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With the emerging problems owing to mono-cropping of paddy-wheat, diversification and integrated farming systems (IFS) is the need of the hour in Punjab, government of state is making efforts through earmarking budgetary allowances and several remunerative schemes to encourage farmers for its adoption. Hence, this study was taken upto understand the dynamics and the level of integration between the sub-components of widely adopted IFS models of Punjab. More than 80 percent of the farmers adopt the crop + dairy model in the study area therefore this prevalent model was studied as IFS-I model along with its variants of crop + dairy + mushroom (IFS-II) and crop + dairy + beekeeping (IFS-III) models. Leontief’s input-output model (1966) were used to quantify the inter component relationship by considering crop, dairy, mushroom, beekeeping, household, and the market as separate sectors of the farming economy. It was concluded that component enterprises, depended upon each other for input supplies and disposal of output. Forward linkage from crop to dairy enterprise was stronger than backward linkage in all the IFS models and the dairy enterprise was self-sufficient in providing inputs for itself from within the system.
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The present study estimated the post-harvest management of selected vegetables in Karnataka. The study was based on primary data collected for the year 2021-22 from 15 farmers for each crop, in both open and protected conditions and from two major vegetable producing districts of the state. The data pertaining to wholesaler and retailer were collected from 15 wholesaler and 15 retailers from each districts who were involved in marketing of vegetables. Descriptive statistics was the analytical tools adopted for the analysis of the data which includes percentages and averages. The reduction in post-harvest loss in protected cultivation was due to controlled environment in protected condition. Similarly, the post-harvest loss was higher in wholesaler against retailer because the huge quantity handling of vegetables found at wholesaler. Results depicted that the difference in post-harvest loss under open cultivation and protected cultivation are 14.13 kg/q, 6.27 kg/q, 14.64 kg/q and 14.93 kg/q of tomatoes, capsicum, cucumber and french beans, respectively. In between wholesaler and retailer, the difference in post-harvest losses are 4.43 kg/q, 2.47 kg/q, 7.40 kg/q and 2.57 kg/q for tomato, capsicum, cucumber and french beans respectively. Findings shows that the post-harvest management practices followed by farmers are harvesting at proper stage, use of crates for transportation, establishing better storage facilities and processing of mechanically damaged products. Similarly, the post-harvest management practices followed by market intermediaries are cold storage, better transportation facilities, procurement of good quality material, usage of cushioning material and other better management practices. The establishment of small sized cold storage units and employing better transportation facilities led to reduction in post-harvest losses which in turn led to additional returns to farmers and market intermediaries.
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This paper analyzes resource management and the problems faced by Naga chilli growers in Nagaland. A total of 100 respondents were chosen randomly for the study, comprising of 50 farmers, 20 intermediaries and 30 customers. Findings shows that the growers practiced organic cultivation and the profit earned by chain players per kg of Naga King chillies is comparatively higher than other normal chillies in the study area. The total number of working days required for the production and cultivation of NK chilli was 183 days/ha/year, respectively. The return over cost (2.80) shows that Naga Kingh chilli production is remunerative for the growers of the study area. Major problems faced by the growers in the study area identified were wide fluctuation in price, availability/ supply shortage, handling and storage problems, perishable nature of chilli, etc. Initiating post-harvest handling practices for the tribal farmer, proper/scientific storages (like zero cooling chamber, cold storages,) forming cooperatives / FPO’s, trainings could be initiated through KVK, NGO’S, state departments, etc. could be used for retaining the shelf life of the chilli.
