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By far the largest constituent of the Indian banking and credit system is the indigenous part. This part comprises (a) money-lenders in villages, and (b) indigenous bankers in towns and cities. Indigenous bankers, however, should be distinguished from the money lenders. The distinction arises out of the following points: (i) while indigenous bankers receive deposits and deal in hundis, the money-lenders do not do so; (ii) the former finance trade and industry, the latter mainly finance consumption; (iii) the former are more careful about the purposes of their loans than the latter; and (iv) repayment is more punctual and the rate of interest is generally lower in the case of the former. Despite these differences, the similarity is very great. Both of them are unorganised, both are scattered and are to be met with all over the country, and both have adapted themselves to the customs, habits, and needs of the people with whom they are in business relations, and business of both is very often a hereditary function and is carried on as a family concern.
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Remember that, in general, the word scalar is not restricted to real numbers. We are only using real numbers as scalars in this book, but eigenvalues are often complex numbers. Consider the square matrix A. We say that A is an eigen-value of A if there exists a non-zero vector x such that Ax = \x. In this case, x is called an eigen-vector (corresponding to A), and the pair (A,x) is called an eigen-pair for A. Therefore, A and x are an eigenvalue and an eigenvector, respectively, for A. Now that we have seen an eigen-value and an eigen-vector, let’s talk a little more about them. Why did we require that an eigenvector not be zero? If the eigen-vector was zero, the equation Ax = Xx would yield 0 = 0. Since, this equation is always true, it is not an interesting case. Therefore, we define an eigen-vector to be a non-zero vector that satisfies Ax = Xx. However, as we showed in the previous example, an eigen-value can be zero without causing a problem. We usually say that x is an eigen-vector corresponding to the eigen-value A if they satisfy Ax = Xx. Since, each eigen-vector is associated with an eigen-value, we often refer to an x and A that correspond to one another as an eigen-pair. Did we notice that we called x “an” eigen-vector rather than “the” eigen-vector corresponding to A.
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In the literature, there are a few studies that analyze the relationship between defence expenditure and human development in India. This study proposed to address the relationship by incorporating annual time series data from 1991 to 2019. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bound testing co-integration approach confirms the valid long-run relationship between defence expenditure and human development in India. The study finds that defence expenditure and human development are interlinked. However, the nature of the linkage is not uniform over time. It is observed that defence expenditure negatively affects human development in the short run. This is possible because, in the short run, due to budgetary constraints, there is a tradeoff between defence expenditure and developmental expenditure. An increase in defence expenditure at the cost of developmental expenditure will put pressure on unemployment and poverty, which will deteriorate the condition of the human development index of the country, but defence expenditure, affects human development positively in the long-run. Thus, policymakers should focus on this option to regulate the peace and harmony of the country by enplaning the vision, while alternating the vision and stretching on the defensive mechanism will put the nation in a black hole in the short-run.
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For Property divides society into classes and Marriage becomes class-ridden in the society. Equality is, therefore, an essential condition for the free functioning of the Life Force. It is, however, true that the Life Force has occasionally produced the Superman, one here, another there; they are what Shaw calls “our casual Superman.’ But for all their super humanity they could not do much. Why? Here is Shaw’s own explanation : “We have been driven to Proletarian Democracy by the failure of all the alternative systems; for these depended on the existence of Supermen acting as despots or oligarchs; and not only were these Supermen not always or even often forthcoming at the right moment and in an eligible social position, but when they were forthcoming they could not, except for a short time and by morally suicidal coercive methods, impose super humanity on those whom they governed; so, by force of “human nature”
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Morrison is a fierce critic of cultural appropriation and minorities especial females, are at center. She also speaks of female friendship, biological and non-biological sisterhood, mothers and daughters. Her outlooks on life differ and they shed light on the complexities of the female psyche in society. Her women’s issue revert to history and mythology in the attempt to find roots of oppression of the female sex. So, her novels have female protagonists to comply with strictly defined gender roles. She also sympathizes blacks and claims that they are not ‘other’.
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Lawrence Durrell is one of the twentieth century writers who threw overboard the nineteenth century thrust on rationalism and materialism. In his work, he pays more attention to philosophy and religion, doing away with narrative conventions to acquaint us with the roots of personality and imagination. He is in pursuit of the nature of truth with its many faces. In his attempt to transmit the essential, he provides the readers with a cluster of ideas to be reworked. He goes on “exploding ideas” into the readers’ minds, “then curling up with cat-like unctuousness and refusing to take any blame for the consequences”.
