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Potato plays a very significant role in the agriculture economy. It is most important tuber crop in Chhattisgarh. The present study was conducted in Northern hills zone of Chhattisgarh. Two districts were selected and one block from each selected districts was selected. Further, clusters of villages from each selected block were selected and finally, a sample of 100 potato growers comprising 40 marginal, 32 small, 17 medium and 11 large farmers were selected with the help of probability proportion criteria from selected villages. Tabular analysis was used to achieve the objectives. The study revealed that the overall cost of potato cultivation was ` 47408.91/ha. The major cost component was labour cost. The cost of producing one quintal of potato was ` 625.56. It was also observed that cost of cultivation, cost of production, gross returns, net returns, yield and marketed surplus of potato was increasing with the increases in the size of holdings land. The gross returns and net returns from potato cultivation were found to be ` 92766.74 and ` 45357.83, respectively. The overall input-output ratio was 1:1.96. The overall yield of potato was 75.71 qtl./hectare. Out of this, 97.37 per cent was marketed surplus. Majority of potato was marketed through wholesaler followed by retailer, village trader and only about one per cent was marketed through consumer directly.
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In recent years, traditional literature implies that women are empowered when they can exercise choices and are aware of alternatives, microfinance being one of the most important catalysts. However, doubts about the long term viability of SHGs as a model for supply of micro credit to low income groups of women have risen, as for SHGs-Bank linkage model to remain viable as long as long term key support and maintenance services must be provided to individual community group-level bodies, and their costs recovered. It is found that even though women have experienced an increase in income and consumption, they have very little control over resources, assets and do not participate equally in major household decisions. However, they have significant influence on the choices that their children make. The paper made an empirical study of SHGs in Imphal East, Manipur as a case for illustration. The study shows that microfinance and SHG is very closely related and is considered as two sides of the same coin. This study attempts to understand the impact of microfinance on women empowerment through a case study in study of SHGs in Imphal East, Manipur as a case for illustration. The success and failures of SHGs to achieve the goal of socio-economic empowerment of women have been evaluated and lessons and evidences learnt have been incorporated in the paper. The study has covered the specific constraints and challenges of SHGs, and policy prescriptions to address the specific problems are suggested.
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Presently, out of 20 million tube wells in the country, almost 1.3 million are in Punjab, contributing to fast-paced groundwater extraction and its depletion. Direct seeding of rice has a great potential for optimizing the water-use efficiency in paddy cultivation without any disturbing and harmful effect on its productivity, if weeds are controlled properly. A significant saving of 18 per cent was achieved for irrigating one hectare of the DSR farm in basmati and non-basmati varieties as compared to non-DSR farm. The mean overall technical efficiency was more in DSR farms as compared with non-DSR farms, with difference of about 12 per cent in basmati and 5 per cent in non-basmati fields. However, this difference was 7 per cent in basmati and 14 per cent in non basmati while calculating the average technical efficiency w. r. t water-use. Popularization of this technology among farmers in a participatory mode on a comprehensive scale needs a focused attention through capacity building of farmers.
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Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) was enacted in India in 2005.It guarantees 100 days of work and ensures at least 33 per cent of the women participation. Even though MGNREGA has played a substantial role in economically empowering women, it faces major challenges that restrict their participation. This essay dwells into the complexities faced by women in India and exposes various factors that limit the success of MGNREGA. The study finds that tenacious social norms, continued illegal presence of contractors, lack of proper childcare facilities and delayed payments are the crucial factors that restrict women participation. Policy implications for Indian Government are also put forward.