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The market channel choice are the contributing issues which has impact on production and sales of cauliflower crop. Despite their importance, yet adequate research has not been carried out on it, particularly in hill regions of India. Considering this, the present study focuses on the factors affecting cauliflower farmers’ choice of output marketing channels and what level their market choice influences the market participation in Himachal Pradesh. The field survey was employed on a sample of 200 farmers through field interviews based on a structured questionnaire. The multinomial logistic regression model was employed to determine the factors influencing farmers’ choice for output marketing channels. The finding of this paper reveals that there are five output marketing channels used by cauliflower growers in the study area, producer-retailer-consumer (1%) followed by producer-retailer-consumer (2.50%) producer-commission agent-retailer-consumer (39%), local trader-wholesaler-retailer-consumer (24%) and producer-wholesaler-retailer-consumer (33.50%) respectively. Further, the empirical results shows that education, farm income, experience, market distance market information found to be significant at 1%, 5% and 10% significant level which affects farmers choice to choose marketing channel. However, slows sale slow sales of cauliflower crop in marketing Channel-A affects farmers choice to participate in other marketing channels such as Channel-B, D and E. Moreover, the study concluded with the suggestion for development of suitable institutional support programmes, such as public–private partnerships, to better connect farmers to markets.
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The present study was conducted to analyze the growth rates and instability in the area, production, and productivity of sugarcane in Uttar Pradesh for the last 71 years from 1950-51 to 2020-21. A Semi-log regression model was used to assess the growth rates and trend, while instability was determined by an adjusted coefficient of variation and the Cuddy Della Vella Instability Index. The results of the growth analysis revealed that area, production and productivity accounted to be positive and statistically significant, whereas the highest growth rate was registered for sugarcane production i.e. 2.25 percent per annum rather than area (1.19% per annum) and productivity (1.05% per annum). In case of instability for the entire study period, the area, production and productivity of this crop accounted to be 24.01, 44.82 and 23.64 percent respectively. It shows that the variation in sugarcane production is higher compared with crop acreage and productivity. It implies that farmers should need to pay adequate attention to adopting improved production technologies and advanced management to address the problems of fluctuation in sugarcane production. Moreover, the higher stability of productivity and area implies a low risk in the supply of raw sugarcane to the sugar industries.
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This study explores the intensity and inequality of multidimensional deprivation (MD)across the districts of West Bengal, a north-eastern state in India. The measure of MD covers the dimensions of Knowledge, Health and Living condition with the respective indicators. We have clustered the districts in accordance with the selected indicators. An attempt has also been taken to gauge the inequality for deprivation indicators and for multidimensional deprivation index (MDI) applying the class of Atkinson measures. This study has used the data published by Directorate of Population Census of India 2011. It is reported that value of MDI ranges from 0.013 to 0.675 across the districts in West Bengal. Purulia is the most deprived district followed by Jalpaiguri, Maldah. On the other hand, Kolkata is the least deprived among the districts preceded by North 24 Parganas, Purba Mendinipur. The cluster analysis reveals that Kolkata is the distinct from the other districts of West Bengal. It is found that Darjeeling district and Jalpaiguri district form two separate clusters. The districts of Dakshin Dinajpur, Murshidabad, Uttar Dinajpur, Maldah, Birbhum, Bankura and Purulia are similar in terms of the indicators of multidimensional deprivation. The districts of West Bengal are, of course, not highly diverse in terms of multidimensional deprivation. However, inequality for MDI is higher than that for HDI of the districts.
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Study was carried out in the rural-urban interface of Bengaluru to address the rapid urbanization of the rural areas surrounding Bengaluru urban. Data from 240 dairy sample respondents, 120 non-dairy sample respondents were also drawn from different layers of South and North transects. Thus, the total sample size was 360. The results revealed that per day net maintenance cost for indigenous and cross-bred cows was ` 58.34 and 104.34, respectively, with corresponding yields of 2.39 lt and 5.13 lt. The cost of production of milk and gross returns realized were comparatively higher among cross-bred cows (` 77.66 and ` 127.56) than local cows (` 58.34 and ` 124.08). Milk marketing practices, the highest proportion of respondents followed marketing channel-II (54 %) and marketing channel III (48 %) in the marketing of milk produced by local cows and cross-bred cows, respectively. The per liter total cost of milk marketing was more in channel-III (` 1.26 and 0.61) than the channel-II (` 0.62 and 0.37) and channel-I (` 0.37 and 0.38) in the case of milk produced by both local as well as cross-bred cows.
