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EA - Volume 68 - Issue 1s

[<<< GO BACK ][ VOLUME 68 - ISSUE 1S ]

Title: Guest Editorial
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Guest Editorial

Title: Contents Vol. 68, No. 01s, February 2023
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Title: Infrastructural Support of the Innovation and Information Trajectory of Public Administration Development
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The formation of sustainable innovative development of public administration involves the implementation of a system of measures, functions, methods, ways, and strategies to achieve program, project economic, financial, and social levels of efficiency. This is ensured by the creation and use of infrastructure tools to support and scientific development of innovation processes. The relevance of the issue of the need to solve scientific problems of innovation processes is growing in the context of increasing the level of innovation in the external environment, reducing economic growth rates, and globalization of national markets. The paper aims to clarify the degree of scientific research and systematization of scientific developments in the field of innovation and information development of public administration. Moreover, it is aimed at the study of the practical experience of infrastructural support of the innovation and information component of management development in the public sphere. During the study, the analytical method was used to study the scientific literature on information support of public administration. Furthermore, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction in the processing of scientific information, system-structural, comparative, logical and linguistic, abstraction, idealization, as well as a questionnaire survey for practical clarification of the priority, importance, prerequisites, and components of information infrastructure the management activities of the public sector have been applied. According to the results of the study, the main trends in scientific developments in the innovation and information development of public administration have been studied. Besides, according to the results of the survey, the position of specialists and scientists in public administration on certain practical issues related to the infrastructure support of innovation and information activities of the public sector has been clarified.
Title: New Tax Policy on Resumption of the Business Entities’ Activities
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In the modern conditions of the complex general economic situation in all branches of the world economy, one of the crucial issues related to improving the state administration system’s efficiency is the need to revise the state’s tax policy, including improving and increasing the taxation mechanism’s efficiency. At the same time, it should be emphasized that improving the tax mechanism in the conditions of modern challenges and systemic reforms should provide for a clear determination of complex measures to transform the tax system, formed on the basis of a scientifically based tax policy as the budgetary theory’s component of the state development, in general, and the restoration of individual companies’ activities, in particular. Due to the systemic subjective and objective reasons for the ineffectiveness of the budgetary and tax support for the development of many states, the need for such transformations is caused by the necessity of changing the fundamentals of the state’s budgetary and tax development and the current tax system for the effective operation of business entities as the tax system’s central goal. During the research, abstraction, idealization, system-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction were applied to process scientific information on tax policy issues. Along with this, a questionnaire survey was used to clarify certain aspects of tax policy related to the resumption of business entities’ activities. Based on the research results, the features of resumption of business entities’ activities using the new tax policy’s tools were studied and certain practical aspects of this issue were clarified.
Title: Financial Aspects of Maintaining Business Activities in the Face of Unexpected Changes
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In the context of the war, the external environment is characterized by a growing level of uncertainty. Rising energy prices, the closure of airspace in Ukraine, rising inflation, a 30% decline in GDP in 2022, and the destruction of infrastructure as well as supply chains have necessitated adjustments to the company’s operations and changes to its financial plan. The research aims to assess the financial aspects of doing business in the face of unexpected changes. The research methodology is based on the case study of a company that supplies energy resources to Ukraine. The main research methods used are in-depth interviews with the staff to assess the existing strategy, employee motivation system, efficiency of the organizational structure, and financial aspects of the company’s activities. The results demonstrate that an important stage in the development of a financial plan in wartime is the audit of business activities. It includes an understanding of the current state of the organizational, financial, and human aspects of the company’s functioning. An in-depth interview with the company’s personnel shows the level of effectiveness of the interaction of all these aspects of the business. Changes in the financial system involve organizational changes: company structure, motivation system, customer interaction, and service improvement. The study shows that the interaction of organizational, financial, and motivational components contributed to the synergy of the company’s resources and their mobilization in the face of the growing risks of a company’s crisis. Financial planning by business segments and precision in the distribution of employees’ responsibilities increases the level of motivation and involvement of staff in all business processes. Moreover, the distribution of centers and areas of responsibility should be linked to the incentives and motives of employees.
Title: Problems and Prospects of Improving the Banking System and its Impact on the Economy
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The article analyzes management models of banking systems. The influencing factors presented in the analyzed models were analyzed. Research directions have been determined: innovative technologies in the e-banking system and management mechanisms aimed at customer orientation in conditions of high competition and a high degree of commercialization. A projection of trends in the development of banking services in a digital format was made in the system of transactions, payments, deposits in cryptocurrencies, and other banking operations. The trends confirmed the relevance of the development of digital technologies in banking systems. A simulation of banking systems management processes was carried out. In particular, the rates of deposits and loans were calculated by projecting the ratio of bank rate indicators for deposits and loans. Accordingly, the practical use of modeling processes of changes in the bank rate and changes in the pace of customer engagement is proposed. The direct proportional dependence of the rate on the rates of deposits and loans was determined. Such dependence allows for the implementation of management decisions regarding the development of a banking institution or the banking system based on modeling the process of changes associated with changes in the rate and the impact on the growth rates of the number of deposits and loans. In the perspective of further research, the analysis of other factors in the management system of the banking system is defined, in particular, their influence on the profitability of banking institutions and banking systems in the conditions of external challenges and innovative requ
Title: The Development of the World Economy and the Impact of the Global Food Crisis 2022-2023
Abstract :
Purpose: The aim of to substantiate the theoretical and applied foundations for identifying the impact of the global food crisis of 2022-2023 on the development of the world economy. Design/methodology/approach: The methodological basis of the study consists of fundamental methods of economic analysis and basic research, namely: synthesis, system analysis, comparison, analogy, graphical, tabular, generalization, systematization, grouping, k-means clustering, correlation, and regression analysis.Findings: As a result of the research, it was found that in 2022, the destabilizing impact of the global food crisis on the development of the world economy has increased. This led to a sharp rise in food prices, increased inflationary factors, and deepening poverty. Research, Practical & Social implications: A set of measures to counteract global and local destabilizing factors was proposed to overcome the crisis. Originality/value: The downward trends in the development of the world economy and its inability to effectively counter the challenges and dangers of our time have been revealed.
