Title: Classroom Practices in Rural Elementary Schools: A Case Study of an Elementary School in Odisha
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It is observed that teaching by the teachers does not bear any impact on the students. The constructive approach becomes a dream. Hence, the achievement of the students lags behind in comparison to the private schools. Here, the investigators have conducted a case study of an elementary school of Odisha to assess the classroom practices of an elementary school. Majority of the teachers reported that they introducing the lesson, particularly with reference to the use of various techniques such as telling a story, asking questions related to the previous knowledge of the pupils and showing pictures, diagrams and models, even by engaging the students in different activities rather than stating topics directly introduce the lesson. The teachers also explain the topic with the help of showing different pictures, models, and
diagrams to the learners and cited appropriate example and used dictionary. While discussing with the students, they said that their only cited examples in order to explain the topic and they did not show any pictures, models, and diagrams to them. The same was also observed by the observed by the investigator. The paper will present details of the study.
Title: Academically Talented and Creatively Learning Disabled: How They differ on Achievement Motivation and Cognitive Style
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Gifted students with learning disabilities are becoming more prevalent in the education system. Students with these characteristics have been filtering through the system for years, but just now being noticed. Gifted students with learning disabilities excel in one area, while struggling in another. Educators commonly overlook their abilities, which deny these students the chance to reach their full potential. In this paper an attempt has been made to compare creatively learning disabled with academically talented children in relation to their Achievement Motivation, and Cognitive Style. This study was conducted on a represented sample 280 students of grade VI-VIII drawn from 500 schools of Bareilly and Pilibhit district of U.P, India. It is evident from the present study that academically talented students are more achievement motivated than creatively learning disabled and it was also observed that there is no significant difference on cognitive style between the two said groups.
Title: Information Processing System of the Visually Impaired Children in Relation to their Styles of Learning
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Information processing system is very important in learning process. Children differ among themselves regarding their ability to organize information. Styles of learning are different ways through which a person learns. It’s commonly believed that most people have some particular method of interacting with, talking in, and processing stimuli or information. Keeping in view the importance of styles of learning and information processing system in the teaching learning process a study was conducted with the following objectives:- (i) to explore the information processing system of the visually impaired children, (ii) to identify the styles of learning of the visually impaired children, (iii) to find out the difference between the visually impaired boys and girls in their information processing system. (iv) to find out the difference between the visually impaired boys and girls in their styles of learning, and (v) to analyze the relationship between information processing system and styles of learning of the visually impaired children. The present study is descriptive survey type study. Collection of data was done on 150 visually impaired children. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. Data collection was done by using
two standardized psychological tools namely; (i) PGI Memory Scale developed by Dwarka Prasad and N. N. Wig (1994) for exploring
information processing system, and (ii) Styles of learning by Joy Reid (1984). The collected data was subjected to appropriate statistical calculations. The t-test was applied to determine significant difference between the visually impaired boys and girls in information processing system and styles of leaning. The coefficient of correlation was calculated for studying relationship between information processing system and styles of learning of the visually impaired children. The result showed that there exists significant difference between the visually impaired boys and girls both in their information processing system and r styles of learning. There exists negative relationship between information processing system and styles of learning of the visually impaired children.
Title: Linking Job Satisfaction and Stress: An Empirical Study on the Perception of Para-Teachers
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The study was conducted to examine the relationship between stress and job satisfaction among Para-teacher belonging to government aided schools of West Bengal under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. 84 Parateachers (appointed as part-time or contractual teachers on certain terms and conditions which are different from the regular teachers) participated in the study and their responses were collected randomly. Quantitative research methodology with a cross-sectional survey design was appropriate. Data was collected by two close-ended questionnaires developed by the researchers. The relation between the two variables was further analyzed on the basis of gender (male and female), age group (below 30 years and above 30 years) and educational
qualification (With and without B.Ed.). By employing Pearson correlation method it was found that a negative correlation exists between stress and job satisfaction. The rate of stress increases when people were not satisfied with their job. The correlation and Fisher’s z results revealed that the male teachers and teachers who were highly qualified experienced more stress than that of female teachers and less qualified one’s respectively. However no significant correlation exists in terms of age group.
