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EQ - Volume 9 - Issue 3

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Title: Contents Vol. 9, No. 3, December 2018
Abstract :
Title: Comparative Study of Teaching Learning Processes between Normal and Hearing Impaired Learners
Abstract :
Learning processes are important and integral part for acquiring education in a person and proper learning largely depends upon the teaching methods that should be purposeful. However learners being categorized as normal and disabled, the teaching learning processes should vary and suit the needs of their educational goals. In this article an attempt has been made to compare the teaching learning processes in normal learners and learners with hearing impairment. A sample of 40 students was taken from 2 different schools to study the difference in their learning capacities and teaching processes.
Title: Privatization and Quality in Teacher-Education: A Study of Policies and Practices
Abstract :
The neo-liberal policies in early 1990s have led to several drastic changes across the sectors in India. Education in general and teacher education in particular have also received gradual attention by the private sectors. However, privatization in professional higher education received early attention especially in the Engineering sector, ITs and Management education sector, whereas privatization in teacher education sector received late attention especially after 2000-01. Universalization of school education with the largest educational programme, i.e. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2001) gave rise to an increasing demand for teacher education programmes in India. Increasing private self-financing teacher education institutions during early of last decade (2002-03 to 2007-08) posed a larger threat to the quality of teacher education in India (SBCR-MHRD 2008, Siddiqui 2009, JVCR 2012 & Pritam 2009). Various reports, committees and commissions negatively identified privatization and its correlation with quality education in the last decade. As a result, NCTE on Justice Verma Commission Report 2012 made an attempt to reform entire teacher education policy, its curriculum and respected deliberations. This paper attempted to gaze into the increasing gap between policies and practice in education in general and, particularly in the teacher education sector with special emphasis on the role of privatization in policy making and vice versa. It further supplements the increasing gap between policies and practices in teacher education with the empirical data related to privatization, quality concerns, and practices of Norms and Standards of NCTE in self-financing teacher education institutions.
Title: Social and Educational Problems of Gujjar Students: A study
Abstract :
The present investigation is related to the social and educational problems of Gujjar Students of Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir State. While developing the framework of the investigation, the suggestions from various experts were taken into account for better results. It was considered that the proposed investigation be confined to an area which is getting urbanized under the impact of modernization. On the basis of demographic conditions and the situation of tribal population of Gujjars, the researchers conducted a survey of various surrounding areas in the neighborhood of Jammu. The rationale of the study is to discuss the social and educational problems in the society of Gujjars in Jammu District of J&K state. Nomadic Gujjars occupy a large portion of state population of J&K state, whereas in adjoining states they show very small part of state’s population. This huge population of the Gujjars, even after the seven decades of freedom of India seems neglected and deprived. It cannot be believed that a millennium has gone by, without even remotely touching the Gujjars community especially regarding their social and educational development. The paper uses secondary data from the Census of India, and from different reports of the state and central governments. For this study, primary data related to social and educational problems have also been collected through survey. Data were collected through stratified random sampling technique from different parts of the Jammu districts from the state. In the present paper researchers tried to find out the social and educational problems of Gujjar students. An attempt has also been made to give suggestions to overcome the social and educational problems faced by the Gujjar students.
Title: Role of Value Based Education in Reducing Juvenile Delinquency at School Level
Abstract :

With the inception of modern technology and the social media throw a negative impact on the whole Indian society as well as in the all- round development of the adolescents. In the absence of adequate supervision, the habit of mobiles, television and the internet is enhancing the stress, jealousy, depression and quick response among teenagers. According to National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) the rate of crime under registered cases against juveniles in conflict with law has been increased to 89.28 per cent from 2005 to 2016. NCRB also reveals that the number of rapes by juveniles has been increased to 143 per cent from 2002 to 2012. The physical development of children is happening but they do not have the knowledge of their essential rights, values, ethics and humanity. There is a great need to stop or decrease the juveniles’ crime in India. The Value based Education and school environment influence the proper development of the children. In this research article the researchers focused on the implementation of value based education at school level. The engagement of co-curricular activities and VBE at school level develop the ability of freedom of self expression, self confidence, co-operation and universal brotherhood. The researchers also described the factors affecting the juveniles’ development. Media, Peer Influence, Exclusion from Society and Family are crucial and responsible factors of juveniles’ mental, social and educational development. Teachers’ aptitude regarding VBE is the important factor for changing the behaviors of juveniles.

Title: How does Academic Self-Handicapping Relate to Achievement in Mathematic?: A Small Scale Study among Indian School Chult
Abstract :
Many research revealed that Self-Handicapping is associated with the students’ personal motivations, academic achievement, global self-esteem and certainty of self-esteem. This study is designed to find out the relationship between Self-Handicapping, and Achievement in Mathematics of learners of chult age (adolescence). Using Multi-stage cluster sampling 204 secondary school students of Thiruvananthapuram educational sub district were selected for the study. Participants were directed to fill in the self-reported Self-Handicapping Scale; the Achievement score in Mathematics were taken from the school records. Data has been analyzed with SPSS-16th version. Students of chult age have a moderate level of Self-Handicapping and High level of Achievement in Mathematics but there is a negative low relationship between Self- Handicapping and Achievement in Mathematics. This study disclosed that self-Handicapping and achievement in Mathematics are correlated. Thus, a positive variation in Self-Handicapping will make a corresponding decrease in Achievement in Mathematics and vice-versa
Title: 5E Approach of Constructivist on Achievement in Mathematics at Upper Primary Level
Abstract :

Constructivist approach is based on the belief that learning occurs when learners are actively involved in a process of knowledge construction as opposed to passive receiving of information. According to constructivist teaching, learners are the makers of their knowledge. The theory of constructivism is an approach to learning suggesting that children must construct their own understandings of the world in which they live. The present study aims to find the effectiveness of 5E approach of constructivist on achievement in mathematics of upper primary students. The present study was a quasi-experimental study, wherein a control and experimental group were employed. The 5E learning model include Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate, Which has been applied to experimental group and conventional teaching was used in the control group, a sample of 70 (35 students in experimental and control group respectively) students were selected by using the purposive sampling technique. The results of the study revealed that teaching through the 5E approach of constructivism is effective in enhancing achievement in mathematics of upper primary level as compared to traditional method.

Title: Effective Use of ICT in Teacher Education for Inclusive Environment in Classroom
Abstract :
The increasing awareness and growing emphasis on making “Education for all” a realizable dream has made the classrooms of twentieth century necessarily inclusive in nature where an attempt is made to teach the children with different abilities and varied cultural, economic and family backgrounds under the same roof and with equal access to facilities and opportunities. To address to such diversity in an equitable manner, technology is undisputedly playing a significant role. It is making the teachers equipped to handle day to day classroom situations in a better way through ICT tools and devices that have built and provided platforms to remove barriers (physical, technical, cultural, psychological etc.) to facilitate complete development of children. With technological advancements and increasing use of various digital resources, the various aspects of education such as teaching, learning, evaluation and feedback becomes far easier and quicker as compared to the traditional approaches. With the advent of specialized tools for the disabled or children with special needs as well as a wide range of apps and softwares, the services reach uninterruptedly to various strata of the society with ease. The current paper reflects on the integration of various technological tools and approaches in our classrooms for a more inclusive environment so that a teacher can cater to individual educational needs of children. The potential of ICT in providing access for all learners including the ones with special needs and ability to access the general education curriculum is being discussed in this paper. The objective of the paper is to make the teachers aware about how amalgamation of ICT can be done in classroom learning for better addressing of the problems of the students for them to overcome their inabilities.