Title: Features of Using the Opportunities of the Digital Environment of the Higher Educational Institution for the Development of Future Economists’ Professional Competence
Abstract :
The present academic paper is devoted to studying the degree of development of individual components of future economists’ professional competence in the digital environment of higher educational institutions. In the course of the research, the level of effectiveness of digitalization of higher educational institutions was studied. To assess the actual competence level of future specialists in the field of economics, a questionnaire survey of students - future economists in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, and France was conducted. Based on the analysis of the results, the qualifications of students - future economists were assessed, considering the features of labour markets in different countries. According to the research data, it has been established that apparent differences in the degree of digitization of higher education institutions can be observed in various countries, which affects the competence of future specialists. The difference in the degree of development of digital technologies in higher educational institutions causes the formation of a significant gap in the level of professionalism in general and digital competence, in
particular, among students of economic specialties. To carry out a highly-effective professional activity,an economist should possess relevant technical, digital, competency-based, and mathematical skills. The survey has revealed that the lack of critical thinking skills in the Czech Republic and Germany and active self-study among students - future economists is especially acute. According to the results of the survey, it has been established that the main reason for the lack of this type of skills is the insufficientnumber of academic hours allocated during the educational process for their formation, forasmuch as in the conditions of the digitalization of higher education, the time frame of training is limited. Along with this, a lack of development of social and communication skills that develop the professional competence of economists is observed in the Czech Republic, France and Germany.
Title: Peculiarities and Prospects of Investment Activities in the Conditions of the Global World Crisis
Abstract :
Purpose: The research aims to establish the regularity of the state of investment activity in the context of the global world crisis and to determine the features and prospects of investment activity development. Design/methodology/approach: Research methods: method of information synthesis; regression analysis; systematization, generalization, comparative analysis. Findings: As a result of the analysis of the development of investment activity in the context of the global crisis, a positive trend in attracting investments into the economy of countries was established. Research, Practical & Social implications: The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the theoretical provisions, conclusions, and recommendations developed by the author and proposed in the article can be used to: increase the level of development of investment activity in the context of the global world crisis, etc. Originality/value: It was determined that further research could be aimed at improving the legislation to facilitate the implementation of investment policy, which will reduce the dependence on the impact of factors on the state of attracting foreign direct investment and the level of investment activity, which in turn will improve the economic activity of entities and the current level of the economy.
Title: Formation of Business Cyber Security in Conditions of Instability of the Domestic Economy
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The strengthening of the destabilizing influence of modern challenges and dangers leads to the emergence of significant risks and threats to Ukraine’s national security. It creates the need to protect the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, for as much as the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of independent Ukraine caused an unprecedented crisis and critical conditions for the state’s functioning. The influence of these challenges and dangers on business structures, which are often subject to unauthorized interference in their activities by cybercriminals, is especially noticeable under such circumstances, which makes it necessary to ensure a high level of business cyber security. The purpose of the academic paper is to study the theoretical and applied principles of ensuring business cyber security in conditions of the domestic economy’s instability. The methodological base of the research comprises the following general scientific and special methods of economic analysis and scientific knowledge, namely: scientific abstraction, system analysis, synthesis, statistical analysis, comparison, analogies, classification, grouping, cluster analysis (based on the k-means method), graphic, tabular generalization and systematization. Based on the results of the conducted research, it can be stated that the cyber security of business in conditions of the domestic economy’s instability is characterized by an excessive influence of cyber risks and cyber threats. It has been established that the effectiveness of ensuring business cyber security depends on the level of the country’s development: highly developed countries have significantly higher cyber security indicators (USA: 0,919 - 1,000; Great Britain: 0,783 - 0,995; Germany: 0,679 – 0,974) than in developing countries (Moldova: 0,418 – 0,758; Belarus: 0,506 -0,592; Ukraine: 0,501 - 0,688). It has been proven that countries of the transitive type are unable to fully withstand the challenges and dangers of cyberspace, as a result of which business structures are exposed to malicious unauthorized encroachments by cybercriminals. The basic preventive and strategic measures to strengthen business cyber security are proposed, and the need for the codification of cyber law in Ukraine is substantiated.
Title: The Role of Internet Marketing in the Strategy of Forming Entrepreneurial Activity
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The development of the information society determines the need to ensure the competitiveness of business activities through the implementation of Internet marketing mechanisms. Internet marketing is based on the implementation in practice of digital tools and technologies aimed at maximally complete, prompt, high-quality satisfaction of consumer needs. The article analyzes the development of digital technologies and digital society trends. Identifies trends in the growth of the number of Internet users, smartphone users, and the number of purchases made via the Internet. Statistical data and the trend line constructed in the article confirm the hypothesis of further scaling of the electronic sales system and, accordingly, the demand for Internet marketing tools and mechanisms. The article uses the method of grouping, separating parts from the whole, sand synthesis, which allowed segmentation of the target audience in modern markets. The segmentation carried out in the article made it possible to develop a matrix of segmentation of the target audience, which is grouped by factors of age, social status, interests, requests and values. By real practical results of advertising campaign analysis, three areas were identified: targeted advertising, contextual advertising, and social media marketing. Based on the ranking according to the target audience segmentation matrix, specific methodological recommendations for the practical implementation of the system of using marketing tools, depending on the type of target audience, have been developed. The developed recommendations determine the possibility of selecting the most effective types of advertising for each individual type of target audience, and the developed segmentation matrix, which contains a set of interests, requests, and values for each selected group, can be used to improve advertising campaigns and increase their effectiveness.
Title: Toolkit for Ensuring Management of Socially Responsible Business Activities
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The article is devoted to the deepening of the theoretical and methodological provisions aimed at solving the scientific and applied task regarding the development and methodical support of mechanisms for managing socially responsible activities and enabling the formulation of practical recommendations for improving its organizational tools. Integration of Ukrainian business into the global one economic space provides for the conformity of domestic business practices enterprises to international requirements, standards that are largely new poses the problem of increasing the level of their competitiveness, which in mainly considered as a set of economic and financial results. Intensification of global competition requires improvement of existing forms conducting business, use new effective tools every day management and develop new mechanisms of “government-business society” relations. Widespread traditional methods of formation competitive advantages have almost exhausted themselves and need new ones toolkit, which includes a “socially oriented component” and intensifies partnership relations between the government, business and society, and how as a result, ensures long-term relationships with consumers, attracts the best personnel, promotes state support and the formation of a competitive stability Modern management sees as one of such tools corporate social responsibility, the main principles of which provide mandatory participation of business representatives in the development of society and responsibility of the latter for solving social and environmental problems, implementation of educational programs, labor protection, etc. That is, in the area of responsibility new non-economic factors enter, the aspect expands of social significance, and social progress is actively developing not only in sociology, but also in economic science.
