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IJASE - Volume 11 - Issue 2

[<<< GO BACK ][ VOLUME 11 - ISSUE 2 ]

Title: Content
Abstract :


Title: Emerging Educational Development Vis-à-Vis Internet of Things (IoT)
Abstract :
Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the emerging and effective teaching-learning mechanism for educational management for promoting effective collaboration and to offer reliable opportunities in resource management in the field of educational sector. IoT is emerging for the educational institutions, teachers and learners different way. IoT is required in measuring progress of the students like collecting data in real-time manner. Internet of Things is dedicated in advancing virtual learning and other allied teaching-learning activities, enhancing Onsite education as well as Online Education. Internet of Thing is also required in designing and developing new age teaching-learning mechanism for complete and new age educational administration. IoT is required in effective and advanced attendance systems, including display systems development, alarm integrated systems, proper and effective evaluation management systems, intelligent camera management. And all these are helpful in proper educational mode management including onsite, online, ICT based, distance and open, corporate based, etc. 
Title: The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behavior: A Comprehensive Review
Abstract :
The increasing popularity of digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses promote their products and services. Digital marketing has changed the way consumers interact with brands and the way businesses understand consumer behavior. This review paper aims to explore the impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior through a comprehensive review of the literature. The paper begins with an introduction to digital marketing and its significance, followed by the research objectives and
methodology. The literature review includes an analysis of recent studies, discussing various aspects of digital marketing and its impact on consumer behavior. The analysis reveals that digital marketing has a significant impact on consumer behavior, including the decision-making process, brand loyalty, trust, and purchase intentions. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for businesses, highlighting the need for businesses to understand and leverage the power of digital marketing to better engage with their target audience.
Title: An Analytical Study of Traditional and Digital Marketing as a Reference to the Milk Mantra of Odisha
Abstract :
This research paper presents an analytical study of traditional and digital marketing strategies employed by Milk Mantra, a prominent dairy brand in Odisha, India. The aim of this study is to explore and compare the effectiveness of traditional marketing techniques with digital marketing methods in the context of a local dairy product. By examining the marketing approaches Milk Mantra utilizes, this paper highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with both traditional and digital marketing, providing insights
into their respective strengths and weaknesses. The findings of this study can serve as a reference for businesses in the dairy industry and other similar sectors, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding marketing strategies.
Title: Implementing Blended Learning at the HSC Level to Reduce Educational Barriers, Socio-economic Inequality and Enhance Student Success
Abstract :
In order to reduce educational hurdles, alleviate socio-economic inequality, and promote greater student achievement, this study investigates the use of blended learning approaches at the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) level. Combining traditional classroom instruction with digital learning materials offers a viable solution to the problems traditional education institutions continue to encounter in fulfilling the different demands of students. The study combines qualitative information from reviews and focus group talks with a narrative review methodology. The main goal is to investigate how blended learning affects academic performance, especially in environments where socio-economic inequality is present. To develop a holistic blended learning environment, the study framework combines interactive online resources, technology-enhanced learning platforms, and traditional classroom instruction. Blended learning aims to address issues including inequalities in educational infrastructure, resource scarcity, and geographic limitations by accommodating different learning styles and offering flexibility in obtaining educational content. Additionally, by examining blended learning’s impact on students from various socio-economic backgrounds, this study explores the possibility of using it to close socio-economic gaps. According to research, blended learning at the HSC level reduces conventional obstacles to education and has a favourable impact on student success metrics. Furthermore, the study clarifies how technology may be used to level the
playing field and encourage inclusivity for students from underprivileged backgrounds. 
Title: Demystifying Internet of Things (IoT) in promotion of Digital Agricultural Systems: Utilizations and Issues, and Concerns-A Review
Abstract :
Agricultural Informatics is integrated with agricultural systems with informatics dedicated for the best practices using ICT. For doing best Agro Informatics practice various allied technologies are employed for healthy agricultural activities required for best computation and information management. Information Technology powered with various sub-technologies such as Software Technologies, Network Technologies, Multimedia Technologies, Web Technologies, Database Technologies, and all these impacting Agricultural Systems and it is also leads the development of new-age and advanced Agricultural Systems. Additionally, emerging technologies are proving benefits in promoting healthy agricultural practices and among these Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as important for advancing traditional agricultural systems into smart and digital agricultural systems. There are ample benefits and opportunities offered by the IoT based agricultural systems which include the flexibility, productivity, advancement of agricultural systems with quality and quantty, environmental monitoring systems, remote agricultural systems, and so on. This paper highlights basics of Agricultural Informatics emphasizing IoT applications in advancing agricultural systems. This paper reveals the existing works of IoT applications in agriculture and allied fields including the issues and challenges in contemporary context.
Title: The Socio-economy of Surveillance Capitalism in the Context of User Cognition and Psychology
Abstract :
This paper contains a critical reflection of Surveillance Capitalism and its practices, especially in the context of AI-algorithms from the perspective of cognitive and behavioral science. While it focuses on younger generations, specifically those, who grew up with modern technological devices and high social media exposition, the effects of the latter prove to be dramatic — in terms of critical thinking and questioning, bias, misinformation and mental health. This modern form of the implementation of ultra-strong algorithms is a well-documented opportunity for big data companies to earn unimaginable amounts of money, but the socioeconomic effects on different societal groups are all but positive. While a lower general user intelligence (GI) suggests a higher risk of negative individual impact, it will make sense to differentiate a number of key aspects in the investigation, such as societal vs. individual effects, GI, exposition amount and bubble phenomena, as well as different social networks.