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EA - Volume 68 - Special Issue


Title: Contents
Abstract :

Volume 68 Special Issue

Title: Editorial
Abstract :
In 1964, the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted Convention No. 122 regulating national employment policy. The job creation in small and medium-sized enterprises recommendation, 1998 is the only international labour standard that provides guidelines on general conditions to stimulate job creation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Title: Theoretical Aspects of Predicting the Results of Development of the Armed Forces’ Capabilities, Considering the Assessments of Sufficiency of the State’s Economic Capabilities Based on the Mathematical Apparatus of S-shaped Functions
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to formulate an improved algorithm for drawing up plans for the development and strengthening of the capacities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, especially under conditions of limited resources and unforeseen circumstances. The mathematical method is a central for studying and predicting the dynamics of Armed Forces of Ukraine development, namely the calculations carried out using the apparatus of S-shaped functions. In addition, the following methods were also used: analysis,
synthesis and abstraction. As a result of the study, it was proposed the models for development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the medium term (6 years) and long term (12 years) prospects, considering the previous experience and unforeseen circumstances. It was proposed a system of consistent planning for the Armed Forces development. The key problem in the development and planning of the Ukrainian army is the fact that the expected results do not correspond to the planned ones. It was found a direct correlation between the demands of military system and the capabilities of socio-economic system.
Title: The Impact of Tourism on Local Community Development
Abstract :
The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of rural tourism on the well-being of territorial communities and to determine the economic effect of this development. The following scientific methods were used in the study: analysis and synthesis, economic and statistical analysis, deduction and induction, comparison method, survey, and graphical method. As a result of the study, a statistical overview of tourism in Ukraine was conducted, the share of tourism in Ukraine’s GDP was investigated, and the number of inbound, outbound, and domestic tourists in Ukraine for the period from 2000 to 2020 was determined and the growth rate of the number of tourists for this period was compared. The structure of tourists by the purpose of the trip and the structure of non-resident tourists by the expenses they make when visiting Ukraine are outlined. The factors that promote and impede the development of rural tourism are presented.
Title: Neural Networks as a Means to Study the Factors Having Influence on Adjusted Net Savings
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to prove the existence of a relationship between the inflow of foreign direct investment, inflation and the level of income from taxation on adjusted net savings. The researchers used a combination of regression analysis and analogy with the human brain in terms of information intake and processing as well as any factors of biological nature. During the study, the author applied both general scientific and special methods: scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, historical and logical method, systematic approach, method of theoretical generalization and comparison. They used methods of regression analysis at the first stage of the study and the method of neural networks at the second stage to build an input-output model of investment in a particular country. They compared obtained results with each other and formulated a model of the possible impact of investment inflows to countries by transnational corporations. The results of the study confirm that the national and foreign investment policies of the host countries transform the role of investment in economic development while improving the standard of living in the countries studied. The author proved that the higher the tax burden in a country, the more the level of adjusted net savings changes.
Title: The Impact of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises on the Level of Employment
Abstract :
For any country, an important component of its national well-being is ensuring the working capacity of the population. Since the problem of unemployment is one of the most common in Azerbaijan, it is relevant to consider it in the country. The experience of developed countries shows that small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in providing employment. Therefore, it is relevant to consider the current state of this type of business in the country and identify the degree of its influence on the level of employment. The main methods that were used during the study were analysis, induction, modelling, forecasting. Thus, it was shown that there is a direct interdependence between the state of small and medium-sized enterprises and the level of employment, which indicates the need for the development of this type of business to solve problems related to the labour market. In addition, some difficulties were presented that hinder the qualitative development of this type of business. Among them are problems in legislation, difficulties with financing, institutional imperfection. In addition, the authors propose some methods of solving them, in particular, the introduction of changes in monetary policy, ensuring state financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, changing legislation. The study makes a certain contribution to the development of the theory of economic analysis (highlighting the impact of small and medium-sized businesses on employment in Azerbaijan).
Title: Methodological Evaluation of Human Capital in the Digital Economy
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse methodological approaches to form human capital in a way to improve them. Among the methods used were the analytical method, the functional method, the systematic analysis method, the deduction method, the comparison method and the synthesis method. The authors identified the parameters affecting human capital and the main areas for improvement and staff development in the context of digitalisation. They provided the recommendations on the choice of qualitative assessment methods and on the challenges of human capital development in the digital economy. The researchers defined the essence and the directions of overcoming human capital dysfunction when ensuring effective development of intellectual capital in the digital economy. They pointed out the importance of human capital in the development of modern economic relations and the direction of technological development in the economy. The authors identified the advantages and the disadvantages of existing methodologies for the measurement of human capital in the functioning and development of the modern economy.
Title: The Military Economy of Israel: How much does a global security system cost?
Abstract :
The purpose of the article is to study the development of the Israel’s defence complex, determine thecost of its provision, analyse the ways to achieve high military efficiency and further prospects. The following scientific methods were used in the course of the study: historical method, rating method, analysis, synthesis, comparison method, graphical methods, method of establishing the cause-and-effect relationships. As a result of the study, it has been established the prerequisites, causes and course of the Arab-Israeli conflict, in which Israel has been developing over the past century. The place of Israel in the ranking of countries in terms of military strength was determined, and the detailed analysis of the country’s military expenditures as a percentage of its GDP was carried out. It has been compared the data obtained on the results of the countries’ region, which are actual or potential opponents of Israel, as well as individual countries of the world and the “Group of Twenty”. It has been investigated the trends of Israel’s military expenditures compared to its expenditures on the scientific-research and experimental-design works (SREDW).
Title: Efficiency Management of Human Capital with the Change of the Social and Economic System of Ukraine
Abstract :
The purpose of this article is to examine the dominant effectiveness management of human capital with the change of the social and economic system of the Ukraine. A substantiated comprehensive methodology for evaluating indicators of intensive use of economically active human resources in the regional labour market is given. An analysis of the development of the intellectual component of the human capital of Ukraine was carried out according to macroeconomic indicators. A comparison of the level of efficiency of human capital management in Ukraine and in the EU was made. The gradation of the level of intensity of use of economically active human resources of the Steppe zone of Ukraine by the category “Urban area” and “Rural area”, “Educational and qualification level” in relation to the total population of the given territory aged 15-70 was carried out. The forecast level of effective management of human capital between the regions of Ukraine has been determined. A forecast calculation of the relationship between the growth rate of the nominal GDP of Ukraine and the forecast shares of macroeconomic indicators of the development of the intellectual component of human capital management, which characterize the parameters of the distribution of economically active human resources in the regional labour market, was conducted.