Title: Optimization of Operational and Financial Risks of Conducting Business Activities Under the Conditions of Changes and Sustainable Development
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Risk is one of the main elements of any type of company’s activity, which should be taken into account when planning its development. It is impossible to completely eliminate risks from commercial activities, particularly, while the economic climate is changing. In addition, the company’s management cannot always successfully get out of risky situations, which can lead to negative consequences. This is precisely why the issue of optimizing operational and financial risks is given primary attention in the economic
literature nowadays. The purpose of the academic paper is to highlight in the scientific literature the main trends of work on optimizing operational and financial risks of management both under conditions of changes and during the company’s sustainable development, as well as establish the main practical aspects of the issue outlined. In the course of the research, an analytical and bibliographic method was used to study the scientific literature on the optimization of operational and financial risks in enterprise management. At the same time, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, system-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, abstraction, and idealization were applied to study and process data. The research authors also conducted a questionnaire in online mode to clarify practically the most important issues related to risk management under conditions of changes and sustainable development. Based on the research results, the principal and most significant theoretical aspects of optimizing business operational and financial risks have been singled out, as well as the standpoints of enterprises’ heads regarding the key aspects of this issue have been investigated.
Title: Basic Framework for Introducing Space Activities for Security and Deffense
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Article is devoted to defining the basic principles of implementation of space activities in Ukraine, the problems of their implementation in the interests of security and defence and ways to solve them. The purpose of the article is to develop ways of solving problems with the implementation of space activities in the interests of security and defence of Ukraine on the, basis of principles defined by law. The analysis of the experience of the leading countries that use space technologies in the military sphere and, the current, status of space activities in Ukraine identified the problems of space activities in the interests of security and defence, and developed ways of solving them. The study found that the Ukrainian space industry is unable to ensure the security and defence capabilities of Ukraine. This is due to: the lack of a satellite constellation of its own, the lack of co-operation between the State Space Agency (SSA) and the armed forces of Ukraine, a systematic approach to law reform, unstable and insufficient funding, the lack of independent access to space, unprofitable State space enterprises. In order to solve these problems, the authors propose to create Ukraine’s own Satellite constellation, include the State Space Agency in the security and defence sector, draft and adopt a Space Code, attract foreign companies to continue the commercialization of space activities, reorganize the existing enterprises, create an indigenous rocket complex. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the obtained results for increasing the country’s defence capability in the military and, post-war period.
Title: Financial Strategy of Economic Entities in the Conditions of Transforming Economic Systems
Abstract :
Ensuring the country’s sustainable social-economic development is one of the priority areas of the state’s policy. It requires the formation and implementation of effective mechanisms for financial support and regulation of social-economic processes. In the conditions of strengthening the latest challenges and dangers, the issue of transformational conversions, the urgent necessity of which is the formation of a financial strategy for the social-economic development of economic entities, is being actualized. The purpose of the academic paper is theoretical and applied research on the features of forming and implementing the financial strategy of economic entities in the context of transforming economic systems. The methodological basis of the research is based on general scientific and special methods of economic analysis and scientific knowledge. In particular, the method of system analysis, synthesis and scientific abstraction, analogies, comparison, statistical analysis, functional analysis, graphic method, generalization and systematization were used in the research. The results of the conducted research make it possible to establish that the formation and implementation of economic entities’ financial strategy in the conditions of transforming the economic systems at the current stage is under the influence of significant destabilizing external and internal factors of developing the state and society. It is aimed at ensuring the sustainable social-economic development of the country. The main stages of development and formation of economic entities’ financial strategy have been identified. They provide for the formulation of the goals, objectives and tasks of the financial strategy, monitoring the external and internal environment, comprehensive assessment of the financial sphere, selection of tools for its implementation and ensuring control over the process of formation and implementation of the financial strategy. The need to strengthen the financial potential of implementing the financial strategy was proven using the example of Ukraine. Directions
for counteracting the destabilizing factors of forming and implementing the financial strategy to ensure the country’s sustainable social-economic development were proposed.
Title: Digitization of Business Processes and the Impact on the Interaction of Business Entities
Abstract :
Modern paces of society’s information and communication development cause a rapid increase in business requirements in all industries and spheres of business. They induce to technological changes in the construction of business processes, taking into account the main general trends of society’s digitalization. The development of information technologies changes the activity models of business organizations, the procedure of adaptation to new conditions and business requirements, which provide for a greater degree of automation and digitalization of business processes and production stages. At this stage of industrial development, a simplification and termination of certain business processes based on using digital technologies and expanding the set of digital tools takes place. The purpose of the academic paper is to study the features and main trends of digitalization in the business environment, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of various types and forms of electronic interaction of business entities while implementing business processes. In the course of the research, system-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, and idealization were applied to study and process materials in the field of communicative relations in implementing business processes. A questionnaire survey was also used to clarify certain practical aspects of this sphere.
Title: Interactive Technologies of Brand Formation of Territories for their Promotion in the Market of Tourist and Hotel Services
Abstract :
In the context of the intensification of digital technology development and the increasing impact of modern challenges, the problem of attracting innovations in the field of tourism and hotel services is becoming more urgent. Growing trends in competitiveness in the market of tourism and hotel services necessitate increasing the parameters of brand formation of territories to promote them, and interactive technologies become an effective tool for this. The purpose of the article is theoretical and applied aspects of the study of interactive technologies for the formation of brand territories to promote them in the market of tourism and hotel services. The methodological basis of the study consists of such methods of economic analysis and scientific cognition as system analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, statistical analysis, analogy, comparison, functional analysis, cluster analysis (based on the k-means method), grouping, tabular, graphical, generalization and systematization. The results of the study have revealed that the use of interactive technologies in the formation of the brand of territories for their promotion in the market of tourist and hotel services is a necessity of our time and is due to the latest challenges and global dangers. It has been established that the formation of the brand of territories for their promotion in the market of tourist and hotel services is a complex and multi-stage process that requires the definition of tactical features and strategic priorities for its development. The results of empirical research have proven a significant dependence of the formation of the brand of territories for their successful promotion in the market of tourism and hotel services on the influence of factors and challenges of our time. It has been established that the COVID-19 pandemic did not contribute to a decrease in the share of tourists to highly developed countries in Europe, in particular, in 2020, 86.9 million people went to France, 81.8 million people to Spain, 58.3 million people to Italy, 37.7 million people to the UK, 37.5 million people to Germany, 29.5 million people to Austria, 27.2 million people to Greece and 21.2 million people to Portugal. It was achieved owing to the well-known brands of the territories of these countries and the transition to modern innovative interactive technologies for attracting customers and providing tourism services. The necessity of strengthening the innovative component of tourism and hospitality development in transit countries is substantiated, which is due to the inefficiency of their use of the existing tourism potential.
