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EA - Volume 59 - Issue 1

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Title: Agricultural Vocational Training and the Labour Market in Hungary
Abstract :
Agriculture is a traditional activity in Hungary. The role of this sector in the national economy has decreased considerably since 1990, which influences the number and composition of applicants to agricultural education. The study investigates the expectations of the labour market concerning  newly graduated agronomists in light of the economically and socially changed circumstances since 2008. The relationship between agricultural vocational training and employment are in the focus of the investigation. The aim of the research is to map how professional training is utilised in practice;
how vocational training meets the requirements of employers and in which areas vocational training should be developed in order to meet the expectations of the labour market. A further aim of the research is to ascertain the opinions of the employers and to make recommendations for any necessary modifications in the engineer-teacher training programme. Structuralised interview has been conducted with agricultural employers in 2010 and 2012 with different samples. This study has been based on
15 and 22 interviews made at mainly small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. Respondents were mainly CEOs or technical or human resource managers of companies. Findings of the investigation reveal that employers believe that the career advisory system does not function properly; the ratio
of practical training is low within professional training; and certain knowledge and competencies of agricultural graduates is incomplete. Research findings show the importance of modifying the pedagogical programmes of institutions in order to improve the competencies of pupils to better meet labour market requirements (individual development programmes).
Title: Economic Growth and Human Development: An Empirical Analysis of Major States of India During the Period 1993-94 to 2004-05
Abstract :
The objective of this study is to inspect the two links between economic growth and human development in the Indian context during the study period 1993-94 to 2004-05 for the 15 major states. To test these links regression technique has adopted for all the three (high, low and total) group states. Further this link has explored for the starting and ending periods of the study period as it is considered “level-wise analysis” and also for the total study period as it is known as “change analysis”. To conduct level wise analysis per capita income values and human development index values for the years 1993-94 and 2004-05 are chosen as they are representing starting and ending
years of the study period. To examine the change analysis, growth rates of per capita income and human development index values of the total study period have taken. The dummy variable model results of per capita income as dummy variable points out that there are significant differences between low and high growth group states for the level-wise analysis and the absence of differences between these groups for change analysis. On the contrary, the dummy variable model results of human development index as dummy variable shows that there are no significant differences between low and high human development group states for both level-wise and change analysis.
Title: FDI inflow and Economic Growth in India An Empirical Analysis
Abstract :
This study has assessed the impact of the growth of FDI inflow along with some other potential determinants on economic growth in India. Our econometric analysis, based on a secondary time series data, demonstrates that real GDP and other selected macroeconomic aggregates have grown in
a favourable direction in the era of strong liberalization (1991-2010) in contrast to the moderate liberalization era (1980-1990). In order to estimate the economic growth measured by the rate of change of real GDP we have formulated a linear regression model following the generalized version of
the Solow-Swan growth model. Augmented Dickey Fuller test and Phillips Perron test statistics confirm that the variables included in the regression model are stationary. This study has revealed that the growth of domestic capital formation has a positive and significant contribution to economic
growth. Population growth poses the primary constraint against economic growth. However, growth of openness and growth of FDI inflow are immaterial in the determination of the economic growth in India.
Title: Determinants of Capital Structure of Listed Agro Firms in Nigeria
Abstract :
This paper examines the determinants of capital structure of agro-listed firms in Nigeria, using data generated from the financial statements of twenty eight (28) agro-allied firms, which have been listed in the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) from 2005 to 2010. The major tool for data analysis was Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), which was used to analyze the identified firm-specific variables that affect short and long term debt ratios. All measured capital structure were scaled by the book value of total assets. In terms of short term debt ratio, large firms were perceived to have enough tangible
assets at their disposal to pledge as collateral and access debt capital. Highly tangible firms also use more short-term debts, as high tangible asset reduced the magnitude of debt loss incurred by debt providers if the firms default. Growing listed firms used more short term debts, presumably due to
their huge capital requirement for financing new short term investment opportunities and the need to meet current liabilities and other overhead expenses. Growing firms are presumed to lack both tangible assets and cheap long term credit sources of information and as such depends mostly on
short term debts. The result further shows agro-listed firms with high taxes use more short term debts in their finances. Highly profitable firms do not depend on short-term debts, as they are perceived to be liquid enough to finance their short term investment through retained earnings at the expense of taking short term debts.
Title: Characterization of Potato Growers – A Case Study in West Bengal State of India
Abstract :
This study oversees wide variation in productivity of Potato in West Bengal, India and identifies the distinct characteristics between high yielding and low yielding Potato growers. Set objectives were studied using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA).Our empirical study revealed that high yielding
group is relatively aggressive in adopting improved technologies and practices compared to low yielding groups. They are ahead of low yielding farmers in terms of land preparation and irrigation. Observed significant correlation between adoption index and realization index in case of high yielding group also indicates that high yielding farmers are good adopters of technology. The significant factors discriminating the groups have been identified. This study concludes that though Potato is a capital intensive crop, the level of adoption depends not only on the quantum of inputs but also on the appropriate know-how practices at the farm level. At the end the authors made suggestions to
improve the status of low yielding farmers.