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Guar was once a low-value crop, but recent changes in global markets have made guar crops that fetch large profits. The value of exports of Indian guar products increased at a galloping pace from 602.95 to 21287.01 crores during 2000–2013, making guar products the largest agricultural export in those years. However, the value of exports later declined to 1949.07 crores in 2020–21. The proportion of guar gum powder in total guar products exported from India has remained high, ranging between 61-66 % (in terms of quantity) and 75 % (in terms of value) for the last five years. The study focused on the global production and trade of guar products, the composition of guar products exported from India, trends and variations in guar production, trends in prices, major aspects of demand and supply, uses of guar products, and their derivatives. The guar area, production, and productivity in India showed a positive trend in the last 20 years (2000-2020). Monthly and seasonal fluctuations in guar prices have been observed over time. As for the long-term trend, guar prices in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Haryana increased gradually from January 2003 to June 2010 and, after that, continued to drop sharply. The supply of guar is greatly dependent on the amount and pattern of precipitation as its cultivation is restricted to dry regions of the country. Globally, oil drilling and mining is the primary consumer industry of guar gum. Farmers and industrialists confront significant obstacles, i.e., price instability, low productivity, unpredictable guar output, low investment in R&D, etc.
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This study used double-bounded dichotomous-choice to estimate and analyze the factors affecting households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for water supply in the dryland areas of West Bengal as well as improvement in the existing water bodies. This study notes that although the households living in the four districts of drylands of West Bengal are very poor financially, majority of them have willingness to accept the higher bid in the double-bounded bidding process. It shows the importance as well as necessity of good water system, as a whole, to them, which could solve manifold problems. Pilot survey as well as final survey were conducted in the three districts of dryland area of West Bengal on 450 households and bids were set in such a manner which could be bearable for the people of these areas. Over 65% were willing to participate in the improvement of the water supply system in the area. Those who were “protest bidders”, showed socio-economic reasons for their decisions. We have followed the procedure suggested by NOAA (1993) panel for applying the CVM with full randomness being taken care of in the different stages of survey. What we have found is that apart from the amount of bid, several socio-economic variables play a part in people’s decision on selection of a bid.
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Land is the predominant limited resource required for the development of agricultural sector. The philosophy and methods of land use in Kerala have changed over the past half century. The present research attempt to analyse the ecological implications of land use dynamics in Kerala. Intra and inter-sectoral budgeting of the nine land use classes were done for the period from 1985 to 2019. The intra-sectoral budgeting indicated that within the ecological sector, the major land use shifts occurred from barren and uncultivable land to other sub-sectors. The inter-sectoral budgeting analysis showed that with an exception in period IV, the area under the non-agricultural sector exhibited a substantial increase in Kerala in the remaining periods as well as overall period.
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Aiming to make an empirical assessment of the resource use efficiency in milk production of different milch breeds in rural Punjab, the present study reveals that both green fodder and concentrates in case of buffalo milk production and concentrates alone in case of crossbred cow milk production, have been found as significant factors affecting the milk yield in rural Punjab. However, not even a single input is found as statistically significant for local cow milk production. The marginal value productivity of all inputs is worked out as positive in the case of buffalo and crossbred cow milk production, but negative for local cow milk production. The deviation of marginal value productivity of inputs from its unit price reveals resource use inefficiency in the study.
