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This research assesses the trade competitiveness of BRICS nations during the period 2001-2017. The ultimate aim of the study is to investigate the effects of economic integration in enhancing the trade competitiveness of member countries. Various price and non-price measures that carry information on trade competitiveness are computed and their relative importance is analyzed. The findings of the research demonstrate the asymmetric pattern of trade development in BRICS region even after the formation of group. The benefits under integration are more country specific and in particular, the partnership favors more to the growth of China and India. Surprisingly, the research finds the loosely linked stock markets as and real exchange markets in BRICS that acclaims the lack of consensus among market regulators in their intervention policies.
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This study has focused to analyze the influence of agricultural trade on economic growth in India obtaining annual time series data from 1990-91 to 2016-17. This study estimates the relationship between agricultural exports and economic growth in India employing the Error Correction Model. This study has used three variables such as, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), agricultural exports and non-agricultural exports. According to empirical estimates, the Error Correction Model, that is to say catch can tend towards the long run relationship, has been validated. The variables are converging to equilibrium value and the change in agricultural exports and non-agricultural exports are directly affecting the real GDP in India. Furthermore, this study found that there is short-run uni-directional causality between agriculture exports, non-agriculture exports to GDP in India. The main finding of this study is that the agricultural exports and non-agricultural exports are important variables to stimulate economic growth in India. This study recommends an increase effort to be directed towards policies that will expand the volume of a country’s agricultural productivity and trade for the economic growth in the country.
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India is the second largest producer of vegetables in the world next to China. The cabbage is the major vegetable crop of Karnataka. The study was conducted in Belagavi, Haveri and Kolar districts to analyze cost and returns of seedling rising in nursery under shade net condition. This study also attempts to estimate the area under cultivation of cabbage in Karnataka and also to forecast the demand for cabbage seedlings during 2019-20. The results indicated that the area under cabbage cultivation estimated to be 11263 hectare and the demand for cabbage seedlings are 62.57crores in the state of Karnataka for the agricultural year 2019-20. The analysis of the study indicated that, the nursery entrepreneurs have invested ` 265977 towards setting up of nursery in an area of 1000 m2 under shade net on their own. The economic analysis pointed out that entrepreneurs have realized gross income of ` 248920 and net returns of ` 77383 per time. The capital investment on cabbage nursery was found to be economically viable in terms of Net Present Worth (` 119836), Benefit Cost Ratio (1.30) and Internal Rate of Returns (78%).
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Although, India is the largest pulse producing country in the world, the production of these crops in the country has shown sluggish growth over the years. Low growth rate coupled with high fluctuations in production of pulses is mainly responsible for poor performance of pulse sector. It also leads to high price variability. Variability in the prices of pulses is a major concern for decision makers. This study was conducted to estimate the volatility in the prices of major pulses (chickpea, pigeonpea, blackgram, greengram and lentil) in India using GARCH model. Results have shown that the volatility in the current period depends on volatility in the preceding period in case of pulses as evident from the significant ARCH term for all the crops. Further, the sum of α and β coefficients has been found more than one for all the pulse crops except pigeonpea in period I thus indicating an explosive price series with a tendency to meander away from mean value. The volatility in the price series of pigeonpea has been found more persistent and explosive in recent period. So, there is a need for regular monitoring of prices and appropriate interventions by the government, when necessary, to make the development of pulse sector more sustainable.
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In developing country like India where population is large and unemployment is high, focus on common property resources (CPR) is a must especially in backward regions. Manipur is one of the least developed terminal states in the country which has a total geographical area of 22347 square kilometres (GoM, 2013). Importance of CPRs in the state is multifold. It has been the source of livelihood for several. The study has attempted to identify the sources of household (HH) income, role of CPRs in the livelihood of the people in the state in terms of income and employment generation. Complete enumeration of households and descriptive statistics had been employed to accomplish the study. Identified income sources in the selected valley and hill has been classified under three main sectors viz., farm, non-farm and common property resources (CPRs) income. CPRs based activities in the valley and hill villages vary and generate income and employment to both male and female household members. Income from CPRs based activities contributes 9.38 and 32.59 per cents in the valley and hill village, respectively. In valley village male spends maximum time collecting firewood (22.50 man-days) and females in collection of food items (13.75 man-days). While in hill village, in charcoal making male spends 157.5 man-days and female 135 man-days.
