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CAMEL - Volume 2 - Issue 2

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Title: An Abbattoir-Based Study on Relative Prevalence of Histopathologic Patterns of Hepatic Lessions in One-Humped Camels (Camelus deromedarius), Semnan, Iran
Abstract :

An abattoir based study was carried out during spring 2011 to investigate pathological conditions of the liver in camels (Camelus deromedarius) slaughtered in Semnan slaughter house, Northerneast of Iran. In this study, 40 carcases out of 150 randomly selected carcases inspected at postmortem, found with liver lesions. Proper tissue samples obtained from livers with macroscopic lesions, fixed in 10% neutral buffer formaldehyde, processed for routin histopathological techniques, and finally embedded in paraffin blocks. Sections of 5µm thickness then cut and stained by H&E staining techniques.In histopathological examination of hepatic tissue the following changes were observed: Hydatid cysts; 65%, Cirrhosis; 10%, Hepatic lipidosis (Mild to Severe fatty changes); 12.5%, Glycogen deposition; 2.5%, Cholangitis; 2.8%, Cholangiohepatitis; 5%, Calcified hydatid cyst; 2.5%, Hepatic abscess; 2.5%, lipofuscin pigments; 17.5%.It is concluded that the highest and lowest prevalent patterns of hepatic lesions were Hydatid cysts and Hepatic abcess respectively.

Title: Surgical Management of Tumor at Chest Pad in Camel (Camelus dromedaries)
Abstract :

An 8 years old male camel with large, firm, mass occupying the antero-ventral aspect of the chest-pad was referred to Surgery clinic. Growth enlargement developed gradually since 5 month. The tumor was surgically removed by blunt dissection. Wounds were covered with sterile gauge followed by multi tail bandage. Postoperatively, administrated oxytetracycline injection 1500 mg, I.V. for 7 days and phenylbutazone injection 3000 mg, I.M. for 3 days. The postoperative course was uneventful

Title: Surgical Management of Abdominal Hernia in a Camel (Camelus dromedaries)
Abstract :

In the present study abdominal hernia was recorded in a 5 year old male camel. This hernia was diagnosed on the basis of history and clinical examination. Football size swelling on right side of ventral abdomen shows presence of hernia with approximately eight finger hernia ring. Hernial ring was repaired by herniorrhaphy. The hernia ring was closed with overlapping mattress sutures. Postoperatively, administrated oxytetracycline injection 1500 mg, I.V. for 7 days and phenylbutazone injection 3000 mg, I.M. for 3 days. The postoperative course was uneventful.