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EA - Volume 68 - Issue 1

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Title: Contents
Abstract :


Title: Editorial
Abstract :
The United Nations General Assembly at its 75th session in March 2021 declared 2023 the International Year of Millets (IYM 2023). FAO is the lead agency for celebrating the Year in collaboration with other relevant stakeholders. Millets can grow on arid lands with minimal inputs and are resilient to changes in climate. They are therefore an ideal solution for countries to increase self-sufficiency and reduce reliance on imported cereal grains.
Title: Market Arrival and Price Behaviour of Potato in Tripura, India
Abstract :
The study is undertaken in Tripura on a macro framework based on secondary data. There are eight districts in Tripura and potato is cultivated in all districts. Two districts viz., West Tripura and South Tripura districts are selected purposively based on higher and lower production. Accordingly, an effort is made in this study to examine the behaviour of arrivals and prices of potato in Tripura. Production of potato and the seasonality in production are the two important factors affecting the price. It observes that the area of potato has increased at the rate of 3.14 percent and 2.04 percent per annum in West and South Tripura districts respectively. Similarly, the production of potato has also increased at the rate of 3.36 percent and 2.45 percent in these two districts respectively. However, the productivity of potato in these two districts is positive but required to be improved to enhance the income of the farmers. It emerges out from this study that there is an inter-year variation in market arrival and prices of potato and variability in market arrivals is more pronounced than prices. Arrival remains on the higher side during January to March and consequently price indices remain low during this period and lower arrival indices coincides with the higher price indices during the lean season in the selected markets. The price indices remain much lower during the period of higher arrival in these selected markets. In view of results, it is suggested that there is a need for adoption of improved technologies in potato production in Tripura and at the same time efforts are required in extending the storage facilities and thereby seasonality of market arrivals and prices of potato may be minimised. Policy makers may give emphasis on price stabilization strategies to safeguard the interest of all stake holders associated with the potato marketing in Tripura. 
Title: Economic Analysis and Growth Pattern of Ajwain in Chittorgarh District of Rajasthan
Abstract :
The research problem “Economic Analysis and growth pattern of ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) in Chittorgarh District of Rajasthan” is an exercise to determine the growth rates of area, production and productivity along with cost of cultivation and returns of ajwain in Chitttorgarh district of Rajasthan. Chittorgarh district of Rajasthan was selected on the basis of highest area under ajwain in Rajasthan. The data collected from the growers for the crop year 2018-19 were analyzed using tabular and functional analysis. The results obtained showed that the compound growth rates of area, production and productivity of ajwain in Chittorgarh district were, -2.92, -4.81 and -1.94 per cent per annum, respectively during the year 2007-08 to 2016-17. The overall cost of cultivation of ajwain crop was estimated as ` 21736.05 per hectare. The break - up of the overall cost showed that about 32.30 per cent of the total cost was in the form of Machine labor whereas rental value of owned land (17.75%) stood at the second highest place. Remaining 49.95 per cent cost was shared by other items. Overall gross income from ajwain during 2018-19 was estimated as ` 52763.25 per hectare whereas average net income over cost C2 and average family labor income was ` 31027.20 and ` 34935.93 per hectare, respectively. The average return per rupee was worked out to ` 2.42 and the average cost of production was ` 3980.49 per quintal.
Title: Future Outlook of Maize Sector in Pakistan: A 2030 Perspective
Abstract :
The objective of this study is to measure compound growth and predict future area, production and yield of maize in Punjab province and entire Pakistan using time series data collected from various government reports for the period of 1981-2019. Area, production and yield under maize crop showed positive compound growth in Punjab province and Pakistan as a whole. However, the above indicators
were higher for Punjab province than entire Pakistan. Forecasting of maize crop in Pakistan and Punjab province indicated that the area, production and yield will increase by 2030. As Punjab province is a leading contributor of maize production, the increase in area, production and yield will significantly impact the overall economy and livelihoods of the people. This calls for standard maize growing policy and comprehensive actions by government to provide subsidies on inputs availability and to conserve water.