Title: Reconstruction of the Real Estate the Territorial Communities in the Digital Space of Anti-Crisis Management
Abstract :
It has been proven that the artificial environment of the economic system of territorial communities for the reconstruction of industrial facilities after their damage must be recreated with the help of anti-crisis management with the use of BI-technologies in business processes. Digital tools and platforms of anticrisis management of territorial communities are grouped under projects of reconstruction of production facilities. The Information Modeling Strategy of Anti-Crisis Management of Territorial Communities for Targeted Investment of Real Estate Reconstruction Projects is presented. The field of information modelling of anti-crisis management based on the description of business processes supported by investments has been studied. The national investment program of projects for the reconstruction of production facilities of Ukraine and the implementation of a large-scale energy efficiency program in the country in the postwar period is presented. Planned indicators of the riskiness of investing funds for the reconstruction of industrial facilities of territorial communities located of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions, whose modernization is planned to be started by intermediaries of the Western region of Ukraine in the post-war period, are presented. The efficiency of the method of agglomerative hierarchical clustering for territorial communities is substantiated that will have a mixed type of introduction of BI-technologies in the anticrisis management of territorial communities aimed at serving the needs of consumers in the post-war
period. Leader clusters have been determined by the effectiveness of using digital tools of CRM-systems and ERP-systems in anti-crisis management of territorial communities.
Title: The Role of Digital Transformation in Building a Competitive Economy: a Case Study of Azerbaijan
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to examine indicators of digital transformation in enterprises of Azerbaijan by analysing statistical data and forming recommendations for improving this process, considering regional features. In the course of the research, the following scientific methods were used: economic-statistical analysis, rating comparison analysis, deduction and induction, graphical methods. As a result of the study, the main advantages and disadvantages of the digital transformation process are identified. The place of Azerbaijan in the Digital Index rating is determined, the dynamics of the share of informationcommunicationtechnologies in the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country is presented, and an analysis of the ease of establishing and conducting business in the country is conducted an economicstatistical analysis of data from Azerbaijani enterprises regarding the implementation of digital transformation on them was conducted. The following indicators were analysed: the main indicators of the use of information-communication technologies by enterprises, and the distribution of enterprises by the purposes of using the Internet. A number of recommendations were formulated regarding improving the process of digital transformation of enterprises in Azerbaijan.
Title: Intercultural Competence as a Condition for the Formation and Development (Improvement) of Soft Skills for Future Top Managers of International Financial Corporations
Abstract :
of the international community at the economic, cultural and political levels, places new demands on the formation of the competencies of managers of powerful corporations, their training, as well as the conditions for the performance of their duties, which determines the relevance of this article. The purpose of the article is the analysis of intercultural competence as a condition for the formation and development (or improvement) of soft skills for future top managers of transnational financial corporations. Structural, functional and retrospective research methods were used to implement the goal. The results of the research underline the importance of modern cross-cultural management and the peculiarities of its implementation in Ukraine and determined intercultural competence and the factors of its formation in the system of training future top managers (using the empirical experience of Kyiv National Economic
University named after Vadym Hetman). It has also proved the significance of mastering intercultural communication and the development of soft skills in the environment of top managers (based on the analysis of the global context). It has been concluded that there is a dependence of the mechanisms of formation of soft skills on psychological traits. As shown by the practice of teaching relevant academic disciplines at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, based on mastering, among others, intercultural competence, future managers are able to develop social skills at an appropriate level.
Title: The Taxation System in the International Arena
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The purpose of the article is to study the existing taxation systems in order to work out the results of their effectiveness. The following methods were applied within this article: dialectical method, historical and hermeneutic methods, systematic method, formal-legal method, logical method, direct method, induction and deduction method, modeling and system analysis method, axiomatic method, and others. The results of the study are the definition of basic concepts and terms: tax, taxation system, international taxation system; the need for the existence of an international taxation system has been established; the EU tax system has been analysed; two major international taxation systems have been characterised; a study of the Albanian tax field has been performed. The terms laid down in this article are of practical value for public authorities and people in charge whose powers include the improvement and reform of the tax system of Albania, as well as for individuals and legal entities that are, to one degree or another, participants in tax relations.
Title: Methods of Improving the Management and Evaluation of Investment and Entrepreneurial Activity in the Republic of Artsakh, Considering Newly Emerged Economic Risks
Abstract :
The study is devoted to the issues of economic risk management in investment activities in modern conditions of entrepreneurship development. Methods of theoretical cognition are used to achieve this goal, namely methods and techniques for the study of information and analytical materials (synthesis of a problem situation, problem analysis, extrapolation). Methods of structural-logical analysis and the method for comparing analytical data and summarising the collected analytical information of research materials are applied to identify structural elements and systematise risks characteristic of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR). The paper focuses on aspects of political and country risks, the impact of external and internal factors on the implementation of investment and entrepreneurial activities. The issues of both real and financial investments are touched upon, and, accordingly, the issues of increasing economic risks associated with them. That is why there is a need to implement a methodology for systematic assessment
and management of investment risks, which will consider all the factors of influence of the external and internal environment inherent in the conditions of implementation in the Republic of Artsakh, adopted and approved at the level of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Urban Development. It is proposed to create a new management body – the Artsakh Investment Risk Management Society, which will fully assume the function of controlling the entire process, starting from the conception, planning and up to the implementation and liquidation of investment projects and programmes.