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Sugarcane is important commercial crop of India. It is a major source of raw material for not only sugar industry but also other allied group of industries. Sugarcane plays a vital role for the overall socio-economic development of farming community. Uttar Pradesh is one of the leading producers of sugarcane in India. Shahjahanpur district of Uttar Pradesh has been selected as study area which is famous for sugarcane production. The main objectives of present paper are to assess the trends and patterns of sugarcane production in the district and explain the reasons behind the changes in the sugarcane production. The study is based on secondary sources of data. The study reveals that there is uneven trend of area under sugarcane as well as production of sugarcane in the district and it is found that government policies were important determinants for such trends. Jatipur and Dadrol blocks of the district show high concentration of sugarcane crop. The study further reflects that this area is experiencing an ongoing agricultural development pertaining to the sugarcane cultivation.
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The present investigation was carried out to determine the factors affecting fertilizer consumption in Rajasthan from 1967-68 to 2014-15. The study period had been divided into following three phases; Post-green revolution- Phase I (1967-68 to 1980-81), Post-green revolution- Phase II (1981-82 to 1990-91) and Post-reform period (1991-92 to 2014-15).The regression analysis was done for the three temporal phases as well as for the overall period. High coefficient of multiple determination (R2) indicated that 90 per cent of total variation in fertilizer consumption was explained by the variables included in the linear regression model. Gross irrigated area was found to be the most important variable influencing the fertilizer consumption during the three phases as well as for overall period of study. Its coefficient was found positive and statistically significant (P<0.05). Area under high yielding varieties appeared to be the second most important variable significantly influencing the fertilizer consumption. Its coefficient was found positive and statistically significant (P<0.05) during the overall study period. The regression coefficient of rainfall was found to be statistically non-significant in all the three temporal phases of study period. Although it was positive in phase I and negative in phase II and III.
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Sheep and goat rearing practices are followed since from the civilization of the human beings over the period of years, millions of people in the world. Sheep and goat population in southern region is consistently increasing mainly due to increase in number of keepers. Several feeding management systems are being followed. The study was carried out in Mandya and Mysuru districts of Karnataka. The random sampling technique was adopted in selecting sample for the study. 180 farmers (90 sheep farmers, 90 goat farmers) were selected at randomly. The results of the study revealed that overall outlay required for beginning sheep farm were, in extensive rearing (` 1,74,706), semi-intensive (` 2,31,243) and in intensive rearing (` 6,33,857) respectively. With respect to goat farm, extensive rearing (` 1,33,881), semi-intensive (` 1,96,673) and in intensive rearing (` 4,61,041) respectively. The total cost per annum was relatively low in goat rearing across all the rearing methods, extensive rearing (` 1880/animal), semi-intensive rearing (` 2355/animal) and in intensive rearing (` 3811/animal) compared to sheep rearing, extensive rearing (` 2060/animal), semi-intensive rearing (` 2638/animal) and in intensive rearing (` 3874/animal).The net return per animal was higher in goat rearing across all the rearing methods, extensive rearing (` 1537/animal), semi-intensive rearing (` 2174/animal) and in intensive rearing (` 4186/animal) compared to sheep rearing, extensive rearing (` 1092/animal), semi-intensive rearing (` 2020/animal) and in intensive rearing (` 3983/animal).
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The primary restraint in crop production and food security worldwide is exposure of crop to stress conditions viz., abiotic and biotic which has driven the attention of scientists. Stress conditions induce changes in plant internal functions leads to reduction in plant growth and yield. The adverse economic losses due to abiotic stresses can be mitigated by application of chemicals such as anti-transpirants, nutrients and plant growth regulators, while the biotic stresses by application of pesticides and fungicides. Another way to resist stress conditions is adoption of modern breeding technologies and biotechnological strategies to produce climate resilient crops. Promotion of chemicals and biotechnology tools negatively impacts soil health, environment as well as socio-economic status of the farmer. Though the use of agro-chemicals is unavoidable in modern agriculture, indiscriminate use of chemicals would cause imbalance in environment and reduction in benefit to cost ratio (B: C) of farmer. In this context to make the crop production profitable, the review has outlined different economic considerations associated with biopriming mediation for stress moderation in different crop plants.