Title: Ecological and Economic Assessment of the Possibilities of Public-private Partnerships at the National and Local Levels to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
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The issue of reducing greenhouse gases is of concern to the international community, as the possibility of an environmental catastrophe in the next ten years is becoming more and more real. Therefore, the search for effective tools to regulate, control and monitor private sector activities is a pressing issue. The use of restrictions is ineffective and contributes to slowing down economic development. From this perspective, the importance of the study lies in the qualitative means of building a public-private partnership to address greenhouse gas issues. The importance of the article is due to the need to find mutually beneficial compromises between the state and the private sector to achieve global strategic goals. The article aims to study the environmental and economic feasibility of building an effective model of private-public relations in the area of greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Control over the private sector should be enshrined at the national level, and specialized decentralized public authorities should be established to monitor the activities of the corporate sector. The article focuses on the current environmental situation in European countries and Ukraine and outlines the most efficient model of interaction between private and public relations to overcome negative environmental consequences. The main tasks are to find optimal solutions for the functioning of the private sector and possible government intervention while minimizing negative economic consequences. The research methodology involves disclosing the theoretical and methodological foundations of publicprivate partnerships, conducting statistical analysis of environmental threats, and determining the most appropriate model of public-private partnerships. The results of the study can improve the interaction of public administration with the private sector, as well as create the most effective model of their interaction under internal socio-economic and geopolitical circumstances.
Title: Management of Financial and Economic Relations in the Conditions of Post-war Reconstruction of Ukraine
Abstract :
The consequences of a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine and the world were negative transformations in the financial and economic systems. Financial and economic systems develop under conditions of the significant influence of external processes. Thus, the full-scale military invasion caused significant negative consequences for the financial and economic systems: a decrease in the level of entrepreneurial and investment activity, a decrease in the level of solvency, liquidity and profitability, as well as other financial and economic indicators. The article analyzes the trends and tendencies of the development of financial and economic systems in the conditions of external challenges. An analysis of financial and economic systems management models was carried out, the world’s leading experience in setting up management systems was carried out, and KPI was determined as the resulting factors of financial and economic activity. Based on the analysis of approaches to the formation of management models of financial
and economic systems, the resulting factors and their effects were determined. The weighting factors of influence factors were determined by analyzing the financial statistical reporting of national companies. A system of evaluating performance indicators has been developed by introducing an integral evaluation coefficient. Based on the evaluation, the ranking and zoning of the regions of Ukraine was carried out according to the indicator of the integral coefficient. On the basis of the calculations and the conducted analysis, methodical recommendations were developed for the practical implementation of the financial and economic activity management system in the process of post-war reconstruction.
Title: Application of International Political Sanctions as a Means of Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
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Modern challenges and dangers caused by the emergence of significant transnational phenomena and processes have intensified the development of such a direction of international organized crime and the greatest threat to international security as using weapons of mass destruction. The issue of using weapons of mass destruction has become especially acute and topical in the conditions of the full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. It is confirmed by the aggressor country’s repeated threats about its application’s intentions. This requires an in-depth study of countermeasures, which can be implemented in the form of international political sanctions. The purpose of the academic paper is to study the theoretical and applied principles and possibilities of using international political sanctions as a countermeasure against using weapons of mass destruction. The methodological basis of the research is based on applying general scientific and special methods of economic analysis and scientific knowledge, in particular: system analysis, synthesis, classification, scientific abstraction, statistical analysis, comparison, analogies, graphical, tabular, generalization and systematization. Based on the research results, it was established that applying international political sanctions is an effective and efficient tool for countering the use of weapons of mass destruction. The threat of using weapons of mass destruction has increased. This is proven by an active armed conflict on the European continent, during which threats to use weapons of mass destruction are repeatedly voiced. The largest numbers of weapons of mass destruction were found in the USA and Russia; the risks of their use cause an increase in the amount of funding for countermeasures, the total amount of which in 2022 in the USA reached 427,461 thousand US dollars. The necessity is substantiated, and the application of personal, financial, trade, diplomatic sanctions againstthe energy sector in order to counter using weapons of mass destruction is proposed.
Title: Transformation Processes of Audit in Covid-19 Conditions
Abstract :
The article examines the features of the financial audit traditional forms transformation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The peculiarities of conducting a financial audit in compliance with quarantine restrictions are considered. The advantages and prospects of implementing agile-audit in Ukraine are analyzed. The need to introduce the institute of electronic audit as one of the methods to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy of Ukraine has been identified. It is noted that one of the elements of combating the consequences of COVID-19 is the use of digital technologies in compliance with tax legislation, namely electronic audit of business entities. It is determined that the content of electronic audit is the use of a specialized tax file Standard Audit File for Tax, which will allow auditors to freely obtain information for tax audits. The current normative and legal regulation of the functioning of the institute of electronic audit in Ukraine is studied, as well as draft laws aimed at improving the normative regulation of electronic audit. A number of measures have been proposed to improve audit processes to prevent the consequences of the pandemic and the full implementation of electronic audit in the traditional system of verification and tax payers activities. It is concluded that the quarantine audit can no longer be performed by traditional methods and it is determined that them a inform of audit is remote audit, which, despite the restrictions, should be conducted in accordance with established international standards, considering pandemic restrictions. It is proposed to consolidate the concept of “electronic audit” at the legislative level to start the functioning of electronic audit in Ukraine; at the regulatory level to determine the structure of the Ukrainian version of the specialized
tax audit file SAFTUA, to form a phased procedure for electronic audit; develop an accurate plan for the implementation of electronic audit institute; develop appropriate software for auditors. Among other things, it was deemed necessary to provide special training courses for auditors in order to acquaint the latter with the new audit procedure. It is concluded that conducting an agile audit can allow for an effective audit and become a key element of business success.
