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EQ - Volume 10 - Issue 1

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Title: Contents Vol. 10, No. 1, April 2019
Abstract :
Title: The Role of Diet, Ethics and Behavior for Character Development
Abstract :
Diet, ethics and behavior are the major ingredients for character development. Mind is balanced when these ingredients are amalgamate in body proportionally. The development of character is based on balanced mind. Therefore, these ingredients are extremely necessary. A good character is necessary for making a person humane. There is a popular phrase- “If wealth is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost, something is lost and if Character is lost, everything is lost. So a person has moral values and ethics in his/ her character. This paper depicts and delineates the development of character by the diet, ethics and behavior.
Title: Research Trends in English Writing Skills: Analysis, Insights and Reflections
Abstract :

English writing skill is one of the most important skills of English language as it is an integral part of life and the social need of the contemporary society. Today it is considered to be every individual’s need to master English writing skill because it helps in assessing ones progress made individually, socially, culturally, philosophically, scientifically and through all sorts of behavioural activities. Though English writing skill was not the one which was on limelight in India since decades and not mentioned by any educational committees explicitly, yet there were few references made about the importance of writing skills by few educational commissions and reports such as NCF, (2005) and NCERT Synthesis report, (2012). These reports emphasised in inculcating English writing skills as an integral part of the curriculum by teaching this skill using different methods of teaching and appropriate instructional materials. Though there had been drastic changes in the text books, syllabus, curriculum and teaching methodologies from time to time, yet there found no much changes in the teaching and learning method of the English writing skills. During every time frame there were scholars and researchers who showcased the underlying negligence shown towards this skill in their various studies, yet teaching of writing skills found no much changes. Hence, this paper is a sincere effort to reflect on the trends in the English writing skills to identify the reasons for the low attainment of the learners in writing skills that has been hindering learners to master proficiency in English.

Title: Innovative Practices to Rejuvenate Post Flood Kerala – Role of Prospective Teachers
Abstract :
The state of Kerala, God’s own country, was the role model in terms of development for all other states of India and for the whole world. Kerala model of development was studied and discussed worldwide by economists and policy makers. The development of Kerala was contributed by the whole hearted participation of Government, administrators and people of Kerala putting their heads and hands together. But, the unprecedented rainfall in 2018 led to massive flood causing death, displacement and destruction in all fields which may take years to rebuild. The destruction affected all fields of life including agriculture, shelter, health care, sanitation, transportation and education. Government, non-government organisations and common people of Kerala stood hand by hand to get rescued from the terrific and drastic situation. In this period of small relief, we have to think and work hard to rebuild our state to its pride and glory. This is the right time for higher education institutions and students to pay their homage to their mother land and fellow beings. The teachers should be the light bearers for the future generation and the prospective teachers can train themselves making use of this circumstance to manage disastrous situations in a timely manner. Here in this paper, we discuss about the role of prospective teachers in rebuilding the post flood Kerala. Here some suggestive innovative practices to rejuvenate the post flood Kerala in various sectors like infrastructure reconstruction, psycho-social support, health and sanitation, education, agriculture and beautification are detailed. Stakeholders have to take measures to practice these suggestive measures to rejuvenate our state.
Title: A Study of Perceptual Learning Styles with Academic Achievement in Private Higher Secondary Schools in Aizawl City
Abstract :

Individual learning styles depend on cognitive, emotional and environmental factors, as well as one’s prior experience. In other words, everyone’s different. It is important for educators to understand the differences in their students’ learning styles, so that they can implement best practice strategies into their daily activities, curriculum and assessments. This study was undertaken with the objective to find out if there is a relationship between the students learning styles and academic achievement of private higher secondary schools in Aizawl city. The scale used for this study is Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire constructed by Joy Reid (1984). The data from the present study is collected from 2 Private Higher Secondary schools. The sample consists of 192 students, with 96 each from Oikos Higher Secondary School and Providence Higher Secondary Schools. Findings showed that there is no correlation between the academic achievements and the scores on different learning styles of the students. A particular learning style does not have effect on the marks of the students.

Title: Regulation and Higher Education: The Imperative
Abstract :

This paper delves into regulation and higher education in India, through three phases: a loosely regulated transitory phase from British India to independent India; a phase of strong regulation by the state in post-independence India; to a dispersed yet still not so easily discernable phase of regulation post-1986 till date. In the wake of rapid changes in higher education, the paper considers it an imperative on the part of the state to play a more pro-active role in regulation of higher education.

Title: Reflective Teaching as a Strategy for Effective Instruction
Abstract :

The challenges of 21st century skills require equipping children with essential dispositions and reflective skills as a relevant dimension of education. Reflection is a valuable skill that can produce considerably high level learning and is also very important to the planning process. It includes describing, analyzing and evaluating our thought-process, assumptions, beliefs and actions. Reflection is a significant human activity in which facilitator and practitioner revisit their experience, ponder it and evaluate it. Different academicians identified different types of reflections to strengthen their teaching practices but, they unanimously suggested that reflective teaching practices are inevitably vital to effective instruction. One can start reflective teaching by asking ‘what and why’ questions. Refl ective teaching is an approach that enables teachers and teacher educators to understand how they use their knowledge in classroom situations and how they combine theory and practical in a more effective manner. A reflective teacher can get input from different sources such as senior faculty members, students, colleagues to improve his/her teaching by using reflection. This paper provides some insights on few moot questions such as, “what is reflection”, “what is reflective teaching”, “why is reflective teaching important”, “why should teachers be reflective”, and “what is meant by being a reflective teacher”?

Title: Education in North-Eastern India: A Study of Supply and Demand in Secondary Teacher Education
Abstract :

Educational development in North Eastern India has been comparatively stagnant for decades, but recent initiatives of the central government with the help of special ministry for North eastern India have given new hope for the rapid development. Development not only in the education sector, but across the sectors has been registered during the last decade. Teacher education scenario is different in northeastern India compared with the rest of the country in term of trained and untrained teachers in the schools. Therefore, the supply and demand of teacher educators and school teachers are different in this region. Here, in this study an effort has been made to analyze the statewise supply and demand of school teachers and teacher education in the light of additional demand due to Right to Education, SSA and RMSA.

Title: Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement: A Study at +2 Level
Abstract :

The present Research aimed at studying the Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of +2 students. The sample constitutes 400 +2 student studying in junior colleges located in Warangal district. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. Descriptive, inferential and correlational statistics techniques were used for analyzing the data. The findings emerged out of the present study suggests that in choosing a career both men and women where Emotional intelligence. There is no significant correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement of +2 students.