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In the context of hill agriculture, diversification has occurred both across and within crop, livestock and forestry sectors. Agriculture, in its broader sense is the mainstay of mountain people. Diversification in agriculture has become necessary for developing countries since growing of basic staples such as cereals alone cannot support economic development, notwithstanding the need to ensure food security to the people. Diversification with commercial crops is now a key strategy that can increase agricultural incomes and minimize risks due to crop failures and further help in poverty alleviation, employment planning and environmental conservation. The present study was undertaken to probe into changes in cropping pattern, region wise levels of diversification and determinants of diversification both at macro and micro level. Diversification in different districts of Himachal Pradesh was assessed by using Herfindahl index. Regression analysis was carried out by using Herfindahl index at macro level for the selected period from 1972-73 to 2011-12 and Entropy Index at micro level to find out the determinants of crop diversification. Diversification towards high value cash crops in most of the districts (ten) did take place, but its intensity was quite pronounced in Lahaul & Spiti, Kinnaur, Shimla and Kullu where the increase in area under the non-foodgrains varied from 17.18 per cent to 57.47 per cent over the study period. The ongoing process of crop diversification in the state has become evident from rising proportion of gross cropped area under fruit and vegetable crops as per present study.
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From many counts, the natural disaster in Uttarakhand caused by torrential rains in 2013 that had drawn serious attention of policymakers needs an appropriate framework of analysis to account the economic losses incurred. More so because such losses have several implications for the growth of the regional economy on account of its inter-linkages in the production, consumption and distribution processes. The present study adopts a loss assessment framework in four hard hit districts of Uttarakhand and assesses the economic loss of affected districts through both direct and indirect economic loss assessment methods. Apart from this, the present study has tried to capture the gender and the caste differentiated impact of disasters in case of Uttarakhand, to identify the most vulnerable sections and to suggest appropriate measures to reduce their vulnerability in the event of a disaster.
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The present study was carried out in the Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir state with special emphasis on selected districts viz., Doda, Kishtwar and Rambam, as these regions had the highest area and production under apple crop. Both primary as well as secondary data has been used as per requirements of the study. A multistage sampling technique had been used for the present study. To study the functional relationship between yield of apple and the selected independent variables, Cobb Douglas type of production function in log linear form had been fitted to the collected data for marginal farms, small farms, medium farms and on all the farms put together. The analysis had shown that the co-efficient of determination (R2) indicated that 68.3 per cent, 71.2 per cent, 73.7 per cent and 75.5 per cent of the variations in the output of apple had been explained by the six independent variables included in the production function for the marginal, for the Small, for the medium and for the overall sample apple growers respectively. The analysis had also revealed that the sum of the production elasticities for the marginal farmers was 1.403, for the small farmers was 1.57, for the medium farmers was 2.53 and for all sample farmers put together it was 1.989 which showed operation of increasing return to for all categories of apple farmers. Increasing trend in returns to scale of apple suggested the planners to plan strategies for long run so as to safeguard the interest of apple growers involved in the production process.
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Indian food processing sector has shown promising growth with wider scope to accelerate agricultural economy of the country. It has given level playing to the multinational corporate to excel direct retailing of the food products. This study has tried to explore the factors affecting the quality delivery in the food processing industry. The conceptual framework has been developed on the basis of existing literature and finds nine responsible factors to deliver quality in the food processing industry. Statistical tests are used to examine the quest, based on the inputs from 50 food processing entrepreneurs. A survey based on structured questionnaire was conducted in three districts of Uttar Pradesh. The finding reveals that availability of educated and trained workers are the most challenging task for food processing players. The study further explores the potential and prospect of Skill India initiative in resolving the scarcity of qualified manpower. It is found that PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) is giving the meaningful result by adding expertise to employed and unemployed individuals. This initiative is producing competent workforce in almost every zone in India. It is needed to include industrial participation for delivering training so that the needs of both parties were fulfilled.
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MGNREGS is a much discussed rural development scheme currently operational in all rural districts of India. It’s vast extension and decentralized nature of planning has made it special to Indian economy. Employment related aspects of this scheme has always remain the focus of discussion since its inception. However, little attempts have been made to relate MGNREGS created CPRs and gender. This paper provides an empirical research on the impact of MGNREGS generated CPRs on gender. The impact is assessed through a structured questionnaire and the identification of mostly used CPRs across gender. The degree of ease of livelihood and the utilization pattern of these CPRs are different across gender in study area. In the last section, this paper provides suggestions regarding the improvement of the gendered access of CPRs and its sustainable use.
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Micro and Small manufacturing enterprises not only plays a critical role in providing employment opportunities at comparatively lower capital cost than large enterprises but also helps in rural industralisation and reduce regional disparities. This paper attempts to bring out an economic analysis of the manufacturing enterprises by studying the relationship between operating costs and the gross monthly income (GMI) and the mode of production. All the items of costs show a positive effect on GMI. The coefficient of determination or R2 is 0.87 and that an increase by one unit will have a positive impact on GMI by 304649 times. Using the Cobb-Douglas production function the study also finds that manufacturing units are operating under decreasing returns to scale, labour (ß1) and capital (ß2 ) equals to 0.93 and that given the two inputs, the additional capital input will be preferred to labour input because output elasticity of capital is higher than the output elasticity of labour.
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The present study was conducted to analyze the production and marketing system of Khasi Mandarin in Eastern Himalayas of India. The data was collected through pre-tested schedule by personally interviewing the farmers selected through multistage sampling technique. The objectives were studied using analytical tools like semi log exponential function, marketing cost, marketing margin, price spread and marketing efficiency analysis using Acharya’s and Shepherd’s approach The results of the study revealed that the compound growth rate of area (-1.42%) and production (-0.36%) of Khasi mandarin was negative and had badly affected the Khasi mandarin cultivation in the study area. However, the positive growth rate of productivity (1.08%) was responsible for maintenance of production at a decent level. The marketing efficiency estimated by using both Acharya’s approach and Shepherd’s approach was found highest in Channel- I (Producer - Retailer – Consumer) followed by channel-II (Producer – Merchant wholesalers– Retailers – Consumers) and channel –III (Producer – Pre-harvest contractors – Wholesalers – Retailers – Consumers), respectively. The producer’s share in consumer’s rupee was also maximum in channel-I (50.43%) followed by channel-II (36.55%) and channel-III (20.38%). It was found that price spread was maximum in channel III (` 5080.00) followed by channel II (` 3820.00) and channel I (` 2537.50).
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Agricultural equipment gets deteriorated mechanically and their functionality decreased with time and usage. In order to manage such equipment, it requires higher operating and maintenance cost, as a result of this, there is a need to replace them. Decision making about the replacement of used farm equipment with a new similar one is one of the important aspects of farm machinery management. Based on that criterion, the objective of the investigation was decided to estimate the economic operational life of tractors in the central region of Madhya Pradesh, India and to evaluate the effect of different parameters on economic life, which would add value to the profitable management decision. The tractor data collected were from government agricultural centres in the different regions of M.P. and categorized them into different groups based on their horsepower rating. Considering the preventive replacement policy the total annual average costs of tractors were estimated taking account into the repair cost and depreciation cost. The time period (in year), when the total annual average cost touched its minimum value, was decided as the economic life of a tractor. There is a negative correlation (r= -0.835) found between size (HP) of tractors and their economic life. And an empirical relation based on multiple regression analysis has been generated to predict the economic operational life of a tractor using per unit repair cost and annual usage (hours) as variables.
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The present study was conducted at a cooperative milk plant having the capacity of 1.1 lakh Litre Per Day (LPD). The investigation was carried out to study the cost of procurement and economic efficiency in the cooperative milk plant Sirsa (Haryana). The study shows that procurement cost was ` 1.83 per litre of milk. Among all the cost constituent in procurement process transportation cost had the highest share (43.72 per cent) followed by collection cost (26 per cent), chilling cost (21.86 percent) and reception cost (8.20 per cent).
