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The study has examined the status of technology transfer and yield gap of major small millets in the Tehri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand. Stratified random sampling has been used for selection of 60 small millets growers, 20 each from high hills, mid hills and valleys. Two major small millets, viz. Barnyard Millet (Sawan) and Finger Millet (Ragi/Mandua) have been selected for the study. The study has revealed that the farmers deviated from the recommended package of practices. The farm level yield gap in both millets have been found statistically significant when tested using ‘t’ test. The yield gap between the best and average farms in Barnyard millet and finger millet was of the order of about 40 per cent. The study has suggested the strengthening of input delivery system in the area to ensure timely availability of inputs in required quantity and quality to the growers of millets at reasonable price.
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Women involvement in decision making processes in governance for sustainable development is very critical, not only because they constitute majority of the Ghanaian population but they are discriminated and underrepresented in the socio-economic and political development activities thereby widening gender gap. This study sought to ascertain the factors responsible for low women participation in local government in Ghana. With a mixed method approach, this paper examines the underlining factor of low women participation in governance. With the feminism and notion of social gender perspective, inadequate financial resources, the perception of politics as a “dirty” game, lack of capacity and confidence on the part of women candidates among others were major factors affecting women participation in local government. To give women face lift in local government, the study recommended that government should pass a legislation aimed at reserving special quota for women and provision of special funds by NGO’s and philanthropists to support women candidates.
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In rural Himalaya, local inhabitants use a range of plants to perform various ritual ceremonies round the year which makes their religious culture and folklore unique. Therefore realizing the significance of plants in cultural tradition, the present study was undertaken with the aim to document the information associated with the use of plants in different rituals. Focus group discussion and informal discussion with the local people, religious persons and aged people was conducted to document the indigenous knowledge of plants used in different ritual ceremonies. The study reported 16 plant species from 14 families and 16 genera that were used during various rituals. Out of 16 plant species reported, 43.75% were trees, 31.25% were herbs and 12.5% were shrubs and 12.5% were climbers. The most frequently utilized plant part was the leaf followed by twig, rhizome/tuber, fruit and flower. Out of the total species maximum numbers of species were used during marriage followed by puja, to keep away the evil spirits from house and during fast. The present study shows that the local inhabitants of rural Himalaya have vast folk knowledge about the plants used in rituals. This information will assist in creating awareness among younger generations in present as well as future time and will help in conserving the species of cultural importance.
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Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) is considered as one of the important climate resilient crops throughout the world. Bihar is one of the pioneer state in lathyrus production. A meta-analysis was conducted to know the problems and prospects of Grass pea (Lathyrus Sativus) production in Bihar. The major problems identified in production of lathyrus are people phobia on its consumption, unavailability of good quality seeds possessing low neurotoxin content and standardized lathyrus production technology etc. The major prospect of lathyrus production in Bihar is availability of 2.2 million rice fallow areas. These rice fallow areas have high potentiality for lathyrus cultivation as utera/paira crop. Government of India had lifted ban on cultivation of lathyrus and more production of lathyrus will reduce our dependence on import of other pulses.
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In India most of the farmers are small and marginal. It is impossible for the extension personnel to provide information each and every farmer individually. For all person mobile is an essential device for communication, entertainment, etc. As the use of mobile is increasing day by day, so the farmers can easily avail the information by sitting in their homes through this device. In India, there are many mobile applications developed to utilize mobile phones in agriculture by private sector (Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited, Nokia, Airtel, Tata Consultancy Services, etc.) and public sector (Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Agricultural Universities, research institutions, State Governments, Indian Meteorological Department and others) in agricultural advisory service for agronomic practices, weather forecasts and market price. Due to the high dependency in agriculture, the role of mobile-based agro advisory is very important for agriculture. In this regard the present study focuses on the role of mobile in agriculture and allied activities.
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Technologies used in aquaculture have a huge role in increasing the productivity of fish farming. There are several new technologies which have revolutionized the aquaculture. Genetic tools and other reproductive technologies are being used regularly and have removed many challenges. Many problems associated with traditional aquaculture have been solved. The diseases in fish are controlled with the application of new techniques. More disease resistance, stress tolerance power have been incorporated in the fishes. Most of the diseases are now prevented successfully. A great progress has also been observed in fish feed processing. All these innovations have sustained the productivity as well as strengthened the economy of the fish farmers.
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Green revolution in India has witnessed a jump in agricultural production with the introduction of high yielding varieties of various crops and by following intensive cultivation practices with the use of fertilizers, pesticides and other inorganic inputs. Organic agriculture is a holistic food production system works with the sustainable use of locally available natural resources. The need to adopt a comprehensive approach for the promotion of organic agriculture by taking cooperation of all stakeholders, environmental friendly technologies, marketing infrastructure and financial support environmentally friendly for quality and quantity organic food production. An environmentally sustainable system of agriculture like organic agriculture will be able to maintain a resource balance, avoid over exploitation of resources, conserving soil natural quality and soil health and biodiversity. Biological research into soil and soil organisms has proven beneficial to organic farming. Varieties of bacteria and fungi break down chemicals, plant matter and animal waste into productive soil nutrients. In turn, they produce benefits of healthier yields and more productive soil for future crops. Keeping in mind the study was undertaken to assess the constraints faced by the farmers in the adoption of organic farming practices in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu state. Results indicated that among the physical constraints, the foremost physical constraints expressed by vast majority of the respondents was inundation due to labour scarcity (80.00 per cent). Among the communication constraints, the foremost communication constraints expressed by most of the respondents where lack of training (85.00 per cent).
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