Title: Intercultural Economic and Communication Competence: International Relations and Diplomacy Area
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The study outlines the role of intercultural communication as a crucial component of diplomats and international professionals’ training, which increases the effectiveness of interaction with representatives of different cultures in performing professional duties. Conditions of civilizational development, achievements of science, innovative technologies, requirements of public life, priority of foreign policy activity have led to deepening of peoples and cultures’ interaction. Because of such interaction of both individuals and cultures, diplomatic relations between different states have gained a special status. The diplomatic relations are based on intercultural communication as a tool of international cooperation aimed at promoting foreign policy interests of different states, as well as ensuring international cooperation and developing long-term formal and informal ties between government institutions, international actors, diplomatic missions and political leaders. All thesecause the intensification of intercultural communication processes that become systemic. With the research methods being study, analysis and generalization, the study was aimed at revealing the concept of intercultural communication competence as the diplomats and international affairs specialists’ ability to choose and implement a speech act depending on the goals and content of professional speech through language, as well as mastery of communication strategies and tactics.
Title: Foreign Experience in the Legal Regulation of Agricultural Commodity Exchange and its Possible Practice in Ukraine
Abstract :
Since Ukraine is at the initial stage of legal regulation of the exchange market, the study of foreign experience in the field of agricultural commodity exchange becomes crucial. The article aims to determine ways and directions for improving the legal regulation of agricultural commodity exchange in Ukraine with consideration of foreign experience in this field. The authors of this article analyzed the world models of legal regulation of exchange trade, identified their strengths and weaknesses, and established the features of the organization of such trade and trends in the exchange market development, which can be of avail for the development of measures aimed at improving domestic legislation in this field. The authors conclude that a legislative framework for the functioning of the agricultural exchange market in Ukraine needs to consider many global trends, including state control for preventing price imbalances in the field of commodity turnover, the financing of exchange contracts as a source of investment for the agricultural sector, stimulation of agricultural production in the country, and elimination of corruption while forming state reserves. The analysis of foreign experience in the field of agricultural commodity exchange indicates the need to unify the rules and legal regulation of the organization and activities of the stock and commodity exchanges in terms of their legal status, requirements for members, and the method of organizing and conducting trades.
Title: Reforming the Healthcare System to Sustainable Development Goals in the EU States
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Despite the war, or maybe because of it, progress was made in the European integration process: in June 2022, Ukraine entered the status of an applicant for the EU state. Along with this, the requirements remain the same as before, and improving the level of medicine and healthcare is among them. The purpose of writing an academic paper was to familiarize Ukraine’s citizens with equal access to quality medical services, as a result of changes to orient the system and to place the patient in its center. The research methods were analysis, synthesis, generalization, explanation and data qualification. The regional office of the World Health Organization for Europe (WHO / Europe) became the first and main source for the disclosure of the topic outlined (World Health Organization). The present scientific work will reveal the possible consequences of European integration for Ukrainian medicine. It is important to understand that the arguments of this research are not entirely academic, because it is impossible to know when the war will end and whether Ukraine will not remain a buffer zone for the EU countries. Nevertheless, regardless of the development of events, it is important to critically assess the role of the European Union and its interests in Ukrain.
Title: State Policy of Cultural and Art Projects Funding as a Factor in the Stability of State Development in the Conditions of Globalization
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The article considers the forms and methods of the practice of financial support for an important social sphere culture and art. The experience of financing this sphere as a whole and in the context of individual countries of the world is analyzed and summarized. It is substantiated that each country forms its own models of public financing, and there is a significant arsenal of tools for financial support of culture and arts, including those based on the principles of public-private partnership. Arguments are presented that culture and art represent a tool of the so-called “cultural diplomacy” and soft power, and the financing of cultural and artistic projects today, in the context of globalization and related geopolitical processes, is a very expedient component of ensuring national security.
Title: The Circular Economy Model and the Imperatives of its Implementation in Ukraine
Abstract :
In Ukrainian realities, the issue of implementing a circular economy is the most significant task for a country that is mainly focused on the extraction and processing of raw materials. The issue of applying the circular economy model and the possible imperatives of its implementation are formed on the basis of the realities of military operations and an unfavorable economic situation. The purpose of the research is to analyze the feasibility of implementing the circular economy, as well as the possible partial provision of its circulation based on using basic principles of functioning. The principal goal of the research is to evaluate theoretical and practical models of using the circular economy, as well as the relevance of developing such a model in Ukraine. The potential opportunities for developing the circular economy in the state are investigated with the help of forming and using information technologies, as well as specialized equipment. The represented results can be used in the public administration of the country for establishing a qualitative stabilization policy of the country’s economy both in the conditions of war and in the post-war period. The academic paper investigates the basic principles of creating and developing the circular economy based on European experience. The research results can be useful for the corporate sector, as well as for the institutions of regulation of economic activity in private-state relations.
Title: Basic Framework for Introducing Space Activities for Security and Defence
Abstract :
Article is devoted to defining the basic principles of implementation of space activities in Ukraine, the problems of their implementation in the interests of security and defence and ways to solve them. The purpose of the article is to develop ways of solving problems with the implementation of space activities in the interests of security and defence of Ukraine on the, basis of principles defined by law. The analysis of the experience of the leading countries that use space technologies in the military sphere and, the current, status of space activities in Ukraine identified the problems of space activities in the interests of security and defence, and developed ways of solving them. The study found that the Ukrainian space industry is unable to ensure the security and defence capabilities of Ukraine. This is due to: the lack of a satellite constellation of its own, the lack of co-operation between the State Space Agency (SSA) and the armed forces of Ukraine, a systematic approach to law reform, unstable and insufficient funding, the lack of independent access to space, unprofitable State space enterprises. In order to solve these problems, the authors propose to create Ukraine’s own Satellite constellation, include the State Space Agency in the security and defence sector, draft and adopt a Space Code, attract foreign companies to continue the commercialization of space activities, reorganize the existing enterprises, create an indigenous rocket
complex. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the obtained results for increasing the country’s defence capability in the military and, post-war period.
Title: State Business Support Programs in Wartime Conditions
Abstract :
The relevance of the stated topic is determined by the state’s goal of creating an environment capable of resuscitating business entities and saving them from bankruptcy to recover from the shock of the national economy. The article describes the government’s business support activities in Ukraine. The author presents and analyzes the existing state support programs, both those launched during martial law and those that have continued and transformed to meet the needs of the business. The author emphasizes the causeand- effect relationship of business problems in the context of Russia’s military aggression. The state aid in agribusiness, which constitutes the food security of the state, is systematized. To preserve/resuscitate a business, the state is obliged to create all conditions for its functioning and reproduction under new economic conditions. Based on general scientific and special methods, the author conducted a study of the content of state support under martial law. An important issue is to identify those business representatives who should be supported and discouraged, the so-called zombie firms. Based on the comparison of the scale of state aid and business problems, the author concludes that it should be supplemented and the existing anti-crisis measures and their preferential financing should be revised. The newest directions for further research should be to evaluate the effectiveness of state business support programs and establish clear criteria for selecting the most viable business entities.
