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IJID - Volume 5 - Issue 2

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Title: Contents Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2019
Abstract :
Title: Artificial Intelligence in Futuristic Agriculture: An Insight
Abstract :

India, with the highly variable and unpredictable weather condition, is faced with a severe challenge on how to manage the vast agricultural farming which is one of the most uncontained environments to manage. Computer and network technologies are widely applied in agriculture, which is a greatly encouraging field. Tremendous achievements have been made in agriculture production, research and education in developed countries at present, but there is still a long way to obtain a great development for developing countries such as India. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that draws attention towards the creation of intelligent machines that work and reacts like humans. The principle of Artificial Intelligence is one where machine can perceive its environment and take action to address a specified goal related to that environment. Utilization of machine learning and AI will help the farmer to gain a better understanding of the field condition. It will provide information to the farmers such as the amount of rainfall and moisture required for a good crop and also estimate the best time of seed sowing. AI is the future of agriculture since it provides several ways where agricultural productivity, sustainability and profitability can be improved.

Title: Use of Mobile Phone by the farmers for Agriculture and Allied Activities
Abstract :

Agriculture and allied sector activities in India is the largest source of livelihood for the people of India. About 70 percent of its rural households still depend primarily on agriculture for their livelihood, with 82 percent of farmers being small and marginal. Contribution of agriculture sector in Indian economy is much higher than the world’s average of 6.4%. As most of the people depend on agriculture in India and with a high population, it is impossible to give information to each and every farmer personally. For this reason the role of mobile phone is a good initiative in the agriculture sector. The use of mobiles in agriculture and allied sectors brought a revolution in the agricultural development. There are different mobile applications developed for the benefit of farmers. Mobile can be used to disseminate timely information regarding best cultivation practices, seed availability, cropping pattern, weather forecasts, fertilizer usage, market information, organic practices and information about vaccination, insurance alerts, livestock diseases, exotic and indigenous breeds, feeding management, livestock rearing and government schemes for agriculture and allied sector. The present study assesses the level of usage of mobile phone by the farmers for agricultural and allied activities and their purpose for usage of mobiles. The study reveals that 70 percent of farmers use mobile for production purpose in comparison to other ICT tools and most of the farmers use mobile for communication with others and to get general information. So, the role of mobile is very important in the development of agriculture sector for providing accurate and timely information to the farmers.

Title: Crop Planning under Changing Climate Scenario
Abstract :

Climate change is very likely to affect food security at the global, regional, and local level. An attempt has been made to study the impact of climate change on crop production and productivity of different crops in Banka district of Bihar state by observing some local condition and by using some data available from district agriculture department. Climate change can disrupt food availability, reduce access to food, and affect food quality and impact the production and quality of vegetables and legumes. Nutritionally important vegetables and legumes can be particularly sensitive to temperature increases and more vulnerable to heat stress than staple or cereal crops. By observing the last five years rainfall data, it was observed that the annual average rainfall of the district was 1182.1mm, 822.2mm, 1031.8mm, 910.3mm and 816.07 mm against the average normal rainfall i.e. 1156.3 in the year 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively. In the year 2014, a negative deviation found (-2%), afterward, 29%, 11%, 21% and 29% deviation observed in the rest of the years respectively which indicates the more uncertainty of monsoon rainfall. By observing the 19 years rainfall data, it is clearly shown that the annual rainfall trend for the district are coming out to be significant at five percent level of significance and showing a decreasing trend of annual rainfall. The main reason behind this changing rainfall pattern was climate change. So, main emphasis should be given on the farming according to weather condition of those particular areas or region.

Title: Status of Child Health Care: A State Level Analysis
Abstract :

Being healthy is crucial for every human being in the world. A person in bad health cannot really live life to the fullest. There is the risk of death and handicaps caused by the most common children’s diseases namely Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Leprosy, Polio, and Measles. The study proposes to compare rates of vaccination and prenatal care among children and women who use public care for curative services using NFHS 3rd and 4th round data. We observed that the facilities given by public health care during the period of childhood disease have increased over the decade. In 2015-16, the top five states having the highest percentage coverage of childhood disease treatment were Punjab, Meghalaya, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Goa. West Bengal’s position was 6th in 2005-06 which reduced to 10th in 2015-16.

Title: An Analysis of Travel Behaviour of Sellers and Consumers in Rural Market Centres: A Case Study
Abstract :

The market participants are the key components, which make these market places as effective functional unit as well as a place of economic and social interaction. The behavioural pattern of market participants in these rural markets are determined by various factors such as, (i) distance, (ii) level of accessibility, (iii) size of market, (iv) specialisation of market trade in a particular commodity or commodities, (v) profitability, and (vi) economic and social relations, security, transport facilities etc. The behavioural pattern of market-place participants vary from persons to persons, and depend upon his economic status, social structure, cultural practices, local geographical situations as well as level of literacy