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Aluminium is the third most abundant element in the earth’s crust and is much more common. It finds varied industrial applications including food and pharmaceutical industries. It has been used as a protective in treating ulcer, fissures and silicoses. It causes potential toxicity and health hazard when ingested in excess. Aluminium toxicity has been implicated in many dreaded diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease. Role of complexation can be envisaged in much of the chemistry & bio-toxicology of aluminium. Complexation of Al³+ by the donor compounds in some intermediate stage is likely and might be of single or mixed ligand type. Selectivities or specificities might also play role. Relative stability of these intermediate complexes would be helpful in unrevealing the mechanism of action and related applied chemistry of aluminium.Keywords: Aluminium, Bio toxicology,
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According to the Elderly age women is considered to be the Centre of affection and protection for the aged parents where-in they can be well cared by the members of the family. Most of the elderly in Manipur are looked after by their sons, mostly the youngest son. The unmarried elderly also reside in their own home with their married nephew. Every family even the nuclear family has at least one elderly as member of the household. The elderly living with one person who may be either their spouse or relative. It is also in their tradition to accommodate elderly relatives, uncles and aunts.
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Limitations that need to be addressed related to this study include credibility and interpretation of the success stories. The credibility and value of the success stories are based on the assumption that participants and staff submitted stories that are honest about participant progress. EFNEP staff is required to write one success story each month. There is a possibility that staff will fabricate the growth and improvement of their participants to positively reflect their job performance in order to please their superiors or provide increased job security. Another issue is that staff may assume participants are making changes since the participants were provided with adequate information and education. In actuality, participants may have made no significant modification to their lifestyle. The same concerns can be expressed about participant success stories. The researcher must assume participants are truthful about their progress. Unfortunately, participants may feel obligated to state positive change when in fact change was minimal or nonexistent.
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The present study the food utilization efficiency of different diets by Osteobrama belangeri showed variation. PER of diets containing 5% cp aquatic weeds are not statistically different except the diets of 5% cp Salvinia. The best percentage of growth daily weight gain and food conversion ratio (PER) were observed at the 25% of plant ingredient in diets (De Silva and Guneskar, 1989), Fagbenro (1988) observed high food conversion ratio 5.12 and 2.30 when deflated cocoa cake and fish meal were fed directly in the monosex culture of Tilapia gutinusis. No beneficial effect on fish growth and feed utilization efficiency were observed by Tacon et al. (1954) when soluvent extracted sunflower seed meal used is diets for Rainbow trout fingerlings. However, sunflower seed meal increased from 0% to 22% obtained no adverse effect on overall growth performance and feed utilization.
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Toni Morrison never liked that old seventies slogan “Black is beautiful.” It was superficial, simplistic, palliative – everything her blinkered detractors called Morrison’s complex novels when the 1993 Nobel Prize transformed her into a spokeswoman and a target. No better were those blinkered admirers who invited themselves to touch her signature gray dreadlocks at signings, as though they harbored some kind of mystical power.
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The situation, however, started changing with independence. The constitution of India, Article 16, gave equality of opportunity in the matter of public employment to women of India. There shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office under the state. No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, residence or any of them be Ineligible for or discriminated against in respect of any employment to office under state
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This period witnessed the end of the Cold War between the two military blocs which brought an end the bipolar to the bipolar world, which was based on confrontation of two politico-economic systems and their military expression. It also brought an end to the stability of the world based on mutual deterrence. The high risk-high stability situation has been replaced by a low risk-low stability situation. The end of Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union also brought about the reorientation of former Soviet client states, especially those in the Third World, from centralised to market economies. These global changes have precipated two consequences in the prevailing international relations. First, there is a growing interdependence between countries and second, economic and trade issues are gaining vital precedence over the political and military ones. With a shift from geo-politics and geo-strategic to geo-economics, the economic dimensions of international politics has become prominent. The world previously polarised by an ideological struggle rapidly changed into economic blocs.” With the end of Cold War and the resultant breakdown of the overarching Cold War structure that underpinned and ordered international relations, nation-states became aware of the need to re-evaluate their place in the international system. The post-Cold War phase in international relations witnessed a distinct trend towards regional integration. As a result, a large number of states from different parts of the world began to make serious attempts to constitute themselves into regions to give fresh impetus to a wide variety of cooperative ventures amongst themselves. Regional integration, in general, appeared to be an effective device to serve economic and commercial objectives of these states. In the process, old organisations were recasted and new organisations were created to suit the changing global political context. All these developments consequently brought about a change in the world policies leading to the development of a new world order and dramatically altered the basic parameters in which the operated.”
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Integrated Pest Management combines cultural, mechanical, physical, biological and chemical methods for pest control. Cultural methods rely on a strategy to make the crop unacceptable to pests through practices like mixed cropping, crop rotation, management of trap crops to divert insects away from the main crop. Mechanical methods on the principle of soil management include tillage, mowing, cutting, mulching and organic soil coverage provide unhealthy environment for weeds and disrupt pest life cycle, and physical methods include use of pheromone traps, light traps, sticky traps etc. Biological method is a strategy of controlling insect pests and diseases using other organisms like predators, parasitoids and pathogens. Chemical methods involve use of pesticides in pest management and are used when other measures are not enough.
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The church clock that rang in the church indicates the British time. This showed the England’s culture. Clarissa likes Victorian streets so much, because at home she felt lonely and isolated. But Victorian streets are full of life and movements. This complete surrounding backs her the time when she was eighteen years old. At that time she was standing near an open window in Burton seeing the flowers. She can fell the touch of fresh breeze. Now she reminds that at that time Peter Walsh was her lover and childhood friend. Now she compare with nature to nature and man-woman relationship with lover beloved relationship. Now she was the nature of London streets with a sense of loneliness. And in Burton nature, there was only enjoyment, freedom and everything locks bright at that time. Now this nature reminds the relationship between the men and the women also. In past she was with Peter Walsh, there was no fear of lost and coming other women between them. How she attracted to Richard’s wealth, economic security and at in room. But now nature help to realized her that wealth can’t gave real happiness.
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It is interesting to note in this context that Byron did not have a very high opinion about poetry. He did not share the exalted notions that the other Romantics had about poetry in general. The other poets of the age put poetry on a very high pedestal and wove a halo of glory around it. Thus, we find Wordsworth declaring that “poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge; it is the impassioned expression which is in the countenance of all science.” Again, we find him saying that “poetry is the first and last of all knowledge; it is as immortal as the heart of man;” and that it is “ the most philosophical of all writings.” Shelley, in the same vein, is found declaring that a poem “is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth,” that poetry is “the record of the best and happiest moments of happiest and best minds,” and that it is “at once the centre and circumference of all knowledge.” He goes so far as to say that poets are” the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”
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Bismuth is a Vth A group element of periodic table having a electronic configuration [Xe] 4f145d106s26p3. Since Bismuth is a less common element, so very few of its complexes are known till now. From electronic configuration, the possible oxidation states shown by Bismuth are +3 and +5. The electronic structure of next inert gas could be obtained by the gain of three electrons, where Bismuth has valency three and Compound has covalent nature. Here a considerable energies are involved, so, –3 oxidation state will be unstable. Moreover loss of valence electrons is similarly difficult to achieve, because of the high Ionization potential. The +5 oxidation state ion certainly does not exist. Therefore, +3 oxidation state is most stable form.
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Investment is a commitment of funds in real assets or financial assets. Investment involves risk and gain. In the present dynamic global environment, exploring investment avenues are of great relevance. Investment skills developed over a period of time are considerably influenced by experience and spadework carried out to arrive at conclusions. The success of an investment activity depends on the knowledge and ability of investors to invest, the right amount, in the right type of investment, at the right time. Real assets, being tangible material things, are less liquid than financial assets. Compared to financial assets, returns on real assets are more difficult to measure accurately due to the absence of broad, ready, and active market. Financial assets available to individual investors are manifold, having different concomitant benefits to choose from. All financial investments are risky but the degree of risk and return differ from each other. An investor has to use his discretion, which is an art acquired by learning and practical experience.
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A hot ethanolic solution of two molecules of ligand L2 (0.414 g, 0.001 mol) and hot ethanolic solution (20 ml) of corresponding metal salt NiCl2 (0.1297g; 0.001 mol) were mixed up together with constant stirring. Then the mixture was refluxed for 4 hrs at room temperature. On cooling the complex of Ni(II) was precipitated. The product obtained was filtered and washed with cold ethanol and dried with ether on cooling a solid condensed product was formed which was filtered and washed with ethanol then dried with ether. A crystal from hot ethanol gave ligand L2 i.e. 2-hydroxy 1,3-bis-(benzothiazole aldimine) benzene (HBTAB).