Title: Application of Effective Means of Management in the Conditions of Military Operations
Abstract :
The system of legal support for the activities of local self-government bodies plays a decisive role in ensuring territorial development. The article analyzes the place of local self-government bodies in the system of ensuring territorial development. The analysis of the leading European experience made it possible to determine that the deregulation of territorial management processes is an effective mechanism for ensuring their development. The experience of the world’s leading countries in building legal systems for regulating the activities of local self-government bodies was analyzed. The role of local self-government bodies during political crises was defined. The lack of experience in the implementation of powers by local self-government bodies under martial law determined the need to analyze Ukrainian legislation and its practical implementation after the beginning of the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The analysis of the legislation made it possible to determine the place of local self-government bodies in the processes of ensuring the urgent needs of the population during the period of martial law. The analysis of the needs of the population was carried out by accumulating the results of a sociological survey among Ukrainians conducted after the start of a full-scale military invasion. Based on the assessment, a ranking matrix of the population’s requests was developed, which made it
possible to form the areas of work of local self-government bodies, which are defined as priorities in the conditions of martial law. Based on the analysis, methodical recommendations are proposed to improve the regulatory and legal regulation of the activities of local self-government bodies in the conditions of martial law.
Title: Budget Instruments for Stimulating the Development of the Investment Potential of the Tourism Industry in Ukraine
Abstract :
The article examines the special conditions for the use of budgetary tools for stimulating the development of the investment potential of the tourism industry in Ukraine. From the standpoint of introducing preferences for the introduction of investments into Ukraine, a methodical approach has been developed to assess the development of the investment potential of the tourism industry in the country, which, on the basis of budgetary incentives, allows to reproduce tourist subcomplexes, to form the investment infrastructure of regions, ensuring the social needs of the population in market relations. The functional structure of the tourism industry is substantiated. A system of synthetic indicators of the development of the investment potential of the tourism industry according to the level of targeted use of budgetary stimulation tools is presented. On the basis of the indicative method, stages of assessment of the development of the investment potential of the country’s tourism industry according to the level of targeted use of budgetary stimulation tools are proposed. The volume of revenues to the budget of Ukraine from the tourism tax from the activities of the tourism industry subjects was analyzed. The amount of expenses of the subjects of the tourism industry in the field of economic and service support for the production of the tourist product was determined. The number of expenditures on the tourism industry and related subcomplexes from the state and local budgets of Ukraine was analyzed. The distribution of tourist subcomplexes in the regions of Ukraine in different geographically located territories was carried out according to the quantitative value of the budgetary stimulation of investments in the material and technical support of the subjects of the tourism industry. The cluster application of budgetary tools for stimulating the development of the investment potential of the tourism industry of Ukraine in different geographically located territories of tourism subcomplexes is proposed. The ranking of the parameters of the development of the investment potential of the tourism industry was carried out according to the quantitative criteria of budgetary stimulation of investments in the material and technical support of the subjects of tourism subcomplexes in different geographically located territories of Ukraine.
Title: Implementation of EU Standards in the Labor Sphere while Establishing the New Labor Code of Ukraine
Abstract :
The academic paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the content of the right to work in the context of Ukraine’s European integration. Special attention is paid to the issue of compliance with the morality of the current legislation of Ukraine and the morality of transnational law. The possibility of borrowing transnational experience in the legal regulation of the right to work and adaptation has been studied. The labor legislation of Ukraine should be adapted to European norms, which will clearly contribute to protecting the employees’ rights, their income and social well-being. Therefore, the purpose of writing an academic paper is to study the issue of the right to work in the conditions of Ukraine’s European integration, the possibility of borrowing European experience and enshrining it in the legislation of Ukraine. he research methods were analysis, synthesis, generalization, explanation and data qualification. The primary sources for comprehending the present research were the fundamental scientific provisions highlighted in the works of famous scientists. Theoretical developments and abstract shortcomings of legal issues regarding the implementation of labor law have been worked out for centuries. This issue requires a new vision from the perspective of the criteria of necessity, reasonableness and wisdom, and most importantly, taking into account the conditions of Ukraine’s European integration into the European Union and its legislation.
Title: Application of Interactive Technologies to Promote Tourism Services
Abstract :
The issue of using interactive technologies to promote tourism services plays a key role for tourism enterprises. This is due to the transformation of the market due to global challenges such as the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The problem of studying the quality of interactive technologies is to analyze the necessary infrastructure and tools for implementation in the work of a corporate institution aimed at attracting new customers. The use of interactive technologies provides the tourism market with many advantages. First of all, it makes it possible to enter the international market and strengthens the brand’s presence in the digital environment. Furthermore, interactive technologies with the help of digital infrastructure can create video materials and any media files used in an advertising campaign. The article aims to analyze the application, structural components, and effective methodology for implementing interactive technologies for activities in the tourism market. Moreover, key trends in the use of interactive technologies and popular mechanisms for their implementation are outlined in the article. Attention is paid to the variability of the digital environment and both theoretical and practical means of implementing a tourism promotion campaign are considered. An important issue is the further prospects for the development of digital technologies for their gradual integration into the practice of tourism enterprises. The results of the study may be useful for tourism enterprises planning to conduct commercial activities based on the use of interactive technologies.
Title: Communication Strategies of Brand Management and Online Marketing of Digital Products
Abstract :
The peculiarities of the communication strategy of brand management and Internet marketing of digital products play a key role in the commercial activities of the enterprise and its positioning in the information environment. The modern practice of using digital technologies in marketing is key to improving the competitive activity of an enterprise, covering the market, and forming its customer base of consumers. The article aims to conduct a study on the implementation of communication strategies for brand management and Internet marketing of digital products in a dynamic market and rapid development of information technologies. The research is concerned with the qualitative allocation of financial resources and the search for optimal means of implementing digital tools for commercial activities. The article examines the peculiarities of the theoretical concept of the communication strategy of brand management and Internet marketing, dividing it into its key stages and stages of implementation. An important direction in the study is the analysis of theoretical provisions of brand management, control of brand development practice, its formation, and promotion of the perception of the enterprise’s image in the information environment. Due attention is paid to the issue of using appropriate means of modern marketing policy for enterprises and businesses engaged in the sale of digital products. The practice of using creative approaches in marketing activities and the use of non-standard means of organizing marketing activities is studied. The obtained results of the study can be used to improve the quality of implementation of the communication strategy of brand management and Internet marketing of digital products in the context of the rapid development of information technologies.