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The present study has examined the profitability of groundnut and sunflower cultivation in Karnataka during 2001-02 to 2019-20. The results indicated that the area and production of groundnut and sunflower have shown a negative growth, whereas productivity of both crops has shown positive growth for the overall study period. The cost of producing groundnut in Karnataka was found 1.7 times the production cost in Uttar Pradesh and sunflower was found 1.5 times the production cost in Andhra Pradesh. The profitability of both crops has shown negative returns during the study period (2001-02 to 2019-20). The return per rupee of investment for both crops was also less than unity. Hence, there is a need for incentive programs and Government should increase the procurement price to cover its cost of production in order to help farmers.
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The present study attempts to analyze the trends in the area, production and productivity of major food grain crops in the state of Nagaland for a period of ten years i.e., from 2011-12 to 2020-21. Statistical tools such as average, percentage and line charts have been used to study. To measure the variability in the area, production and productivity of major food grains, Coefficient of variation (CV) has been computed. Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), has also been used to estimate the growth in the area, production and productivity of food grains in the state. The finding shows that the production and productivity of food grains have experienced an upward trend, registering a percentage increase of 24.50 percent and 13.26 percent, respectively. Cultivation of food grains occupies more than 75 percent of the total cropped area throughout the period. Under food grain area, cultivation of cereal occupied more than 66 percent of the total cropped area. Rice being the stable crop of the people occupied more than 47 percent of the total cropped area. The percentage area of jhum paddy and maize to total cropped area witnessed a decreasing trend during the period. The share of agriculture and allied sector in Gross State Value Added (GSVA) has also been decreasing during the period.
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Agriculture production all over the world is directly influenced by rainfall which is an important weather parameter. The changes in rainfall can cause the failure of crops and even lead to starvation and ruin the economy of a country. The economy of a country becomes inferior due to catastrophic circumstances like floods, drought, and landslides. Thus the prediction of future values with the highest accuracy is very crucial to regulate and avoiding the undesirable influences of instabilities in rainfall. Under current research work, SARIMA, ANN, and hybrid SARIMA-ANN models are applied to identify the future pattern and for availing essential proposals for scheduling agriculture procedures such that variations in rainfall may not affect the economy. The data of monthly rainfall was collected from RARS, Pilicode for the northern zone, RARS, Pattambi for the central zone, and RARS, Vellayani for the southern zone. The results revealed that ANN model predicted future values of rainfall with the highest precision for the northern and central zone, whereas for the southern zone, SARIMA (1,0,1) (2,0,0)12 gave anticipated values with more accuracy. The comparison of projected rainfall among different zones indicated that the northern part might receive the highest amount of rainfall, the central zone indicated moderate rainfall, and the southern part of Kerala with the least amount of rainfall. The study also recommended the farmers take necessary safeguards to regulate the adverse influences of fluctuations in rainfall such that it might not affect agricultural production and the economy of the country.
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The extent of financial inclusion among Indian states for the period has been measured and compared by constructing a composite index using an integrated methodology of TOPSIS (Technique of order preference by similarity to ideal solution) with EWM (Entropy Weighting Method). The proposed index has three broad dimensions of banking penetration, availability, and usage of banking services with an extended variable. Data for the study include: state wide bank data, demographic, geographic, and economic data, and are taken from Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) publications. There is a general improvement in financial inclusion in India, while UT of Chandigarh and Delhi top the index, and Manipur and Nagaland bottom of the index. The southern region tops India on financial inclusion in terms of average rank. The methodology adopted in this study is not widely adopted in IFI literature. Moreover, the index has been constructed with statically assigned weight by using EWM.