Title: Rabi Pulse Crops Cultivation in Madhya Pradesh (India): Growth and Decomposition Analysis
Abstract :
This study analyses growth performance and relative contribution of area, production and productivity of major rabi pulse crops i.e. chickpea and lentil crops in Madhya Pradesh. The secondary time series data used for the study were collected from various publications of Government departments for thirty years period from 1991-92 to 2020-21, which was further segregated decade wise into three periods namely Period-I (1991-92 to 1999-2000), Period-II (2001-02 to 2009-10) and Period-III (2011-12 to 2020-21). The exponential trend model was used to measure growth rates of area, production and productivity of rabi pulse crop and the relative contributions of factors of production were measured by principle decomposition model. The study indicated growth rates of area, production and productivity of chickpea at the rate of 1.62, 5.68 and 3.99 per cent, respectively, whereas, for lentil the magnitude of growth were 1.86, 7.40 and 5.44 per cent, respectively. However, growth of area only observed to be significant in both the crops (chickpea and lentil). During entire study period, it was seen that yield effect was found to be more instrumental than the area and their interaction effects to increase the total production of both the crops.
Title: Study on the Application of “RECSA” Model to Evaluate the Customer Satisfaction towards Call Taxi Services Offered
Abstract :
It’s very difficult to measure services than goods due to characteristics of services like intangibility, heterogeneity, and inseparability. There is always demand for travel service since mobility is one of the important aspects for public. In the present economic situations one of the industries that has went through several changes is taxi services. The competition in taxi services is mainly between the local taxi providers and taxi aggregators. Apart from competition, the service providers face fluctuations in  prices and other new challenges. In order to this, local taxi service providers are facing threats with the competitors like UBER, OLA, red taxi etc. Nowadays, customers are smart enough that they need high quality products as well as excellent service from them. They are used to practice with famous brands with good status as well as decent services. Hence service quality of taxi services becomes a vital criterion to be analyzed in order to satisfy the customers. In this study the researcher has identified five factors of service quality, and the impact of five factors on customer satisfaction. The primary data was collected in Coimbatore city by using convenient sampling method, at important places in the city like theatre, malls, railway station, airport, hospitals etc. Using path analysis, it was found out that, out of the five factors three factors namely comfort, safety and affordability impacts customer satisfaction significantly.
Title: Arrival and Price of Potato in Assam: A Zonal Perspective
Abstract :
The present study was performed to analyse the growth rate and variation (instability) in arrival and price of potato in Assam. The study was conducted for five major markets and five zones of Assam. It was based on secondary data on daily market arrival and daily wholesale price of potato collected from for the period 2010-2021. The trend of potato arrival was positively significant in Hojai market. The study observed that there was a positive growth rate in arrival of potato in almost all of the markets primarily after the harvesting months. The price of potato in Barpeta Road, Jorhat and Balugaon markets had exhibited a significant positive high growth rate in the month of January. The seasonality index for arrival had been high during the period December-March which is the main season of potato in Assam. The instability for arrival and price in Barpeta Road and Balugaon markets were much
higher than the other markets. It is important to have proper storage facility to minimise the instability.
Title: Decomposition Analysis of Dynamic Changes in Aggregate Crop Revenue in Kymore Plateau Agro-climatic Zone of Madhya Pradesh
Abstract :
The study attempted to analyze the dynamic changes in the value of aggregate crop revenue by using Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition approach. Five districts of the Kymore plateau agro-climatic zone of Madhya Pradesh, i.e. Jabalpur, Katni, Panna, Satna & Sidhi were selected in the study for the period from 2007-08 to 2016-17. In the study the aggregate crop revenue was decomposed into the area, price, cropping pattern and yield effect. The results revealed more inclination of the farmers in Jabalpur district towards cereal crops, while in Panna and Katni districts; more inclination was observed towards oilseeds. Relative change for almost all the crops was negative in the Sidhi district except for wheat, gram and tur. The study revealed that in the agro-climatic zone, during the study period yield effect was the predominant factor, followed by price effect except for Jabalpur district, where price effect
was dominant, followed by yield effect. Amid the different effects, cropping pattern effect had the most minuscule contribution in the agro-climatic zone.