Title: Economic Development of the State with the Help of the Tourism Industry in Crisis Situations
Abstract :
The intensification of globalization processes and the dynamic development of world economic relations actualize the problem of studying the tourism industry as a strategic and priority vector of economic recovery and development. It has experienced the destabilizing impact of crises. The outlined trends give importance to the issue of studying the peculiarities of the functioning of the tourism industry as a stimulant for the growth of economic development of the state in the context of modern challenges, dangers, and the increasing impact of crises. The article aims to study the theoretical and applied principles of functioning and development of the tourism industry as a driver of the economic development of the state and identify its problems in crises. The methodological basis of the study is based on the use of general scientific and unique methods of scientific knowledge and economic analysis, namely: system and statistical analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, comparison, analogy, grouping, cluster analysis, graphical, tabular, generalization, and systematization. The results of the conducted research give grounds to assert that the development of the tourism industry as a driver of economic development of the state in crises is influenced by negative factors of the external and internal environment. It has been established that the most significant crises that have significantly destabilized the tourism industry
and the economic development of European countries are the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian- Ukrainian war. The main problems of the functioning and development of the tourism industry in the current crisis conditions have been identified, in particular: logistical problems; environmental and sanitary-epidemiological problems; problems of non-transparency of economic activity in the tourism sector; increased socio-political instability; lack of strategic development programs and state support for the tourism industry; low level of innovation development and information support. The necessity of forming a mechanism of anti-crisis marketing based on innovations has been proposed. It will help improve the tourism industry’s development and economic growth.
Title: Economic Aspects of Ensuring Labor Safety in the Global Labor Market
Abstract :
Strengthening the globalization processes and intensifying their development generate numerous destabilizing factors significantly affecting the world market of labor capital and leading to irreversible destructive changes. Under such conditions, the issue of ensuring labor safety in the global labor capital market and creating relevant conditions for labor protection is highly urgent. The purpose of the academic paper is to conduct theoretical and applied studies of the economic aspects of ensuring labor safety in the
world market of labor capital. The methodological base of the research consists of general scientific and unique methods of economic analysis, in particular, as follows: scientific abstraction, system analysis, synthesis, statistical analysis, comparison, grouping, cluster analysis, tabular, graphic, generalization, and systematization. The obtained results of the conducted research make it possible to assert that ensuring labor safety in the world market of labor capital is difficult. It significantly depends on the country’s development level, which is proven by the example of certain European countries and the USA. It has been established that there are significant disproportions on the global market of labor capital in its development in modern conditions, leading to an increase in the unemployment level, a decrease in the employment level and wages. The most significant destabilizing factors of reducing labor safety in the global labor capital market were identified: the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale war
of Russia against Ukraine. The primary measures to increase labor safety indicators on the global labor capital market and to normalize its main parameters are proposed. They foresee a decrease in the number of workers who retire early and those who are disabled due to an accident and occupational disease, a reduction of economic and social expenditures for accidents and occupational diseases, in particular, due to intensifying the development of the insurance system; strengthening the ability of employees to increase labor productivity by improving health; creation of working conditions at enterprises capable of ensuring its safety through introducing innovations.
Title: Project Management in Supply Chains in the Context of Digitalization Processes
Abstract :
The modern development of digital technologies is transforming traditional approaches to project management. Therefore, there is a need to use unique platforms and applications that automate business processes and analyze data flows. Supply chains are a source of microeconomic stability for an enterprise in the global market. Uninterrupted business operation in the face of socio-economic and geopolitical instability is a critical factor in achieving competitive advantages in the chosen market segment. The
article aims to study the peculiarities of project management in supply chains in the context of digitization processes as a local concept. It contains a clear procedural order and is divided into some stages, during which specific analytical and business processes occur. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the complexity of the supply chain, logistics routes, optimal choice of tariffs, and other factors of supply chain organization are highly variable. This creates a demand for high-quality software applications that analyze information promptly and allow for the most rational decision-making. Under such circumstances, the study results show the current features of project management and local project management in supply chains. They are mainly based on using particular digital infrastructure or information platforms that facilitate the work with such applications. In the context of unstable geographical suppliers and changing geopolitical leadership in commodity markets, it is a strategically important task for any enterprise. Moreover, the article examines the peculiarities of organizing a supply chain project, as well as the key critical stages of its functioning and the modern digital infrastructure used to manage such projects. The results of the study results also outline the prospects for the formation of digital technologies to ensure the stable operation of the corporate sector in selected market segments.
Title: Development of Accounting and Auditing in EU Countries: Comparative Aspect
Abstract :
The current state of development of the international economy is characterized by the spread of the influence of globalization factors that lead to the expansion of economic ties between countries and the need for unification and standardization of mechanisms for managing economic activity. Under such circumstances, the problem of implementing the provisions of European legislation on harmonization programs in the field of accounting and auditing and determining their features in the European Union is becoming more relevant. The article aims to substantiate the theoretical and applied principles of studying the features of accounting and auditing in the European Union. The methodological basis of the study consists of general scientific and unique methods of economic analysis and scientific knowledge, namely: system analysis, scientific abstraction, synthesis, comparison, analogy, grouping, comparative analysis, graphical, tabular, generalization, and systematization. The study results give grounds to assert
that there are standard and distinctive features of accounting and auditing in the EU member states. It has been established that accounting in this group of countries is standardized and regulated by International Accounting Standards. Financial statements are prepared under the provisions and requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards, and auditing is carried out based on International Standards on Auditing. The importance of strengthening the quality of accounting and auditing services in the European Union, the basic requirements for which are legally enshrined in all countries except Denmark, Spain, Malta, and Slovakia, has been revealed.