Title: Enforcement Discretion in Financial Law: Personal, Political, and Economic Special Sanctions in Wartime
Abstract :
The research aims to characterise the discretionary powers in financial law and to focus on the application of special personal and economic sanctions and combating criminal schemes, including legalisation (laundering) of the criminally obtained funds during the war. The study was conducted using comprehensive scientific and special legal methods of synthesis and analysis, formal logical and formal legal methods, and the comparative legal method. The research focuses on highly automated systems using the latest information technologies. The author examines the mechanism of combating financial crime in terms of improving the regulatory framework, institutional modernisation, and functional changes considering the experience of such countries as the USA, the UK, Germany, and Italy. Personal political and economic special sanctions are identified in Ukraine as an effective instrument of discretionary law enforcement. When deciding on the application of personal political and economic sanctions, legality, transparency, objectivity, proportionality, and effectiveness must be ensured. Decision-making on the application of sanctions must meet the requirements of legality, transparency, and objectivity. The research formulates and substantiates recommendations which may be used to improve legislation aimed at countering criminal schemes in wartime. These proposals can be used in further research, in the educational process, in the development of scientific recommendations, as well as in the practical activities of state authorities in application of discretionary powers and counteraction to criminal schemes during martial law.
Title: Public-Private Partnership in the Field of Urban Development: Experience of Countries for the Period of 2010-2020
Abstract :
To carry out a detailed analysis of the presented topic, the goals of the work are to reveal the mechanism of public-private partnership, to determine its features in the field of transport infrastructure in the experience of different countries and Ukraine, as well as to determine its further prospects. Among the main methodological approaches, it is worth noting the theoretical methodological approach, the method of statistical analysis, the functional methodological approach, the dogmatic methodological approach, the synthesis method, and others. During the research, the public-private partnership was analysed, and its characteristic features and principles of implementation were determined, which helped to consider this mechanism in more detail. The role and possibilities of using public-private partnership in the field of infrastructure projects, especially in the segment of motor transport infrastructure, were revealed and disclosed. It is important to analyse the functioning of the public-private partnership mechanism in different countries in the context of financing transport infrastructure sectors. Also, the current legal framework was analysed, which regulates public-private partnership in the field of transport infrastructure and transport in Ukraine; recommendations were proposed that would contribute to a more effective
mechanism of regulation of this sector. It was established that the attraction of private funds will require a proportional increase in state funding, and a new approach to the risk management system, taking into account the peculiarities of the political and economic sectors.
Title: Technological Readiness, Innovation, Entrepreneurship: Three Key Elements of Increasing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Vietnam
Abstract :
The purpose of the research is to analyze the factors and features that influence the development of the business environment in Vietnam, taking into account the technological readiness of higher educational institutions. The following methods were used to achieve research goals: descriptive, survey, comparative. The results of the paper determined that entrepreneurship training lies not only in improving the abilities and characteristics of students, forming the structure of the training program, communication system, startup and entrepreneurial ecosystem, but also in forming the structure of the technological readiness of the business. Technological readiness, innovation and entrepreneurship are the three key pillars of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, which must necessarily be initiated by universities. It was determined that in the conditions of low innovation speed of the economy, the considered aspects of
increasing the competitiveness of experts in the subject area require, first of all, the joint participation of the state and local authorities to accelerate innovative elements. The Vietnamese government needs to properly balance the modern trends of enterprises and the state as a whole in order to rationally organize the management of small and medium-sized enterprises, starting with higher educational institutions.
Title: The Strategy for Managing Financial Resources of the Pension System of the OeCd Countries and Ukraine
Abstract :
The article considers the special conditions for the implementation of the strategy for managing the financial resources of the pension system of the OECD countries and Ukraine. A strategic financial and economic mechanism has been developed to assess the quality of financial resources management of the country’s pension system through partial socio-economic and demographic indicators of the economic system. The method of managing the formation, distribution and use of financial resources of the state pension system is determined. The block diagram of the strategic financial and economic mechanism for the management of financial resources of the pension system within the economic and demographic indicators, as well as the parameters of state economic policy is presented. The real value of the replacement ratio per 1% of GDP and the efficiency ratio of the financial resources management of the pension system in the OECD countries and Ukraine are analyzed. The structure of investment portfolios of OECD pension funds is presented. The forecast trend of the demographic burden coefficient and the share of state funding of the pension system to GDP in the OECD countries and Ukraine are determined. The forecast trend of budget revenue and average wages is calculated. As part of the distributive approach to financing pension payments, an old-age pension payment method has been introduced, taking into account the socially acceptable level of income compensation, insurance premium rate, and demographic structure of the population, real wages and changes in social security payers.
Title: Influence of the M&A of Agricultural Companies on the Development of the Rural Areas
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to establish the main areas of influence of agribusiness, through the conclusion of M&A transactions on the development of adjacent rural areas and non-agricultural businesses. The authors used methods: generalisation-systematisation of scientific provisions; analogy and comparison – characteristics of changes in agricultural companies after the conclusion of M&A transactions; analysis and synthesis – features of the functioning of agricultural companies and their impact on the development of rural areas; algorithmization – definition of conceptual provisions for improving the problem under study. The areas of the impact of agribusiness on rural development were substantiated to achieve the goals of the study. The study describes the M&A market in the context of the most influential economic sectors of the country, highlighting the role and place of the agricultural sector. The values of land plots in land banks of the ten largest agricultural enterprises of Ukraine are analysed. A comparative description of individual agrarian companies that were parties to M&A transactions for 2020–2022 is conducted. A number of factors that affect the development of rural areas after the conclusion of M&A transactions are identified. It is determined that the regional development policy should be based on mutual cooperation between rural communities and agricultural companies. The practical significance of the study is that the consolidation of agricultural companies and the expansion of their field of influence on the region, including through active cooperation with local communities, will allow for achieving high indicators of socio-economic development in rural areas.
Title: An Attempt to Define the Concept of Entertainment 4.0 by Analogy to other Concepts, e.g., Industry 4.0, Education 4.0, etc.
