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EQ - Volume 7 - Issue 1

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Title: Pygmalion effect: fostering performance among adolescents
Abstract :

This paper provides a comprehensive overview of self-fulfilling prophecy in context of education (teaching and learning). The prophecy in form of Pygmalion effect has the ability to boost performance through communication of high expectations. Though the concept is decades old, yet holds utmost relevance in prevailing ethos and so it becomes vital to harness the Pygmalion effect and the efforts can be done by educators by being motivating and acting as a role model for students, praising the efforts done by students, reinforcing their talent, hard-work and by taking pride in students achievements. Thus, incorporating the principle of Pygmalion effect perhaps can bring out more potential of the students, without which their psycho-social development is curtailed.

Title: Strengthening life skills through emotional intelligence education
Abstract :

To cope up with the growing speed and revolution of advance life, our students require new life skills like the talent to deal with frustration and stress. In a broad way, approach related to life skills develops different skills in adolescents to build the necessary abilities for human development and to accept behaviors positively which assist them to effectively deal with the tasks of routine life. Life skills assist adolescents to transfer positively from infancy to maturity through the growth of social skills and emotional skills. Emotional intelligence is connected with having life skills. Emotional intelligence was considerably related with the skills of satisfaction of life, solve different problems, and to cope up with stress. The connection between life skills and emotional intelligence explored that high level of emotional intelligence was significantly correlated with high level of satisfaction with life, to cope up with stress, problem-solving, and lower stress. Children need social coaching and proper guidance as they learn appropriate ways of behaving and adapting to their own environment. Emotional literacy improves relationships, creates loving possibilities between people, makes cooperative work possible, and facilitates the feeling of community. So it is very helpful to develop life skills. It will take time to develop your emotional intelligence, but it will lead to maintainable change of behavior through whichyou will improve the way to manage yourself and learn the way you work with others. Research specifies that the people who are emotionally literate can do better in many areas of their lives. Emotional intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. So it is the essential for the society that our recent education system should be revisedwhile thinking about the increasing importance of emotional intelligence and consequently get benefits for our students, but only then if it is appropriately incorporated in our educational curriculum.

Title: Status of higher education and education loan in India with special reference to Punjab
Abstract :
Economic growth of every country to a great extent depends upon education level of the country. Higher education enrolment ratios and higher GDP per capita are strongly correlated. India’s higher education  system is the third largest in the world and is rapidly growing over the years. But unfortunately, there are several issues and challenges like access, equity, efficiency and excellence in higher education which has to be tackled efficiently (Prakash, 2007). Out of these, access can be achieved only if higher education is affordable to all. To make it accessible and affordable, IBA (Indian Bank Association) prepared a Model Educational Loan Scheme in the year 2001 which was recommended to banks for implementation by Reserve Bank of India. This education loan scheme is gaining popularity now a day. With this background, the paper discusses the status of higher education and education loan in India with special reference to Punjab. Data shows that higher education institutions and enrolments are increasing with time and in line with this, percentage of education loan is also growing.
Title: Effectiveness of newspaper in education (NIE) program on the student performance
Abstract :

Newspapers have been the most important tool in shaping the growth and development of any society in the modern world.The newspaper industry of any country for that matter spreads knowledge and awareness amongst the people by propagating itself as a medium for a wide area of topics such as politics, sports, social issues, medicine, entertainment, advertising and marketing, and more recently in education as “Newspaper in Education (NIE)”. This study presents the effectiveness of Newspaper in Education (NIE) program and the impact on student performance with special reference to schools in Karnataka. 15 schools have been selected for the study comprising sample with students of Middle school (6,7) and High school (8, 9 and 10). NIE programs of three leading newspapers viz. The Hindu, The Times of India and Deccan Herald have been considered for the survey. A questionnaire containing 20 questions on the NIE content, delivery method, perceptions about NIE, academic performance and the areas of improvement was administered among the sample containing 200 students of Middle school and High School. Survey results were subjected to statistical analysis. Survey results indicated that two of the newspapers viz. Deccan Herald and The Times of India have similar NIE content and the delivery model, while, The Hindu has different delivery model. Analysis of responses to questions based on perceptions and the academic performance indicated that there is a significant increase in the general knowledge and skills in middle school students than the High school students after the introduction of NIE in schools. Areas of improvements in terms of NIE content and delivery method is discussed in this paper. This is the first report on effectiveness of NIE program on student performance from India.