Title: Peculiarities of Supporting Enterprises with the Help of Financial Instruments in the Conditions of Economic Changes in Ukraine
Abstract :
In the conditions of transformative transformations of the domestic macroeconomic environment, which is associated with the challenges of military aggression, the need for relocation and business recovery, a decrease in the standard of living, and high flows of population migration, it is expedient to determine financial mechanisms for ensuring effectiveness in conditions of economic instability. The formation of the European integration vector of the development of the economy of Ukraine determines a significant
role in the implementation of European standards to ensure the competitiveness of the national producer in foreign markets. Solving the issues of post-war recovery and entering new E.U. markets is a top priority for Ukrainian businesses. Financial mechanisms determine the basis for the formation of investment attractiveness, entrepreneurial activity, and competitiveness. The article analyzes financial mechanisms at the level of the macro- and microeconomic environment. The analysis and grouping of financial support of business entity models made it possible to determine the direction of the research. Forecasts of the financial system development were developed based on the definition of realistic pessimistic, and optimistic scenarios. The methods of implementation of financial mechanisms and their specifics are analyzed, and the resulting indicators are modeled as factors for evaluating the influence model. The analysis of the practical implementation of financial mechanisms and their effectiveness at
the enterprise level made it possible to select the key parameters for ensuring the competitiveness and development of national enterprises in the conditions of challenges and transformations. As a result, the authors developed methodological principles for forming and implementing financial mechanisms that can ensure effectiveness and competitiveness at the level of business entities.
Title: The Application of Digitization in the Economy as a Promising Direction in the Growth of Human Capital
Abstract :
In scientific and technical progress development conditions, human capital acts as the basis for forming economic systems and ensuring their competitiveness at the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels. The article analyzes the factors influencing the processes of human capital formation, defined as a project of the World Bank. Trends in the development of society are analyzed, in particular, the formation of innovative approaches to developing economic systems - the introduction of digital technologies and the transformational transition to a qualitatively new economic level - the digital economy. The research determines the factors influencing the formation and development of human capital. By accumulating the study of literary sources, a set of influencing factors on the formation and development of human capital was formed. Hypotheses have been put forward regarding the interrelationships of factors influencing human capital factors influencing digital technologies. The hypothesis was confirmed by a sociological survey with control charts and correlation-regression analysis of their results. Mathematical confirmation of the hypothesis made it possible to develop proposals for implementing the function of the dependence of influencing factors on the formation and development of human capital with the definition of digital technologies. Based on the conducted research, a model of the interconnected effects of digital technologies and human capital development was developed. The proposed model can be used to develop human capital to ensure the competitiveness of economic systems and ensure the sustainable development of society.
Title: Strategies of Socially Responsible Online Marketing and Advertising Management of Trade Enterprises
Abstract :
Social aspects are increasingly taken into account in the marketing activities of enterprises, as they allow for solving many problems and increasing business profitability. The article aims to empirically study how the strategies of socially responsible online marketing and advertising management of trade enterprises ensure the efficiency of their activities. The research methodology includes case studies based on the case method of foreign trading companies - representative offices in Ukraine, which implement strategies of socially responsible online marketing and advertising management. The results demonstrate the integration and coherence of socially responsible marketing strategies following the problems and marketing activities of enterprises. Market positioning, niche features, product range, and marketing determine the purpose and objectives of online marketing strategies. Trade enterprises in the course of marketing products on the Internet face some problems that require the involvement of experts. As the analysis of the cases showed, independently developed strategies and advertising campaigns are not effective enough due to a lack of professional knowledge in advertising management of digital marketing. Socially responsible Internet marketing strategies contain the following main components: (1) purpose, goals, and objectives, coordinated with the overall strategy of enterprises; (2) strategic directions and tools for implementing the strategy; (3) key performance indicators, selected following the goals and objectives, which provide a measurement of the effectiveness of advertising management. The theoretical and practical value of the article lies in empirical confirmation of the need of enterprises in social marketing activities, which contributes to the growth of profits, formation of brand awareness, improvement of its reputation in the market, raising consumer awareness of products, taking into account the motives and interests of customers.
Title: Implementation of Digitization for Anti-crisis Management of Business Entities
Abstract :
Digitalization in the crisis has contributed to increasing the level of resilience of business entities to economic downturns and bankruptcy risks. The article aims to empirically study the use of digital tools and crisis management methods in business entities. The research methodology is based on a case study of companies in various sectors of the economy on the integration of technological solutions during the pandemic in 2020. Statistical analysis was used to study the state of information technology financing during the crisis. Results. During the pandemic, since the beginning of 2020, the global level of funding for information technology (IT) by companies of different sizes has been growing. Depending on the size of the business entity, investments in technological solutions and equipment differ in volume: small firms invest more in hardware projects, and large firms - in commercial services. The critical digital tools for crisis management in companies are Big Data / Analytics (64%), Cloud Technology (50%), and
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (44%). Analysis of the volume of different segments of the Enterprise application software market in 2020 shows companies’ use of different types of enterprise software for different purposes and management functions. The analysis of companies’ cases in using digital technologies during the crisis shows a high return on digitalization in a short time (0.34 years). Business entities are focused on integrating technologies to solve problems related to improving relations with suppliers, and customers, optimizing business processes, personnel management, and increasing operational efficiency. Integration of digital tools into various subsystems of company management (suppliers, customers, staff, shareholders) provides instant qualitative and quantitative effects.
Title: New Information Technologies in Improving the Population’s Information Culture
Abstract :
In today’s information society, increasing the population’s information culture as a way of developing society and civilization becomes very important. The reason is that global transformations are taking place practically in all spheres of activity in all developed, developing, and underdeveloped countries. This article aims to assess the state of information culture in society. Methodology: The method of statistical analysis helps to assess information technology skills according to the OECD classification. The investigation revealed mutual correlations between such indicators as basic critical, strategic thinking process skills and the ability to learn actively and solve complex problems. Results: At the beginning of the study, information technology and information skills are classified according to different characteristics: operational, formal, information, strategic, technical, and cognitive abilities in using technology. The article assessed the technical skills of the population, including the ability to use computer equipment.
In addition, the research set system skills, which consist of the ability to make decisions and evaluate situations. Based on the analysis results using induction and deduction methods, comprehensive problem solutions are proposed. The totality of the obtained research allows understanding of the ability of the population to use technology, which affects the development of the society’s information culture. According to the study results, it is found that there is a lack of basic process skills in society. At the same time, system skills directly affect the ability to solve various needs. At the same time, there are enough technical skills that help even repair the equipment and solve simple technical problems. It is also determined that, in general, the working population has sufficiently developed critical thinking and can solve complex problems and comprehensively assess the situation.