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North hill region is the major rice producing belt of Chhattisgarh. Northern hill region contributes about twelve per cent of total production of rice in the state. Adoption of hybrid rice constitutes a major component in the rise in productivity of rice in the state. Farmers found it more profitable than other crops due to high yield. Keeping the importance and potential of hybrid rice in the state, the presented study was undertaken. In the presented study, investigator tried to understand the socio-economic profile of the rice cultivators, costs and returns from hybrid rice cultivation and disposal pattern of rice in the study area. A sample of fifty farmers from study area was selected using simple random sampling technique. The size of family was found large (six family member) and majority of farmers are either literate or had attained higher education. The agriculture was found to be the main source of income of farmers in the study area. The cost of cultivation of hybrid rice was highest for large farmers and lowest for small farmers while return from rice cultivation was highest for marginal farmers and found lowest for small farmers despite the lowest cost of cultivation. The input-output ratio was found highest for medium farmers followed by marginal farmers. Majority of farmers sell their rice to government agencies followed by consumers and private agencies.
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In order to combat the challenge of deficit in food availability, the Government of India launched National Food Security Mission (NFSM) in 2007-08. The main objective is to achieve self-sufficiency in foodgrains production to improve livelihood of the people. Rice, wheat and pulses are given high priority in the process of production by the Union and State Governments. In Tamil Nadu, only 25 per cent of the districts (8 districts) where rice cultivation is predominant have implemented the scheme. After the implementation of the NFSM scheme, there has been significant improvement in the farmer’s life. NFSM beneficiaries are in a better position with improved performance in terms of input use, production, productivity in comparison with that of the Non-NFSM farmers. Further, many of the selected villages in the study area are yet to satisfy the existing coverage norms. The farmers are not well equipped with adequate farm materials like cono weeder, multiple planters, power weeder, pump sets, sprayers and power tillers as they have not been provided with them under the scheme. They have been given only a limited support like the provision of seeds and inputs. Besides, there is widespread intra-district disparity in terms of subsidy and benefits distributed.
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Fish farming in open water cages is a recently introduced technology in India. The successful cage farming demonstrations in the open sea led to its popularisation in the coastal waters in the country. The economic viability of cage fish farming was analysed based on primary data collected from 60 farm units in Kerala state in the South west coast of India. Asian seabass, pearlspot, tilpaia, redsnappers and caranx were the major species cultured in the study area. The average size of a farm unit was 115 m3 with a stocking density of 32 fishes per m3. The gross revenue and average cost were ` 8584 and ` 4331 respectively per m3 of farm area. The Benefit–cost ratio and operating ratios were 2.02 and 0.42 respectively indicating cage farming as an economically viable farming technology. Resource use efficiency analysis indicated that stocking density and quantity of feed used had positive and significant influence on fish production and economic efficiency could be improved by increasing the use of these inputs.
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The paper attempts to consider the valuation of forest resources using contingent valuation method in the dryland areas of West Bengal. The issue is important as forestry plays a pivotal role so far as dependency on natural resources by the forest-fringe dwellers (the major stakeholders) in the dryland regions of the state is concerned. Both ‘dichotomous-choice type’ closed ended and open ended cases are considered to examine the willingness to pay by the forest-fringe dwellers to conserve forests in the dryland areas. It has been estimated that the average willingness to pay by the poverty-stricken forest dwellers for the above-mentioned purpose is ` 9.62 per month. Given that the stakeholders are poor, the amount of willingness to pay (though low) shows the willingness of the stakeholders to conserve forests as they cannot survive without it.
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This paper examines the market linkage and volatility estimation of Indian stock market with selected stock markets in the world by using various econometric models from the period of 1st April 2000 to 31st March 2018. The result suggests that Indian market positively correlated with the other selected stock markets. Indian stock market has significant influence with two out of five markets in the short run. In the long run relationship, there is no linkage between markets. However, there exists bidirectional causality in the markets. Also, there is market price volatility, and the clustering effect was found in all the major markets. From the study, it is apparent that the Indian stock market has an impact on the other stock market, in the short run. Hence, investors have the opportunity to reap the benefits of the portfolio diversification by gaining knowledge from market integration.