Title: Academic anxiety of male and female secondary school students in relation to their academic achievement
Abstract :

Academic anxiety has become one of the most debatable topics of present school education. Academic Achievement of students is very much depending upon the level of academic anxiety. Present research study was carried out on a sample of 204 (Male & Female) secondary school students. Sample was drawn from four Secondary Schools of Aligarh District, (U.P.)India by employing purposive sampling technique. Analysis was done by calculating Mean, SD, Pearson Correlation (r) and t- test. A very comprehensive interpretation was made in the light of previous studies. Findings of the study revealed that a negative significant correlation was found between academic achievement and academic anxiety of secondary school students. Moreover, no significant difference was found between academic achievements of high and low academic anxiety of male and female students. Further researches are suggested for more generalised results

Title: Project approach for capacity building of ODL practitioners
Abstract :

Open Distance Learning (ODL) is serving as an effective mode of delivery of education to unreached aspirants of education. This mode is now widely accepted and recognized as valuable asset for the dissemination of knowledge and increasing literacy in the state in efficient way. ODL is expanding faster in the developing world. The Governments in these countries have laid significant thrust on ODL, linking this to national development priorities. Within ODL, Open Basic Education assumes considerable significance in the context of: millions of students being outside the purview of schooling; high dropout rate especially at the primary and elementary levels; and linkage of basic education to functionality and skill development. With expansion and wider use of ODL delivery mechanisms, a continuous need is felt for capacity building of the practitioners and the developers. It is envisaged that these groups shall need faster and sustainable inputs through training and retraining in the curriculum designing and development. The impact of short orientation programmes without much measurable outcomes found not to be lasting long. Thus a Project based approach is devised by introducing workshop series for the practitioners of ODL by a mix of online support, face-to-face workshop, online follow-up support, and repeat of the cycle in the next phase(s).This approach is being tested for capacity building of ODL material designers and developers of Bangladesh Open University (BOU) with support provided by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and expertise provided by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This paper will share the experiences earned in development of strategies, strengths, expected outcomes and bottlenecks for the benefit of trainers in the field.

Title: A Study of personality of the pass outs of jawahar navodaya vidyalayas
Abstract :

A study was done with the objectives to explore the personality characteristics of the pass outs of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya by using Sixteen Personality Factor (16 PF) Questionnaire prepared by S.D. Kapoor. The selection of the pass outs was done from the six Jawahar Navodya Vidyalaya located in Madhya Pradesh. The purpose of the study to explore the personality characteristics of the pass outs and find out differences between rural-urban and male-female students. The result revealed that rural and urban pass outs are similar in 13 personality factors. Significant differences are found in only 3 factors. As for as male and female pass outs are concerned, the significant difference are found in 6 personality factors.

Title: Personalised, flexible and blended learning features of moodle-LMS
Abstract :

The present paper reflects on employing engaging and interactive online learning environment of Moodle-LMS platform for improvising e-learning and traditional face to face mode of learning by integrating the features of personalised, flexible and blended learning with them. It elaborates the utilities of Moodle-plugins offering these features of learning. It also states the benefits, challenges and possibilities of integrating Moodle with mainstream school and higher education.

Title: Cognitive preferences and academic achievement in students of science
Abstract :

The present study is an attempt to identify the cognitive preferences of secondary school science students and its relationship with academic achievement. For this purpose a ‘Cognitive Preference Test’ and an ‘Achievement Test in Science’ were developed and administered to 500 eleventh grade science students subsequent to their study of tenth grade science subject. The finding suggests that secondary school science students have a strong bias for ‘Principle’ and that their general order of preference is ‘Principle-Recall-Application-Questioning’. A strong dependence of cognitive preference orientation on ‘Academic Achievement’ in science was observed. High achiever group of students were found to exhibit a high preference for ‘Questioning’ and a strong discontentment for ‘Recall’ mode. Exactly an opposite trend of preferences among low achiever group has been reported, as having highest preference for ‘Recall’ and lowest preference for ‘Questioning’ mode.

Title: Priming Pre-Service Teachers for Managing Students’ Behaviour in the Classroom: An Indian Study
Abstract :

Priming pre-service teachers in identifying behavioural issues in students and their management in the classroom is important, especially prior to be on-job. Mock classrooms, if created optimally, would assist them to practice the solutions using required skills of a 21st century’s teacher. Such practices, with time, motivate and make them confident in handling issues that may arise in the classroom. This paper describes how from a mock classroom, various issues have been identified and their corresponding solutions knitted. The study concludes that interpersonal communication through rapport building facilitates a seamless connection between the teacher and a student. Rapport Building is pivotal in handling most of the behavioral issues in a classroom for all the levels of study, such as the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP).