Title: Learning Difficulties of Secondary School Students with Low Vision in an Inclusive Indian Classroom
Abstract :
Abstract :
This paper is an attempt to analyze the learning difficulties of secondary school students with low vision in an inclusive Indian classroom. In this study, eight students with low vision from four different inclusive secondary schools of Jharkhand (India) were selected by convenient sampling method. In-depth interviews with them were conducted for collecting the data. A set of questions were prepared in advance by the researcher for conducting the interviews. The data collected were analyzed qualitatively. The responses of the questions given by the students were transcribed. All the transcriptions were examined thoroughly with a view to identify different themes that emerged out of participant’s responses to the questions asked in the interviews. This study reveals that secondary school students with low vision
in an inclusive Indian classroom face difficulties in reading, writing and taking class notes; difficulties in participating and performing in the class; and difficulties in preparing for and performing in the examinations.
Title: Teacher Education and Globalization: Implications and
Concerns in the 21st Century
Abstract :
Abstract :
Education is a key to civilization and enlightenment and a source of wealth and power. It is the cornerstone of the growth and development of any country’s social economic and political institutions. Globalization is a qualitatively new phenomenon of multi-dimensional nature posing a variety of complex trends in the economic, social and cultural fabrics of all societies. No country can live in isolation without seeking impact of global trends and a change in all field of life.Teacher education plays a pivotal role in this era of globalization in shaping and reshaping the society and determining the quality of life in the community and the nation. Like all other professions, globalization is also affecting teacher education. This paper focuses critically at the globalization and teacher education: implications and concerns in the twenty first century. It unearths the state and extent of the effect of globalization in education and finally it suggest shifts to be explored in teacher education.
Abstract :Contents for the August Issue 2013
Abstract :Contents for the August Issue 2013