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The study has been undertaken with the major objective to estimate the acreage allocation decision of paddy, wheat and gram farmers in selected districts (viz., Raipur, Mahasamund, Dhamtari and Durg) of Chhattisgarh plains zone with using 20 years (2000-01 to 2019-20) of secondary data of area and yield of paddy, wheat and gram and the different variables identified viz., lagged relative prices, current season rainfall, area and yield of competing crop maize, wheat and gram. Findings of the study include that the lagged area along with the current year rainfall had significantly contributed more in increasing acreage allocation of farmers of paddy under Raipur and Dhamtari districts. The area under wheat in Dhamtari district had declined, this decline was significantly contributed by lagged relative prices, area and lagged yield under gram. While the acreage of wheat in Durg district had found increased which was contributed more by the significant move with the last year’s absolute area and yield, current season rainfall and lagged relative prices. The lagged area, lagged relative prices, lagged yield and current season rainfall had highly significantly helped to boost the gram in terms of absolute area and had maximum area in Durg compare to other selected district of Chhattisgarh plains. The lagged relative prices, area of wheat and lagged yield of wheat had significant led to decrease area under gram in Raipur as well as in Mahasamund district over the study period. Further, the estimates of short-run and long-run price elasticities with respect to acreage of paddy, wheat and gram indicated the inelastic supply of these crops. Study suggested need for education and training to the farmers in respect of new crop production technology, etc., which will help in bringing about the desired changes in the cropping pattern.
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Vast fallows in the rabi/dry season are an issue of serious concern in the agricultural production system of Odisha and other parts of eastern India. With a rainfed rice-based mono-cropping system, resource-poor and small & marginal farmers of eastern India are forced to dwell in the vicious circle of poverty. Recently, the issue of rice-fallow is among the top agendas for the policymakers, and so public investment is happening. However, ad hoc investments in fallow intensification do not yield sustainable and satisfactory results as it is a very complex and multi-dimensional problem (biotic, abiotic, policy, and socio-economic) requiring attention at various levels of intervention. With this backdrop, based on secondary data and information and the review of literature, this paper discusses the key issues and challenges in rice-fallow development and recommends some strategic interventions needed for converting those fallow lands into croplands, particularly in rabi season. Also, the paper studies ongoing programs/schemes of central and state governments related to fallow management, keeping in view that research on fallow management must go in parallel with ongoing programs/schemes. Authors recommend that partners in a collaborative approach; should assess pathways of sequencing investment and intervention to catalyze the intensification of rabi fallows. If conceivable and low-to-medium risk pathways are identified, and associated convening and catalytic roles are defined for partners; policy dialogue and execution plan will not be an issue as all the local governments and agencies already understand the need for fallow management. This paper will be helpful for planners, policymakers, and development stakeholders while framing the policies, designing programs, setting implementation strategies, monitoring systems, critically analyzing potentially who can invest and where, etc., for a sustainable and environment-friendly agricultural system for poverty reduction, and food & nutritional security.
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In the conditions of increased instability and the emergence of significant destabilizing factors in the development of politics, the economy and the society, the issues of public opinion formation are becoming more acute, for which the media, which simulate various situations and form patterns of behaviour, are of crucial importance. The purpose of the research lies in substantiating the theoretical principles and applied recommendations regarding the axiological fundamental pillars of the formation of public opinion in the media. The methodological base of the research comprises the general scientific and special methods, namely: comparison and analogy, monitoring and observation, analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization, cluster analysis based on the use of the k-means method, graphical and tabular methods. Concerning the results of the research on the axiological fundamental pillars of the formation of public opinion in the media, it has been established that the public opinion formation takes place under the influence of the media, taking into account social-political and cultural-spiritual values and such tools of the media as: persuasion, suggestion, imitation, psychological infection and manipulation. It has been found that from among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, three groups of countries have been distinguished, characterized by common features of the formation of public opinion in the media, as follows: countries with a relatively high level of democracy and resilience to disinformation (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic), which belong to the European Union and are able to ensure higher indicators of the democratic implementation of civil liberties and the ability to more effectively counter disinformation; countries with a medium level of democracy and resilience to disinformation (Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine), in which the proper basis for the implementation of democratic principles of public opinion formation has been formed, however, there are a number of problems and obstacles causing significant deformations regarding the influence of the media on the society; countries with a low level of democracy and resilience to disinformation (Azerbaijan, Belarus), which are characterized by an authoritarian regime, and the formation of public opinion depends on public authorities and the media.
