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Empowerment is an abstract, multi- dimensional and multi-level concept that can be both a process and outcome. It can be defined as the process of increasing the assets and capabilities of individuals or groups to make purposive choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes. A Self Help Group (SHG) is a small economically homogenous affinity group of 10 to 20 persons who come together to save small amounts regularly, mutually agree to contribute to a common fund, have collective decision making, or resolve conflicts through collective leadership and mutual discussion. The present study was undertaken in Cooch Behar district of West Bengal, India to assess the impact of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) on empowerment of women. 60 SHG members and 30 non-members were selected from 10 villages from Cooch Behar-I and Cooch Behar-II blocks of the district. A pre-tested schedule was employed to collect the relevant information by personal interview method. To assess and compare between the SHG and non-SHG groups, an Empowerment Status Index (ESI) was developed for the study with different indicators of empowerment. Indicators were selected from the recommendations of different authors. From the study it was found that the empowerment status of the SHG members was higher than the non-members and empowerment is positively correlated with the efficiency of the group.
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Millets are highly nutritious food and are widely cultivated in India since long. But from last few decades land under cultivation of millets is decreasing due to decrease in demand. Owning to its nutritional and health benefits the demands of millets are now increasing among urban consumers. To understand the socio-economic profile of millet consumers a study was undertaken in Jodhpur district of Rajasthan and Chitradurga district of Karnataka. It was found that most of the urban families were nuclear families, in contrast, most of the rural families were joint families. Most of the millet rural consumers in Jodhpur were medium and semi-medium farmers, whereas in Chitradurga most of the farmers were small and marginal farmers. In terms of educational qualification,most of the rural consumers in both the districts (32.5 per cent) had completed primary level of education and most of the consumers in urban areas (45 per cent) had completed secondary level of education.
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Institutional agricultural credit has played a significant role widespread adoption of modern production technologies and promotion of private investments on farms through its increasing as well as cheap supplyin the past. The present study was conducted in West Tripura district of Tripura to analyse the socio-economic characteristics of the borrowers in the district. 120 sample farmers were selected using multistage random sampling technique for detailed analysis. Information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics like age, sex, education level, land use, etc. by borrowers were collected by survey method using pretested schedules. From the socio-economic study of the farmer it could be observed that majority of the farmers of the state are literate, experienced and interested in the timely agricultural credit utilization and repayment. The household considered for the study in West Tripura District had the highest percentage of the male population (51.49%) than that of the female population (47.58%). Cultivation was the primary occupation for 55.82 per cent of the sample population and secondary occupation for 29.17 per cent of sample population.
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Dairy farming is one of the prominent enterprises, which supports the rural households by providing profitable employment and steady income. Dairy farming is an integral part of homestead farming system. In hill areas dairy farming is totally dependent on women. Many research studies have indicated that women in hill areas are unaware about many aspects. Thus, present research investigation was conducted in Jeoli, Bhaluti, Sariyatal and Kausani villages of Bhimtal block of Nainital district to assess the needs of hill women engaged in dairy farming. The study revealed that majority of respondents belonged to middle age group category and belonged to General caste. They were educated upto primary level. Majority of respondents were involved in dairy farming and farming and have 3-7 nali. All the farmers owned Mobile Phone and television. Majority of respondents have Cow, buffalo and goats. Majority of respondents were unaware about feeding schedule for milch animal, feeding schedule for young heifer, feeding schedule for pregnant animal, time and frequency of feeding, information on mineral mixture, formulation of ration, complete feed block, feeding schedule for young calves, colostrums feeding for new born calf, selection of breed, high yielding breed, pregnancy diagnosis, gestation period, suitable cross breed to their region, selection of adult of Bull or Semen, age of breedable heifer, selection of milch animal, castration of scrub bulls, care and management of new born calf, milking methods, vaccination schedule, knowledge about disease, control of external parasite, deworming practice, disinfection of shed, disposal of dead animal, treatment against contagious disease, precaution against parasitic disease, sterility treatment , Govt programme for Dairy farming etc.
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Under the concept of Amrita Self Reliant Village (Amrita SeRVe) has adopted Sadivayal village, Coimbatore, one of the remote tribal villages of Tamilnadu, to develop it as first Smart Village. The village is situated 45 km away from Coimbatore District, having 46 families with an average population of 150 belongs to the Irula Community of Scheduled Tribes. Amrita SeRVe smart village focuses on how villagers utilize local resources in better ways, access to food and nutrition, education, healthcare, access to clean water and sanitation. In Amrita, SeRVe agriculture acts as a catalyst for development and capable of addressing unemployment, health, education, gender equality, and boost income. Sadivayal became our first organic agriculture certified village in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, which applies the standards set by the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP). In 2018, the village beame open defecation free (ODF). The paper highlights some of the notable Model Village efforts of India and what have been their development indicators in the backdrop of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Also, what Amrita SeRVe acheived compared to model Village initiative of Central Government: the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana.