Abstract :
The purpose of the research work is to develop and form the concept of “Entertainment 4.0” and determine its characteristics, as a basis for its further study. The method system analysis that allows displaying the current situation within the framework of the issue under study; the method of abstraction, taken as the basis for separating the concept under study from already existing terms and characteristics in other areas, formed as a result of the fourth industrial revolution; the method of analogy, due to the insufficiency of the theoretical base; as an additional analysis mechanism, a marketing tool for identifying environmental factors ‒ PEST-analysis was used. The results of the current scientific work are the formulation of the definition of the new concept of “Entertainment 4.0”, which creates the basis for the possibility of further in-depth study of the issue under consideration. The significance of the results obtained is presented in defining the characteristics of the term “Entertainment 4.0”, as well as in finding ways for the development of the industry and options for further application of the formulated term in practice and its subsequent implementation in “Industry 4.0”.
Title: Classification of Costs in Strategic Management Accounting at Agricultural Enterprises
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The existing need to develop the main aspects of strategic management accounting systems in agricultural enterprises determines the relevance of the research. The goal of the research is to reveal theoretical aspects of cost classification and determination of strategic management accounting evaluation for agricultural production effective management. The subject of the research is the main theoretical, methodological, and practical provisions of agricultural production accounting and analysis. In the process of research, a set of special and general research method groups was used, namely: theoretical generalization, dialectical, grouping, analysis, abstraction, methods of cluster analysis, statistical methods, synthesis. The theoretical basis of the conducted research was the main conclusions and basic recommendations presented and substantiated by the research of scientists in the field of cost classification in strategic management accounting in agricultural enterprises. In the course of the research, it was determined that the main elements of cost classification in strategic management accounting in agricultural enterprises are costs in crop production, including pricing of products, production reporting, budget planning system, analysis, and implementation of control in the production of agricultural products. The results and substantiated conclusions contribute to the development of a theoretical and methodological basis for agricultural enterprises, information support, can be used in the development of documents that regulate issues related to the organization of accounting and analytical processes, as well as in the practice of agricultural enterprises, ministries, and departments of the republic.
Title: Mechanisms for Improving the Teaching of Economic and Social Geography
Abstract :
Improvement of mechanisms for providing students with quality knowledge is one of the priority areas in our time. The research aims to analyse the effectiveness of the use of methods of teaching the subject “economic and social geography” and their improvement. The research aims to provide recommendations to eliminate errors in the functioning of this mechanism and to disclose the problems of development of teaching economic and social geography. Among the used methods analytical method, functional method, method of system analysis, method of deduction, method of comparison, and method of synthesis were applied. In the process of conducting the study, the features of pedagogy in the process of teaching the subject of economic and social geography, as well as their comparison with other generally accepted methodologies were pointed out. Ineffective mechanisms that need improvement for use in modern teaching practices were found. Assessment of economic and social geography teaching tools was also considered. It was determined that in the system of higher education geographical disciplines, as well as other subjects, need to improve quality, by changing the existing methodological system, as well as modernization of processes and optimization of methods and technologies of the educational process organization. The practical value lies in the use of the identified results, solving the problems associated
with improving the effectiveness of training for the teaching of the subject, to bring this process to a new level.
Title: Management of the Financial Potential of Innovative Development of the National Economy in the Context of Digital Transformation
Abstract :
The relevance of the study is conditioned by the need to find ways to improve the financing management of innovative development of Ukraine in the conditions of global digitalisation. The purpose of the study is to analyse the financial support for innovative economic development in the context of digitalisation, identify problems, and develop proposals for its improvement. The methodological approach is based on: analysis of statistical information; comparison; graphical method; generalisation. The main results of the study should be considered: identification of the relationship between the volume of expenditures of industrial enterprises on innovation activities and the dynamics of innovation implementation; analysis and selection of the most significant sources of financing for innovative development of industrial enterprises; identification of the positive impact of informatisation on the introduction of innovations in the economy and improving the well-being of the population; substantiation of the need to increase state financial support for innovative activities of enterprises with the advantage of those innovative ideas that are the most cost-effective and aimed at the use of information and digital technologies, and the innovative product meets the requirements of environmental friendliness and provides for its use in the most necessary ways during the war period, in particular: machine-building, energy, agricultural, defence.
Title: Using Artificial Intelligence in Terms of Individual Stages of the Raw Material Supplier Selection Process
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to develop and justify the model of using artificial intelligence in terms of individual stages of the raw material supplier selection process in Ukraine. The research used both general scientific and specific methods: methods of logical generalisation, systematization, comparison, analysis and synthesis, methods of graphic representation, etc. The following conclusions were made as a result of the study: clarifying the exact stage, where artificial intelligence should be used in the process of selection of the raw material supplier. Based on different studies on the topic, definitions of “material supplier selection process” were grouped by approaches and shortly reviewed. Based on this definition, an original definition was given, and it was therefore concluded that specific actions should be performed. It was established that no general definition for artificial intelligence exists in contemporary science due to various existing issues. Also, artificial intelligence is used in different fields and has its distinguishing features. After analyzing them, artificial intelligence was divided into subclasses, based on which a model of the artificial intelligence’s usage, when choosing the material supplier was suggested. These conclusions would bring practical value when improving Ukraine’s prioritized fields, such as
food, medical and military industries.
Title: The Role of Economic Prognoses in the Modelling of Fiscal and Monetary Levies of the Albanian Economy
Abstract :
The purpose of the research was to demonstrate possible options for the development of the Albanian economy in 2023 and to provide some advice for monetary policy in the country. The main methods used in the research were modelling, formalisation, historical and some others. The authors forecast that the Albanian economy will decelerate in 2023, based on an analysis of some key macroeconomic factors. Thus, the research forecasts the country’s GDP level based on quarterly data for the last 12 years and
develops a factor analysis of the country’s development over the last two years using time series analysis.The main factors considered for this forecast are the inflation rate, changes in benchmark interest rates, and the level of public and private investment in the Albanian economy. Thus, this research provides new knowledge for the National Bank of Albania to develop its monetary policy based on the interest rate, inflation and public investment in the next year’s budget.
