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CAMEL - Volume 1 - Issue 2

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Title: Ixodid tick and the influence of age and sex of camel on tick infestation rates in onehumped camel (Camelus dromedarius)population in the Northeast of Iran
Abstract :
This survey was carried out in eleven towns and cities in the three provinces of Northeast Iran (Khorasan Razavi, Northern Khorasan, and Southern Khorasan) during the period from May 2012 to January 2013 to identify the
distribution of different tick species infesting camels and to evaluate the influence of sex and age of camels on the infestation rate of ticks. A total of 200 camels were examined and 480 ticks were collected (347 males and 133 females). Tick infestation was observed in 171 (85.5%) camels. Hyalomma dromedarii was found to be the predominant tick species (90.7%). Other
tick species were found in low numbers and were as follows: Hyalomma anatolicum (6%), and Hyalomma marginatum (2.9%), Hyalomma asiaticum (0.4%). Significant differences were observed in tick burden between females and males (p<0.01). Comparison of older and younger animals showed no significant difference in the number of ticks (p>0.05).
Title: Effect of gonadotrophin treatment on circulating estradiol and progesterone profiles, growth and maturation of follicles and embryo collection in female camels for two successive superovulation trials
Abstract :
Gonadotrophic treatment of female camels for superovulation resulted in increased circulating concentration of Estradiol after day 6 of the initiation of gonadotrophic treatment followed by peak levels on days 7, 8 and 9, while the treatment did not show any increase in estradiol concentration for first 5 days after initiation of the treatment. The magnitude of estradiol peak varied individually between the two females receiving same sort of superovulation treatment, greater in one (69.79 pg/ml) than the other (40.81 pg/ml), and peak levels were also greater for the superovulated females (69.79 pg/ml, 40.81pg/ml) as compared to females used as recipients (35 pg/ml and 41.35 pg/ml). This might have been due to higher dosages and combined use of two gonadotrophic preparation (Both PMSG and FSH plus LH Combined)
used in donors as compared to low dosages and one gonadotrophic preparation (PMSG only) used in recipients. The rise in estradiol concentration is indicative of growth and maturation of multiple follicles in response to the treatment.
Title: A short note on Morphological aspects of camel embryos recovered from uterine flushing of superovulated female camels
Abstract :
Identification of embryos in stages prior to its hatching when viewed under
stereo-microscope presents no difficulties because of the a-cellular transparent coating called Zona- Pellucida. But majority of the embryos
recovered from the camels are usually at the hatched blastocyst stages
(Cooper et al.., 1990; Annouassi et al., 1992; Cooper et al., 1992; McKinnon et al.., 1992; Skidmore et al., 1992; McKinnon et al., 1994), which lacks Zona-Pellucida, initially they are spherical in shape (Figures - 4,5,6) but soon lose their spherical shape also (Figures-10, 11, 12 ), which may be of some concern for the beginners for identification of embryos, also it may be of concern to beginners is the size of embryos, which may vary from 175- 500 um (Skidmore et al., 1992), or may be 400-2500 um, bigger enough to be visible by necked eyes even (Anouassi and Tibary, 2012).
Title: Successful repair of avulsion fracture of mandible in a dromedary male camel
Abstract :
A male camel of age 24 years was referred to the Al Qattara veterinary hospital with a history of injury in the lower mandibular area. On examination it was found a fracture in mandible with necrotic debris and yellowish
pus at fracture site. There was only right lateral incisor present and rest of incisors were avulsed during an early accident. The fracture was diagnosed as avulsion type whereas the fracture line was running in oblique direction. The
avulsion fracture was reduced and immobilized by modified circumferential wiring technique. Stainless steel wire was applied over the mucosal surface of lower mandible in the figure of 8 pattern. The animal recovered after 12
weeks uneventfully without complication except embedding of wire in soft tissue which was re adjusted on 10th postoperative day. It was concluded that avulsion mandibular fracture in camel can be repa
Title: A Review of the Nutritive Value and Meat Quality Characteristics of the Dromedary (Camelus dromedaries) Camel Meats
Abstract :
The dromedary camel is a good source of milk and meatin harsh areas where the climate adversely affects the survival of other livestock. The dromedary has unique physiological characters, including a great tolerance to various
temperatures, solar radiation, water scarcity, rough topography and poor vegetation. Dromedaries are mostly raised under traditional systems on low feeding system and slaughtered at old ages. In general, dromedary camel
carcasses contain about 57% muscle, 26% bone and 17% fat with fore-quarters significantly heavier than the hind halves. Camel lean meat
contains about 78% water, 19% protein, 3% fat, and 1.2% ash with a small amount of intramuscular fat, which renders it a healthy food for growing human population. The amino acid and mineral contents of camel meat are
often higher than other meat animals, probably due to lower intramuscular fat levels.Camel meat has been processed into burgers, patties, sausages and shawarma to add value.