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Nano materials are used in practically every aspect of modern life, including agriculture. The conventional fertilizer is replacing by nano fertilizer due to its less quantity required for plant growth and development. Copper and Iron elements are essential micronutrient for plant. Nano Cu and Fe are playing an important role for various attributes such as growth yield, quality, and biochemical parameter. Late blight of potato caused by fungus activity of Phytophthora hence antifungal activity and phytotoxicity improved by the nano Cu. Enzymatic activity (ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GR), and lipid peroxidation) and photosynthesis component (chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids) of plant are much influenced by application of Nano Cu and Fe.
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Essential oils are obtained from non-woody parts of the plants, particularly foliage, stem or hydrodistillation. They are complex mixture of terpenoids and variety of aromatic phenols, oxides, ethers, alcohols, esters, aldehydes and ketones that determine the characteristics aroma and odour of the donor plants. Presence of volatile monoterpenes or essential oils in the plants provides an important defense strategy to the plants, particularly against herbivorous insect pest and plant pathogenic fungi. Fungi cause huge amount of yield losses due to their ability to cause serious devastating diseases to the crops. Minimizing their effect on the crops need to get a promising way of controlling them. Therefore, the use of essential oils could be a good option to tackle the challenge of fungal diseases. Essential oils are natural products that are extracted from plants by different methods. They have been used for a long history of time for different purposes. Fungicides used in disease management are expensive for resource-poor farmers andnegatively correlation with ecosystems. Nowadays there is a huge interest to use them as plant protection product to be alternative for new agro-chemicals with large antimicrobial spectrum properties. As we observed from the antifungal trials in different literature, the essential oils have a great antifungal effect on many plant pathogens and inhibited most of the tested plant pathogens in the laboratory. Thus, essential oils could be a control agent for plant fungal diseases and further investigation is required to use in the field. This review summarized that the importance, antimicrobial activity and management of fungi.
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Industrial revolution turned India into a source of rare, raw materials for British industries as well as a market for their finished products. The British only concentrated on the use of production factors and mass production for earning profit and collecting wealth for selfish development and it has led to a depletion of certain natural resources, leaving the environment permanently damaged and injured. The environmental issues in India become more serious every day like that lack of environmental education, reducing fertility of agricultural land, declining water level on earth, mass deforestation, land degradation, excess use of fertilizers and chemical in food production and river contamination and pollution. Green economy is a design and remedy on sustainable development, sustainable environment and environmental balance. It is against this backdrop, the present research study analyses the state of green economy and its linkages with sustainable development, environmental sustainability with reference to India. The present study concludes that the depletion of natural resources in India was not over or excessive is a move towards a green economy in connection with the indicator of natural resource depletion. The state of sanitation facilities in India is not very much happy and satisfactory. Access to water shows for India it is good, but not better which reveals India has failed in providing drinking water, consequently economic transformation and green economy for sustainable development of India. The important and policy suggestions of the present study are; planned extensive and intensive efforts are very much necessary from India as well for the development of health, water supply and sanitation facilities. Government of India should be more active and dynamic in realizing their green economy. Participation and involvement of people should be obligatory and enhanced in undertaking various activities useful for attaining the green economy and there by sustainable development.
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Thomas Cook, the world’s oldest travel brands with 19 million annual customers, operated and offered multiple services related to tourism and numerous one-stop-shops for all the travel demands. A 178 years old brand, trusted by travelers globally, and merged with My Travel group in 2007, was collapsed in 2019 due to failure to pay debts, acquiring higher costs, financial troubles, higher fuel prices and failure to meet customer demands. The study encompasses of a business review and a short analysis of Thomas Cook’s business model, reasons for failure and important lessons to be learnt.
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Environment is a big venture and aspects and also conveys as a field of study and practice such as Environment Science, Environment Studies, Environment Engineering, Environment Management, etc. Environmental Informatics is another important subject and emerging regarding the IT and Computing solutions in the environment. The merging of environmental areas and Informatics areas are commonly known as Environmental Informatics. Environmental Informatics is the best way for solving technology related issues with educated manpower and further, it uses various kinds of tools, techniques and sub-technologies of Computing and Information Technology in Environment, Ecology and Biological Sciences. The technologies such as Database Technology, Networking Technology, Multimedia Technology, Web Technology, Software Technology are most common and useful in Environment and Ecology related issues, activities and problem solving. In recent past other emerging technologies like Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Computational Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction, etc. are also being widely used. This paper is dedicated to basic review on Environmental Informatics including its nature, feature, and functions with special reference to the applications of Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing.