieties Seeds (HYV). It plays a major role in agriculture to raise the production of crops. In this research paper, we have analysed the impact of Seed Replacement Rate on the production of Mustard Seeds during the period 2022-23 in the Jarur Gram Panchayat (GP) of Block Raghunathganj-I, Murshidabad District, West Bengal. The data have been collected by the stratified random sampling procedure. With the help of collected data, we have formed a Coob-Douglas Type of production function and which is estimated by the Ordinary Least Square Method. From the collected data, it has been observed that the average Seed Replacement Rate is 38.52 percent which is below the state average (53.2%). We have also noticed that 30.43 percent farmers have used farm-saved seeds and only 17.4 percent farmers have used hundred percent new seeds. The estimated result has proved that Seed Replacement Rate is a key determinant to raise both production, productivity and economic benefits. If Seed Replacement increases production also will increase and thereby there would be economic leverage. It has also been found that farm size with Seed Replacement Rate is not a significant factor in increasing the production of Mustard Seeds. Another interesting finding is that seventy percent of farmers have used inorganic fertilizers. They have applied excessive chemical fertilizers which is greater than the government’s prescribed norm. However, from the estimated result we have observed that the
Seed Replacement Rate according to different farm sizes with excessive application of fertilizers does not influence both the production and productivity of Mustard Seeds. From an economic standpoint of view, new seeds are better than farm-saved seeds (old seeds) as their gross income increases. 
Title: Economic Empowerment of Tribal Women through Non-Timber Forest Products
Abstract :
The present paper attempts to explore and analyze the purpose of women collecting Non-Timber Forest Products based on the socioeconomic status of the women and their households. The study finds that 59.14% of women respondents were engaged in collecting NTFPs. The study employed Binary Logistic Regression for data analysis. The logistic regression analysis shows that the respondent’s main occupation, total household income excluding income from NTFPS, respondent’s age, respondent’s educational level, household size and distance to market significantly influences the dependence of women in NTFPs to earn cash income. The study found the distance to the market an important deciding factor for women to earn cash income from NTFPs. Women staying nearer to the market were more likely to earn cash income from NTFPs than those who live far from the market. Therefore the study suggests the need for government and non-government institutions (NGOs) intervention to initiate training and capacity building for the tribal women at the village level to bring more women to the market.
Title: Contribution of NTFPs towards Tribal Income and Employment Generation- A Study in Eastern Himalayan Region
Abstract :
NTFPs are considered as important source for food, energy, and other aspects of rural livelihood. Around 50 million people in India depend upon NTFPs for their subsistence and cash income. The proposed study was conducted in the Eastern Himalayan states of Meghalaya and Nagaland where two districts from each state were selected purposively i.e., East Khasi Hill and Ri-bhoi districts from Meghalaya and Mokokchung and Peren districts from Nagaland. A total of 250 respondents from twenty villages of 4 Rural
Development blocks were selected proportionately based on the availability of number of households. Agriculture income dominated the share in the household income in both the states followed by income from NTFP. However, the major share of cash income among the households was from NTFP in the Eastern Himalayan Region. In case of non-cash income, agriculture contributed the highest followed by NTFP income. The contribution of NTFP to household income was largely from plant-based NTFPs followed by animal-based NTFP. Overall, of the total average of 280 employed days, agricultural activities constituted 44% followed by days involved in NTFP collection (26%). Female attributed more to the collection of plant-based NTFPs followed by fuel wood, while the male spent more time in the collection of animal-based NTFP followed by plant-based NTFPs. Independent factors like adult literacy, income from wage employment, and employment generated from NTFPs significantly influenced the income from NTFPs. Dependency ratio and employment from NTFPs were found significant and positively related to income from NTFPs suggesting that as the number of dependents increased in the households, they favoured going for NTFPs collection. For every one percent increase in dependency, income from NTFPs increased by ` 164.87, and for every one-man-day increase in employment from NTFPs, the NTFPs income increased by ` 368.73.
Title: Statistical Analysis of Inflationary Processes’ Impact on Economic Development: Trends, Mechanisms and Models
Abstract :
In the current environment of global economic instability and growing competition, statistical analysis plays a key role in forecasting complex economic phenomena. The inflationary process is one of the crucial aspects that determine the economic situation in a country. Inflation, as a complex phenomenon, has a significant impact on pricing and financial stability. The analysis of the scientific literature shows a growing interest in studying the impact of inflationary processes on economic development. The research in this area reveals various aspects of the interaction between inflation and key economic indicators such as production, employment, and investments. The research findings systematize information on the mechanisms and models underlying the interaction between inflation and economic growth. They contribute to the formulation of strategies for managing financial stability. While writing this article, the authors analyzed the dynamics of the inflation rate in Ukraine over the past ten years. The analysis aims to reveal various factors that affect inflationary processes and their impact on multiple aspects of the economic system. The dynamics of inflation, as well as models that help to forecast economic changes, were determined through the prism of statistical analysis. The study of inflation statistical indicators in the context of economic development aims to broaden the understanding of this phenomenon. It also helps to provide grounds for further research and effective management of the country’s economy. The
authors analyze the impact of inflation on economic development, reveal the factors that lead to price fluctuations and unemployment, and discuss the importance of statistical analysis for understanding and managing economic phenomena.