Title: Assessment of Efficiency of Marketing Channels and Constraints in Marketing of Jute in Cooch Behar District, West Bengal
Abstract :
Jute is an important commercial crop with multiple uses. The present study looks into the marketing channels, price spread, marketing efficiency and marketing related problems of jute growing farmers in Cooch Behar district of West Bengal. A sample of 80 farmers and 10 market intermediaries each (faria or small traders and big traders) and two FPO were taken randomly. Three marketing channels were identified. Majority of the jute producers marketed their jute in channel I followed by channel II and channel III. Producers’ share in consumer rupee and marketing efficiency was highest in channel III followed by channel II and I. Major marketing problems faced by jute producers were involvement of more number of middlemen, lack of organized marketing system and high marketing cost.
Title: Kharif Oilseed Crops Cultivation in Madhya Pradesh (India): Growth and Decomposition Analysis
Abstract :
The study examined the growth in area, production, and productivity of major kharif oilseed crops and decompose the production growth into area and yield effect using secondary data collected for 30 years period from different government departments and other agencies. The compound growth rate was calculated by using an exponential trend model and decomposition analysis using a semilog
growth model. It is observed that compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in area, production, and productivity of soybean and sesamum were observed positive but non- significant. While, the positive and non-significant growth rate of groundnut was observed in production and productivity, a negative but significant growth rate was observed in the area. Decomposition analysis indicated that the yield
effect of soybean and groundnut was more instrumental in increasing the production than the area and interaction effects. However, the area effect was observed more dominant in sesamum than the yield and interaction effects in the state.
Title: Input Use Pattern of Temperate Fruits Production in Himachal Pradesh: A Comparative Study of Across Farm Size
Abstract :
Land, labour, Manures & fertilizers are the basic farm inputs in agriculture production. For increasing the crop yield farmers have to make better use of their inputs as they determine the farm cost, therefore, research had been conducted on the different farm sizes to understand the inputs use pattern for different temperate fruit crop production. The study was conducted in the Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh with a sample size of 200 farm households. It was discovered that per hectare application of fertilizers, manures, sprays and insecticides & pesticides in overall crops production is highest among marginal farms and hence is showing decreasing trends with increasing farm size and the possible reason for the same can be an expectation of high returns or landholdings. Above all holding of major farm implements is less among marginal farmers which plays a very key role in improving the performance of inputs and therefore improves farms’ resource efficiency which is one of the key concerns in the Indian agriculture sector.
Title: Economic Impact of Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACS): Findings from Nadia District of West Bengal
Abstract :
With the passage of time and needs of rural people, the number and activities of PACSs have increased manifold and undergone changes with government patronage. This paper seeks to address how and to what extend the farming people have been benefited from PACS for their economic frontier in Nadia district of West Bengal. Primary data have been analysed through different statistical methods including multivariate analyses viz. principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and group characterization. The results show a positive relationship of the PACS’ role and family income of the farming community and majority of the sampled farmer members expressed the moderate role of PACS on overall economic development of farming community. Perception of the members on economic development by PACS is mostly homogeneous in nature. General perception of the members indicates the disappointing
performances of the PACS in raising agricultural productivity or opening business opportunity at village level.