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Using CiteSpace, this study visually analyzed literature on university branding found on Web of Science from 2012 to 2022 and explored the development of research in this area. The findings indicated that while university branding research has developed steadily, there remain certain problems, such as imperfect research models, a lack of quantitative research, and a limited research scope. Therefore, to further develop research in this area, it is proposed that university branding research should improve its theoretical innovations, effectively combine brand theory and higher education theory, and improve the operability of university brand theory.
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There is a link between economic progress and Financial Development. In order to analyze the potential for influencing Economic Growth, this study will look at the underlying elements that drive the development of Syria’s Financial Sector. The research team is also speculating on how much Economic Growth these effects will bring. A Dynamic Linear Model that takes into account Financial Reforms and changes on the Legal System was used to analyze the Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth between 1980 and 2018. We were able to measure many dimensions of Financial Development with the use of a new IMF Financial Development Indicator, overcoming the limits of single traditional variables that have been widely used. The ARDL Bounds Test approach, which is based on unit root tests, was used. The Error Correction Model was also applied. The country’s Financial Development had a favorable and statistically significant effect on Economic Growth in Syria in the short and long terms. A lot of factors influence Economic Growth, including the Legal System, overall Government Expenditure, and the Exchange Rate. The Supply Leading Hypothesis of Patrick (1966) was realized in Syria,hence Financial Development leads to Economic Growth, consistent with the proposal of “more Finance, more Growth” (Levine, 2003). Financial Development is a necessary condition and prerequisite for Economic Growth in Syria, which is consistent with the (Finance Lead Growth Theory). The model could be very useful in decision-making, especially those related to reform policies to promote the SDGs or to modify current policies in response to a possible global financial crisis or shock.
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The main technological areas of improvement through the formation of the best human qualities within the framework of a new humanism which is connected with the promotion of the self-realization of an individual simultaneously in the interests of society and humanity, are proposed. The fact of the primacy of man and his activity in the appearance of threats to the development of mankind is becoming more and more indisputable. In the context of globalization, it makes sense to consider the relevance of the problem of improving human capital in three aspects of the social development of mankind: planetary; national; personal. The technique essence of the formation of the best human qualities in the education system based on the digitization of the educational process at educational institutions with the help of factor-criterion qualimetry from the field of fuzzy mathematics is revealed. It is emphasized that all of the above in its totality determines the New Strategy for the Improvement of Human Capital in the interests of both an individual and society and all of the humanity. This strategy is implemented thanks to the implementation of effective management in the education system by displacing the current culture of administrative pressure (CAP). Its gradual replacement with the system management culture (SMC) according to the final results is carried out through measurements of these results and their interpretation in the form of certain indices. It is positive dynamics of these indices that determines the resulting educational activity.
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The emergence of the latest global challenges and threats caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and Ukraine’s military confrontation with the armed aggression of the Russian Federation actualize the problem of destabilization of the tourism and hospitality industry and aggravate the need for post-war reconstruction of the destroyed infrastructure and ensuring the basis for sustainable development of the country. Under such conditions, the development of the tourism and hospitality industry acquires great importance, which can attract additional financial resources, create new jobs, increase the competitiveness of economic entities and enhance the international image of the country. The aim of the study is to justify the theoretical and applied principles and determine the prospects for the development of the tourism and hospitality industry in a globally competitive environment. The study applies general scientific and unique methods of economic analysis, namely: observation and system analysis; historical-logical method; analysis, comparison and synthesis; functional-system approach; graphical and tabular methods; generalization and systematization. Based on the findings of the study, it is established that the tourism and hospitality industry is experiencing a protracted crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic and armed military conflicts in today’s environment. Significant reductions in tourism flow to Europe and Asia, and the Pacific have been identified, notably France from 86.9 million people in 2019 to 1.2 million in 2022, Spain from 81.8 million people in 2019 to 9.1 million in 2022, Singapore from 0.15 million people in 2020 to 0.54 million in 2022 and Israel from 0.25 million people in 2020 to 0.23 million in 2022. Meanwhile, the share of GDP produced by the tourism and hospitality industry in total global GDP declined from 10.3 % in 2019 to 5.3 % in 2020. In 2021, it slightly increased to 6.1 %, which requires state support for the tourism and hospitality industry and strengthening the competitiveness of economic entities in this sphere.