Title: Influence of Communicative Culture on Culture Management and Creative Industries: Ukrainian and World Experience
Abstract :
The relevance of the problem is caused by the lack of thorough research on communicative culture in the context of the management of culture and art, cultural and creative industries. The purpose of the research is to determine the components of communicative culture that are relevant for the management of culture and art, their systematization with the aim of applying them to the development of creative industries of Ukraine. The research uses theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and empirical (case studies) methods of scientific research. The theoretical concept of communicative culture formed as a result of the research focuses on three main areas: internal communication related to corporate culture within an organization or institution; public communication that concerns the relations of the organization or project management with state administration bodies and communications with partner institutions; as well as intercultural communication, which reflects the connection with the world cultural context and ensures two-way cultural transfer. Cultural communication in the modern world should be considered through the prism of the formation of the information society and digitalization. New technologies also change approaches to the development of the cultural sphere in general and to communication formats in particular. In all three directions of communication functioning: internal, inter-institutional and cross-cultural, the impact of digital technologies was revealed, which intensified after pandemic and became one of the factors determining the format of communicative culture in the 21st century. The article uses Ukrainian, European, and American cases that demonstrate the importance of digitization for communicative culture. 
Title: The Legal Nature of the ECHR Judgements and Their Place in the System of Sources of Economic Law of Ukraine
Abstract :
The purpose of the work concerned the study of the legal nature of the ECHR practice, as well as their place in the sources hierarchy of law of Ukraine, which regulates economic relations. For this, the work used the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison and formal and legal method. As a result of the study, it was established that the status of ECHR judgements as a source of law is determined and consolidated by Ukrainian legislation. It was proved that such regulation allows avoiding conflicts in national legal norms and to achieve unambiguity in the context of the application of the ECHR practice by the courts of Ukraine. In addition, such legislative consolidation ignores a separate sector of economic relations, which concerns compensation for moral damage to economic entities. Thus, the conducted study made it possible to establish that the place of the ECHR judgements in the system of sources of economic law of Ukraine is determined by legislation and is binding for implementation. The practical value of this work was revealed in the possibility of using obtained conclusions by scientists to continue the study of this topic, as well as by judges in the course of solving economic cases.
Title: Digitalization of the Management Decisions of Public Authorities as a Tool for Improving the Social Efficiency of Management Activities
Abstract :
The radical renewal of Ukrainian society has forced the authorities to begin modifying the state administration model, which covers the basics of public life, building a progressive digital country and implementing digital projects nationwide. The relevance of the study of the social effectiveness of management decisions made by public authorities comes primarily from the fact that the reengineering of the administrative system must meet the modern requirements of the public sector in order to achieve a successful result. This process should embody the desires and needs of Ukrainians, when systematic monitoring and analysis will identify existing gaps to improve the state policy of digitalization. The purpose of this article is to study the level of social efficiency of management decisions of state and
municipal authorities in the context of ongoing digitalization in Ukraine. The main methods of study are the general scientific method of analysis, which helped to investigate the defining aspects of digitalization of a particular region, to outline its existing problems, as well as the method of generalization, which allowed a comprehensive analysis of the main digital development directions of regional centres. The research work reveals the importance of e-government and key components of its social efficiency at the regional level. At the same time, the article establishes the role of administrative service centres as a primary element of improving the administrative management system.
Title: Analysis of the Impact of the War on the Economic State of Agriculture in Ukraine
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of the war in Ukraine on the state of agriculture and the economy of the country in general. The general scientific and special methods were used to achieve the goal: synchronous and diachronic, logical, analysis and synthesis, dialectical, scientific abstraction, and comparative analysis. As a result, it was identified that the economy of Ukraine largely depends on agricultural production, but because of the war, the agricultural sector suffers huge losses. The indicators of total exports of Ukraine have almost halved in comparison with the pre-war period, agricultural land and uncollected crop become half of the entire structure of damage in agriculture, and due to constant hostilities, it is impossible to purchase feed and provide veterinary services to farm animals, as a result of which they die. In addition, the difficult economic state of agricultural production is also associated with a decrease in agricultural productivity, violation of crop cultivation technologies, recoupment of territories, lack of funds and human resources, and constant military operations, as a result of which the agricultural infrastructure has experienced unprecedented destruction. These reasons affect the internal and foreign markets, which is of great importance in ensuring world food security.
Title: The Role of Environmental Insurance in “Green” Post-War Rebuilding of Ukrainian Regions
Abstract :
Environmental insurance is top priority in a given scope of issues because it represents effective mechanism of risk regulation, formulating legal guarantees and providing significant instrument for implementing environmental-economic processes. Existing rudimentary mechanisms of environmental insurance in Ukraine are limited in nature and unable to fulfil the tasks set, notably under burdens of determinism and increased risks of war and post-war periods. The authors have set a study goal to evaluate  preconditions of environmental insurance in post-war Ukraine and to define main priorities, primary tasking algorithms and specifics of environmental risk insurance in circular economy. The researchers applied empirical methods for study of scientific materials and regulatory documents and conducted their description and comparison. The authors analysed major approaches to implementation of mandatory environmental insurance strategy in Ukraine and gave broad definition of its structural elements and priority principles. They conducted analysis of regulatory and legal base, explored opportunities of engaging “green” insurance providers to national environmental insurance system. There has been a suggestion of variability in environmental insurance approaches with possibility to differentiate by risks, fields of economy and by regional distribution. The researchers have undertaken a forecast of effective 
implementation for economy, environmental protection and social area. They concluded about the need of preventive changes in economic and legal field and maximum implementation of international experience in national environmental insurance system with account of specific influence of certain factors, notable for post-war period in Ukraine.
Title: Comparative Analysis of the Western Balkans Banking Sector in the Two Global Crises
Abstract :
Western Balkan Countries have comparable economic determinants due to their geographical position, small size economy and issues experienced during economic crises. The world’s precarious situation during the Covid-19 Pandemic was the initial motivation for this research. Due to the consequences that economic crises would have on the whole economies of these bank-structured countries, it is important to analyze their banking performance during times of economic instability. The primary objective of this study is to compare the banking performance of Western Balkan Countries during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis. This study will provide as a reflection for policymakers to evaluate whether these countries learned from the GFC and were more prepared in their latest crises. The approach used in the research is a comparison of the performance of different countries, and the time period analyzed is divided into three distinct time pillars. The first one in Global financial Crisis (2008-2009), the second one is Post Crisis and Recovery (2010-2018) and the last one is Crisis Covid 19 Pandemic (2020-2021). Indicators selected for this research revealed a substantial negative tendency during periods of crises, with modest differences across countries that are positively correlated with their economic development, as shown by the results.