Title: Volume of Timber Consumption in Sawmill Industries of Valley Districts of Manipur State, India: Its Determinants and Implications
Abstract :
The present paper seeks to determine the volume and species of timber consumption in sawmill industries of Valley districts of Manipur State, India. The study finds a high growth rate of prices for all timber species. Species-wise data shows that about 60 percent of total inputs consumed by sawmill units are for furniture use and the rest for housing and construction. The study employs a log-linear multiple regression model to determine input consumption’s determinants. The regression analysis shows that units are not fully
utilizing their installed capacity, as shown by the negative relationship between installed capacity and input consumption. Other factors like the area of the unit, capital investment, and perennial operation are factors that have positive impacts on the input consumption of the sawmill units.
Title: Resources Use Efficiency in Sali (Winter) Rice Cultivation in Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam- A Comparative Study of Mechanised and Non-mechanised Farm
Abstract :
The present study was conducted in Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam, India in January, 2020 to study resource use efficiency in Sali rice cultivation in mechanised and non-mechanised farms. A sample of 120 farmers was selected randomly from two Agricultural Development Officer Circle (ADO Circle) each comprising of 5 villages. Results revealed that human labour and seed were used comparatively in lesser quantities in mechanised farms than the non-mechanised farms, while manures and fertilizers were applied in higher quantities in mechanised farms than the non-mechanised farms. Coefficient of fertilizer was significant in both mechanised and non mechanised farms. On the other hand, coefficients of elasticity of seed and machine labour were positively significant in mechanised farms, while FYM was observed to be positively significant in non-mechanised farms. Human labour was found to be negatively significant in non-mechanised farms. In mechanised farms, the ratio of Marginal Value Product (MVP) to Marginal Factor Cost (MFC) was highest for machine labour (1.85) followed by seed (1.59) and fertilizers (1.52). The coefficients of the production function were estimated to be positively significant for seed, fertilizers and machine labour used, while the allocative efficiency ratios revealed that an additional expenditure of one rupee on these inputs would increase the gross returns by ` 1.59, ` 1.52 and ` 1.85 respectively. In case of non-mechanised farms, the ratio of MVP to MFC for area, seed, plant protection chemicals, human labour and bullock labour were found to be less than unity.
Title: Economic Analysis of Garlic (Allium sativum) Stalk Cutter cum Grader Machine
Abstract :
Garlic is a bulbous plant of the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceous), native to central Asia. Garlic is well known for its medicinal properties such as antiseptic, antibacterial and anticancer properties. It is also used to cure several chronic diseases such as bites, headaches, intestinal worms, dermatitis and abdominal pain. Garlic is a labour-intensive crop which requires intensive labour even after uprooting. Garlic stalk cutting and grading are primary unit operations to make the product fit for the market. The manual garlic stalk cutting and grading is labour intensive and uninteresting work. To reduce the labour cost and increase the benefits to farmers, a garlic stalk cutter cum grader was developed. The capacity of the garlic stalk cum grader was 177.6 kg/h. To check the profitability of the machine to farmers, an economic analysis of the machine was conducted. The comparison of manual and machine operation revealed that the capacity of the machine was 9.83 times the manual operation. The cutting and grading cost of the machine was ` 75.3/q compared to the ` 852.48/q of manual operation. The annual profit and payback period of the machine, if operated for the whole working hours of the machine was ` 442910.7 and 0.112 years. The breakeven quantity analysis revealed that to avoid any losses 17.26 quintal garlic must be processed annualy using the machine.
Title: Study of Cropping Pattern and Profitability Analysis of Major Crops of North Eastern Ghats Agro-Climatic Zone of Odisha
Abstract :
With bountiful of natural resources like fertile soil, organic rich climate and rich heritage, North Eastern Ghats agro-climatic zone of Odisha is one of the most fascinating areas of the state. The North Eastern Ghats region of Odisha spread over Kandhamal, Gajapati, Rayagada, part of Ganjam and small patches of Koraput which endowed with potentially rich natural resources at the same time are subjected to inherent problems. Keeping in mind all the constraints in the existing crop plan the study focused to examine the cropping pattern in both rainfed and irrigated situation, irrigation pattern and fertilizer  consumption pattern in the zone and also to determine the cost of cultivation and profitability of major crops of the zone. As cost of cultivation and return information is very much crucial for the farmer to know whether that crop is remunerative for the farmer or not. The study was confined to five major crops of the district, namely, paddy, ragi, maize, blackgram and greengram. The selected crops that were taken together accounted for more than 60% of the gross cropped area of the zone. The study is based on both primary and secondary sources and has made use of the cost of cultivation data from OUAT. Using probability proportional to size method of sampling a total of 120 farmers were selected for the study.