Title: Development of Metacognitive Skills in Science Student-Teachers Through Constructivist Approach
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Metacognition and Constructivism is a related to each other because as we construct our knowledge at the same time we also develop awareness of construction of knowledge. Thus they are two side of the same coin. Researcher decided to study whether constructivist approach in particular 5 ‘E’ model provide opportunities to develop metacognitive skills in the science student-teachers studying in B.Ed. colleges of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan. For studying this objective researcher used Mixed-Method design of Convergent Parallel design. Researcher used Case Study method and exploratory method of qualitative approach and pre-test post-test single
group design of quantitative approach. 10 science student-teachers were taught through 5 ‘E’ model and their classroom activity were audio recorded. After each lesson one of the student were interviewed and all student were writing the reflection essay. These three kind of data were then triangulated. Metacognitive skills Inventory were administered before and after the programme. The quantitative data were analyzed through Wilcoxon Sign-Rank Test. The programme was of 10 weeks. The analysis of data suggest that constructivist approach (5 ‘E’ model) definitely provides greater opportunity for the development of metacognitive skills and different characteristics of metacognitive skills find expression during each stage of 5 ‘E’ model.
Title: J. Krishnamurti’s Right Education
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Krishnamurti was not an educator in the narrow or formal sense of the term, his concern for what he considered ‘right education’ was clearly
not an attempt to provide temporary solutions to society’s problems or seek to correct them through merely educating people to read or
write. Krishnamurti has been described as a ‘revolutionary teacher who worked tirelessly to awaken people—to awaken their intelligence,
to awaken their sense of responsibility, to awaken a flame of discontent’, and this commitment to awakening the consciousness of people was undoubtedly based on a ‘strong moral passion’.
Title: Approaches to Learning Among Professional Students in Relation to Professional Courses and Academic Achievement
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The present study attempts to identify approaches to learning among professional students in relation to professional courses and achievement. Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST) was used to measure approaches to learning among professional students pursuing their studies in management, computer application, engineering and medical courses. A representative sample of 819 professional students enrolled in third year, 495males and 324 females, was drawn on random basis while giving due weightage to gender. The results of analysis of variance on the basis of 4x2 factorial design with n=20 in each group revealed that there are significant differences in approaches to learning among professional students. The students of medical course report significantly higher mean deep learning approach than the students of computer application, engineering and management courses. The students of medical course and computer application course report significantly higher mean strategic learning approach score than their counterparts pursuing their studies in engineering and management courses. The students of management course report significantly higher mean surface learning approach score than their engineering,
computer application and medical courses counterparts. The professional students with high and average achievement report significantly higher mean deep learning approach score from their counterparts with low achievement. The mean strategic learning approach scores of low achiever professional students are significantly lowest than their average and high achiever counterparts. The low achiever professional students have significantly higher mean surface learning approach score than their average and higher achiever counterparts.
Title: A Study of the Relationship Between Metacognition and Academic Achievement of Secondary Students
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Present papers focused on the relationship between Metacognition andAcademic Achievement of C.B.S.E. Students of XI standard.
Metacognition is higher order thinking which is essential for meaningful learning. A sample of 84 students(Male & Female) of Meerut Zone was selected as the subjects for the study. Metacognition Inventory was used as a research tool which constructed Dr. Punita Govil. This Survey method was used for the study. As a result it was found that there is positive and significant relationship between Metacognition and Academic Achievement in C.B.S.E student of XI standard.
Title: Effect of Instructions in the Language Laboratory on English Pronunciation of Pupil Teachers
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Good communication in English depends upon proper pronunciation. Proper pronunciation means reproducing the sound of the word through speech in such a way that any fluent speaker of the language would effortlessly know and understand the message. Improper pronunciation causes a breakdown in communication and requires more effort to understand. Poor pronunciation can cause a negative first impression. People who cannot pronounce English properly are often thought of as less literate or intelligent. Therefore teachers and learners
of any language must not neglect the spoken aspect of language while teaching and learning various skills. They should neither underestimate nor neglect the importance of correct pronunciation in development of language skills. But in our schools, we teach English as a knowledge subject and not as a skill. As a result, even after learning English for so many years students are not able to speak it properly. They don’t find themselves confident enough to use it in day to day life. Even our future English teachers are not good communicators in English language. In this study an attempt was made to study the effect of instructions in the language laboratory on English Pronunciation of Pupil teachers. The sample of the study was comprised of 33 pupil teachers of K.C. College of Education; Nawanshahr. Self prepared English Pronunciation
Test was used in this study. The students of experimental group were given instructions in Language Laboratory. On the other hand, the students of the Control Group continued with their Routine Activities of the classroom. This continued for 30 working days. The results of the study indicated that Instructions in the Language Laboratory were found to be superior to routine activities of classroom in improving English Pronunciation of pupil teachers.