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Cow is venerated by more than 70 per cent of the population of our country. Although the total cattle population of the country is dominated by indigenous cattle but the population of crossbred cattle has increased significantly. There is also another problem of large number of stray cattle in the country and their number is still increasing. They need to be managed. Gaushalas are considered to be a good alternative to manage the ever increasing stray cattle population. Since Gaushalas are supported by charity and have to take care of unproductive animals, they face various constraints in managing these uneconomical cattle. Thus a study was conducted to identify and prioritize the constraints faced by Gaushalas in Haryana. A detailed questionnaire in respect to various aspects of housing, feeding, breeding, marketing, institutional, labour, waste disposal and animal health constraints were enlisted and Gaushalas’ committee members were asked to rank each constraint which were later analyzed through Garret’s ranking method. The major overall constraints found in the study area were lack of green fodder (71.40), high cost of concentrates (67.44), irregular government grants (62.95), lack of space (62.55) and inadequate market information (62.10).
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This investigation analyses the early reaction of general public on demonetisation announcement, wherein, an attempt has been made to examine how people from diverse background perceived the decision in terms of its pros & cons from the perspective of economy as well as from personal and business perspectives. A structured questionnaire survey is carried out via online and field survey mode during the period between 9th November, 2016 and 11th November, 2016. We utilise appropriate descriptive statistics and the ordinal regression model to get insights on our research objectives. The findings suggest that the demonetisation move is strongly appreciated by the citizens and considered it to be initiated at the right time despite the difficulties encountered by them with respect to procuring money from banks, post offices and ATM outlets in addition to the household and livelihood management during the initial three days. The results also prove that the younger generation, businessmen and professionals consider the demonetisation decision as the most appropriate as indicated by significant cumulative odds ratio. This implies that in the long run the decision India may witness more secure, brighter and prosperous economic and social growth.
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Childhood immunization programs have been suggested as an infrastructure to deliver vitamin, a supplement to children in developing countries. Health education and vaccinations prevent the spread of infectious disease. In long term, they can even lead to the end of those diseases in a given country. Thus, in this paper we have considered those vaccinations which are must for children against different types of serious disease suffered by them during their childhood days and have analyzed its coverage across states in India. The conclusion which we are able to draw is that the considered indicators have shown an improvement over the considered period i.e. from 2005-06 to 2015-16. Moreover, increment in the percentage of children who received most of the vaccinations by the public health facility over the decade has also increased in case of all the considered states.
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The present study examines the factors influencing the production of organic vegetable farming in the north region of Kerala. The study is based on primary data collected by using a structured questionnaire. The samples of 300 organic Vegetable farmers randomly selected from five districts of north Kerala. A logistic regression method has been used in this study to determine the factors influencing the productivity of organic vegetable farming. The results from the estimated model shows that gender, irrigation potential, sources of water, ownership of the land, experience in both farming and organic farming, land maintenance, price of organic vegetables, price volatility, farmer occupation and income source, number of household member engaged in farmingare influencing the production of organic vegetables.
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Haryana has the most severe shortage of girls compared to boys and stand bottom among all states of India. The discrimination against girl’s child and strong son preference over daughters is well known in Indian society which is largely responsible for resulting decisive sex ratio. The issue of gender unfairness with the girl from womb to real-world compel to think that despite the mounting modernization and societal development why this significant segment of society is treated with double standards. The present study is coupled with the state Haryana which is recognized not only for its economic development but also far behind in sexual characteristics. The main motive of the work is to analyse the regional variations in sex ratio in Haryana during different time periods. There is no doubt that the state has questioning distinction of having the worst male-female ratio which is really an unprofessed adversity having its cavernous and horrifying impacts upon society in future. Several reasons are ascribed to the deteriorating numeral of females in proportion to males. It is very surprising that slaughter of girl child both before and after birth is still experienced in the state in spite of legal prevention and many policies and programmes that support girls like ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padao’, ‘Haryana Kanya Kosh’, ‘Apki Beti Hamari Beti’ etc. It has been found that male-female ratio in the state is imbalanced and continuously going to decline from 1981 to 2011 except a little improvement and both urban and rural areas are facing severe scarceness of females over males.