Title: Comparative Financial Performance Analysis of Farmer Producer Companies in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Abstract :
Farmer Producer Companies are emerging as an innovative model to transform agriculture into a profitable business venture by leveraging the collectives of small and marginal farmers through economies of scale with better bargaining power, better value addition facilities, better access to farming technologies, better input supply, and better market accessibility. Financial performance indicates the financial health and resource utilization efficiency of a business organization or a company over a certain period. In the present study, a comparative analysis of balance sheets and income statements was made for five different Farmer Producer Companies of Eastern Uttar Pradesh to identify the pattern of change in various financial  components from 2019-20 to 2020-21. Based on the analysis, the important findings were that reserve and surpluses were significantly increased for most of the FPCs for future business expansion, three FPCs reported increased total liabilities, and all of the FPCs managed to grow their total assets compared to the previous year. The revenue growth rate for three FPCs was below par. The performance of the FPCs in respective to net profit after tax was asymmetric. Out of five, only four FPCs were able to meet all the operational expenses from the revenue generated out of business activities and hence, considered profit-making. Moreover, the overall financial performance of the FPCs was disrupted due to the wrath of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Title: Impact of Irrigation Water on Net Farm Income in Three Regions of Somasila Project in Andhra Pradesh: A Linear Programming Approach
Abstract :
The present study is an attempt to analyze the possibilities and prospects of increasing the net farm income by better resource allocation through optimum enterprise system. Somasila command area was purposively selected for the present study, as it is one of the agriculturally advanced command area of Andhra Pradesh. A multi stage stratified purposive cum random sampling procedure was adopted to the present study. The entire command area divided into three regions viz., head, middle and tail regions. From each region first two mandals with maximum command area were purposively selected. From each mandal two villages were selected. From 12 villages, five each from small and large farmers were selected at random. The number of farmers selected from each village was ten and that total number of farmers selected for purpose of present study was 120. The results of the study revealed that there exists sub-optimal allocation of resources in the existing plans of small and large farmers. The process of optimization under different water supply conditions resulted in the improvement in the net farm returns of both the categories of farmers in the study area. However, the optimum model developed at existing water availability resulted in higher net farm returns as compared to other models developed at 10, 20 and 30 percent reduction in the water supply on small and large farms of head, middle and tail regions.
Title: Growth Performance and Instability of Pearl Millet in Gujarat vis-à-vis India
Abstract :
Pearl millet is one of the most important cereal in the world especially in Asia and African regions. In India, it is the fourth most widely cultivated food crop after rice, wheat and maize. Pearl millet crop was selected for the study. The period of study was from 1999-2000 to 2018-2019 and analysis was carried out using Compound Growth Rate and Coppock’s Instability Index. From the analysis of compound growth rate, over the period of 20 years from 1999-2000 to 2018-19 it could be found that all the regions showed negative growth with respect to area parameter of Pearl millet. The production growth rate was observed positive in North Gujarat and Central Gujarat and negative growth in Saurashtra and South Gujarat region. In productivity of Pearl millet, the growth rate was observed positive in all the regions of Gujarat including Gujarat and India as whole. The growth-instability tradeoffs revealed the presence of ‘desirable’ (High Growth - High Instability) situation in terms of yield while area and production components showed not desirable situation, respectively in Pearl millet crop. The growth pattern is found to be acceleration with area and production parameter in all the regions of Gujarat, Gujarat and India as whole except Saurashtra region which showed stagnation type of growth pattern from 1999-2000 to 2018-19. In respect of productivity stagnation type of growth pattern in North Gujarat, Saurashtra, Gujarat and India as whole while Central Gujarat and South Gujarat region depicted acceleration type of growth pattern for the period of 20 years.
Title: Anti-corruption Management Mechanisms and the Construction of a Security Landscape in the Financial Sector of the EU Economic System Against the Background of Challenges to European Integration: Implications for Artificial Intelligence Technologies
Abstract :
The article is devoted to modern topical theoretical and practical problems of interaction between international anti-corruption and financial and legal norms in the field of preventing the financing of terrorism, corruption and money laundering in the integrated EU financial market. It is shown that the current mechanisms of foreign exchange control and banking supervision of the EU over the financial transactions of entities need to be strengthened by anti-corruption measures. The steps taken in this direction, as well as the current regulatory documents and agreements, are analyzed. International legal norms against financial crime, corruption and terrorist financing should be successfully translated into the norms of national administrative, financial, anti-corruption law within the common space of the EU economic system in order to provide the necessary security landscape. The security challenges and threats associated with the increasing digitalization of financial markets, as well as the possibilities of using artificial intelligence tools to combat corruption, are considered.
Title: Economics of Chakhao (Black Scented Rice) Cultivation in Manipur
Abstract :
The present study was undertaken with a view to estimate the cost and returns of Chakhao cultivation in the study area. The primary data was collected for year 2021-22 from sampled farmers through personal interview method. A total of 140 farmers were sampled from twelve villages and 10 skateholders which comprises of 2 each of Farmers Producer Company (FPC), millers, wholesellers, retailers and entrepreneurs of two districts namely Imphal West and Imphal East. On an average the per hectare total cost of Chakhao was ` 143883.82. The total variable cost accounts for the highest cost of cultivation incurred for all the category of farmers. Among the variable cost the per cent share of hired labour was the highest for all the farmer category which accounts for 30.46 per cent in marginal farmers, 36.38 per cent in small farmers, 37.55 and 32.57 per cent in total cost per hectare respectively for medium and overall farmers. The average per hectare net returns received by the farmers was ` 100174.06. The overall total cost per hectare in terms of operation was ` 80371.19. Highest operation cost was observed on harvesting & drying process accounting an average of 17.93 per cent in total cost per hectare. Overall input-output ratio obtained was 1.70 depicting a return of ` 1.70 for every rupee investment in Chakhao cultivation. And that the cultivation of Chakhao was profitable in the study area.
Title: Economic Viability of Sprinkler Irrigation System in Southern Haryana
Abstract :
In the present paper an attempt has been made to examine the economic viability of sprinkler irrigation system in southern Haryana. The present study was conducted in the southern districts viz., Bhiwani and Rewari, selected on the basis of high rate of adoption of sprinkler irrigation system. For the selection of sample farmers, multistage random sampling technique was used. From each district two blocks were chosen purposively i.e., Tosham and Loharu in Bhiwani district and Khol at Rewari and Nahar in Rewari district. From each block, two villages were selected randomly. Further, 15 farmers were selected randomly from each village. Economic viability of sprinkler irrigation system was examined on the basis of the various indicators viz., NPV, IRR, B:C ratio and Payback period. Information regarding costs and returns of four major rabi crops viz., tomato, onion, wheat, mustard was taken from samples farmers
for the year 2021-22. NPV, IRR, B:C ratio and payback period for sprinkler irrigation system was found out to be 384895.22, 57.99, 3.30 and 3 years respectively. This shows that the investment on sprinkler irrigation system was sound and economically viable.