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The article is devoted to determining the mechanism for implementing engineering in the public administration system using the example of Ukraine. The study aims to consider the current state of the public administration engineering system and identify critical areas for its improvement. The research uses methods of statistical analysis, a critical analysis of scientific literature, and foreign experience in the introduction of engineering in modern public administration systems, the systematization of information on the implementation of progressive systems in public administration. The inductive and deductive methods determined the components of the mechanism of engineering introduction and built the concept of its implementation in public administration. The study’s results include an analysis of the foreign experience in public administration system engineering, determining its need for Ukraine, and the possibility of implementation in the current state of Ukraine. Studying foreign experience in engineering administrative processes allows for drawing appropriate conclusions about the potential opportunities for developing this direction in Ukraine. Engineering is not only necessary, it can be implemented, but it is essential to use reasonable methodologies and modern tools and set adequate tasks solved by public administration at all levels. The main components of the engineering system are determined by the document flow digitalization, the formation of a unified communication and information system, and the formation of the possibility of providing public services through online applications. The article shows an example of the application of DIIA used in public administration in Ukraine. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying its results to the improvement of the electronic system of public administration.
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State regulation of business in social networks protects personal data and intellectual property rights andensures the confidentiality of information of legal entities and individuals. The purpose of the academic paper is to analyze the international experience of state regulation of business in social networks and to determine the approach to the model of its implementation. Features of the development of digital technologies make it possible to improve the selection of methods for carrying out the research, which will be based on expert evaluation. The research methodology consists in conducting a comprehensive study of the modern environment of social networks and identifying key areas for state intervention, and defining the legal framework for conducting business in social networks. In the course of analyzing the state regulation of business in social networks, the search method, induction and deduction, and the empirical method were used. With the latter’s help, an analysis of the level of state presence in the activities of the corporate sector and the implementation of characteristic principles were carried out. The results of the academic paper characterize the trends of strengthening the influence of the state on the regulation of business activities in social networks, the need to introduce reporting, and the existing system of user data protection. Thus, the academic paper provides a comprehensive analysis of state regulation of business in social networks.
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The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of independent and sovereign Ukraine has significantly affected the development of the country’s agrarian sector and caused unpredictable negative changes in the system of global food security. Increased challenges and dangers of a military nature necessitate the search for effective ways out of crisis situations and the formation of a set of measures for the post-war recovery of not only the agricultural sector but also the entire economy of the country. The study aims to substantiate the theoretical and applied principles and identify the problems of development of the agricultural sector in the post-war economic recovery. The methodological basis of the study is the basic methods of economic analysis and fundamental research, in particular: method of analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, analogy, system analysis, graphical and tabular, grouping and cluster analysis, generalization and systematization. The obtained research findings allowed establish that the development of the agrarian sector is under the influence of destabilizing factors of the external and internal environment. Moreover, the post-war period of economic recovery involves the intensification of agricultural production. It has been found that the war in Ukraine has had a destructive impact on the formation and development of the agrarian sector of the European Union, which has led to a significant reduction in food security. It has been proven that among the countries of the European Union there are three groups of countries characterized by common features of the development of the agricultural sector highly developed countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, France, Sweden, and Sweden), which achieve high indicators of development of the agricultural sphere; countries with a mediocre level of development (Greece, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Russia), which have minor problems in ensuring the development of the agrarian sphere; countries with a low level of development (Bulgaria, Slovakia and Ukraine), where there are significant problems in the development of the agrarian sphere.