Title: The Role of Defense Forces in Ensuring National Military Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Countries
Abstract :
In a multipolar geopolitical landscape, the proliferation of threats to nation-states is escalating, necessitating the cultivation of military capabilities commensurate with contemporary exigencies and proficiency in safeguarding national interests. Within the intricate framework of a nation’s military prowess, paramount importance is ascribed to its defense forces, whose primary mandate is the execution of defensive functions. This paper aims to systematically scrutinize the influence exerted by defense
forces on the military potential of contemporary nations. The principal method employed in this study is the comparative approach, facilitating the elucidation of the position and contribution of human resources in fortifying the military potential of states through the evaluation of multiple criteria. The primary criteria considered for conducting the comparative analysis encompass population size, the aggregate strength of defense forces along with their constituent elements, and the mobilization resource. Through correlation analysis, discernible interrelations between these indicators have been identified. The investigation ascertained that the concept of “military potential” is intricate, encompassing the entirety of both material and spiritual resources within a state that is indispensable for safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, the multifaceted nature of this definition, coupled with
a considerable array of influencing factors governing the formation and evolution of military potential, introduces complexity into the process of state ranking and the development of global indices. The study reveals that economically more advanced states demonstrate a capacity for higher defense expenditure, and the size of defense forces exhibits a discernible correlation with the population, albeit not conclusively determinative. It is established that larger defense forces may exhibit inferior quality owing to their
composition, inclusive of a substantial presence of reserves and paramilitary units. Simultaneously, no direct correlation is observed between the means of manning defense forces and the quality thereof. 
Title: The Role of Modern Information Technologies in Financial Analysis and Market Forecasting
Abstract :
Modern information technologies have undergone significant transformations and have become a key element in financial analysis and market forecasting, which have created new tools for influencing the dynamics of the development of global economic processes. The strengthening of the role of technologies of big data analysis, processing of communication and information networks create new approaches to the implementation of financial analysis, ensuring greater accuracy of forecasts and efficiency of investment management. The purpose of the article is to study the role of modern information technologies in the transformation of financial analysis, forecasting and identification of trends facing financial analysts. The article describes the process of technology integration, which significantly increases the efficiency of financial market analysis and allows governments and companies to better adapt to the changing conditions of the global economic environment. The obtained research results indicate a steady trend
towards increasing the role of information technologies in the financial sector, which requires specialists to constantly update their knowledge and skills for the effective use of these tools. The conclusions of the conducted research emphasize the importance of integrating technologies into financial analysis and forecasting, and strengthening the need to develop new strategies and approaches for using digital innovations in the financial sphere. Special attention in the article is paid to the prospects of development of software, information and communication sphere in providing financial analysis and forecasting to
improve future innovative trends and challenges that may face the economic global space. 
Title: The Impact of Martial Law on Law Enforcement and Law Enforcement Authorities: The Study of National and International Experience
Abstract :
The full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, turned the usual life of Ukrainians upside down. Although the war in the country has been going on for almost 10 years, martial law has affected the state apparatus, including law enforcement authorities. The purpose of the academic paper is to characterize the impact of martial law on law enforcement and law enforcement authorities in the context of domestic and foreign experience. The activities of law enforcement authorities in Ukraine are aimed primarily at protecting society and the state in conditions of martial law, as well as at investigating crimes committed by Russia against the Ukrainian people. The invaluable exchange of experience with foreign colleagues has already yielded tangible results, contributing to coordinated and fruitful work for the benefit of society. The activities of law enforcement bodies have changed under martial law. The existing responsibilities have been supplemented by new ones defined by the relevant regulatory acts. Law enforcement authorities continue to effectively fulfill their tasks, including in places where active hostilities are taking place, bringing victory closer step by step. An issue of imposition of martial law has been covered in the academic paper. The features of the impact of martial law on law enforcement, including changes in legislation, have been characterized. The peculiarities of pre-trial investigation and court proceedings under martial law, including investigation of war crimes, crimes against humanity and
acts of genocide, prosecution for collaboration, and protection of human rights have been considered. The issues of detection of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, organization of checkpoints’ activities, and evacuation of civilians have been separately identified. The analysis of the international legal experience of law enforcement authorities in the conditions of a full-scale war has been conducted.