Title: Trade Directions of Indian Basmati Rice Export- Markov Chain Approach
Abstract :
This study aimed to measure the changes in the export direction of Indian basmati rice from 2009-10 to 2021-22 using the Markov chain approach. The data used in the study was obtained from APEDA as secondary time series data. The study found that the export of Indian basmati rice increased in quantity over the study period due to strong demand in the international market, comfortable domestic production, and favorable government policies. Iran and Iraq showed the highest growth rate in both quantity and value of export, while UAE had higher instability in both terms. The study also revealed that UAE and Saudi Arabia were the most stable and reliable markets for Indian basmati Rice, with a probability retention of 76.17 percent and 55.64 percent, respectively. On the other hand, the UK was an unstable market with zero probability of retention. The projected share of different importing countries up to 2027-28 indicated that Iraq and Iran would likely lose their share in the coming years, while UAE, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia are expected to increase their share in the future. Additionally, the study showed that the export of basmati rice increased over the study period and is a competitive export product. To have a competitive advantage in the export of basmati rice, the government should focus on improving processing facilities, transportation facilities, handling and loading facilities at ports, and quality maintenance to facilitate the export of Indian basmati rice.
Title: Economic and Educational Dimensions of Efficiency Justice
Abstract :
The article analyzes and proves the interaction of such indicators of the efficiency of justice as the level of training and professional development of a judge, the number of canceled and changed decisions on appeal, the level of public confidence to the judiciary and the number of European Court of Human Rights decisions against Ukraine. It is substantiated that to avoid an increase in the number of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights against Ukraine, it is necessary to increase the training and professional development of a judge, reduce the number of canceled and changed decisions on appeal and increase public confidence to the judiciary. By influencing at least one of the indicators of the efficiency of justice, it is possible to achieve effectiveness in the system of efficiency justice. The article proves that justice and economic preconditions create the basis for the unity of implementation of aspects of the effectiveness of the judiciary. Emphasis is placed on the creation and implementation of criteria and indicators of the efficiency of justice in combination with economic components, which will help adjust the indicators
of justice and find ways to improve the economic performance of justice. Improving the indicators (the level of training and professional development of a judge, the number of canceled and changed decisions on appeal, the level of public confidence to the judiciary and the number of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights against Ukraine) it can be argued that there is a systematic effective impact on the system. The article substantiates that the main points of contact between the interaction of justice and the economic system in the plane of comparison indicate the functioning of the interdependent influence of concepts. Efficiency justice is impossible without economic development, and the economic system cannot function without efficiency justice.
Title: A Review of Deep Learning Models for Price Prediction in Agricultural Commodities
Abstract :
Price fluctuations in agricultural commodities have a negative impact on the country’s GDP. Price prediction assists the agricultural supply chain in making necessary decisions to minimize and manage the risk of price fluctuations. Although traditional models for forecasting, such as ARIMA and exponential smoothing, are widely used, it is difficult to predict price fluctuations accurately, especially when dealing with large amounts of data. To overcome this lacuna, various machine learning and deep learning models have recently been used to forecast price series. To be precise, the most significant finding is that deep learning models are suitable for predicting commodity prices.
Title: Modernization Processes Development in the Implementation of Intellectual Capital in a Crisis
Abstract :
The urgency of the study was driven by the search for effective solutions for the intellectual capital activation and the modernization potential of economic systems formed by it in the economic crisis. The study aims to formalize the modernization process and transform the intelligence into the results of updating the economic system through the application of economic and mathematical modeling of the investing intellectual capital factor impact into the modernization potential. The main research methods are systems analysis, which allowed to formalize the transformation of intellectual capital into modernization potential, and correlation-regression analysis, which was used to design the enterprises’ behavior modernization under the influence of intellectualization. The article constructs the economic system modernization process, which reflects the qualitative influence of the intellectual capital features
on the sequence of modernization transformation of the economic system. The study has practical value for economic systems, as the proposed methodological and applied provisions, allow the use of available intellectual capital for modernization transformations provoked by global digitalization and the growing pace of innovation, limited material and energy resources in greening and increasing competition.