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The present study was conducted during 2016-17 in the Udupi district of Karnataka. Mobile phones play an important role in accessing the information about improved cultivation practices. In this study, we had analysed the relationship between independent variable and knowledge level of the farmers. We had selected total 13 independent variables for the study, three variables viz., education, achievement motivation and risk orientation showed positive and significant relationship at one per cent level of probability. Whereas, six variables viz., annual income, extension contact, scientific orientation,extension participation, mass media participation and innovativeness showed positive and significant relation at five per cent level of probability with knowledge level. The remaining four variables namely, age, family type, occupation and land holding and did not showed any significant relationship with knowledge level.
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In twenty first century, urban agriculture has been gaining importance and potential in developing countries. The objective of the present study was to investigate the developments and problems of urban agriculture on the special emphasis on ward numbers 28,29 and 30 of Chandernagore Municipal Corporation (CMC) of Hooghly district of West Bengal. These three wards have been chosen due to the fact that all the said three wards were composed of areas that were rural before 1995, the years in which these wards were added to CMC to provide for expansion of the town. The significant part of population still dependent on agriculture. Particular crops, especially fruits and vegetables to ensure food security to the urban consumers.
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The ASEAN is India’s fourth-largest trading partner after the EU, the US and China. Considering the significance of trade relation between India and ASEAN, the present study has been conducted with an objective to analyse the diversity in agricultural trade between India and ASEAN nations. The study has incorporated HS-2 digit codes to classify agricultural products and selected products falling under 01 to 24 chapters, which are agricultural products. Time series data of trade from 2001 to 2015 has been used in the present analysis. To see the importance of ASEAN as a major trading partner, shares of India’s trade with ASEAN relative to world has been computed. It is apparent from the result that India’s import from ASEAN is more than its export for the entire period. Simpsons Index of Diversity has been used to know the degree of diversification in agricultural trade between the two trading partners. The findings concluded that India exports of agricultural products are comparatively diversified with ASEAN compared to its import. The result suggests that there is stability in agriculture export earnings of India from ASEAN which in long run can contribute to the Economic growth.
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Tribal population is the aboriginal inhabitants of India who have been living a life based on the natural environment and have cultural patterns congenial to their physical and social environment. Realizing the disadvantage position of forest dwelling communities, Government of India passed The Schedule Tribe and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (FRA). The act aims at granting legal entitlement, empowerment and improvement of livelihood by way of various provisions of the act, but due to lack of proper awareness and impediments in the implementation this goal was not fully achieved. The present study was conducted in the tribal majority district of Kerala, Wayanad, where FRA was implemented to strengthen the social security and livelihood improvement of forest dwelling communities. This study attempts to enlighten the status and progress of FRA in Wayanad along with its impact on the major tribal communities. The assessment of impact on socio-economic and livelihood improvement was done based on the primary data collected from 160 households of four tribal communities viz., Paniya, Kuruma, Kattunaika, and Urali, which are the predominant communities found in the study area. Study revealed that Kuruma community found to have ‘very good’ socio-economic condition after the implementation of Act. There are positive outcomes in terms of socio-economic status and livelihood progress of other communities as well but the difficulties in realizing rights and utilizing it lead to the poor impact of FRA, 2006 on them.
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To estimate the technical efficiency of maize production among fluoride affected and non affected locales of Tamil Nadu. A multi-stage sampling method involving a combination of purposive and random sampling procedures was employed in drawing up the samples for collecting primary data. The sample size is about 120. Stochastic frontier production function is used to estimate technical efficiency of maize. The result of stochastic frontier production function indicated that FYM, Potassium, machine power, irrigation and management index have significant influence on yield of maize in less fluoride affected locale, while, seed rate, nitrogen, phosphorous, machine power and irrigation are significantly influence the yield of maize in moderately fluoride affected locale, in case of highly fluoride affected locale, seed rate, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and irrigation are significantly influencing the yield of maize, while, nitrogen, potassium, irrigation and management index are significantly influences the yield of maize in non affected locale. The study suggests that awareness of fluoride contamination and averting measures must be disseminated to the farmers.