Title: Impact of Total Quality Management in Productivity
Abstract :
The goals of the study are to draw conclusions about the use of total quality management to increase the efficiency of the functioning of companies (especially in developing countries), and to assess what indicators of their performance it affects. The main methods in the framework of the study can be considered analysis, modelling, formalization, abstraction. The paper describes the essence of total quality management, its philosophy, and application features. Also, a statistical analysis was carried out on the basis of data from American enterprises, which assessed some main characteristics of the activities of enterprises using total quality management and not. A similar study was conducted for enterprises in some developing countries, in which the main indicators were revenue, net profit, and asset growth rates. During the analysis, the author came to the conclusion that the application of the overall quality management strategy increases the overall efficiency of the functioning of companies by increasing the growth rate of net profit.
Title: Optimal Criteria of Investment Potential in Innovation Cycles of the Economic System of Agro-Industrial Enterprises
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to find the optimal criteria for investment potential in innovative cycles ofthe economic system of agro-industrial enterprises of Ukraine. A methodical approach is presented to determine the optimal criteria of investment potential with strategic changes in the innovation cycles of the economic system of agro-industrial enterprises, which formed sources of investment for expanded reproduction and stimulation of resource opportunities according to defined innovation priorities. Sources and a block diagram of the step-by-step balancing of sources of investment potential in innovation cycles of the economic system of agro-industrial enterprises are presented. The interpretation of the possibilities of investment potential based on the coefficient of strategic changes in the innovation cycles of the economic system is substantiated. The distribution of organizations and their activities regarding scientific developments of modern innovation cycles in the economic system of agro-industrial enterprises of Ukraine by sectors of activity was carried out. The “corridor” of opportunities for investment potential with strategic changes in the innovation cycles of the economic system of agro-industrial enterprises of Ukraine at the unique, marginal and average levels have been determined.
Title: Cyber Security of the System of Electronic Payment of the National Bank of Ukraine
Abstract :
In the world of today, cases of cyber attacks on banking systems have become more frequent. The aim of this research is to develop methodical and practical recommendations how to eliminate threats of oversight of payment systems, stabilize the protection of participants and users of the payment portfolio of banking institutions against misinformation and fraud. The research proposes a synergistic cyber security model of the SEP of NBU, taking into account the securitization of the payment portfolio of banking institutions in the financial market to prevent threats and meet the needs of participants and users in banking services. The article analyzes the chronology of attacks on the information resources of the NBU and the banking system during the period of martial law in Ukraine, and presents fraudulent targeted attacks “using eidetic of banking institutions of Ukraine. The criteria for the level of cyber security of the SEP of NBU are recommended. The research concludes with a determination of the reference state bank of Ukraine, which has the best combination of the level of securitization of the payment portfolio of banking institutions and the protection of active information resources. The practical significance of this research lies in providing recommendations aimed at improving the stability of cyber security in the SEP of NBU, thereby ensuring the safety of cash transactions in the digital economy.
Title: Impact of Martial Law on Labour Regulation at Ukrainian Enterprises
Abstract :
Due to the fact that martial law restricts the rights and freedoms of individuals in order to ensure law and order and security of citizens for the period of its operation, it became necessary to study how the labour process in Ukraine has changed. The purpose of this research work was to clarify the state of labour relations in the conditions of a full-scale offensive of the Russian Federation. The main methods of scientific research were the following: comparative method, systematic and statistical method. Significant
results in this study were as follows: outlining the main changes in the labour process in institutions, enterprises, and organizations, as a result of the introduction of martial law and in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Identification and analysis of legislative changes regarding the regulation of labour relations between the employee and the employer in recent months; finding out how regulatory changes have affected the normal labour process and the basic rights and freedoms of the employee. In particular, the issues of changing the workplace, transferring an employee from one workplace to another; issues related to martial law leave, overtime and night work, dismissal and changes in the terms of the employment contract, remuneration and employment of certain categories of employees, etc. The results made it possible to identify a number of recommendations for improving the legislation in the field of labour relations and, accordingly, to increase the efficiency of this area.
Title: The Impact of Open Data on Economic Growth and Development in Ukraine
Abstract :
Over time, information and knowledge industries are becoming increasingly important for the country’s effective economic development. Therefore, to ensure the quality functioning of most internal processes in countries moving towards a post-industrial economic model, it is essential to increase data openness. Thus, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the impact of information accessibility on the development and economic growth of Ukraine. The main research methods used in the study were analysis, comparison, deduction, induction. The study provides a general overview of the development of open data in Ukraine.
It was demonstrated that although the country has a legal framework, it is still not sufficient to ensure the sustainable development of this component. In addition, the general benefits that can be obtained by the state and its economic relations in the event of a further increase in data openness were considered. Thus, the main sectors and their opportunities for using open data in their activities were described. In addition, a positive impact has been demonstrated regarding the components of activities for which the state is responsible, such as healthcare, public transport, education. In addition, the author mentions the role of artificial intelligence in the further development of Ukraine and the possibility of using it to analyse open data. This study provides new knowledge for analysing the impact of public data on economic growth and allows for a better assessment of some of the specifics of Ukraine’s development in general.
Title: Normative and Law Enforcement Aspects of Customs Debt Reasons (On Example of Albania)
Abstract :
The research aims to conduct a complex analysis of the legal acts and statements in the regulation of customs debt in the Albania Republic legislation. During the research, the following methods were used: the legal analysis, structural, systemic, and functional methods of juristic generalization as well as the comparative method. The research presents a comparative analysis of normative legislations on the reasons for customs debt in the Customs Codex of Albania Republic (CAR) of 1999 and the Customs Codex of Albania Republic (CCAR) of 2014. Especial attention was devoted to the judicial practice analysis of the Higher Court of Albania Republic addressing the customs debts. The most frequent cause of this sphere is related to the causes of customs debt, the relation of the administrative and judicial order of the case investigation on the customs debt as well as reasons for the customs debt and its calculation. The research stated that administrative orders of implementation concerning the Albania customs workers also have several issues. Due to the immense number of issues, caused by the definitions and enforcement of Albanian customs law during the court case review related to the customs debt, the authors suggest developing a respective law enforcement norm on the level of practice generalization of the Higher Court of Albania Republic and formed separate recommendations on its content, which determines the practical value of the research.