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The study was conceptualized across the emerging small scale industry clusters and locations in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. As evident, the SSI (small scale industry) plays a crucial role in macro and micro economic development in context of developing economy like India, yet the sector is not aloof from problems, challenges and threats evident as industrial sickness. The research posits across the socially constructed origins of the phenomenon and calls for the identification and classification of the factors that contribute towards industrial sickness in Andhra Pradesh SSI sector. The current research identifies the factors that contribute (directly and indirectly) towards the small scale industrial health(survival or decay) in Andhra Pradesh. At the same time, research seeks to quantify the cross factorial impact on organizational survival or sickness in small scale enterprises and analyze the relationships amongst the factors that shape survival or sickness as well as revival. A sample of 300 ownerscum entrepreneurs or promoters was assumed for the current research from across the three districts of Andhra Pradesh; which was subjected to likert based measurement instrument. The data hence collected was analyzed with aid of SPSS based explorative factor analysis and reliability was established with cronbach alpha estimation. The empirical and statistical analysis across AMOS lead to confirmatory factor analysis and enabled the identification of factors as “internal” and “external” contributions to the “market orientation” development, leading to changes and influences on the “ability to pay” and “threat from sickness”. The sickness was hence attributed to internal, external as well as market orientation based factors that collectively shape the revival or the sickness across the incumbent units.
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The study was carried out to assess the energy use pattern and its efficiency in paddy production under different farm sizes in Karnataka. Data were collected from 90 sample farmers, by using a pretested schedule through personal interviews. The results indicated that the total energy used for producing paddy was 8,957 MJ per acre with an energy input cost of ` 17, 008 per acre. Among different components of energy use in paddy production, chemical fertilizers accounted for the highest amount of energy to the extent of 5240 MJ per acre (including N, P2O2 and K2O). The sample farmers had used excess fertilizer energy of 2050, 349 and 60 MJ per acre of nitrogen, phosphorous and potash respectively, as compared to the recommendation of package of practice. The elasticity coefficients provided by the Cobb-Douglas production function indicated that draught animals, labor, seeds, FYM and PPC were statistically significant among small farms. Irrespective of the size of farms, labour was significantly contributed to the output energy. Hence, the effective use of labour energy input plays an important role in paddy production. The ratio of MVP to MFC was less than one for fertilizers irrespective of the size group of farms indicated that fertilizer energy was over used in paddy production. Elasticity coefficients of different forms of energy indicated that impact of renewable energy sources was much higher than that of non-renewable energy sources in paddy production. Hence, to improve the paddy yield, economic performance of the crop and environmental sustainability, farmers have to use more of renewable energy. The energy efficiency showed that the energy ratio (6.98) and energy productivity (0.29) of small farmers were highest as compared to medium and large farmers. This implied that small farmers efficiently used energy vis-à-vis medium and large farmers.
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The research entitled “Economic impact of SUBICSHA on SHG members of Kozhikode district” was conducted in Perambra block of Kozhikode district. SUBICSHA stands for Special project for Sustainable Business Development of Innovative Coconut Based Micro-Enterprises for Holistic Growth and Poverty Alleviation. It is an innovative women oriented, coconut based value added products venture and a women empowerment model. The objective of the study was to assess the economic impact of SUBICSHA on SHG members associated with SUBICSHA. Primary data were collected from 120 SHG members associated with SUBICSHA. Economic impact of SUBICSHA on SHG members was analysed based on before and after joining status using percentage analysis and paired t-test. It was found that the income levels, overall expenditure pattern, saving habit, borrowing power of SHG members have improved after joining SUBICSHA. SUBICSHA as a women empowerment and poverty alleviation programme was successfully implemented in Kozhikode district and SUBICSHA had significant positive economic impact on SHG members associated with it.