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To the deliberative process, that is, the process by which various possible options for action are proposed, discussed and their strength and weaknesses evaluated to the actual decision making mechanism by which a group chooses a course of action, and to the execution or implementation of the decisions. Usually systems with high degree of direct action by population as a whole along all three dimensions are called systems of ‘direct democracy’ system of indirect control are usually called ‘representative’, or ‘indirect’. There are various mechanisms of indirect filtering devices of various kinds to determine which agents are to fill which positions of power. Elections are one such widely used devices, purportedly giving the populace some indirect control over decisions by allowing it to chose who will make and implement those decisions. The Indian democracy is also a replica of indirect form of democracy relying solely on elections. It has remained she in its commitment to electoral democracy
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The research methodology followed in the present research is discussed under different headings namely -- historical and educational perspective of Manipuri language need to teach Manipuri language for the Secondary Grade student Validity and reliability of the tasks based Communicative Activities used, construction of research tools, sampling techniques, design of the study, administration of tools for pre-test and post test and the statistical techniques employed for analysis of data.
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Doris Lessing (1919) is one of the most powerful and significant novelists to have emerged on the international literary scene in the last four decades. As is the case with many great novelists, Mrs. Lessing’s life is intimately linked with her art and her total novelistic development. Born of British parents in Persia, now Iran, in 1919, Lessing’s childhood was characterized by mobility and a variety of experiences. Her family moved to what was then Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, to take up farming in a small town of Banket. Within her family, Doris was a “rebelin residence”. She had a very unhappy childhood because of her parents’ psychological and financial struggles. She had no formal education after the age of fourteen. As a result, her exposure to knowledge entirely consisted of independent extensive reading of books ranging from Balzac, Stendhal, Dostoevsky to Havelock Ellis. As she herself commented later.
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Plant Pathology perspective of Fungal Genome Sequencing in Manipur is a first glimpse into the genomic basis of the biological diversity of filamentous fungi and yeast. The genome sequence of the budding yeast, with a small genome size, unicellular growth, and rich history of genetic and molecular analyses was a milestone of early genomics. The subsequent completion of fission yeast, and genetic model, Neurospora crassa initiated a revolution in the genomics of the fungal kingdom. In due course of time, a substantial number of fungal genomes have been sequenced and publicly released, representing the widest sampling of genomes from any eukaryotic kingdom,
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Thoubal River is one of the important tributaries of Imphal River, which is a part of the Chindwin River system of North East India and Myanmar. It is a rainfed river originates from Huimi in Ukhrul district of Manipur at an elevation of about 1,600 m covering an area of about 910 Km2. Geomorphological Map of Thoubal River Basin is prepared on the basis of geoenvironmental parameters in which two types of landform are identified as major landform including Hills, Valley and Floodplains and minor landforms including Alluvium Fans, Scarps, Terraces, Ox-Bow lake, Point bar and Channel bar. These landforms are utilizes in various purposes by nature and humans. Thus, the study of landforms and related processes scientifically and systematically is very important for the proper use of landforms.
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The banking sector is the lifeline of my modern economy. Banks have always played an important role in the country’s economy. The play a decisive role in the development of the industry and trade. They are acting not only as the custodian of the wealth of the country but also as resources of the country, which are necessary for the economic development of a nation. The general role of banks is to provide financial services to general public and business, ensuring economic and social stability and sustainable growth of the economy. Bank mostly provide short term loans and in some cases medium term financial assistance also to small scale units. Most of the banks have got specialized unit in their administrative structure to take care of the financial needs of the small scale industrial units. As we know that the Agriculture is the backbone of economy of any country like India. Research is based upon the secondary data. Which provide the findings is it helpful in economic development.
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The banking sector is the lifeline of my modern economy. Banks have always played an important role in the country’s economy. The play a decisive role in the development of the industry and trade. They are acting not only as the custodian of the wealth of the country but also as resources of the country, which are necessary for the economic development of a nation. The general role of banks is to provide financial services to general public and business, ensuring economic and social stability and sustainable growth of the economy. Bank mostly provide short term loans and in some cases medium term financial assistance also to small scale units. Most of the banks have got specialized unit in their administrative structure to take care of the financial needs of the small scale industrial units. As we know that the Agriculture is the backbone of economy of any country like India. Research is based upon the secondary data. Which provide the findings is it helpful in economic development.
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The digital images are becoming a concrete information source with the vast improvements in imaging technologies. So, it is necessary to maintain the originality and reliability of digital images which is challenging because of the advent of easy and extremely powerful and sophisticated digital image processing tools that can maliciously alter, manipulate and tamper digital images without leaving behind any noticeable sign. One of the effective way of identifying the manipulated image region known as copy-move forgery detection that recognizes the tampered region. It is performed by copying a region of the image and pasted on another region of the image in order to hide unwanted area of the image or replicate some area of the image. This paper, presents a review of various techniques of forgery detection in view of block based, keypoint based and hybrid based.
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