Title: Constitutional and Legal Stages in the Development of Electoral Law in the Recent History of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic
Abstract :
A study of the history of electoral law development provides a clear understanding of how it will evolve in the future, especially in the post-Soviet space. The purpose of the study is to identify the legal stages of the development of electoral law through the adoption of constitutional norms in the Republics of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan and to carry out a comparative analysis of these stages between the countries studied. The main methods used are the historical and legal method, which analyses the development of constitutional and legal norms and identifies the stages in the development of electoral law, and the comparative-legal method, which compares the constitutions and electoral law norms in the two countries. The result of the study is an identification of the specific stages of change in constitutional provisions relating to the electoral law, and an analysis of these changes and their impact on electoral law and the
political regime in post-Soviet Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. A description of the amendments that have been made to the Constitution in the context of electoral law has been carried out, and the consequences of the adoption and amendment of the Basic Law for the change of the political regime in the state have been identified.
Title: Sustainable Tourism and Legislation, the Challenges of Tourism After the Pandemic, Tourism Development Through Efficient Policies and Legislation
Abstract :
The purpose of the research is to analyse the state of implementation of the concept of sustainable tourism development in the Albanian legislation regulating the tourism industry. The following research methods were used in the research: logical and legal method, formal and dogmatic method, qualitative analysis method, correlation analysis method, and systematic approach. The publication highlights the main approaches to understanding the concept of sustainable tourism development both from the
standpoint of international organisations (in particular, the World Tourism Organisation) and from the standpoint of theory. The research reflects a comprehensive analysis of the Law of the Republic of Albania No. 93/2015 “On tourism” with a focus on the concept of sustainable tourism development in this regulation. Particular attention in the publication is devoted to the understanding of the concept of sustainable tourism provided for in the Law of the Republic of Albania No. 93/2015 “On tourism”, and to the identification of its characteristic features. The conducted research allowed for establishing the correlation between the normative provisions of the Albanian legislation in the field of tourism and the system of key features of sustainable tourism developed in the theory of tourism development science.
Title: Public Management and Administration in Territorial Communities of Ukraine During the War and in the Post-war Period
Abstract :
The purpose of the research is to form the peculiarities of public management and public administration in territorial communities in the conditions of war, as well as to outline the role of the latter in the postwar development of Ukraine. The work used such methods of scientific knowledge as the method of synthesis, the method of analysis, the system-structural method, and the formal-logical method. The authors considered the peculiarities of the functioning of local self-government bodies as representatives of the territorial community in the conditions of martial law, their interaction with military administrations. The work describes the transformation of the powers of executive bodies of village, settlement and city councils after February 24, 2022. The publication pays special attention to the role and importance of territorial communities in the post-war development of Ukraine. For the first time, the authors proposed two criteria for dividing the powers of representative bodies of territorial communities during the period of martial law. The approaches proposed by the authors regarding the interaction of the executive bodies of village, settlement and city councils and city state administrations both at this stage of the implementation of state policy under martial law and in the future are important for the recovery of Ukraine in the postwar period, which indicates the practical value of the work.
Title: Problems of Public-private Partnership Development in Kazakhstan
Abstract :
This paper analyses the development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, where for many years the authorities have been trying to establish relations with private entrepreneurs. Thus, the purpose of the study is to characterise the current state of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, to describe the trends of its development and existing problems, based on international experience. The main method in writing the study is the analysis, based on a significant amount of processed statistical and theoretical data. The study found that the development of public-private partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan is at the initial level. Nevertheless, there are positive trends in the introduction of new projects and their effectiveness. The most urgent problems for Kazakhstan were identified: the low level of qualified personnel involved in the development of public-private partnership in the country; too extensive regulatory framework for regulating the public-private partnership process and frequent lack of funding for projects already started. Based on observations and the experience of different countries, councils were formed to solve the problems described in the paper, which should help in the development of a subsequent policy for the development of public-private partnership. The paper gives an opportunity to take a different look at the current state of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, and also brings new knowledge to improve the principles of public-private partnership development in developing countries.
Title: Analysis of the Vectors of Digital Transformation of Retail Trade in Ukraine: Determination Methodology and Trends
Abstract :
This study was conducted for the retail trade; approaches to determining changes in retail trade under the influence of digitalisation of socio-economic processes were established. The purpose of the research was to analyse the vectors of digitalisation in the field of digital trade in Ukraine. The main methods used in the study were analysis, deduction, forecasting, abstraction, modelling, etc. The study analysed the main factors influencing the development of digital transformation in Ukraine. Using the developed model, it was demonstrated that technological and behavioural factors have the greatest impact; they force retailers to actively adapt to the environment and find new methods of introducing innovations into their business models. Other factors, such as socio-economic or institutional, have a much smaller impact on retail innovation. In addition, the study evaluates the interdependence of consumer needs
and relevant innovations in the field of innovation and describes how certain companies have used the latest technologies to improve the quality of their business.
Title: Development of National Social Insurance Systems in Ukraine and European Countries as a Factor in the Evolution of Human Rights to Social Security
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the state of social security in Ukraine and its comparativeanalysis in comparison with European countries, as well as to establish the concept, content, features, andpurpose of this sphere in Ukraine. The methods used to study this subject can be distinguished as follows: dialectical method, formalisation method, law-cognising method, formal legal method, hermeneutical method, logical legal method, systemic, structural-functional method, axiomatic method, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, etc. The results of this study are the definition and clarification of the characteristics and features of legal regulation of social security in Ukraine; established the list of types of social security in Ukraine. The authors investigated the development of social security in Ukraine since 1990; analysed the development of social security in Europe and identified four main models of social protection through the implementation of social security; identified the main problems in the field of social security as one of the factors of social protection of the population. The authors defined the term “social security”, established the content and features of the national social security system of Ukraine; investigated the development of social security in Ukraine and in European countries.