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The article attempts to scientifically search for an answer to the question about the possibilities and prospects of innovative and investment development of the post-war economy of Ukraine, taking into account specific country conditions and trends in the global economy as a whole. The experience of the post-war reconstruction of Germany and Japan, the Marshall Plan, and much later projects for the reconstruction of Iraq and Croatia after regional military conflicts are taken as the basis for the analysis. The problems studied in the article are of particular importance in the absence of conceptual works, both fundamental and reasonably practical, devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the post-war development of Ukraine and ways to revive its economy, which would take into account the changed conditions within the country itself and in the world as a whole.
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The study aimed to determine the positional content of the use of high technology in the system of solidarity of community members in the implementation of business processes to ensure efficiency in the socio-environmental and economic development triad. The general research methodology was based on a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of introducing high technology into the solidarity economy according to the following predictors: digitalization, informatization, and professionalization levels. Blockchain technology (N = 3,073 projects) was selected as an example of high technology, which is used to stimulate the decentralization of the economy and strengthen social influence in the solidarity economy. The use of complex research methods to achieve this goal — situational analysis, systems analysis, reproductive analysis, and structural-functional analysis — was proposed as the generalizing evaluation block. The research results confirmed the main hypothesis: the higher the level of socioeconomic development of the solidarity economy model in terms of digitalization (r=0.866), informatization (r = 0.754), and professionalization (r = 0.564), the more efficient socially-oriented business models that involve high technologies are in a particular territory. The study also shows that the blockchain can provide additional (65% of projects) and transformational solutions (25% of projects) for alternative energy projects.
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The concept and practice of Digital involvement is improved gradually in various sectors with the help of various digital and electronic tools as well as technologies. Importantly, most of these are widely using in teaching-learning process and today entire education system become more technology centric. There are many concerns about the Digital Education which include E-Learning, Online Education, Education Technology, Virtual Education, Blended Learning. However previously only ET i.e. Education Technology or E Learning was treated as practice of ICT in Education and gradually other areas have lead the development of the Digital Education not only a practicing concept but also a field of study. Newest nomenclature ‘Digital Education’ has become a subject in many international universities to offer the best in practice of planning, conducting education and also overall educational approaches so that sophisticated teaching-learning activities can be developed. Digital Education partially known as Educational technology needed in process of communication, and exchange of views using IT and Computing. The tremendous applications of IT in Education are results to advanced education and their practice in better pedagogy and curricula development and offering. Therefore future of education is purely based on advanced technology and automation and also concepts of the Creativity. The advanced concept of Education 4.0 also an important practice and this Chapter is concentrated on Digital Education and its various aspects with special reference to its practice in Education 4.0 practice and development.
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Mushroom cultivation is one of the way of upgrading the income of the farmers other than field crops, which eventually increase human resource directly or indirectly and paves the way for self-sustaining business opportunities for unemployed and weaker sections of the society. This study was an attempt to get the response of the respondents related to production, finance, marketing and social constrictions faced by them in mushroom farming in Sonipat district of Haryana. From Sonipat, two blocks i.e. Sonipat and Ganaur were selected purposively and from each block four villages were selected randomly. Further, from each block, sixty respondents were selected randomly. Thus, total one hundred twenty respondents were selected. The structured schedule was developed for data collection. The Study revealed that ‘pests and diseases’ and ‘high perishability of produce’ was the most important production constriction responsible for low economic viability of mushroom production. Whereas, ‘Inadequate support from government’ and ‘difficulty of loan process’ were the major obstacles related to Finance. In case of marketing the constraints like ‘malpractices of middleman’, ‘lack of fixation of support prices’, ‘absence of regulated marketing channel’ and ‘price variation during season and off-season’ were observed by the mushroom farmers in the study area. Similarly, ‘lack of training facilities’ for mushroom cultivation was a major social constraint.
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