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In the present study an attempt has been made to study the economic analysis of tomato cultivation in Kandi block, Murshidabad district, West Bengal. For this 60 tomato growers selected from the study area. The primary data for the agriculture year 2016-17 were collected by personal interviews of the selected farmer, using a multistage sampling method with the help of pre-tested survey schedule. The main objectives were to analyze the cost and return structure of tomato cultivation and to identify the major constraints faced by the farmers in tomato cultivation. The total sample size was 60. Simple statistical tools like Averages, percentages, cost concepts and garrett ranking were used to interpret the results properly. The overall findings of the study reveal that the cost of cultivation of tomato was ` 50879.94 out of which total variable cost was ` 40456.52. The net income of the farmers per acre.was ` 83385.80. Output in the study area found to be 8853 kg per acre and cost of production was estimated ` 5.74 per kg. The major constraints identified in tomato cultivation were Non availability of institutional support, disease and pest attack, high cost of seeds, high cost of pesticides and high cost of labours during peak season etc.
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Musrshidabad can well be labelled as one of the most backward districts [Human Development Index (HDI) of Murshidabad is 0.46] in West Bengal. There are a host of factors which have contributed to such a poor reflection of the district’s HDI. Absence of any major industries, lack of employment opportunities, rapid growth in number joining the workforce and so many other factors have led to low per capita income of this district, making it literally a seedbed for out-migration of regular and casual labourers- skilled/un-skilled/ or low-skilled. People in huge numbers from here have, for the recent last few decades, been migrating not only to different parts of the country but abroad as well. This paper studies the migration from various angles. It has been observed that migrants from here have been using fixed routes connecting the places of origin and the destinations- thus establishing certain migration corridors. Focus has specially been attached to explore categorically these migration corridors and the contacts or intermediaries associated with the operation of these channels perennially. The issue of remittances has been carefully examined. On the whole, this paper investigates different distinctive facets of out-migration from Murshidabad district of West Bengal.
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The present study analyzes the spatial integration through cointegration analysis on the wholesale monthly prices of potato in five selected markets of Assam for the period January 2013 to December 2018. The results of the analysis revealed that markets under study are integrated. The Granger Causality Test reveals 1bi-directional and 8 uni-directional causations under different market situations. However, the study finds no cointegration between Sonitpur (Dhekiajuli) and Nagaon (Dhing) market. Kamrup Rural (Upharhali) market was identified as the leader market. The study suggests the need to focus on building an improved market information system, one that is able to disseminate timely market information about price, demand and supply of products as well as strengthen market infrastructure facilities inorder to increase the efficiency of potato markets in Assam.
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The study comprises 50 households related to victims’ family of Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh as numbers of victims were found to be maximum in this particular district in the year 2014-15 and intensive survey of these respondents was carried out in the year 2015-16. It is observed from the data that the prominent causes of farmer suicides in Madhya Pradesh as recognised by the majority of the respondents were found to be family problems i.e. illness (46%), drug abuse/alcoholic addiction (32%), fall in social reputation (22%), extra martial affairs (36%) and frequent quarrel between victims and family member (20%). None of farmers was found to commit suicides due to poverty and property disputes. The main problems of suicides were found to be lack of access to mental health services in rural areas and shame attached to treatment (82%), lack of rehabilitation centres for drug and alcoholic addition (78%) and lack of avenues for off/non farm income (52%). Therefore, it is suggested that the government should remove the bottlenecks and increase access in remote areas. In addition to these a psychologist must be appointed in Govt. Hospitals and Rehabilitation Centre for drug abuse and alcoholic addiction should be established at least at block level particularly in identified hot spots of farmer suicides districts of the state. Efforts should also be made so that crop insurance scheme should reach at individual level and health insurance should be made mandatory with Govt. support for the farming community. A campaign should also be launched for crop/varietal diversification in various agro climatic regions of Madhya Pradesh. The role of various social institutions must be increased for this in future for increasing awareness of different development programmes of state and central govt. amongst the farmer community.
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The study focused on determinants of capital formation in agriculture in the Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka. The results revealed that multiple linear regression model was significant as indicated by F ratios and R2 value. The coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) revealed that the model was a good fit as indicated by a value of 0.92. The Higher levels of these factors, higher the capital formation and vice versa. In the case of less progressive area, variables like annual income, area irrigated, area under commercial crops, distance from town and borrowed amount are positive and significantly influenced capital formation for the pooled group of farms. As annual income of the farm increases by one rupee, capital formation would go up by ` 0.43. In the same way for one ha rise in irrigated area, capital formation would increase by ` 1,07,016. As area under commercial crops increase by one ha, capital formation would rise by ` 1701. In the same way a rise in borrowed amount by one rupee would result capital formation by ` 1.21. Interestingly as distance of the farm is longer from the town, capital formation tends to be more.