Title: Integration of the Financial Market in the EU Economic System: The Role of Artificial Intelligence
Abstract :
Financial integration as a new vector of EU development has already made tangible progress. However, to analyze ongoing integration processes, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the essence of “financial integration”, the availability of a certain coordinate system that will allow the researcher to answer a number of important questions: what is considered completed financial integration, at
what stage of financial integration is the EU, how quickly integration processes are progressing in EU financial markets, what apparatus should be used and with what indicators when analyzing the financial integration of the EU. The article considers the processes, problems, and prospects for the integration of the financial market within the economic system of the EU. The expediency of using artificial intelligence to forecast and regulate the EU financial market in order to facilitate the successful completion of its integration is substantiated. An analysis of the potential functions of artificial intelligence in this context has been carried out.
Title: Economic Effectiveness of State Policy in Reforming Higher Library and Information Education in Ukraine
Abstract :
The article considers the conceptual and practice issues of reforming higher library and information education in Ukraine within state policy. Two-planes approach is applied: the study combines educational research and concepts of state policy efficiency evaluation with taking into account exogenous factors. The current state, problems and prospects of LIS education in Ukraine are considered in light of overall world trends in libraries development in the 21st century and best practices of some European states. The conclusion is made that in the last decade, there has been a transformation of the instrumental, that is, technological, model of the modernization of librarianship into a conceptual one focused on the implementation of the new socio-cultural mission of libraries in the knowledge-based information society, and, accordingly, LIS education should not only correspond but get ahead of libraries evolution, with a view on extremely rapid knowledge obsolescence. The model of evaluating economic effectiveness of state policy in reforming higher library and information education is proposed, which is rather universal that nation-state- oriented, as it allows taking into account the influence of specific factors of environment.
Title: Theory and Practice of Public Management of Smart Infrastructure in the Conditions of the Digital Society’ Development: Socio-economic Aspects
Abstract :
Today, cities represent the leading form of territorial and socio-economic organization of modern society. The formation of a smart city based on smart infrastructure as its core essence is a trend that covers a number of cities on all continents of the planet. Based on the analysis of research in the field of smart infrastructure and its components, and the management of this infrastructure in smart cities, as well as trends in the creation and development of smart cities in terms of socio-economic implications, the conclusion is made about the need for “smart governance” to pay attention to the processes of sociospatial development and taking into account the needs of citizens, in order to avoid the occurrence of bilateral negative effects digital inequality on the one hand and an unjustified increase in public spending
on the other hand.
Title: Theory and Practice of Public Management of Smart Infrastructure in the Conditions of the Digital Society’ Development: Socio-economic Aspects
Abstract :
Today, cities represent the leading form of territorial and socio-economic organization of modern society. The formation of a smart city based on smart infrastructure as its core essence is a trend that covers a number of cities on all continents of the planet. Based on the analysis of research in the field of smart infrastructure and its components, and the management of this infrastructure in smart cities, as well as trends in the creation and development of smart cities in terms of socio-economic implications, the conclusion is made about the need for “smart governance” to pay attention to the processes of sociospatial development and taking into account the needs of citizens, in order to avoid the occurrence of bilateral negative effects digital inequality on the one hand and an unjustified increase in public spending
on the other hand.
Title: Economic Viability of Mentha Processing Units - A Case Study of Punjab
Abstract :
Mentha crop undergoes distillation in the processing units to yield mint oil, which in turn is a highly valued commodity extensively used in the cosmetic industry. Therefore, the present study was conducted in the year 2020 to investigate the viability of mentha processing units (MPUs). For this, four mentha processing units in the Moga district of Punjab were closely studied and it was found that these MPUs were working at less than their full capacity and utilizing obsolete processing technology, thus earning themselves marginal profits. These MPUs can be turned into profitable enterprises by the adoption of the latest technology, increasing the level of mechanization and motivating the farmers to increase the supply of mentha through improved practices, thus enabling the processing units to run at full capacity and alleviate their efficiency.