Title: Current Status and Regulation of the Digital Money Market in Ukraine
Abstract :
Nowadays, digital money, which in most cases is related to cryptocurrencies in one way or another, is gaining importance. The capitalisation of the cryptocurrency market is generally increasing over time; new coins are being created; and certain countries (including China, the European Union member states and Japan) are already working on projects to create their digital money. Given these trends, it is necessary to consider how the legal and regulatory framework for the electronic money market in
Ukraine is structured and what is the current state of the market in the country. Thus, the research aims o analyse the current Ukrainian legislation that should regulate the electronic money market and toconsider the current trends that prevail in the Ukrainian cryptocurrency market. The main method used in this research was the analysis method to draw appropriate conclusions about the effectiveness of the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine and the current state of their development in general, it was necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the development of this phenomenon in many countries, including the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, Japan. The study showed that the cryptocurrency market continues to grow rapidly in Ukraine. Cryptocurrencies are very popular among small investors, while Ukrainian cryptocurrency projects have not yet gained significant recognition in the world. The country’s legal and regulatory framework for this sector appeared only in 2020, but it
is too early to talk about its effectiveness; it is worth noting that its introduction is the right step for the further development of this sector. The data on the current state of the cryptocurrency market in Ukraine may be useful for investors to formulate their investment strategies, while an analysis of the legal and regulatory framework in this area in Ukraine and other countries will help policymakers to better shape future policy in this area.
Title: Confectionery Enterprises’ Competitiveness in the Domestic Market of Ukraine and their Export Potential: An Analytical Overview and Top-10 Rating
Abstract :
The food industry in Ukraine, in particular confectionery, is one of the most attractive and promising sectors of the Ukrainian economy. However, recent developments, most notably the COVID-19 pandemic and the military invasion of Ukraine, have harmed the industry, which predefines the research relevance of its current state, prospects, and export potential. The research aims to analyse trends in the Ukrainian sweets market, study their export opportunities, identify industry leaders, and outline global trends in the industry. The methods used in the study are economic and statistical analysis, graphical methods, rating methods, and cartographic methods. The study identifies the main trends in the confectionery industry of Ukraine the dynamics of sales volumes and its structural composition. The share of exports in total sales by sub-sectors is presented. The countries that are the main importers of Ukrainian confectionery products, as well as those that are the key exporters of confectionery products in the world, are noted. Ukraine’s place among the world’s confectionery exporters by individual products is determined. The rating of companies producing confectionery products in the domestic market of Ukraine is determined. An analysis of the popularity of the identified companies among users, as well as an analysis of the popularity of individual confectionery products, is carried out. The market of chocolate products is segmented, and the rating of companies exporting confectionery products is compiled. The trends of the Ukrainian confectionery industry are compared with the global ones. The practical significance of the results obtained can be used in the activities of confectionery enterprises to assess their position in comparison with the main competitors in the industry, to identify key industry trends, and to direct their strategies following global industry trends.
Title: Privatisation of State and Municipal Enterprises: Legal Regulation
Abstract :

The relevance of the subject under study is exceedingly high since this process is one of the main vectors of system-changing transformations in Ukrainian society. Thus, this vector includes the reform of property relations, which occurs through the privatisation of property of state and municipal enterprises. It is privatisation that should contribute to increasing the efficiency of property management, the emergence of a clear motivation for work, accelerating structural adjustment, and development of the country’s economy, improving the investment climate in the state, as well as improving the state property management system. The purpose of this study is to investigate the basic principles of privatisation of state and municipal enterprises, to identify the advantages and disadvantages in the legal regulation of this phenomenon. That is why several scientific and methodological means were used in this study, specifically the systematic and functional approaches, including such general logical methods as analysis and synthesis, the comparative method, deduction, the formal legal method, and the method of scientific literature analysis. The main results obtained in this paper constitute the theoretical and practical foundations of the issue under study. The article covered the general principles and features of state and municipal enterprises and analysed the efficiency of the legal regulation of this process.

Title: Organisational and Economic Support for Public Administration as a Process of Preparation, Adoption, and Implementation of Management Decisions in a Pandemic
Abstract :
The research is devoted to topical issues related to the organisational and economic support of public administration as a process of preparation, adoption, and implementation of management decisions in a pandemic. The research aims to reveal the peculiarities of management decision-making and public administration in general. The primary methods used to study this issue are analysis, synthesis, thesis and antithesis method, and generalisation. To achieve the research aims, the main issues related to existing innovations in the field of public administration; the importance of organisational and economic support  or public administration in a pandemic; modernised principles and methods of organising the process of preparing, making, and implementing management decisions were addressed. The main directions of the study are determined by the insufficient theoretical and methodological developments of this issue and its growing importance. The study identified the key characteristics of public administration as a process of preparation, adoption, and implementation of management decisions during a pandemic.
Title: Political and Legal Aspects of Criminal and Administrative Responsibility for Information Security Offences in the Context of National Security of the Kyrgyz Republic
Abstract :
The research relevance is predefined by the peculiarities of modern state development taking place in the context of digitalization. This factor affects the dynamics of changes and transformations in both the political and legal institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic, which provokes the increased role of the information sphere in the state. The research aims to reveal political and legal instruments to influence individuals committing unlawful acts against information security in Kyrgyzstan. The analysis and synthesis, comparison, deduction, formal-legal and generalisation methods were used in the research. As a result, the modern information sphere includes both information and information infrastructure and persons performing operations with it. Thus, a separate system of regulation of social relations is being formed, which directly affects the state of security of modernised society. As a result, it can be established that the current society, both in Kyrgyzstan and in other states, is an information society and continues to develop on its basis. In this connection, the information sphere has acquired the character of a system-forming mechanism, based on which the functioning of public life, its political, economic and defence component, takes place. It has been established that the number of offences in the field of information security is growing, so there is a need to develop new legal instruments for their deterrence. The study revealed the role of the main state bodies and their activities in the sphere of counteraction to cyber threats in Kyrgyzstan.