Title: Agriculturaldevelopment in Maharashtra State by Estimating Growth Rates of Area, Production and Productivity of Major Crops Grown and Fertilizer Consumption Pattern
Abstract :
Agriculture development has been analysed by studying the cropping pattern, land utilization pattern, fertilizer consumption and crop specialization in any agro-ecosystem in regional and temporal framework. Tribal regions are experiencing agricultural intensification changing cropping pattern and crop specialization as a result of ecological economic changes as well as impact of public policy of
technology transfer and resource use intensification.
Title: Role of ICT Institutions in Enhancing Productivity, Knowledge and Innovativeness of Farmers: A Case Study of ISRO Village Resource Centers
Abstract :
Space technology and Information communication technologies are state of the art technologies of modern civilization. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), with the intention of disseminating
knowledge of any kind to rural masses using advances of information communication technologies in space research, has envisaged the Village Resource Centre (VRC) concept in the year 2004. ISRO’s VRC conduct interactive programmes on a regular basis in the areas of, agriculture, water resources, tele - health care, awareness programmes, skill development/vocational training for livelihood support etc. , are connected to knowledge producing institutions like Universities, development institutes,
hospitals and other institutions in association with NGOs/Trusts and state/central agencies. The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the role of VRCs in enhancing productivity, level of knowledge and innovation performances of farmer community. The specific objectives of present
study was: 1) to understand the level productivity of VRC attending farmers 2) to understand the level of knowledge of VRC attending farmers and 3) to understand the innovativeness of VRC attending farmers. The study has conducted in Meppadi Panchayath (11°33’38.24"N, 76° 8’31.32"E)
in Kerala State. Findings of the study show that the impact of new developmental intervention through Village Resource Centers are significant in the level of knowledge diffusion, innovativeness, and productivity of farming communities, and are quantitatively measured. There is a significant
reduction of information inequality among the people and noticed the emergence of a new socioeconomic relationship. It is understood from the study that the farmers are keenly interested in increasing their knowledge day by day and as a result of trying to increase their income from farming.
VRC’s plays a vital role in improving the quality of life in villages by providing new knowledge to the farmer community. The VRCs are connecting the knowledge between the experts and the village community and making it to reach the doorsteps of common man, in local language.
Title: Changing Cropping Pattern from Conventional to Market Oriented Value Added Crops in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India: Variations and Causes
Abstract :
The study of cropping pattern is very important because it provide evidences about the changes that are taking place in landuse related to agriculture. The vast, extensive and densely populated state of Uttar Pradesh, while generally backward and predominantly agriculture is marked by considerable
changes in cropping pattern. The study focuses on Eastern Uttar Pradesh, which is still identified as backward region in comparison to Western Uttar Pradesh. Changes in cropping patterns are examined from the pre-Green Revolution period (1950-53) to post-Green Revolution period (up to 2006-09) on the basis of data obtained from the Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Statistics and Economics, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Patterns of changes in the study area are shown by the
proportions of land occupied by the respected crop to total cropped area and their proportion of production to the total agricultural production. The data shows that, area and production of certain crops such as fine cereals (wheat and rice) increased through out the study period and on the other
extreme the area and production of our traditional crops like pulses, coarse cereals and small millets decreased. Some of the cash crops like oilseeds and sugarcane are also increasing, showing that cropping pattern is shifting from traditional to market oriented value added crops, which are more
profitable and less risky to grow. Moreover, this shift in cropping pattern also affects the food and nutritional security of the masses.
Title: Improved Farm Plans for Marginal Farmers in Punjab State
Abstract :
Punjab is an agriculturally developed state of India. The production pattern of marginal farmers is dominated by paddy-wheat rotation. The agricultural productivity has nearly stagnated and consistent rise in cost of production is resulting in to squeeze profit margin. There is low investment and thus
low production on marginal farms. The present study showed that the marginal farmers suffered from lack of various resources in farm production. Capital was though one of the big constraints on these farms. Due to small size of holding, farmers were sharing their assets with others farmers and
supplemented their income by doing agricultural labour, rearing milch animal etc. This paper examines that income from crop production can be raised by organizing their resources optimally. Thus, there is an urgent need to introduce new high yielding crop and other alternatives on the marginal farms.
Title: Perceived Constraints in the Accessibility of Production, Marketing and Processing of Paddy in Mahasamund District of Chhattisgarh
Abstract :
Chhattisgarh is one of the leading Paddy producing state in India contributing 3.6 m ha area and 6.16 mt (2010-11) production. Chhattisgarh state has achieved “Krishi Karman” award from Government of India for the abundant paddy production in year 2010-11. Despite such an achievement, Paddy
Growers, Traders and Processors in various districts of the state are not free from the constraints in production, marketing and processing of it. Present study was undertaken in Mahasamund district of Chhattisgarh state during the year 2010. The objective of the study was to rank the identified
constraints in production, marketing and processing of the paddy. Data were collected from the selected farmers, trader and processors through personnel interview by using pre structured survey schedule. Results of the study revealed that the heavy infestation of insect pests, problem of high
weed occurrence and high labour cost were major constraints in paddy production perceived by the farmers. In marketing of paddy lack of transportation and road facility, lack of regulated market and unremunerative price were observed as severe problems while processing problems perceived by processors of study area as a severe constraints are related to electricity problem and efficiency problem of processing unit.